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Respected Sir,
I am writing this letter with a wishful spirit, before I delve in to the core
purpose of my letter, I would like to express my full confidence in the
benefits system followed at this esteemed organization. I have absolutely no
doubt in the organization desire to establish a fair environment for all staff by
adequately compensating them.
Sir, as you are well aware with the current scenario of P! "#$ %uetta
division. &ne of my most capable team member 'r. 'uhammad Shafique (.S
has been transferred from %uetta !irectorate to "#$ )arachi. I am very
grateful that you are witness the capabilities of the 'r.'uhammad Shafique,
who has been serving for P! sub*division for the last five years. +e is
working in P! not only as an (.S but also as an A.E Building/Building
overseer as they are not present in %uetta !irectorate for the last few
years. !uring this period he tried his best to deliver all his skills and we have
always labeled him as a professional and he always keen to stay on top of his
duties and tasks. +e is perfectly comfortable facing new challenges and ready
to step in to handle new responsibilities at any moment.
#he 'ulti level tasks,-obs which he has been performing is as below.
ADP Works. (Estimation and Execution)
Preparation of PC-1s (Airport Quetta, Khuzdar arrision, Khuzdar Cit!, Pishin,
"iarat, "ho# $ Chaman).
%a!in& of 'econdar! () *+)., Ca#-e for the Expansion of Ca#inet .o. C-/1, C'
Co-on! 'ate--ite 0o1n Quetta.
Extension of Primary & Secondary Cable for Newly Constructed Block & Proposed
Block at Civil Secretariat Quetta
Layin of Secondary Cable for C!" from #olimar C$owk %o &estern Survey 'ffice
Brewery (oad Quetta
%a!in& of 2ptica- 3i#er and Extension of Primar! .et1or4 from .0C 5'( to
Existin& Ca#inet .o. C-1+ and 6nsta--ation of .e1 Ca#inet C-// at 7ai-1a!
Accounts Academ!, "ar&hoon 7oad Quetta
Building Works (Estimation and Execution)
7epair and maintenance 1or4 in residentia- Querter -1, P$0 Co-on!, Circu-ar
7oad Quetta
7epair and maintenance 1or4 in residentia- Querter -,, 8re1er! 7oad Quetta.
7epair and maintenance 1or4 in residentia- Querter -9, 8re1er! 7oad Quetta
7epair and maintenance 1or4 in residentia- Querter E-,, 8re1er! 7oad Quetta
7epair and maintenance 1or4 in residentia- Querter 3-/, 8re1er! 7oad Quetta
7epair and maintenance of 7e&iona- :irector 2ffice .0C Quetta
Building Works (Estimation)
7epair and maintenance 1or4 in residentia- Querter :-1, 8re1er! 7oad Quetta.
7epair and maintenance 1or4 in residentia- Querter :-/, 8re1er! 7oad Quetta
7epair and maintenance 1or4 in residentia- Querter :-,, 8re1er! 7oad Quetta
7epair and maintenance 1or4 in residentia- Querter E-*, 8re1er! 7oad Quetta
Pre-Deposit Work (Estimation and Execution)
%a!in& of () Ca#-e from Ca#inet .o. C-/ to Crisis Ce--, PA3 8ase 'aman&-i
%a!in& of ( Ca#-e from C-; to :' 8arrac4s at PA3 8ase 'aman&-i Quetta
(<E''EC) (<ithout Ca#-e)
%a!in& of ( Ca#-e from 70 to Admn 8-oc4 and 7adio room at PA3 8ase
'aman&-i Quetta (<E''EC) (<ithout Ca#-e)
%a!in& of ( Ca#-e from 70 to En&ineerin& 8-oc4 and C7CP at PA3 8ase
'aman&-i Quetta (<E''EC) (<ithout Ca#-e)
%a!in&, 0estin& $ Commissionin& of () Ca#-e 3rom C-* 0o 2fficer
7esidentiona- Area At PA3 8ase 'amun&-i 7oad Quetta
%a!in&, 0estin& $ Commisionin& of 1++)., () Ca#-e 3rom C-9 to %od&es Area at
PA3 8ase 'amun&-i 7oad Quetta
Pre-Deposit Work (Estimation)
%a!in& of () Ca#-e from 'tand #! 5o#i- to 'tand #! crisis ce--$ A:A =urt
8ase 'amun&-i Quetta
%a!in& of () Ca#-e 1++ Pair Primar! Ca#-e 3rom C-* to C-1+ At PA3 8ase
'amun&-i 7oad Quetta
%a!in& of () Ca#-e from C-1/ to 5ess $ 8aric At PA3 8ase 'amun&-i 7oad
%a!in& of () Ca#-e from C-* to 8ase Commander 7esidence at PA3 8ase
'amun&-i Quetta
%a!in& of () Ca#-e C-1+ to :omestic area at PA3 8ase 'amun&-i Quetta
%a!in& of 2ptica- 3i#er Ca#-e from Existin& to .e1 route at PA3 8ase 'amun&-i
Since "#$ is mostly interested in productivity and productivity is what he is
providing. I find it very reasonable that if he has given a chance to serve for
%uetta !irectorate, it will reflect the value of his work for the best interest of
"#$. +e is willing to work as hard as ever but it is important that his efforts
are acknowledged so that he can give even more.
I am fully aware that such requests are not obliged with reasons not
associated with performance, hard work and achievements but the
acceptance of my request , the commitment and aspiration of my team will
be boosted and they will give everything to reach the common goal we are all
working for.
/iven the circumstances presented above, I think it would be fair if he is
ad-usted to inline with the new level of responsibilities laid on his shoulders
and may attached to "#$ P! %uetta, such an amendment will result in
increased enthusiasm to accomplish even more in less time.
#hank you for your consideration of this request i have full confidence in
your good -udgment.

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