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Guidelines for Editors of All Language Sections

(1) Make sure that you use the transcription method for your own language when transcribing
Tibetan names or titles. For instance, in Spanish write ueshe and not eshe. !dd all of your
transcriptions into the glossaries on the wiki so that e"eryone can be consistent.
!lso, be consistent with the capitali#ation $ in %nglish, for e&ample, e"ery time 'eshe(
appears, it)s capitali#ed. *n Spanish, howe"er, it was decided that 'gueshe( is capitali#ed only
when it is a part of a title of a person (like 'ueshe +angyal(), but is not capitali#ed when it
appears as a word (meaning, not a specific person). *n short, ,ust follow the system you ha"e
decided on consistently. More about capitali#ation in the upcoming sections.

(-) .se the punctuation marks of your own language. For instance, for /uotation marks,
French uses 012 and not '1(

(3) Make sure that all Tibetan and Sanskrit terms in parentheses are in italics.
(4) Make sure that for the Sanskrit terms in parentheses, the abbre"iation for Sanskrit is
according to your own language. For e&ample, in Spanish sct. and not Skt.

(5) Make sure that only the following words begin with a capital letter6 7uddha and 8harma.
The Three 9are and :recious ems, as well as the usual6 proper names, etc, including names
of deities such as ;alachakra. 8o not capitali#e other words, such as arya, arhat, bodhisatt"a,
"oidness, bodhichitta, etc. !s for sangha, capitali#e Sangha em or any reference to Sangha
in connection with safe direction, such as * take safe direction from the Sangha, but do not
capitali#e it in general. *n the te&t, if you notice unnecessary capital letters, such as Tantra,
Sutra, etc start them with small letters6 tantra, sutra.
*n titles of persons, do not capitali#e 'the( For e&ample, in Spanish, S.S. %l 8alai <ama = Su
Santidad %l 8alai <ama should be S.S. el 8alai <ama = Su Santidad el 8alai <ama.
(>) *ndicate all te&t titles, regardless of what language the te&t title is, according to the
con"entions of your language. For most languages, this will be in italics, with no /uotation
marks around them. 7ut for erman, for instance, it is with /uotation marks and no italics. *f
your language puts book titles in between /uotation marks, then ha"e book titles in Sanskrit,
Tibetan, !rabic, etc both in italics and in between /uotation marks.
(?) .se capital letters within te&t titles according to the con"entions of your language. *f your
language capitali#es only the first word of a title, follow that. *n such cases, if the first word
of the te&t title in your language is the word for 'the( or 'a( in your language, that is usually
considered the first word of the title and only that would be capitali#ed. For instance, in
Spanish, '%l sutra de1..( ('%l( @ 'The().

(A) Follow the same con"ention regarding capital letters for the translation into your language
of the title of an article on the website. 7ut, be sure that words that are usually capitali#ed in
your language still retain their capital letter. For instance, in Spanish, the article entitled
incorrectly as BSiguiendo el 8arma y %"itando el SufrimientoB should be BSiguiendo el
8arma y e"itando el sufrimientoB.
*f you are uploading the article on Cpen cms, be sure that these capitali#ation protocols also
appear properly in the :roperties.
(D) *n the te&t of an article, when a Tibetan, Sanskrit, !rabic etc te&t title is referred to by the
%nglish translation of the title, be sure that you use the translation of that te&t title into your
own language. 8o not use the %nglish translation of the title.
(1E) *n the subtitles of articles, if there is a reference to a Snow <ion publication or any other
publication, which does not e&ist as a published book in your language, the original %nglish
title should appear. Cnly ha"e titles and bibliographical material in your language for
translations of books actually published in your language. (Fou can check in the page of
bibliography of !le&). G! correct e&ample6
There are also some references to books (in the subtitle of an article) that are repeated in
se"eral articles. Make sure that the way in which the reference is written is consistent. For
e&ample6 one time I B7er#in, !le&ander. Glimpse of Reality.BJ another I BGlimpse of Reality
de !le&ander 7er#inB, and so on. 8elete6 'Crder this book from Snow <ion,( etc., if the
translator has mistakenly included it.

(11) For the sake of stylistic consistency, gi"e all the parts of a multipart article to only one
person to translate and not each part or chapter to a different person,
(1-) *f you add any translator)s footnotes, separate the footnote from the te&t and sign the
footnotes in consistent manners. For e&ample, in Spanish always ha"e a separating line
between the end of the te&t and the footnote and always sign it K.T.
(13) +hen creating links, make sure that there)s a period after the page)s name. For e&ample6
'GSee6 9enunciation $ The 8etermination To 7e Free(.H
(14) 7e sure to include with each article, under the author of the article, the name of the
translator in your language, for instance6 Translated into Spanish by &&&&

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