Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter For The Cisco 7500 Series Router

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Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the
Cisco 7500 Series Router
This feature module describes the Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter (PA-MC-STM-1). It includes
information on the benefits of this port adapter, supported platforms, related documents, configuration
examples and a command reference detailing new and enhanced commands.
This document includes the following sections:
Feature Overview, page 1
Supported Platforms, page 3
Supported Standards, MIBs, and RFCs, page 3
Prerequisites, page 4
Configuration Tasks, page 4
Monitoring and Maintaining the PA-MC-STM-1, page 22
Configuration Examples, page 22
Command Reference, page 24
Glossary, page 47
Feature Overview
The PA-MC-STM-1 is a high-speed single-port multichannel STM-1 port adapter. You can configure the
PA-MC-STM-1 as a multichannel E1/E0 STM-1 port. The PA-MC-STM-1 can be configured into 63
individual E1 links. Each E1 link can carry a single channel at full or fractional rates, or be broken down
into multiple DS0 or Nx64 Kbps rates. The PA-MC-STM-1 supports up to three TUG-3/AU-3 transport
slots numbered 1 through 3. You can configure each TUG-3/AU-3 to carry 21 SDH TU-12s. Each SDH
TU-12 is capable of carrying a channelized E1 frame, which can be unchannelized to N*64 Kbps
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Feature Overview
PA-MC-STM-1 Multiplexing Hierarchy
Figure 1 illustrates the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) multiplexing structure supported on the
PA-MC-STM-1. The PA-MC-STM-1 multiplexing structure is a subset of that defined in ITU-T G.707.
At the lowest level, containers are input into virtual containers (VC) with stuffing bits to create a uniform
VC payload with a common bit-rate, ready for synchronous multiplexing. The VCs are then aligned into
tributary units (TUs) where pointer processing operations are implemented. This allows the TUs to be
multiplexed into TU groups (TUGs). Three TU-12s can be multiplexed into one TUG-2.
Figure 1 PA-STM-1 Multiplexing Structure
The TUGs are then multiplexed into higher-level VCs, which in turn are multiplexed into administrative
units (AUs).The AUs are then multiplexed into an AU group (AUG), and the final payload from the AUG
is then multiplexed into the Synchronous Transport Module (STM).
The PA-MC-STM-1 port adapter provides the following benefits:
High-density IP aggregation
Reduction in provisioning costs
Improved cable management
Easier scaling of services
Improved network availability
The PA-MC-STM-1 does not support the following:
More than 256 logical channel groups per PA-MC-STM-1
Channel-associated-signaling (CAS) for voice channels
E1 Facility Data Link (FDL)
E3 and subrate E3
2.048 Mbps
VC-3 AU-3
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Supported Platforms
Related Features and Technologies
Related Documents
PA-MC-STM-1 Port Adapter Installation and Configuration
Supported Platforms
Cisco 7500 series
Supported Standards, MIBs, and RFCs
CSA C22.2, No. 950
ITU-T O.151
ITU-T O.152
ITU-T O.153
FCC Part 15, class A
FCC Part 68
UL1950 3rd Edition
No new or modified MIBs are supported by this feature.
To obtain lists of MIBs supported by platform and Cisco IOS release and to download MIB modules, go
to the Cisco MIB web site on Cisco Connection Online (CCO) at
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
RFC 1406, Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS1 and E1 Interface Types
RFC 1595, Definitions of Managed Objects for the SONET/SDH Interface Type
Note Because E1 FDL is not supported by the PA-MC-STM-1, the far-end statistics and control
groups defined by RFC 1406 are not available.
The PA-MC-STM-1 requires a VIP4-80 installed in a Cisco 7500 series router.
Configuration Tasks
See the following sections for configuration tasks for the PA-MC-STM-1. Each task in the list indicates
if the task is optional or required.
Configuring the SONET Controller (Required)
Configuring an AU-3 (Required)
Configuring a TUG-3 (Required)
Configuring a Channel Group on an E1 of an AU-3 (Required)
Configuring a Channel Group on an E1 of a TUG-3 (Required)
Configuring an E1 Line Mapped to an AU-3 (Required)
Configuring an E1 Line Mapped to a TUG-3 (Required)
Verifying the Configuration
Configuring the SONET Controller
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router# configure terminal
Enters configuration mode and specifies that the
console terminal is the source of the configuration
Step 2 Router(config)# controller sonet
Selects a port of a PA-MC-STM-1 and enters
controller configuration mode.
Step 3 Router(config-controller)# [no] framing {sonet | sdh}
Configures the framing mode of the
SDH is the ITU standards equivalent of SONET.
SONET is the default.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
Configuring an AU-3
Each of the administrative unit group (AUGs) and tributary unit group (TUGs) of a PA-MC-STM-1 can
be configured to carry a set of E1 links that are mapped into TU-12s. To configure the AUG mapping to
AU-3, follow the steps below:
Step 4 Router(config-controller)# clock source
{internal | line}
Configures the clock source used by the SONET
internalThe clocking source is obtained
from the port adapter line.
lineThe clocking source is obtained from
the network.
Step 5 Router(config-controller)# [no] loopback {local |
Enables or disables loopback mode on a SONET
localData is looped from the transmit path
to the receive path allowing diagnostics to
send data to itself without relying on any
external connections.
networkData is looped from the external
port to the transmit port and back out the
external port.
No loopback enabled is the default.
Step 6 Router(config-controller)# [no] description string
Specifies up to 80 characters of text describing the
SONET controller. No description is the default.
Command Purpose
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# controller sonet
Enters SONET controller configuration mode.
Step 2 Router(config-controller)# framing sdh
Configures the framing mode of the to SDH.
Step 3 Router(config-controller)# [no] aug mapping au-3
Maps the AUG to AU-3 with the following
C-12 <-->VC-12 <--> TU-12<--> TUG-2
<--> VC-3 <--> AU-3 <--> AUG
Step 4 Router(config-controller)# au-3 au-3-number
Specifies the AU-3 number to configure:.
au-3-numbera number in the range of
1 to 3.
Step 5 Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# mode c-12
Specifies the mode of operation of the AU-3.
c-12The AU-3 is divided into 21 TU-12s
each carrying an E1.
Step 6 Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# idle pattern pattern
Configures the idle pattern that is to be transmitted
for unused time slots on all E1 lines of a AU-3.
patternnumber in the range 0x0 to 0xFF
(hexadecimal) or 0 to 225 (decimal).
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
Configuring a TUG-3
Each of the administrative unit group (AUGs) and tributary unit group (TUGs) of a PA-MC-STM-1 can
be configured to carry a set of E1 links that are mapped into TU-12s. To configure the AUG mapping to
AU-4, follow the steps below:
Configuring a Channel Group on an E1 of an AU-3
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# controller sonet
Enters SONET controller configuration mode.
Step 2 Router(config-controller)# framing sdh
Configures the framing mode of the to SDH.
Step 3 Router(config-controller)# [no] aug mapping au-4
Maps the AUG to AU-4 with the following
C-12 <-->VC-12 <--> TU-12<--> TUG-2
<--> TUG-3 <--> VC-4 <--> AU-4 <--> AUG
Step 4 Router(config-controller)# au-4 au-4-number tug-3
Specifies the TUG-3 number to configure:
au-4-numbera number in the range of 1 to N
where N is the STM level (For the
PA-MC-STM-1 N is always 1.)
tug-3-numbera number in the range of
1 to 3.
Step 5 Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# mode c-12
Specifies the mode of operation of a TUG-3:
c-12The TUG-3 is divided into 21 TU-12s
each carrying an E1.
Step 6 Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# idle pattern pattern
Configures the idle pattern that is to be transmitted
for unused time slots on all E1 lines of an AU-4.
patternnumber in the range 0x0 to 0xFF
(hexadecimal) or 0 to 225 (decimal)
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# controller sonet
Enters SONET controller configuration mode.
Step 2 Router(config-controller)# framing sdh
Configures the framing mode of the to SDH.
Step 3 Router(config-controller)# [no] aug mapping au-3
Maps the AUG to an AU-3 with the following
C-12 <-->VC-12 <--> TU-12<--> TUG-2
<--> VC-3 <--> AU-3 <--> AUG
Step 4 Router(config-controller)# au-3 au-3-number
Specifies the AU-3 number to configure:.
au-3-numbera number in the range of
1 to 3.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
Step 5 Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# mode c-12
Specifies the mode of operation of the AU-3.
c-12The AU-3 is divided into 21 TU-12s
each carrying an E1.
Step 6 Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# [no] tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number channel-group channel-group-number timeslots
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# [no] tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number unframed
Creates a logical channel group on an E1 line.
tug-2-numbera number in the range of1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
channel-groupdefines a logical channel
group to be a channelized E1 line
channel-group-numbera number in the
range of 0 to 30
list-of-timeslotsa number in the range of
1 to 31 or a combination of subranges within
1 to 31 (Each subrange is a list of timeslots
that makes up the E1 line.)
Use the no form of this command to remove a
logical channel group.
The default is no channel group configured on an
E1 line.
Creates an unframed (clear channel) logical
channel group on an E1 line.
tug-2-numbera number in the range of
1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
Step 7 Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# exit
Router(config-controller)# exit
Returns to configuration mode.
Step 8 Router(config)# interface serial
Selects the channel group interface to configure.
Note When an unframed (clear
channel logical channel
group is configured on an E1
line, the
channel-group-number is
always 0.
Step 9 Router(config-if)# ip address
Enables IP on the channel group interface.
Step 10 Router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Enables PPP on the channel group interface.
Command Purpose
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
Configuring a Channel Group on an E1 of a TUG-3
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# controller sonet
Enters SONET controller configuration mode.
Step 2 Router(config-controller)# framing sdh
Configures the framing mode of the to SDH.
Step 3 Router(config-controller)# [no] aug mapping au-4
Maps the AUG to AU-4 with the following
C-12 <-->VC-12 <--> TU-12<--> TUG-2
<--> TUG-3 <--> VC-4 <--> AU-4 <--> AUG
Step 4 Router(config-controller)# au-4 au-4-number tug-3
Specifies the AU-4 and TUG-3 number to
au-4-numbera number in the range of
1 to N where N is the STM level (For the
PA-MC-STM-1 N is always 1.)
tug-3-numbera number in the range of
1 to 3.
Step 5 Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# mode c-12
Specifies the mode of operation of an AU-4.
c-12The TUG-3 is divided into 21 TU-12s
each carrying an E1.
Step 6 Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# [no] tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number channel-group channel-group-number timeslots
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# [no] tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number unframed
Creates a logical channel group on an E1 line.
tug-2-numbera number in the range of1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
channel-groupdefines a logical channel
group to be a channelized E1 line
channel-group-numbera number in the
range of 0 to 30
list-of-timeslotsa number in the range of
1 to 31 or a combination of subranges within
1 to 31 (Each subrange is a list of timeslots
that makes up the E1 line.)
Use the no form of this command to remove a
logical channel group.
The default is no channel group configured on an
E1 line.
Creates an unframed (clear channel) logical
channel group on an E1 line.
tug-2-numbera number in the range of
1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
Step 7 Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# exit
Router(config-controller)# exit
Returns to configuration mode.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
Configuring an E1 Line Mapped to an AU-3
Step 8 Router(config)# interface serial
number/ e1-number:channel-group-number
Selects the channel group interface to configure.
Note When an unframed (clear
channel logical channel
group is configured on an E1
line, the
channel-group-number is
always 0.
Step 9 Router(config-if)# ip address
Enables IP on the channel group interface.
Step 10 Router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Enables PPP on the channel group interface.
Step 1 Router(config)# controller sonet
Enters SONET controller configuration mode.
Step 2 Router(config-controller)# [no] aug mapping au-3
Maps the AUG to an AU-3 with the following
C-12 <-->VC-12 <--> TU-12<--> TUG-2
<--> VC-3 <--> AU-3 <--> AUG
Step 3 Router(config-controller)# au-3 au-3-number
Specifies the au-3 number to configure:.
au-3-numbera number in the range of
1 to 3.
Step 4 Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# mode c-12
Specifies the mode of operation of the AU-3.
c-12The AU-3 is divided into 21 TU-12s
each carrying an E1.
Step 5 Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number framing {crc4 | no crc4}
Specifies the type of framing used an by an E1
tug-2-numbera number in the range of
1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
crc4 4-bit cyclic redundancy check
no crc4basic framing
The default is CRC4.
Command Purpose
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
Step 6 Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number clock source {internal | line}
Specifies the clock source to be used by the E1
tug-2-numbera number in the range of
1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
internalSpecifies the PA-MC-STM-1 as
the clock source
lineSpecifies the E1 line as the clock source
Step 7 Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number national bits pattern
Configures the national reserved bits for the E1
tug-2-numbera number in the range of
1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
patternThe national reserved bit pattern is a
hexadecimal value in the range 0x00x1F
(hexadecimal) or 0-31 (decimal).
The default setting is 0x1F.
Step 8 Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# [no] tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number bert pattern pattern interval time
Sends a BERT pattern on an E1 line.
tug-2-numbera number in the range of
1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
2^11, pseudorandom test pattern (2048
bits long)
2^15, pseudorandom O.151 test pattern
(32,768 bits long)
2^20-O153, 2^20-1 O.153 test pattern
2^20-QRSS, pseudorandom QRSS O.151
test pattern (1048575 bits long)
timean interval in the range of 1 to14400
The default is no BER test configured.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
Configuring an E1 Line Mapped to a TUG-3
Step 9 Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# [no] tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number loopback [local | network {line | payload}]
Specifies a loopback for an E1 line.
tug-2-numbera number in the range of
1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
localLoops transmitted E1 output back to
the router via the internal E1 framer and loops
E1 output to the network via the internal E1
networkLoops E1 input back to the
Step 10 Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# [no] tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number shutdown
Shuts down an E1 line.
tug-2-numbera number in the range of
1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
Step 1 Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Enters SONET controller configuration mode.
Step 2 Router(config-controller)# [no] aug mapping au-4
Maps the AUG to AU-4 with the following
C-12 <-->VC-12 <--> TU-12<--> TUG-2
<--> TUG-3 <--> VC-4 <--> AU-4 <--> AUG
Step 3 Router(config-controller)# au-4 au-4-number tug-3
Specifies the AU-4 and TUG-3 number to
au-4-numbera number in the range of 1 to N
where N is the STM level.(For the
PA-MC-STM-1 N is always 1.)
tug-3-numbera number in the range of
1 to 3.
Step 4 Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# mode c-12
Specifies the mode of operation of a TUG-3.
c-12The TUG-3 is divided into 21 TU-12s
each carrying an E1.
Step 5 Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number framing {crc4 | no crc4}
Specifies the type of framing used an by an E1
tug-2-numbera number in the range of
1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
crc4 4-bit cyclic redundancy check
no crc4basic framing
The default is CRC4.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
Step 6 Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number clock source {internal | line}
Specifies the clock source to be used by the E1
tug-2-numbera number in the range of
1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
internalSpecifies the PA-MC-STM-1 as
the clock source.
lineSpecifies the E1 line as the clock
Step 7 Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number national bits pattern
Configures the national reserved bits for the E1
tug-2-numbera number in the range of
1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
patternThe national reserved bit pattern is a
hexadecimal value in the range 0x00x1F
(hexadecimal) or 0 to 31 (decimal).
The default setting is 0x1F.
Step 8 Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# [no] tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number bert pattern pattern interval time
Sends a BERT pattern on an E1 line.
tug-2-numbera number in the range of
1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
2^11, pseudorandom test pattern (2048
bits long)
2^15, pseudorandom O.151 test pattern
(32,768 bits long)
2^20-O153, 2^20-1 O.153 test pattern
2^20-QRSS, pseudorandom QRSS O.151
test pattern (1048575 bits long)
interval an interval in the range of
1 to 14400 minutes
The default is no BER test configured.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
Step 9 Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# [no] tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number loopback [local | network {line | payload}]
Specifies a loopback for an E1 line.
tug-2-numbera number in the range of
1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
localLoops transmitted E1 output back to
the router via the internal E1 framer and loops
E1 output to the network via the internal E1
networkLoops E1 input back to the
Step 10 Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# [no] tug-2 tug-2-number e1
e1-number shutdown
Shuts down an E1 line.
tug-2-numbera number in the range of
1 to 7
e1-numbera number in the range of 1 to 3
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
Verifying the Configuration
You can verify the configuration and status of the controller by using the show controller commands as
detailed below.
When AUG mapping is AU-4, view information about the SONET controller using the
sonet controller sonet port/port-adapter/port [brief | tabular] command.
Router# show controller sonet 2/0/0
SONET 2/0/0 is up.
Channelized OC-3/STM-1 SMI PA
H/W Version :0.2.3, ROM Version :1.2
FREEDM version :2, F/W Version :1.2.0
Applique type is Channelized Sonet/SDH
Clock Source is Internal, AUG mapping is AU4.
Medium info:
Type:SDH, Line Coding:NRZ, Line Type:Short SM
Regenerator Section Status:
No alarms detected.
Multiplex Section Status:
No alarms detected.
Higher Order Path Status:
Path# 1 has no defects
Lower Order Path Status:
VC-12 1/1/1/1 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/1/2 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/1/3 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/2/1 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/2/2 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/2/3 has no defects
[display text omitted]
Data in current interval (137 seconds elapsed):
Regenerator Section:
0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 SEFSs
Multiplex Section:
0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 UASs
Higher Order Path:
Path# 1: 0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 UASs
Lower Order Path:
VC-12 1/1/1/1: 0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 UASs
VC-12 1/1/1/2: 0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 UASs
VC-12 1/1/1/3: 0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 UASs
VC-12 1/1/2/1: 0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 UASs
[display text omitted]
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1/1 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
Data in current interval (137 seconds elapsed):
0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs
0 Unavail Secs
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1/2 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
Data in current interval (137 seconds elapsed):
0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs
0 Unavail Secs
[display text omitted]
Router# show controller sonet 2/0/0 brief
SONET 2/0/0 is up.
Channelized OC-3/STM-1 SMI PA
H/W Version :0.2.3, ROM Version :1.2
FREEDM version :2, F/W Version :1.2.0
Applique type is Channelized Sonet/SDH
Clock Source is Internal, AUG mapping is AU4.
Medium info:
Type:SDH, Line Coding:NRZ, Line Type:Short SM
Regenerator Section Status:
No alarms detected.
Multiplex Section Status:
No alarms detected.
Higher Order Path Status:
Path# 1 has no defects
Lower Order Path Status:
VC-12 1/1/1/1 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/1/2 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/1/3 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/2/1 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/2/2 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/2/3 has no defects
[display text omitted]
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1/1 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1/2 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1/3 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
[display text omitted]
Router# show controller sonet 2/0/0 tabular
SONET 2/0/0 is up.
Channelized OC-3/STM-1 SMI PA
H/W Version :0.2.3, ROM Version :1.2
FREEDM version :2, F/W Version :1.2.0
Applique type is Channelized Sonet/SDH
Clock Source is Internal, AUG mapping is AU4.
Medium info:
Type:SDH, Line Coding:NRZ, Line Type:Short SM
Regenerator Section Status:
No alarms detected.
Multiplex Section Status:
No alarms detected.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
Higher Order Path Status:
Path# 1 has no defects
Lower Order Path Status:
VC-12 1/1/1/1 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/1/2 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/1/3 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/2/1 has no defects
[display text omitted]
Regenerator Section:
20:47-20:50 0 0 0 0
Multiplex Section:
20:47-20:50 0 0 0 0
Higher Order Path:
Path# 1:
20:47-20:50 0 0 0 0
Lower Order Path:
AU-4# 1, TUG-3# 1, TUG-2# 1 VC-12# 1:
20:47-20:50 0 0 0 0
AU-4# 1, TUG-3# 1, TUG-2# 1 VC-12# 2:
20:47-20:50 0 0 0 0
AU-4# 1, TUG-3# 1, TUG-2# 1 VC-12# 3:
20:47-20:50 0 0 0 0
[display text omitted]
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1/1 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
20:47-20:50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1/2 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
20:47-20:50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1/3 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
20:46-20:50 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0
[display text omitted]
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
When AUG mapping is AU-3, view information about the SONET controller using the
sonet controller sonet port/port-adapter/port [brief | tabular] command.
Router# show controller sonet 2/0/0
SONET 2/0/0 is up.
Channelized OC-3/STM-1 SMI PA
H/W Version :0.2.3, ROM Version :1.2
FREEDM version :2, F/W Version :1.2.0
Applique type is Channelized Sonet/SDH
Clock Source is Internal, AUG mapping is AU3.
Medium info:
Type:SDH, Line Coding:NRZ, Line Type:Short SM
Regenerator Section Status:
No alarms detected.
Multiplex Section Status:
No alarms detected.
Higher Order Path Status:
Path# 1 has no defects
Path# 2 has no defects
Path# 3 has no defects
Lower Order Path Status:
VC-12 1/1/1 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/2 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/3 has no defects
VC-12 1/2/1 has no defects
[display text omitted]
Data in current interval (85 seconds elapsed):
Regenerator Section:
0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 SEFSs
Multiplex Section:
0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 UASs
Higher Order Path:
Path# 1: 0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 UASs
Path# 2: 0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 UASs
Path# 3: 0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 UASs
Lower Order Path:
VC-12 1/1/1: 0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 UASs
VC-12 1/1/2: 0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 UASs
VC-12 1/1/3: 0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 UASs
VC-12 1/2/1: 0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 UASs
VC-12 1/2/2: 0 CVs, 0 ESs, 0 SESs, 0 UASs
[display text omitted]
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
Data in current interval (85 seconds elapsed):
0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs
0 Unavail Secs
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/2 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
Data in current interval (85 seconds elapsed):
0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs
0 Unavail Secs
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
[display text omitted]
Router# show controller sonet 2/0/0 brief
SONET 2/0/0 is up.
Channelized OC-3/STM-1 SMI PA
H/W Version :0.2.3, ROM Version :1.2
FREEDM version :2, F/W Version :1.2.0
Applique type is Channelized Sonet/SDH
Clock Source is Internal, AUG mapping is AU3.
Medium info:
Type:SDH, Line Coding:NRZ, Line Type:Short SM
Regenerator Section Status:
No alarms detected.
Multiplex Section Status:
No alarms detected.
Higher Order Path Status:
Path# 1 has no defects
Path# 2 has no defects
Path# 3 has no defects
Lower Order Path Status:
VC-12 1/1/1 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/2 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/3 has no defects
VC-12 1/2/1 has no defects
[display text omitted]
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/2 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/3 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
[display text omitted]
Router# show controller sonet 2/0/0 tabular
SONET 2/0/0 is up.
Channelized OC-3/STM-1 SMI PA
H/W Version :0.2.3, ROM Version :1.2
FREEDM version :2, F/W Version :1.2.0
Applique type is Channelized Sonet/SDH
Clock Source is Internal, AUG mapping is AU3.
Medium info:
Type:SDH, Line Coding:NRZ, Line Type:Short SM
Regenerator Section Status:
No alarms detected.
Multiplex Section Status:
No alarms detected.
Higher Order Path Status:
Path# 1 has no defects
Path# 2 has no defects
Path# 3 has no defects
Lower Order Path Status:
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
VC-12 1/1/1 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/2 has no defects
VC-12 1/1/3 has no defects
VC-12 1/2/1 has no defects
[display text omitted]
Regenerator Section:
21:22-21:24 0 0 0 0
Multiplex Section:
21:22-21:24 0 0 0 0
Higher Order Path:
Path# 1:
21:22-21:24 0 0 0 0
Path# 2:
21:22-21:24 0 0 0 0
Path# 3:
21:22-21:24 0 0 0 0
Lower Order Path:
AU-3# 1, TUG-2# 1 VC-12# 1:
21:22-21:24 0 0 0 0
AU-3# 1, TUG-2# 1 VC-12# 2:
21:22-21:24 0 0 0 0
AU-3# 1, TUG-2# 1 VC-12# 3:
21:22-21:24 0 0 0 0
[display text omitted]
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
21:22-21:24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/2 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
21:22-21:24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/3 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
21:22-21:24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[display text omitted]
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
When AUG mapping is AU-4, view information about a specific E1 line of a SONET controller, using
the show controller sonet slot/port-adapter/
[brief | tabular] command. This command displays error and performance statistics.
Router# show controller sonet 2/0/0.1/1/1/1
SONET 2/0/0 is up.
Channelized OC-3/STM-1 SMI PA
H/W Version :0.2.3, ROM Version :1.2
FREEDM version :2, F/W Version :1.2.0
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1/1 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
Data in current interval (237 seconds elapsed):
0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs
0 Unavail Secs
Router#show controller sonet 2/0/0.1/1/1/1 brief
SONET 2/0/0 is up.
Channelized OC-3/STM-1 SMI PA
H/W Version :0.2.3, ROM Version :1.2
FREEDM version :2, F/W Version :1.2.0
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1/1 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
Router#show controller sonet 2/0/0.1/1/1/1 tabular
SONET 2/0/0 is up.
Channelized OC-3/STM-1 SMI PA
H/W Version :0.2.3, ROM Version :1.2
FREEDM version :2, F/W Version :1.2.0
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1/1 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
20:47-20:51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Router# show controller sonet 0/0/0.1/2/4/1 brief
SONET 0/0/0 is up.
Channelized OC-3/STM-1 SMI PA
H/W Version : 0.2.3, ROM Version : 1.2
FREEDM version : 2, F/W Version : 0.14.0
SONET 0/0/0 E1 1/2/4/1 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is line, National bits are 0x1F.
Router# show controller sonet 0/0/0.1/2/4/1 tabular
SONET 0/0/0 is up.
Channelized OC-3/STM-1 SMI PA
H/W Version : 0.2.3, ROM Version : 1.2
FREEDM version : 2, F/W Version : 0.14.0
SONET 0/0/0 E1 1/2/4/1 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is line, National bits are 0x1F.
16:56-16:57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Tasks
When AUG mapping is AU-3, view information about a specific E1 line of a SONET controller, using
the show controller sonet slot/port-adapter/
[brief | tabular] command. This command displays error and performance statistics.
Router# show controller sonet 2/0/0.1/1/1
SONET 2/0/0 is up.
Channelized OC-3/STM-1 SMI PA
H/W Version :0.2.3, ROM Version :1.2
FREEDM version :2, F/W Version :1.2.0
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
Data in current interval (175 seconds elapsed):
0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs
0 Unavail Secs
Router#show controller sonet 2/0/0.1/1/1 brief
SONET 2/0/0 is up.
Channelized OC-3/STM-1 SMI PA
H/W Version :0.2.3, ROM Version :1.2
FREEDM version :2, F/W Version :1.2.0
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1 is up
No alarms detected.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
Router# show controller sonet 2/0/0.1/1/1 brief
SONET 2/0/0 is up.
Channelized OC-3/STM-1 SMI PA
H/W Version : 0.2.3, ROM Version : 1.2
FREEDM version : 2, F/W Version : 0.14.0
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1 is down
Transmitter is sending LOF Indication (RAI).
Receiver has loss of frame.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
Router# show controller sonet 2/0/0.1/1/1 tabular
SONET 2/0/0 is up.
Channelized OC-3/STM-1 SMI PA
H/W Version : 0.2.3, ROM Version : 1.2
FREEDM version : 2, F/W Version : 0.14.0
SONET 2/0/0 E1 1/1/1 is down
Transmitter is sending LOF Indication (RAI).
Receiver has loss of frame.
Framing is crc4, Clock Source is internal, National bits are 0x1F.
17:26-17:29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 173 0
17:11-17:26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 471 0
16:56-17:11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16:41-16:56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16:26-16:41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 216 0
16:11-16:26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 225 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 912 0
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Monitoring and Maintaining the PA-MC-STM-1
Monitoring and Maintaining the PA-MC-STM-1
Use the command detailed below to monitor and maintain the PA-MC-STM-1:
Configuration Examples
This section provides the following configuration examples:
Configuring the PA-MC-STM-1
Configuring a Logical Channel Group on an E1 Line
Configuring a Channel Group Interface
Configuring an E1 Unframed Channel
Command Purpose
Router# show interface serial 2/0/
Serial2/0/0.1/1/1/1:1 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is cyBus Channelized OC3/STM-1 PA
Internet address is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1984 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 255/255,
load 36/255
Encapsulation HDLC, loopback not set
Keepalive not set
Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
Input queue: 1/75/0 (size/max/drops); Total output drops: 0
Queueing strategy: weighted fair
Output queue: 0/1000/64/0 (size/max total/threshold/drops)
Conversations 0/1/256 (active/max active/max total)
Reserved Conversations 0/0 (allocated/max allocated)
5 minute input rate 286000 bits/sec, 36 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 284000 bits/sec, 36 packets/sec
8019 packets input, 11695347 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
7991 packets output, 11650799 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
2 carrier transitions no alarm present
Timeslot(s) Used:1-31, Transmitter delay is 0 flags, transmit
queue length 6
[Additional display text for remaining interfaces omitted]
Displays the interface statistics of a
PA-MC-STM-1 in port adapter slot 0 of a VIP4 in
interface processor slot 2
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Configuration Examples
Configuring the PA-MC-STM-1
You can configure each of the AUGs and TUGs of a PA-MC-STM-1 to carry a set of E1 links that are
mapped into tributary unit level-12s (TU-12s).
In the following example, SDH framing, internal clock source, AUG mapping au-4 and idle pattern are
Router(config)# controller sonet 1/1/0
Router(config-controller)# framing sdh
Router(config-controller)# clock source internal
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-4
Router(config-controller)# au-4 1 tug-3 2
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# mode c-12
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# tug-2 4 e1 channel-group 15 timeslots 1-5, 20-23
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# idle pattern 0x0
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# exit
Configuring a Logical Channel Group on an E1 Line
To configure a logical channel group on an E1 line use the tug-2 tug-2-number e1 e1-number
channel-group channel-group-number timeslots list-of-timeslots command. In the following example,
logical channel group 15 on E1 line 1 is configured and channelized timeslots 1 to 5 and 20 to 23 are
assigned to the newly created logical channel group:
Router(config)# controller sonet 1/1/0
Router(config-controller)# framing sdh
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-4
Router(config-controller)# au-4 1 tug-3 2
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# mode c-12
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 channel-group 15 timeslots 1-5, 20-23
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# exit
Router(config-controller)# exit
Configuring a Channel Group Interface
Once a channel group has been created, interface serial configuration commands may be used as in the
example below:
Router(config)# controller sonet 1/1/0
Router(config-controller)# framing sdh
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-4
Router(config-controller)# au-4 1 tug-3 2
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# mode c-12
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# tug-2 4 e1 10 channel-group 15 timeslots 1-5, 20-23
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# exit
Router(config-controller)# exit
Router(config)# interface serial 1/1/0.1/2/4/1:15
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
Command Reference
Configuring an E1 Unframed Channel
To create an unframed or clear channel logical channel group on an E1 line, use the tug-2 tug-2-number
e1 e1-number unframed command, as shown in the example below:
Router(config)# controller sonet 1/1/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-4
Router(config-controller)# au-4 1 tug-3 2
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 unframed
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# mode c-12
Command Reference
This section documents new and modified commands. All other commands used with this feature are
documented in the Cisco IOS Release 12.0 command reference publications.
au-4 tug-3
aug mapping
tug-2 e1 bert pattern
tug-2 e1 channel-group timeslots
tug-2 e1 clock source
tug-2 e1 framing
tug-2 e1 loopback
tug-2 e1 national bits
tug-2 e1 shutdown
tug-2 e1 unframed
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
To configure a particular AU-3 of an E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3, use the au-3 configuration
controller command.
au-3 au-3-number
Syntax Description
Defaults No default behaviors or values.
Command Modes Configuration controller
Command History
Usage Guidelines An AUG of an STM-1 can be derived from either AU-3s or an AU-4. Use the aug mapping au-3
configuration controller command to map the AUG to an AU-3 with the following
C-12 <--> VC-12 <--> TU-12 <--> TUG-2 <--> VC-3 <--> AU-3 <--> AUG
Configuring the au-3 command enables you to enter configuration controller au3 command mode and
creates a serial interface with the following name format:
The aug mapping au-3 and au-3 commands are available only when SDH framing is configured.
Examples The following example configures AUG mapping to be derived from an AU-3 and selects AU-3 3 to
configure as a serial interface:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-3
Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# au-3 3
Related Commands
au-3-number A number in the range of 1 to 3.
Release Modification
12.0(14)S This command was introduced.
Command Description
aug-mapping au-3 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1 to AU-3.
au-4 au-4-number
tug-3 tug-3-number
Specifies a TUG-3 for configuration.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
au-4 tug-3
au-4 tug-3
To specify the AU-4 and TUG-3 number of an E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-4, use the
au-4 tug-3 configuration controller command.
au-4 au-4-number tug-3 tug-3-number
Syntax Description
Defaults No default behaviors or values.
Command Modes Configuration controller
Command History
Usage Guidelines An AUG of an STM-1 can be derived from either AU-3s or an AU-4. Use the aug mapping au-4
configuration controller command to map the AUG to an TUG-3 with the following
C-12 <--> VC-12 <--> TU-12< --> TUG-2 <--> TUG-3 <-->VC-4 <--> AU-4 <--> AUG
Configuring the au-4 command enables you to enter configuration controller tug3 command mode and
creates a serial interface with the following name format:
The aug mapping au-4 and au-4 tug-3 commands are available only when SDH framing is configured.
Examples The following example configures AUG mapping to be derived from a TUG-3 and selects TUG-3 1 of
AU-4 1 to configure:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-4
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# au-4 1 tug-3 1
Related Commands
au-4-number A number in the range of 1 to N where N is the STM level. (For the
PA-MC-STM-1 N is always 1.)
tug-3-number A number in the range of 1 to 3.
Release Modification
12.0(14)S This command was introduced.
Command Description
aug-mapping au-4 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1 to TUG-3.
au-3 au-3-number Specifies an AU-3 for configuration.
au-4 au-4-number
tug-3 tug-3-number
Specifies a TUG-3 for configuration.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
aug mapping
aug mapping
To configure the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1, use the aug mapping command. To disable
AUG mapping mode, use the no form of this command.
aug mapping {au-3 | au-4}
[no] aug mapping {au-3 | au-4}
Syntax Description
Defaults au-4
Command Modes Configuration controller
Command History
Usage Guidelines An AUG of an STM-1 can be derived from either AU-3s or an AU-4. If you configure the AUG mapping
to AU-3, the following muxing/alignment/mapping is configured:
C-12 <--> VC-12 <--> TU-12 <--> TUG-2 <--> VC-3 <--> AU-3 <--> AUG
If you configure the AUG mapping to AU-4 the following muxing/alignment/mapping is configured:
C-12 <--> VC-12 <--> TU-12< --> TUG-2 <--> TUG-3 <-->VC-4 <--> AU-4 <--> AUG
This command is available only when SDH framing is configured.
Examples The following example configures AUG mapping to be derived from an AU-3:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-3
Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# au-3 1
The following example configures AUG mapping to be derived from an AU-4:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-4
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# au-4 1 tug-3 1
au-3 Configures the AUG to be derived from AU-3.
au-4 Configures the AUG to be derived from AU-4.
Release Modification
12.0(14)S This command was introduced.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
aug mapping
Related Commands Command Description
au-3 au-3-number Specifies an AU-3 for configuration.
au-4 au-4-number
tug-3 tug-3-number
Specifies a TUG-3 for configuration.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
To configure the framing mode of the PA-MC-STM-1, use the framing controller configuration
command. To disable the framing mode, use the no form of this command.
framing {sonet | sdh}
[no] framing {sonet | sdh}
Syntax Description
Defaults SONET
Command Modes Configuration controller
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use the framing command to select the framing mode, SONET or SDH, for the PA-MC-STM-1.
Examples The following example configures the framing mode of the PA-MC-STM-1 to SDH:
Router# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# framing sdh
Related Commands
sonet Configures the PA-MC-STM-1 to be used in SONET mode.
sdh Configures the PA-MC-STM-1 to be used in SDH mode.
Release Modification
12.0(14)S This command was introduced.
Command Description
[no] tug-2 tug-2-number e1 e1-number
Creates an unframed (clear channel) logical channel group
on an E1 line.
tug-2 tug-2-number e1 e1-number
framing {crc4 | no-crc4}
Specifies the type of framing used by the E1 lines.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
To configure the mode of an E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3, use the mode controller
configuration tug3 command.
To configure the mode of an E1 line that has been mapped to a AU-3, use the mode controller
configuration au3 command.
Use the no form of this command to disable the mode configuration.
mode {c-12}
[no] mode {c-12}
Syntax Description
Defaults c-12
Command Modes Configuration controller tug3 (for an E1 line mapped to a TUG-3)
Configuration controller au3 (for an E1 line mapped to an AU-3)
Command History
Usage Guidelines You can configure each of the TUG-3s or AU-3s of a PA-MC-STM-1 to carry a set of TU-12s (E1s
mapped into TU-12s). The mode c-12 command configures the mode of operation of a TUG-3 or AU-3
and specifies that the TUG-3 or AU-3 is divided into 21 TU-12s, each carrying an E1.
Examples The following example configures the AUG-mapping of the SONET controller to AU-3 and specifies the
mode of AU-3 1 to c-12:
Router(config)# controller sonet 1/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-3
Router(config-controller)# au3 1
Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# mode c-12
The following example configures the AUG-mapping of the SONET controller to AU-4 and specifies the
mode of TUG-3 1 of AU-4 1 to c-12:
Router(config)# controller sonet 1/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-4
Router(config-controller)# au-4 1 tug-3 1
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# mode c-12
c-12 The TUG-3 or AU-3 is divided into 21 TU-12s, each carrying an E1.
Release Modification
12.0(14)S This command was introduced.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 bert pattern
tug-2 e1 bert pattern
To send a BER test pattern on an E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3, use the tug-2 e1 bert pattern
configuration controller tug-3 command.
To send a BER test pattern on an E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3, use the tug-2 e1 bert pattern
configuration controller au-3 command.
To stop the BERT test, use the no form of this command.
tug-2 tug-2 number e1 e1-number [bert pattern pattern interval time]
[no] tug-2 tug-2 number e1 e1-number [bert pattern pattern interval time]
Syntax Description
Defaults No BER test is configured.
Command Modes Configuration controller tug3 (for an E1 line mapped to a TUG-3)
Configuration controller au3 (for an E1 line mapped to an AU-3)
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use the tug-2 e1 bert pattern command in configuration controller tug3 command mode to send a
BERT pattern on an E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3 via the aug-mapping au-4 command.
Use the tug-2 e1 bert pattern command in configuration controller au3 command mode to send a BERT
pattern on an E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3 via the aug-mapping au-3 command.
To view the test results of a BER test pattern, use the show controller sonet command.
tug-2 number A number in the range of 1 to 7.
e1-number A number in the range of 1 to 3.
pattern 2^11, pseudorandom test pattern (2048 bits long).
2^15, pseudorandom O.151 test pattern (32,768 bits long).
2^20-O153, 2^20-1 O.153 test pattern.
2^20-QRSS, pseudorandom QRSS O.151 test pattern (1048575 bits
time An interval in the range of 1 to14400 minutes.
Release Modification
12.0(14)S This command was introduced.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 bert pattern
Examples The following example sends a BER 2^11 pseudorandom pattern through E1 line 1, that has been
mapped to a TUG-3, for five minutes:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-4
Router(config-controller)# au-4 1 tug-3 2
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 bert pattern 2^11 interval 5
The following example sends a BER 2^15 pseudorandom pattern through E1 line 1, that has been
mapped to an AU-3, for ten minutes:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-3
Router(config-controller)# au-3 1
Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 bert pattern 2^15 interval 10
Related Commands Command Description
aug-mapping au-4 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to TUG-3.
au-4 au-4-number tug-3 tug-3-number Specifies a TUG-3 for configuration.
aug-mapping au-3 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to AU-3.
au-3 au-3-number Specifies an AU-3 for configuration.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 channel-group timeslots
tug-2 e1 channel-group timeslots
To create a logical channel group on an E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3, use the
tug-2 e1 channel-group timeslots configuration controller tug-3 command.
To create a logical channel group on an E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3, use the
tug-2 e1 channel-group timeslots configuration controller au-3 command.
To remove a logical channel group, use the no form of this command.
tug-2 tug-2 number e1 e1-number [[channel-group channel-group-number] [timeslots
[no] tug-2 tug-2 number e1 e1-number [[channel-group channel-group-number] [timeslots
Syntax Description
Defaults No channel groups are configured on an E1 line.
Command Modes Configuration controller tug3 (for an E1 line mapped to a TUG-3)
Configuration controller au3 (for an E1 line mapped to an AU-3)
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use the tug-2 e1 channel group timeslots command in configuration controller tug3 command mode to
configure a logical channel group on an E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3 via the
aug-mapping au-4 command.
Use the tug-2 e1 channel group timeslots command in configuration controller au3 command mode to
configure a logical channel group on an E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3 via the
aug-mapping au-3 command.
tug-2 number A number in the range of 1 to 7.
e1-number A number in the range of 1 to 3.
channel-group Defines a logical channel group to be a channelized E1 line.
channel-group-number A number in the range of 0 to 30.
timeslots Creates the timeslots that make up the E1 line.
list-of-timeslots A number in the range of 1 to 31 or a combination of subranges within 1 to
Release Modification
12.0(14)S This command was introduced.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 channel-group timeslots
Examples The following example configures logical channel group 15 on E1 1, that is mapped to a TUG-3, and
assigns channelized timeslots 1 to 5 and 20 to 23:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# framing sdh
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-4
Router(config-controller)# au-4 1 tug-3 2
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 channel group 15 timeslots 1-5, 20-23
The following example configures a logical channel group 10 on E1 1, that is mapped to an AU-3, and
assigns channelized timeslots 1 to 5 and 20 to 23:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# framing sdh
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-3
Router(config-controller)# au-3 1
Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 channel group 10 timeslots 1-5, 20-23
Related Commands Command Description
aug-mapping au-4 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to TUG-3.
au-4 au-4-number tug-3 tug-3-number Specifies a TUG-3 for configuration.
aug-mapping au-3 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to AU-3.
au-3 au-3-number Specifies an AU-3 for configuration.
[no] tug-2 tug-2-number e1 e1-number
Creates an unframed (clear channel) logical channel group
on an E1 line.
tug-2 tug-2-number e1 e1-number
framing {crc4 | no-crc4}
Specifies the type of framing used by the E1 lines.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 clock source
tug-2 e1 clock source
To set the clock source on an E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3, use the tug-2 e1 clock source
configuration controller tug-3 command.
To set the clock source on an E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3, use the tug-2 e1 clock source
configuration controller au-3 command.
tug-2 tug-2 number e1 e1-number clock source {internal | line}
Syntax Description
Defaults Clock source is configured from the E1 line.
Command Modes Configuration controller tug3 (for an E1 line mapped to a TUG-3)
Configuration controller au3 (for an E1 line mapped to an AU-3)
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use the tug-2 e1 clock source command in configuration controller tug3 command mode to configure
the clock source of an E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3 via the aug-mapping au-4 command.
Use the tug-2 e1 clock source command in configuration controller au3 command mode to configure
the clock source of an E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3 via the aug-mapping au-3 command.
Examples The following example configures E1 line 1, that has been mapped to a TUG-3 to use the PA-MC-STM-1
as the clock source:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-4
Router(config-controller)# au-4 1 tug-3 2
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 clock source internal
The following example configures E1 line 1, that has been mapped to an AU-3, to be the clock source:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-3
Router(config-controller)# au-3 1
Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 clock source line
tug-2 number A number in the range of 1 to 7.
e1-number A number in the range of 1 to 3.
internal Specifies the PA-MC-STM-1 as the clock source.
line Specifies the E1 line as the clock source.
Release Modification
12.0(14)S This command was introduced.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 clock source
Related Commands Command Description
aug-mapping au-4 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to TUG-3.
au-4 au-4-number tug-3 tug-3-number Specifies a TUG-3 for configuration.
aug-mapping au-3 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to AU-3.
au-3 au-3-number Specifies an AU-3 for configuration.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 framing
tug-2 e1 framing
To set the type of framing used by an E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3, use the tug-2 e1 framing
configuration controller tug-3 command.
To set the type of framing used by an E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3, use the tug-2 e1 framing
configuration controller au-3 command.
To disable the framing mode, use the no form of this command.
tug-2 tug-2 number e1 e1-number framing {crc4 | no-crc4}
[no] tug-2 tug-2 number e1 e1-number framing {crc4 | no-crc4}
Syntax Description
Defaults Framing format is crc4.
Command Modes Configuration controller tug3 (for an E1 line mapped to a TUG-3)
Configuration controller au3 (for an E1 line mapped to an AU-3)
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use the tug-2 e1 framing command in configuration controller tug3 command mode to configure the
type of framing used by an E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3 via the aug-mapping au-4
Use the tug-2 e1 framing command in configuration controller au3 command mode to configure the
type of framing used by an E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3 via the aug-mapping au-3
Examples The following example configures E1 line 1, that has been mapped to a TUG-3 to use crc4 framing:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-4
Router(config-controller)# au-4 1 tug-3 2
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 framing crc4
tug-2 number A number in the range of 1 to 7.
e1-number A number in the range of 1 to 3.
crc4 Specifies 4-bit cyclic redundancy check framing.
no-crc4 Specifies basic framing.
Release Modification
12.0(14)S This command was introduced.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 framing
The following example configures E1 line 1, that has been mapped to an AU-3, to use basic framing:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-3
Router(config-controller)# au-3 1
Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 framing no-crc4
Related Commands Command Description
aug-mapping au-4 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to TUG-3.
au-4 au-4-number tug-3 tug-3-number Specifies a TUG-3 for configuration.
aug-mapping au-3 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to AU-3.
au-3 au-3-number Specifies an AU-3 for configuration.
[no] tug-2 tug-2-number e1 e1-number
Creates an unframed (clear channel) logical channel group
on an E1 line.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 loopback
tug-2 e1 loopback
To specify a loopback on an E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3, use the tug-2 e1 loopback
configuration controller tug-3 command.
To specify a loopback on an E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3, use the tug-2 e1 loopback
configuration controller au-3 command.
To disable the loopback, use the no form of this command.
tug-2 tug-2 number e1 e1-number loopback {local | network {line | payload}}
[no] tug-2 tug-2 number e1 e1-number loopback {local | network {line | payload}}
Syntax Description
Defaults No loopbacks are set on an E1 line.
Command Modes Configuration controller tug3 (for an E1 line mapped to a TUG-3)
Configuration controller au3 (for an E1 line mapped to an AU-3)
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use the tug-2 e1 loopback command in configuration controller tug3 command mode to specify a
loopback for an E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3 via the aug-mapping au-4 command.
Use the tug-2 e1 loopback command in configuration controller au3 command mode to specify a
loopback for an E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3 via the aug-mapping au-3 command.
Examples The following example sets E1 line 1, that has been mapped to a TUG-3, into local loopback:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-4
Router(config-controller)# au-4 1 tug-3 2
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 loopback local
tug-2 number A number in the range of 1 to 7.
e1-number A number in the range of 1 to 3.
local Loops transmitted E1 output back to the router via the internal E1
network {line | payload} Sets the loopback toward the network before going through the framer
(line) or after going through the framer (payload).
Release Modification
12.0(14)S This command was introduced.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 loopback
The following example sets E1 line 1, that has been mapped to an AU-3, into network line loopback:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-3
Router(config-controller)# au-3 1
Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 loopback network line
Related Commands Command Description
aug-mapping au-4 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to TUG-3.
au-4 au-4-number tug-3 tug-3-number Specifies a TUG-3 for configuration.
aug-mapping au-3 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to AU-3.
au-3 au-3-number Specifies an AU-3 for configuration.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 national bits
tug-2 e1 national bits
To set the national reserved bits on an E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3, use the
tug-2 e1 national bits configuration controller tug-3 command.
To set the national reserved bits an E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3, use the
tug-2 e1 national bits configuration controller au-3 command.
tug-2 tug-2 number e1 e1-number national bits pattern
Syntax Description
Defaults 0x1F
Command Modes Configuration controller tug3 (for an E1 line mapped to a TUG-3)
Configuration controller au3 (for an E1 line mapped to an AU-3)
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use the tug-2 e1 national bits command in configuration controller tug3 command mode to configure
the national reserved bits for an E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3 via the aug-mapping au-4
Use the tug-2 e1 national bits command in configuration controller au3 command mode to configure
the national reserved bits for an E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3 via the aug-mapping au-3
Examples The following example configures the national reserved bits for E1 line 1, that has been mapped to a
TUG-3, into a 0x0 hexadecimal pattern:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-4
Router(config-controller)# au-4 1 tug-3 2
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 national bits 0x0
The following example configures the national reserved bits for E1 line 1, that has been mapped to an
AU-3, into decimal pattern 0:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-3
Router(config-controller)# au-3 1
Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 national bits 0
tug-2 number A number in the range of 1 to 7.
e1-number A number in the range of 1 to 3.
pattern The national reserved bit pattern is a hexadecimal value in the range
0x0-0x1F (hexadecimal) or 0-31 (decimal).
Release Modification
12.0(14)S This command was introduced.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 national bits
Related Commands Command Description
aug-mapping au-4 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to TUG-3.
au-4 au-4-number tug-3 tug-3-number Specifies a TUG-3 for configuration.
aug-mapping au-3 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to AU-3.
au-3 au-3-number Specifies an AU-3 for configuration.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 shutdown
tug-2 e1 shutdown
To shut down an individual E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3, use the tug-2 e1 shutdown
configuration controller tug-3 command.
To shut down an individual E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3, use the tug-2 e1 shutdown
configuration controller au-3 command.
To enable an individual E1 line, use the no form of this command.
tug-2 tug-2 number e1 e1-number shutdown
[no] tug-2 tug-2 number e1 e1-number shutdown
Syntax Description
Defaults E1 lines are not shut down.
Command Modes Configuration controller tug3 (for an E1 line mapped to a TUG-3)
Configuration controller au3 (for an E1 line mapped to an AU-3)
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use the tug-2 e1 shutdown command in configuration controller tug3 command mode to shut down an
individual E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3 via the aug-mapping au-4 command.
Use the tug-2 e1 shutdown command in configuration controller au3 command mode to shut down an
individual E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3 via the aug-mapping au-3 command.
Examples The following example shuts down E1 line 1, that has been mapped to a TUG-3:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-4
Router(config-controller)# au-4 1 tug-3 2
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 shutdown
The following example shuts down E1 line 1, that has been mapped to an AU-3:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-3
Router(config-controller)# au-3 1
Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 shutdown
tug-2 number A number in the range of 1 to 7.
e1-number A number in the range of 1 to 3.
shutdown Shuts down an individual E1 line.
Release Modification
12.0(14)S This command was introduced.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 shutdown
Related Commands Command Description
aug-mapping au-4 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to TUG-3.
au-4 au-4-number tug-3 tug-3-number Specifies a TUG-3 for configuration.
aug-mapping au-3 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to AU-3.
au-3 au-3-number Specifies an AU-3 for configuration.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 unframed
tug-2 e1 unframed
To create an E1 unframed (clear channel) logical channel group on an E1 line that has been mapped to
a TUG-3, use the tug-2 e1 unframed configuration controller tug-3 command.
To create an E1 unframed (clear channel) logical channel group on an E1 line that has been mapped to
an AU-3, use the tug-2 e1 unframed configuration controller au-3 command.
To remove a logical channel group, use the no form of this command.
tug-2 tug-2 number e1 e1-number unframed
[no] tug-2 tug-2 number e1 e1-number unframed
Syntax Description
Defaults No default behavior or values.
Command Modes Configuration controller tug3 (for an E1 line mapped to a TUG-3)
Configuration controller au3 (for an E1 line mapped to an AU-3)
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use the tug-2 e1 unframed command in configuration controller tug3 command mode to create an
unframed (clear channel) logical channel group on an E1 line that has been mapped to a TUG-3 via the
aug-mapping au-4 command.
Use the tug-2 e1 unframed command in configuration controller au3 command mode to create an
unframed (clear channel) logical channel group on an E1 line that has been mapped to an AU-3 via the
aug-mapping au-3 command.
The channel group number for unframed E1 lines is always 0.
Examples The following example configures an unframed logical channel group on E1 line 1, that has been mapped
to a TUG-3:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-4
Router(config-controller)# au-4 1 tug-3 2
Router(config-ctrlr-tug3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 unframed
tug-2 number A number in the range of 1 to 7.
e1-number A number in the range of 1 to 3.
unframed Configures an E1 unframed channel.
Release Modification
12.0(14)S This command was introduced.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
tug-2 e1 unframed
The following example configures an unframed logical channel group on E1 line 1, that has been mapped
to an AU-3:
Router(config)# controller sonet 2/0/0
Router(config-controller)# aug mapping au-3
Router(config-controller)# au-3 1
Router(config-ctrlr-au3)# tug-2 4 e1 1 unframed
Related Commands Command Description
aug-mapping au-4 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to TUG-3.
au-4 au-4-number tug-3 tug-3-number Specifies a TUG-3 for configuration.
aug-mapping au-3 Configures the AUG mapping mode of the PA-MC-STM-1
to AU-3.
au-3 au-3-number Specifies an AU-3 for configuration.
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router
AUGadministrative unit group in SDH mode
BERbit error rate
CASchannel associated signalling
CRC4cyclic redundancy check. Error-checking technique in which the frame recipient calculates a
remainder by dividing frame contents by a prime binary divisor and compares the calculated remainder
to a value stored in the frame by the sending node.
E1A digital carrier used to transmit a formatted signal at 2.048 Mbps.
ITUInternational Telecommunication UnionTelecommunication standards sector
PRIPrimary Rate Interface
SDHsynchronous digital hierarchy. The ITU equivalent of SONET.
SONETSynchronous Optical Network. The ANSI specification describing the data format used in
high-speed optical data transmission
STM-nSynchronous Transport Module level-n (STM-1 is 155.52 Mbps.)
TU-ntributary unit level-n
TUG-ntributary unit group-n
VCvirtual circuit
VC-nvirtual container level-n
VIPVirtual Interface Processor
Multichannel STM-1 Port Adapter for the Cisco 7500 Series Router

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