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1. Introduction
Robi formerly known as Aktel is the third largest mobile phone operator in Bangladesh in terms of
revenue and subscribers. Robi is a dynamic and leading countrywide GSM communication
solutions provider and is a joint venture company between Axiata and NTT DoCoMo of Japan. The
company commenced operations under the Aktel brand on 15 November 1997 and embarked on
a new journey with the brand name of Robi on 28 March 2010.
Robi attained its first million customer base in 2004, followed by 5 million in 2006 and 10 million
in 2009. Covering all 64 districts of the country, Robi was the first mobile operator to connect
Tetulia and Teknaf, the northern and southern most points of Bangladesh. It was also the first
operator to provide seamless coverage along the Dhaka-Chittagong highway. Robi has the widest
International Roaming coverage in Bangladesh connecting 553 operators across 207 countries.
Robi operates the GSM 900 and 1800 cellular services. Its GSM service is based on robust network
architecture and a cutting edge Intelligent Network (IN), which provides peace-of-mind solutions
in terms of voice clarity, extensive nationwide network coverage, and multiple global partners for
international roaming. Robi, being the most innovative operator in the country, launched the first
ever Prepaid mobile service and other innovative services.
With its strengths and competencies developed over the years, Robi aims to provide the best, in
terms of coverage and connectivity to its customers all over Bangladesh.


1.1 Origin of the study
Today practical experience and research work is as much essential in academic education that
enables someone to be successful business executive especially in the competitive business
environment. In order to gather knowledge and experience regarding the business and
economy, the business students have to submit course report for the successful completion of
their course.
This report has been prepared to make a study on the Roles of Technology in Developing
Marketing Strategies for Robi Axiata Limited, Bangladesh as a part of the fulfillment of corse
required for the completion of the MBA program of Business Administration Department of
East West University.
The report was prepared under the supervision of Ms. Kohinoor Biswas, Assistant Professor,
Business Administration, East West University. We are very much thankful to her for assigning
us such types of project work. We would like to add that this report is completely confidential
and prepared with a view to expose our theoretical and practical exposure and knowledge.

1.2 Objectives of the study
The main objective of this assignment is to find out the roles of technology in marketing
strategies for Robi. How they run their company using technology, how they satisfy their
customers, how they use technology for marketing campaign are included in the objective of
the study. How they use technology in their organization to increase their revenue. To know
how technology helps Robis promotion program etc.


1.3 Methodology of the study
This term paper is about the roles of technology in marketing strategies for a company in
Bangladesh. In this paper we tried to focus on Robis marketing strategies through technological
development. We did not follow any type of particular methodology or tools to make this
project. Instead of using the general research tools we have used the online articles as the
Research tools. The concept of this project has been taken from those articles.
Primary source: we spoke to employees of Robi face-to-face. We also took interview from
students of our university.
Secondary source: we use online articles for our project.

1.4 Limitations of the study
There are some limitations in every term paper, export, research or plan. We faced some
limitations. These are as follows:
The employees didnt give enough time to collect the sufficient information.
For the internal secrecy, they are not interested to share their financial information.
Due to the lacks of experiences, about getting information through an interview, there
are some shortages of data to link up with this plan.
Time shortage is another problem to complete the report in a distinct way.


2. Organization Overview

One of the blessings of since and technology is the development of telecommunication
technology. It has made our life easier and made this world smaller than the past regarding
communication. The blessings of telecommunication development have also reached in a
developing country like Bangladesh. Now-a-days people are getting their personnel and
professional information faster than before that helps to increase the productivity of a country
like Bangladesh. It has been possible because of the cellular operators like Robi Axiata Limited
who is making a great contribution for cellular communication development in Bangladesh.

2.1 Rebranded as Robi
Robi Axiata Limited is a joint venture company between Axiata Group Berhad, Malaysia (70%)
and NTT DOCOMO INC, Japan (30%). It was formerly known as Telekom Malaysia International
(Bangladesh) which commenced operations in Bangladesh in 1997 with the brand name AKTEL.
On 28th March 2010, the service name was rebranded as Robi and the company came to be
known as Robi Axiata Limited. With the transformation of its ownership and brand name its
logo has also changed.

2.2 Affordable Product/Service offering
Like other telecom operators in Bangladesh, Robi mainly offers two categories of products or
service package. Those ares-
Prepaid Packages
Postpaid Packages
Lets have a small discussion on those packages.


2.2.1 Prepaid Packages
There are nine subcategories under these packages. Tarunno, Anonna, Goti these are the most
significant. In case of prepaid packages, a subscriber has to recharge an amount by using the
number of recharge card provided by the organization. Based on recharge amount and call rate
a subscriber can talk with others. As payments have to make before usage so its called prepaid
(Benefits, Robi Axiata Limited, 2012).

2.2.2 Postpaid Packages
There are two subcategories under this package, those ares Package 1 and Package 2. As
payment has to make after usage so its known postpaid (Postpaid Tariff, Robi Axiata Limited,

2.2.3 VAS (Value Added Services)
Robi provides verities if value added services for its subscribers. It includes SMS, MMS, Radio,
BBC Janala, Ibadan Portal, Robi Jibon Bima etc. For all Value Added Services charges are
applicable. Robi also provide other services in Facebook, for instance Robi recently introduced a
cricketing games for Facebook users name Robi power play. It is a free game for Facebook

2.3 Vision & Mission

Vision to be Leader in the Industry
Their vision is to be the leader in the telecommunication industry of Bangladesh.

Robi has got several missions also. Those ares-
Cover the whole country with their network system.
Establishing customer-based product portfolio
Providing best services for their customers


3. SWOT Analysis of Technology Based Marketing Campaign
SWOT analysis is a powerful technique for understanding organizations Strength & Weakness
and looking for the Opportunities & Threats. In this assignment we analysis Robis SWOT in
term of their technology based marketing. This analysis is mainly based on a set of 25
questions. Recently we made a survey on these questions.
Figure 1. SWOT Analysis of Technology Based Marketing Campaign

Positive Negative


leading-edge technology
based network
Covering all 64 districts of
the country
Online marketing through
popular websites
Marketing through TV, Radio
and SMS
Crystal clear voice quality
GPRS service with high
speed internet connectivity


TV ads are not so much
A few numbers of ads in
facebook and online newspapers.
Limited value added service.
Not able to cover all area in
Bangladesh within it networks.
Do not launching internet
Limited budget in technology
based marketing research.


Recent growth of e-
commerce marketing
Upcoming 3G service in
The emerging mobile digital
Up-coming 10 satellite TV

Restriction on illegal billboard
Cost of TV adverting is
Hacking of websites
Wi-max service


3.1 Strengths in Leading-Edge Technology
To ensure existing customer satisfaction and capturing new customer Robi marches
ahead with innovation and creativity. To make sure leading-edge technology, Robi has
the international expertise of Axiata. It supports 2G voice, CAMEL phase 2 and
GPRS/EDGE service with high speed internet connectivity. Its GSM service is based on a
robust network architecture and cutting edge technology such as Intelligent Network
(IN), which provides peace-of-mind solutions in terms of voice clarity and multiple global
partners for international roaming.

For expanding the marketing area Robi is continuously improving network coverage and
quality so that customers can enjoy uninterrupted services. Covering all 64 districts of
the country, Robi was the first mobile operator to connect Tetulia and Teknaf, the
northern and southern most points of Bangladesh.

Robi has GPRS technology that provides customer high speed internet connection.

Robi advertise their product and service through TV channels. TV ad has the ability to
convey message with sight, sound and motion, and can give a product or service instant
validity and prominence.

Robi also advertise through internet by online newspapers, job portals, social networking
websites etc. So that customer can interact with Robis website to find out information,
product and service.

Robi send SMS to their customer to inform about their product, service, and promotional
activities and for creating awareness.

Crystal clear voice quality that increases customer satisfactions


3.2 Weaknesses in Facebook Campaign
Robis online marketing campaign is not so much effective. In our country most of the
people are not familiar with internet technology.

During TV ads most of viewers change their TV channel but Robi didnt advertise
simultaneously on several channels.

Radio is a background medium. Most listeners are doing something else while listening.
This means that radio ads cannot get their attention effectively.

Some people do not like receiving offers from SMS and they throw it immediately
without even opening the SMS.

Mobile internet is gaining popularity in Bangladesh but till now Robi do not launch
internet modem.

Robi do not spend much money for making TV ads but TV ads but Television advertising
has been a popular medium for large retailers ever since the TV first began to appear in
living rooms.

Robi havent extensive value added service like Grameenphone and Banglalink. By value
added service Grameenphone and Banglalink earn huge money.

Till now Robi is not able cover all area in Bangladesh with its network while
grameenphone coverage almost all area in Bangladesh.

3.3 Opportunities of Upcoming 3G Technology
E-commerce has opened up a new horizon for trade and commerce and internet
marketing. The recent growth of e-commerce in Bangladesh is a opportunity for Robi to
boost up its marketing activities.

3G technology can be a opportunity for Robi to provide new service like video calling, hi-
speed internet service etc.

TV, radio, internet are surrounding us. So it is easy for Robi to communicate us by these

Recently Government has licensed 10 new satellite TV channels. It is great opportunities
for Robi to spread its technology based marketing activities.


3.4 Threats of Online advertisement Hacking
Hi-speed wi-max service is a threat for Robis internet service.

Recently government has imposed restriction on billboard advertising

Cost TV advertising are increasing day by day

Threats of hacking website. Robi advertise in many websites like job portals, social
networking websites, online newspaper etc.


3.5 SWOT Comparison Sheet

Strength Robi Grameenphone Teletalk
What are your
advantages in
Online, TV, Radio,
Newspaper, SMS
TV, Radio,
Newspaper, SMS
and Online
TV, Radio,
What are you doing
Customer Service Strong network
Low call rate

Weakness Robi Grameenphone Teletalk
What your
limitation in
Limited budget in
marketing research
Lack of promotional
Network coverage?

Comparatively low

Opportunities Robi Grameenphone Teletalk
Opportunity To
Medium Very High Low

Theats Robi Grameenphone Teletalk


Customer can be
grabbed by
Customer can be
grabbed by
Customer can be
grabbed by

Figure 2. SWOT Comparison Sheet


4. Perceptions of Technology Based Marketing Campaign

4.1 Management Perception of Advertising Media
Managers who have the best knowledge about their companys portfolio or the issues of the
firms like missions, vision and goal depends on manager. The success of the company as always
depends on the value proposition of the products of the organization, which are backed by solid
data to support the companys perceived value.

In modern era, Mobile phones are much more accessible for people in developing countries
where Internet connections may be expensive or nonexistent, or where the infrastructure may
not be able to provide the constant source of electricity a computer requires. Charged mobile
phones can operate for days without a power source. Management of Robi expresses that as a
mobile operator, Robis infrastructure and almost everything are truly technology based
Management of Robi believes that a telecom operator always speaks to the people of
Bangladesh in the way they want to be spoken to. They want to respect people's expectation
truly, learn from people experiences, and change. The entire company is acutely aware of this
trust and responsibility and rallies together to meet customer expectations learn from
experience. Management said that Robi has introduced call conferencing service for its prepaid
customers, which would enable group discussion simultaneously among multiple callers on
their mobile phone devices.
Management of Robi said that our products will be simple & straightforward. We are already:

Providing the most affordable rates (40 paisa to 148 paisa per minute),
The lowest SIM price in the market at Tk 98).
Lowest price offer for using mobile Internet by their GPRS technology.

At present, Robi is the largest spender for television advertisement. Such spending has
increased to Tk 41.2 core in March from Tk 35.4 core in January. In February, spending was the
lowest Tk 26 core in these months. They use more brand building elements as a modern

marketing campaign for their upcoming products The Company launched the branding
campaign, Bangladesh Mela, at more than 70 spots across the country in March. Management
said that company had to increase spending mainly for re-branding. They will be lunched new
advertisements through media as well as media vehicles for the modern marketing campaign.
They will hire the efficient and more productive employees who have the knowledge of the
marketing campaign as well as have the strong skill of the innovation for developing the
products. Robi uses all modern media vehicle for its marketing campaign as well as branding so
they always keep their top market share ahead of their competitors. They use internet, e
commerce and communication tools for keeping their good position to consumers mind. For
their marketing campaign they are using technological tools like no other and hopefully more
successfully than others in the future too.

As we discussed earlier, Robi is using modern and moderate technology for its marketing
campaign through different media and media vehicle, for that, we had to launch a massive
campaign, which eventually increased the spending on TV ad. However, the spending also grew
on other media, such as press, radio and outdoors (billboard) and web ads as well creating
awareness about different offering products and services to be happy that creates very good
awareness to customers.

Figure 3. Share of TV Spending by Mobile Operators in March 2010.

4.2 Government Perception of Vision 2021
We know that our Present governments highly appreciate to people to make digitally enabled
technologies based country as their mission is to make our country Digital Bangladesh within
2021. That is good news for telecom industry that is really ahead. Although the activities or
campaign of Robi has a very positive impression is not only the mind of the customers but also
the government. Robis technology based marketing campaign are mostly created for the
goodness of peoples communication that had made a positive impression in the mind of the
The government is giving top priority for any kind of business is the automation process as it
ensures some distinctive benefit like low cost, near to zero defect and can be easily defect
solve. Government is ready to provide any assistance according to their requirements.
Government perceives and also has some expectations regarding mobile company like Robis
activities that by their suitable work they will contribute for the betterment of the country.
Government also expects that Robi always use new & innovative technology in their service by
which they easily flourish their marketing campaign & batter service all over the country. . So,
the government perception about the technology based marketing campaign by Robi is very
satisfying that will hopefully make Robis purpose more easier by using technology in their
marketing campaign and will help them to serve the government or the people in a better and
significant way by the help of the technology for marketing campaign.

4.3 Employee Perceptions of Technology Based Customer Service
It is a great manner that employees having positive perception about their marketing campaign
of the basis on technology for Robi. The company provides enough information for the
employees so that they can heavily engage to works and solve the problem. The company
provides the knowledge to the employees about the internet, email as well as the
telecommunication so that they can easily play a vital marketing campaign to the customers.
Employee of Robi said that, our products and services will go to customers through our
customer services. We will take care of all their service needs and resolve them with minimal

hassle, with our improved customer service and channel availability. Technology makes it
possible for every employee in the company to perform the countless tasks involved in
delivering life-enhancing solutions. Even today, we have reached more than 100,000 recharge
sales points, 26,000 SIM selling points, and over 450 services points across the country. Our call
center is accessible at the lowest charge to customers, 24 hours a day. We try to solve the
customer problems within just a moment to 72 hours.

4.4 Customer perceptions of Online Marketing Campaign
As a customer what we think about the roles of technology in developing marketing strategies
is to be the main focus there. Technology in marketing campaign for Robi can act as a massive
factor as customers are the key or who keeps any company alive. Whenever the knowledge or
perception about the company is clear to the customer, that will help them gather better
knowledge about the company and make a positive impression about Robi. We know that, Robi
is using modern and moderate technology for its marketing campaign through different media
and media vehicle, creating awareness about different offering products and services to be
happy that creates very good awareness to consumer and customers and increase their market
share. That influences customer to obtain Robi before other competitors of Robis offerings.
Robi customers are highly satisfied with Robi phone. To sustain their growth rate, now Robi
brings a lot of innovative package, one of their extraordinary packages is Prepaid service in
your same postpaid number It is highly attractable service for customer & many postpaid
customer support this service. But customers have some objection about Robi phone. Many
customers said that to increase the popularity of their internet service, they need to open
internet modem system. They also suggest, general people have some misperception about
Robi that is network capacity is not enough good in everywhere, they do not use GPS
technology like others. GPS is more valuable for customer for addressing. It is very urgent for
Robi to remove this misperception as soon as possible.


5. Future Growth of Technology Based Marketing Campaign
Mobile companys main function is to connect people. Mainly to do it swiftly, he has done a lot
of work. Mobile company is a technology based company. If their technology capability is
strong easily they will go ahead. To contain to their future growth, Robi will take a tremendous
marketing strategy. To give batter service in future, Robi will take a separate marketing plan for
their separate line.

5.1 80 percent Geographic Area under Network Coverage
Robi is one of the most upraising mobile companies in Bangladesh which covers, 80 percent
geographic area in network coverage , their number of BTS is 5400 and population coverage of
is 86 percent. Currently, it holds about 20 percent of the subscriber market share. In
Bangladesh, number of mobile subscriber is increasing rapidly. According to Bangladesh
Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), there were only 46.69 million customers of
six mobile phone vendors till June last year. But the number reached 59.98 millions in June this
year. That means mobile phone operators added 13.29 million new customers in one year till
June. For Capturing & retaining customer in future, Robi try to increase & strong their network
coverage. Because, their present network coverage is not enough to fulfill upraising customer
demand. So they are dong:

The infrastructure sharing agreement between GP & Robi has been signed to make best
use of existing resources; by sharing infrastructure the companies can ensure better
economies of scale, efficient utilization of national energy resources and ultimately
provide better services to their respective customers. The benefit comes in the form of
better coverage, quality of service and cost optimization for further investments in
other aspects such as VAS, customer service etc.

To ensure innovative technology for marketing campaign Robi will draw upon the
international expertise of their parent companies, Axiata and NTT DOCOMO INC

Robi is continuously improving their network coverage and quality so that they are
present wherever their customers are. According to the official figures; it has invested
around Tk. 6.64 billion in enhancing networking capacity in 2009 & in 2010, they are
investing more aggressively.
Robi support 2g voice, CGMEL phase 2, GPRS & EDGE. To give batter service, Robi try to
bring 3g technology in Bangladesh.
China Development Bank (CDB), the largest bank for international investment and
financing in China, yesterday signed a $100 million deal with Bangladesh's third largest
mobile operator, and Chinese vendor Huawei. Under the terms of a memorandum of
understanding, , will purchase telecom equipment from Huawei to expand its network
and improve mobile services
Robi has planned to share infrastructure with fellow mobile phone operator Banglalink
as part of its cost-cutting drive, but sees no reason to float shares.

5.2 Emphasize of TV promotion
In future, popularity of face book, yahoo messenger, and email will be increasing. With
television add Robi already emphasis this promotional item. In future, it is the best &
easy way to reach young people.
Ability to offer push, in-service and location based campaigns over multi-channels such
as SMS, MMS and WAP. This skill they use in future rapidly.
In near future, Robi will interest to establish charge house in rural area which have no
power supply.
Recently government takes a serious action against Billboard both (manual & electrical)
which is illegal. This is a good opportunity for Robi & they try to get this chance. Robi
will try taking permission for billboard from government and doing a serious campaign
in this media.
In near future they will interest to arrange a mobile road show around the whole

5.3 Advantage of 3G Technology
Robi Internet system has no any modem facilities. It is tremendous problem for
subscribers. To get rid of this problem, in next year they will bring modem facilities their
internet. system
Robi already use GSM service. In near future manage will add NFC is a technology that
provides a way for consumers to use their mobile phones for making payments, among
other things.


6. Recommendation and Conclusion

6.1 Recommendation to Increase Budget in Marketing Research
To go ahead in future, Robi need to do a lot function. Now their position is 3rd in market. Indian
Air Tell will come to the market very quickly. It is not easy task for Robi to sustain their Hugh
customer by their as usual policy. They need some different things in their market, they need
some attractable things by which customer will interest to buy Robi phone & continue it all
time. Like:

Only 20 customer care center they have. Need to amplify customer care center & their
Giving emphasis in promotion side. Especially Television ads in which their efficiency is
very low. Remind add is very attractive for new sensation. Robi will need to emphasis in
that thing.
Though they invested a heavy amount in behind of network and their network is quite
good but in the general people have a negative perception about network. So they need
a serious campaign to remove misperception in the mind of customer.
Try to give better internet service because it is so slow. Another problem for their
service is, they have no any unlimited internet package for prepaid sim. Though most of
their customers are prepaid customers. So they need to observe in that issue.
However GP has 10000 BTS, but in Robi it is only 5400. So immediately Robi need to
build base transmission station.
Starting massive research. Attempt to give better service to reduce subscribers bill by
using hi-tech technology.
Recently mobile companies are working with government institution. Like Grammen
phone working with railway, titas. Every mobile company is interested. Because by that
work company easily get huge popularity in general people. Robi need to emphasis in
that issue.


6.2 Conclusion
Robi is one of the most promising mobile operators in present market. In previous time, some
lack of technological & creative power, it couldn't go ahead like their high profile competitor.
Now Robi try to improve his situation & already he improved his status in some cases. Mobile
business is always highly competitive technology based market. To existence in the market
technological proficiency is first precondition. Robi need to take a conscious step for their every
moment. Subscribers always expect better service from them and Robi is committed to fulfill
customer expectation as much as possible.




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