My Ideal Company

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Lesson 1 - Level B1

Lesson 1 - Level B1 1

A Perfect Company
(30 min.)


Describe a company using the Present Perfect and ask questions
with How long...?.

Lesson 1 - Level B1
Lesson 1 - Level B1 2

Present Perfect the
unfinished past

You use the Present Perfect to say when the present situation began.


Past Simple: I started working here 10 years ago.
I met Eric for the first time in 1990.
Present Simple: I work here now.
I still know him.
Present Perfect: I've worked here for 25 years.
I've known John since 1990.

To say when the action began you use since or for. You use since with
a point in time and for with a period of time.

since for
8 o'clock 2 years
1985 a month
September a few minutes
last week half an hour


Things have been better since we moved to our new office.
He has lived here for twenty years.


Part 1: Complete the sentences with since and for.

1) Mr. Adams has been out of the office _____ last Wednesday.
2) They've had that old car _____ years.
3) He's had his own business ______ a few years now.
4) I've known Paul _____ we met at a trade fair nearly twenty years
5) We haven't had a holiday _____ the summer.
6) I haven't seen you _____ a while. How are things going?

Lesson 1 - Level B1
Lesson 1 - Level B1 3

Part 2: Make questions with How Long....? and the Present Perfect.

Example: you / work / here
How long have you worked here?

1) she / be / a director of the company
2) you / want / change jobs
3) he / have / a company car
4) she / be / responsible for that account
5) he / be / interested / in working for us

Part 3: Read the biological details of James Brown then make
sentences using either the Present Perfect or the Past Simple and for,
since, or

1974 started smoking
1976 went to university to study
1979 graduated with a degree of
1980 got a job with Rolls Royce as an
aeronautical engineer
1981 became interested in boats
1982 got married
1983 bought his first yacht
1985 got a job with P & W in Canada and moved to Montreal
1991 moved back to the UK and went to work at the P & W
factory in Manchester
1993 gave up smoking
1996 moved to a new job in the P & W offices in Portsmouth

Example: be / an aeronautical engineer

He's been an aeronautical engineer since 1980.
1) smoke
2) study engineering / university
3) be / interested / boats
4) be / married
5) work / Rolls Royce
6) have / yacht
7) live / Canada
8) live / the UK
9) have / job / Portsmouth
10) work / for P & W
11) not smoke
Lesson 1 - Level B1
Lesson 1 - Level B1 4


Read the following conversation and answer the questions.
A: Good morning. Could I speak to Peter Davis, please?
B: Speaking.
A: Oh, hello, Mr. Davis. My name is John Lindsay.
B: What can I do for you, Mr. Lindsay?
A: It's more a case of what I can do for long have
you worked for BluePrint International, Mr. Davis?
B: For about six years. Why do you ask?
A: And before that you worked for Navigate for three years.
B: Yes, I joined as a trainee manager when I left university. But,
what is this all about?
A: And you were made head of the International Division a year
ago. How is it going?
B: Very well, thank you. Now, could you tell me what you want, Mr.
A: I'd like to talk to you about an extremely interesting career
opportunity. I work for PeopleSearch, the management
consultants. We've been approached by a client who's looking
for someone with just your professional profile.
B: Oh, I see. So that's what it's about. Listen, Mr. Lindsay, I'm really
quite busy and...
A: Yes, I understand that but you should know I'm talking about a
considerable salary increase. You've been married for a couple
of years now and recently became a father, I believe.
B: What's that got to do with it?
A: Well, think about your family and the financial possibilities of an
advantageous career move at this moment in your life. I think
you should at least talk to me.
B: Well, I suppose so. What's the name of the company?
A: I'd rather not say over the phone. Perhaps we could meet to
discuss things further?
B: I'm not sure I'm that interested. BluePrint International has been
very good to me.
A: Oh, come on, Peter! What are the real prospects in your present
post? You've got as far as you can in BluePrint. Do you want to
be in the same position ten years from now? At least find the
time to talk to us.

Lesson 1 - Level B1
Lesson 1 - Level B1 5

B: I'd like to think about it. Can I phone you back?
A: No, I'd prefer to phone you back myself in a couple of days. In
the meantime, think about what I've said. A more stimulating
work situation, not to mention a considerable rise in salary. Talk
it over with your wife.
B: Fair enough.
A: Oh, and one more thing, Peter. I'd appreciate it if you don't
mention this call to anyone in your company, okay?
B: Yes, yes, all right. So, you'd call me then?
A: That's right. In a couple of days. We'll arrange a meeting
somewhere. Bye for now, then.
B: Bye.

Discussion Questions:

1) What type of management consultants does John Lindsay work
2) Do you think what he does is ethical?
3) How would you react in this situation?

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