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Angelo Pizarro

Soar Annotated Bibliography

Music Composition. The Catholic University of America. Web. 4/14/14.
This website will come in useful for the many different composition careers that you can choose
from, such as Composer/Performer, or University Professor. This will be the main source that I use to
state such different professions. I think that my paper needs this to add a sense of variety to it. By
adding these different sub professions under Composition, it wont make my paper seem boring and
drab. Whats also good about this website is not only do they provide you with different options for a
career in composition; they also give a one to two paragraph summary about that profession that
provides a bit of a more in depth look into the professions themselves. What I also like about this
website is that there is no sense of bias towards any particular career choice. This is good for me when
doing a research paper like I am doing.
Dont Just Listen, Create With A Music Composition Career. The Art Career Project. Web. 4/14/14.
When I thought about what I needed for my paper, I thought that I needed three things. One of
those things being what it takes to start a music composition career. This website tells about what a
musical composition and the importance of it. It also tells about how musicians take the different notes,
and the different chords, and mesh them together to create such a beautiful melody as we know. I will
also use this website to put into my paper the different types of compositions that there are, and can
be. This website will also provide me with something else I need for my paper that is very important for
this career research paper to be in depth, and probably the most important part of my paper. It will
answer many peoples question of what exactly does a composer do?
Lukas Kendall. So You Want To Be A Film Composer?. David Beard Music. Web. 4/15/14
The main reason I like this website the best, is because it provides 16 tips to the aspiring Music
Composer, from an experienced person. This is needed a lot because it provides some insight look into
the life and what you will have to do to be a successful composer in the business. This website is also
very direct, which I like. They clearly state how hard it is to get into the business, and to pursue such a
career. This will be one of the more essential sources that Im going to use for my paper. This paper also
gives a look inside one of the sub professions of a composer; being a film composer.

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