Quiz - Coursera1

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Week 5 Quiz
The due date for this quiz is Mon 5 May 2014 12:00 PM PDT.
In accordance with the Coursera Honor Code, I (VAIBHAV JUNEJA) certify that the
answers here are my own work.
Question 1
Caries risk assessment:
has not been validated clinically
is a theoretical concept of no practical relevance
provides an indicator of the likelihood of new caries lesions in the near future
provides an indicator of the risk of further bacterial action in the biofilm
Question 2
Disease indicators as defined for caries risk assessment include:
proximal enamel lesions, white spots lesions, cavities
restorations in the past 5 years, cavities
cavities, low saliva flow rate
cavities, high bacterial count, frequency of carbohydrate ingestion
Question 3
Biological risk factors in caries risk assessment:
is an ideal way to understand gingivitis but not dental caries
should never be used to understand the caries process
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include heavy plaque on the teeth, frequent snacking, inadequate saliva flow
is an outdated concept that has been superceded by the Caries Explicit Tool
Question 4
The caries risk assessment tool used at UCSF:
has been validated over 6 years of outcomes measures
is called the "Caries assessment tool for academics" (CATFA)
is an interesting exercise
includes items that have not been related to dental caries
Question 5
The reason to conduct a bacterial test for all patients at the comprehensive oral exam is:
to provide a talking point with the patient
so that you have a baseline to compare with at recall to see whether the antibacterial
treatment is working
because that is what we do at University clinics
so that you can show off your new technology
Question 6
A patient has two obvious cavities in enamel extending into the dentin. What can you know about
the cariogenic bacteria levels based upon this observation?
they are likely to be extremely high for every patient in this category
mutans streptococci and lactobacillus levels will be either moderate or low
mutans streptococci and lactobacillus levels will be either moderate or high
you can not make any judgment about the cariogenic bacterial levels
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Question 7
A patient has deep pits and fissures. This is:
A disease indicator
A biological risk factor
A protective factor
None of the above
Question 8
A patient is brushing every day with a natural toothpaste without fluoride. This is:
A disease indicator
A biological risk factor
A protective factor
None of the above
Question 9
If a caries risk assessment method is validated, this means:
it gives a perfect risk assessment every time
it is likely to be correct 50% of the time
it is likely to be wrong at least 70% of the time
it gives a risk classification with a very good chance it is correct
Question 10
The ideal sequence for conducting a caries risk assessment for 6 years through adult is:
clinical exam, dental/medical history, treatment plan, risk assessment
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Thank you!
dental/medical history, clinical exam, risk assessment, treatment plan
clinical exam, dental/medical history, risk assessment, treatment plan
dental/medical history, clinical exam, treatment plan, risk assessment
In accordance with the Coursera Honor Code, I (VAIBHAV JUNEJA) certify that the
answers here are my own work.

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