Inventory System

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Inventory System

This proposal is to make an inventory System for Infini Tea that can help them to
enhance their inventory of their products.

The system aims to address the problems of the store currently faces in dealing with
Inventory/stock check and giving accurate product information by making an
automated inventory system. We are going to use Java Programming Language as our
Front-End and MYSQL database as our BACK-End.

Area of Investigation:

Inventory is basically the total amount of goods and materials held in stock by a
factory, store and other business. An inventory system is a process whereby a business
keeps track of the goods and material it has available. Our company decided to make
Infini Tea an Inventory System so that it can replace the old process. This proposed
system will improve employees work efficiency by automating routinely and time
consuming tasks such as the time spent in taking down product information.

Scope and Limitation
The proposed software will be programmed in Java Programming Language. The
inventory system will be protected using a log-in system in which, other than the
manager, may accommodate the salesladies to have access by registering. Basic
information will be collected from the salesladies such as their name, birth date, contact
information, etc.

The system will cover:
Stocks for every product.
Purchase order of every order made.
Only the admin can edit the system.
Staffs can only view the inventory system.
Contains admin and other staffs account.
Contains the details of every supplier.

The system will not cover:
Actual purchasing.
Budget and other finance purposes will not be included in the system.

Time Table:

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