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The 7 Rules are the map of how fast trackers learn.

The rules are numbered by prioritization. You should focus on implementing the first in your
approach to learning, then as soon as you feel you are comfortably doing that, moe on to the
second, and so on. !or each rule you integrate into your learning approach, you will accelerate the
pace at which you improe. "entually, when you are applying all 7 rules # you will be moing
towards dating success at ma$imum speed%
&e all like to get success easily and 'uickly. &hilst that isnt realistically going to
happen with dating, there are areas that you can work on with little effort 'uickly
to gie you immediate success.
!ocus on fi$ing these first. (ont do anything else. You want to get to the results
with women part 'uickly right)
*y focusing on only these things first you gie that the best chance of happening.
Two areas hae the highest results+to+effort ratio you can get. ,lso, eerything
else will flow more easily if you get these areas down first.
The areas are your image -appearance. and basic attracting women skills.
&ith the right help or information,
you can change your looks for the
better relatiely 'uickly # in a couple
of weeks or een days.
The difference in the response you
get from women is /01" and well
worth the effort
2o do
these things3
4. 5earn about fashion6 style
7. 1et some 'uality clothes that !8T you
9. 1et on a healthy diet and to the gym to build a muscled+ well toned body. 8f
you are oerweight # cut it # if you are skinny # build some muscle
*y focusing your efforts on learning some *,28:
attracting women skills you can transform how
women relate to you 'uickly.
This includes making an effort to learn3
4. &hat behaiors are attractie and to do
7. &hat behaiors are unattractie and
stopping them
Think ;<6 7<. ,nd stick to making some basics of attraction working
for you.
,pply three tests before you consider using a new piece of adice on dating3
4. (o you master the adice you already hae) 8f not, your time is better
spent in applying the adice you hae than getting new adice. -2ee Rule
=>3 (oing is 0nderstanding to know how to do this.
7. (oes it add an actionable insight to the adice you are already using) 8f not,
it will only be a distraction from using and applying the good adice you
already hae.
9. 8s the person giing the adice getting the type of success you are looking
for) &hat proof is there) 8f you only hae their word for it, you are on
dodgy ground.
8f you read ten bits of adice and try to apply them all we guarantee you will fail,
or be mediocre at them all. &hat you want to do, is apply one at a time, and focus
on the best.
4. Cheat Sheet: 2ummarizing behaiors you want to change -e.g. a good
behaior to do, or bad behaior to aoid. on a small cheat sheet. This
should be like a small list that you keep under 4< items. 2ome people keep
it in their wallets, others on their computer somewhere # the important
thing is to use and reise it to keep it current -releant to change you need
to make..
7. Journaling: &riting down your e$periences and how they relate to the
knowledge you hae has proen to help you to assimilate knowledge. 5ike a
getting good with women diary. ?any guys do this daily. !or e$ample,
theyll note down the items from their cheat sheet they did well during the
day, and those they did bad. This helps them to focus on the information
that will be helpful to them for the ne$t day. 8t also signals them when they
can moe on to learn something new because they hae mastered the
current bits of adice they hae.
You may now ask, yeah, but how can 8 do that) /ere are three specific things you
can do to increase your social e$perience in a focused way to create results fast.
8f you want to be good and stay good long+term, you need to learn to be social.
You need to e$pand your social circles and make connections easily.
&hen you are out and about, dont focus purely on hot girls. 8f you meet a cool or
interesting guy or girl, take the time to really get to know them. !orge friendships
with interesting people eerywhere you go.
@aturals -guys who are naturally good with women. hae big social circles for a
&hich brings us toA
Your life is shaped by who you hang out with. Your close friends Bset the barC for
your e$pectations and ambitions.
Dne of the best ways to learn without een trying is to make friends with naturals,
and hang out with them as much as you can.
You will learn by osmosis, Eust talking to them and obsering how they operate.
Their stories about what happened to them and what they did will naturally lead
you to a better understanding of women.
(ont make the mistake of thinking your time is better inested in chasing women
s. meeting some cool guys who will effectiely mentor you ia your friendship.
The time inested in hanging out with naturals will lead you to results ten to a
hundred times faster.
Too many guys hae a core circle of friends that is male+only.
That doesnt help you get good with women, does it) /ow do you e$pect to learn
about women if most of your time you arent een around them)
1o out of your way to meet a couple of beautiful girls and become their friend.
(ont try to get in bed with them, een if you get the chance. ?ake it clear to
them -and to yourself. that they are like your sisters.
This gets you three huge pay+offs3
-4. 2ocial proof that you are a guy women like3
This is called social proof, because socially, the fact that you should be seen out
with women offers proof to others that you desere it. 8t will then affect how
those people relate to you.
-7. , better understanding of the female perspectie3
Talking to hot women, as a friend, about their goals, desires and frustrations is
the best way to understand what makes them tick.
-9. , diminished sensitiity to beauty3
The more you are used to talking to beautiful girls, the less it will inhibit you in a
flirting conte$t. , big barrier with most guys is that they get shy or nerous
around the girls they really like. This only happens because they arent used to
being around girls of that 'uality. 2o make it part of your lifeA and the
nerousness will disappear, and stop sabotaging you when it matters.
This is because no matter how much you think you understand, a lot of the
material will go right oer your head. You cant make sense of it # or internalize it
+ unless you actually get real+world e$perience.
,lso, you wont change your behaiors unless you (D things repeatedly. You will
find that Euts knowing something, doesnt necessarily make it an automatic part
of your behaior. That takes practices.
"$tra study is meaningless without practice by (D8@1. 2o dont waste time with
it. You need to increasingly be focused on the ,:T8D@ side of the e'uation.
*y following our adice in Rule = 9 1et 2ocial you will already be hanging out with
cool guys and girls and already getting a good dose of e$perience from these
relationships. Youll see the cool guys meeting women, taking them home and
getting into relationships with them in ways you neer thought possible. Youll
see your female friends hooking up with guys in ways you also didnt think of.
That will be 2eeing is *elieing right there. Youll soon start accepting the way the
world is, and really accepting what youe learned from dating adice.
*y following our adice in Rule= > (oing is 0nderstanding, youll also be getting
out there and applying things yourself and seeing the results of what you do for
yourself. That will blow away some of those limiting beliefs right there too.
Youre on your way to cracking this one.
F. ,ccelerate !ailure
Typically, guys who learn fast
first look like they are failing
and getting reEected a lot.
You may hae heard the
saying Bthe 'uicker you fail,
the 'uicker you succeedC, or
the somewhat counterintuitie
statement B!ail
These are often heard in the business world, and they are true in the dating field
as well. 8n fact it is een more true.
The reason is that you hae to gain real+world e$perience as 'uickly as possible.
That means trying out lots of the ideas and techni'ues you hae learned and
e$periencing them in reality. You need to take R82G2.
"ither way its good. The 'uicker you make failures, the 'uicker you learn the
hard lessons you need to internalize. There is simply no substitute for failing and
learning from your mistakes.
4. ,pplying new things you hae learned, een if they sound
counterproductie -proided you obeyed our Rule =7 8nformation
7. &hen you see a woman youre attracted to, going and talking to her
9. &hen she gies you positie signs getting her phone number
>. :alling the phone number
H. 2etting up a date with her
F. ?aking moes to escalate the relationship -touching, kissing, se$ etc..
2o, the final step is to work on your life besides dating skills. You need to make
your day+to+day grind more interesting.
Dne of the best ways to do that is to deelop interesting hobbies # bonus points if
they are cool, energetic, socially+oriented hobbies.
2tart a band, olunteer for an @1D, learn surfing, you name it. The name of the
game is taking an interest in life and being passionate about e$ploring its options
(eelop a cool world that you draw her into and she is e$cited to be a part of.
@ow, to work. Take these goals inspired from the 7 rules and chase after them at full speed3
4. Q&'() & E*+, W'-+. *uy some 'uality image consulting, get fit with diet and gym, buy style
'uality# not 'uantity whether it is haircuts, clothes, shoes etc.
7. I-/012*3'0- D'+('45'-6. 8nest time in finding 'uality6 credible dating information and study it
intensely. 1et constructie feedback, but only trust credible sources.
9. G63 S0('*5. Take eery opportunity to meet new people, go to at least 7 social eents per week
-more if possible.. *uild a network of 'uality male and female friends. 8nest time in socializing
instead of TI, films, computer games, fiction reading etc.
>. D0'-7 '+ U-861+3*-8'-7. Jut more emphasis on doing than studying. 8nest twice as much
time in practicing behaiors in life as in studying after two weeks. ,fter four weeks inest four times
as much time as studying in practice. ,nd so on.
H. S66'-7 '+ B65'69'-7. 8f you can afford it, take a bootcamp. ?ake sure you select a good
instructor, the more tightly related the e$perience of the instructor to your situation and goals the
F. A((6561*36 F*'5&16. Take eery opportunity to fail with women that you can. Take risks. 8f you
are wondering if you should escalate in some way with a woman, thats a sign, Eust do it.
7. T0 K664 # $BE% M016. :ontinuously plan and take opportunities to deelop your interests and
your life e$perience.

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