Buildingcontrolact 2012

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Act No. 9 of 2012

Proclaime !" #Proclamatio$ No. 10 of 201%& '.e.f. 1( )arc* 201%
Go+er$me$t Ga,ette of )a-riti-. /2 of 1/ 0-$e 2012
I assent
)r. )o$i1-e A2$e. OH3AN BELLEPEAU4 GO35
15 June 2012 Acting President of the Republic
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Basic re!ire"ents #or $!il%in&s
'. E(e"ption #ro" re!ire"ent #or per"it
5. B!il%in& Control A%)isor* Co!ncil
+. F!nctions o# Co!ncil
,. -acanc* in "e"$ership o# Co!ncil
.. Meetin&s o# Co!ncil
/. Co""ittees
10. 1isclos!re o# interest
11. Secretar*
12. 2rotection #ro" lia$ilit*
13. Con#i%entialit*
1'. 2o3ers o# Minister
14. Re!ire"ents #or per"it
1+. Inspection %!rin& $!il%in& 3or5s
1,. O$li&ation o# hol%er o# per"it
1.. -ali%it* o# per"it
1/. Clearance an% co"pliance certi#icate
20. 1!ties o# %e)eloper6 %esi&n tea" an% principal a&ent
21. Man%ator* &!arantees
22. 1an&ero!s $!il%in& to $e s!r)e*e%
23. Occ!pier to reco)er e(penses #ro" o3ner
2'. Sale o# "aterials
25. R!ino!s $!il%in&s
2+. Fees to s!r)e* %an&ero!s $!il%in&s
2,. Restriction on ha7ar%o!s $!il%in&s
2.. 2er"it #or ha7ar%o!s $!il%in&
2/. E(ception in special cases
30. Chi"ne*s
31. 2etrole!"6 electric or internal co"$!stion en&ine
32. Ser)ice o# or%ers or notices
33. O##ences
3'. Re&!lations
35. Repeal
3+. Conse!ential a"en%"ents
3,. Transitional pro)isions
3.. Co""ence"ent
A$ Act
To ma<e !etter$ for t*e e>i2e$cie. a$ realitie. of t*e co$.tr-ctio$ i$"
ENACTE1 $* the 2arlia"ent o# Ma!riti!s6 as #ollo3s 8

1. 3*ort Title
This Act "a* $e cite% as the B!il%in& Control Act 2012.
2. I$ter=retatio$
In this Act8
9architect: "eans a pro#essional architect re&istere% !n%er the 2ro#essional Architects;
Co!ncil Act 2011<
9a!thorise% o##icer: has the sa"e "eanin& as in the =ocal Go)ern"ent Act 2011<
9$!il%er: "eans a person 3ho !ses his o3n h!"an an% "aterial reso!rces or those o#
thir% parties to e(ec!te $!il%in& 3or5s<
9$!il%in&: incl!%es 8
>a? a "an!#act!re% ho"e6 a "o)a$le %3ellin& or other "o)a$le str!ct!re<
>$? a per"anent or te"porar* str!ct!re erecte% or "a%e on6 in or !n%er an* lan%<
>i? the erection6 e(tension or %e"olition o# a $!il%in&<
>ii? the alteration o#6 or repair to6 a $!il%in&<
>iii? the pro)ision6 e(tension or alteration o# per"anent ser)ices an% e!ip"ent
in or in connection 3ith a $!il%in&6 s!ch as air-con%itionin& ser)ices6 or
)entilatin&6 electrical6 pl!"$in& or teleco""!nication s*ste"s<
>i)? the alteration o# e(istin& interior spaces or the %esi&n o# ne3 interior spaces6
incl!%in& the %e"olition o# non-loa% $earin& 3all partitionin& or interior
#eat!res 3ithin the interior space<
>)? an* site preparation 3or5s or e(ca)ation 3or5s carrie% o!t #or the p!rpose o#
s!$para&raph >i?6 >ii?6 >iii? or >i)?6 incl!%in& !r$an lan%scapin& 3or5s<
9Chairperson: "eans the Chairperson o# the Co!ncil re#erre% to in section 5
9Chie# E(ec!ti)e: has the sa"e "eanin& as in the =ocal Go)ern"ent Act 2011<
9clearance certi#icate: "eans a clearance certi#icate iss!e% $* an architect or en&ineer<
9co""ittee: "eans a co""ittee set !p !n%er section /<
9co"pliance certi#icate: "eans a co"pliance certi#icate iss!e% $* a local a!thorit*<
9Constr!ction In%!str* 1e)elop"ent Boar%: "eans the Constr!ction In%!str*
1e)elop"ent Boar% esta$lishe% !n%er the Constr!ction In%!str* 1e)elop"ent Boar% Act<
9Co!ncil: "eans the B!il%in& Control A%)isor* Co!ncil esta$lishe% !n%er section 4<
9%esi&n tea": "eans the architect an% the en&ineer hire% $* a %e)eloper #or the
preparation o# plans an% %ra3in&s<
9%e)eloper: "eans a person 3ho6 in%i)i%!all* or collecti)el*6 %eci%es on6 pro"otes6 plans
an% #inances $!il%in& 3or5s6 3ith his o3n reso!rces or those o# thir% parties6 #or hi"sel# or
#or the s!$se!ent %isposal6 %eli)er*6 trans#er6 sale or lettin& o# the $!il%in& to thir%
9Ener&* E##icienc* Mana&e"ent O##ice: has the sa"e "eanin& as in the Ener&* E##icienc*
9en&ineer: "eans a pro#essional en&ineer re&istere% !n%er the Re&istere% 2ro#essional
En&ineers Co!ncil Act<
9Fire Ser)ices: has the sa"e "eanin& as in the Fire Ser)ices Act<
9local a!thorit*: has the sa"e "eanin& as in the =ocal Go)ern"ent Act 2011<
9"e"$er: 8
>a? "eans a "e"$er o# the Co!ncil< an%
>$? incl!%es the Chairperson<
9"ini"!" $!il%in& stan%ar%s: "eans s!ch $!il%in& stan%ar%s as "a* $e prescri$e%<
9Minister: "eans the Minister to 3ho" responsi$ilit* #or the s!$@ect o# p!$lic in#rastr!ct!re
is assi&ne%<
9Ministr*: "eans the Ministr* responsi$le #or the s!$@ect o# p!$lic in#rastr!ct!re<
9occ!pier:6 in relation to an* pre"ises 8
>a? "eans e)er* person in act!al occ!pation o# the pre"ises< an%
>$? incl!%es the o3ner 3hen in act!al occ!pation or a tenant6 an%
the a&ent or representati)e o# the o3ner or tenant<
9o3ner:6 in relation to an* pre"ises6 "eans 8
>a? the person recei)in& or entitle% to recei)e the rent o# the pre"ises let6 3hether on
his o3n $ehal# or that o# an* other person< or
>$? 3here the o3ner cannot $e ascertaine%6 its occ!pier<
9per"it: "eans a B!il%in& an% =an% Ase 2er"it iss!e% !n%er the =ocal Go)ern"ent Act
9pre"ises: "eans 8
>a? a $!il%in& o# an* %escription an% its app!rtenances<
>$? a "an!#act!re% ho"e on a "o)ea$le %3ellin& an% its associate% str!ct!re<
>c? lan%6 3hether $!ilt on or not<
>%? a tent<
>e? a s3i""in& pool< or
>#? a )essel o# an* %escription6 incl!%in& a ho!se$oat<
9principal a&ent: "eans the architect or en&ineer appointe% $* a %e)eloper #or the
s!per)ision o# $!il%in& 3or5s<
9pro@ect: "eans the set o# %oc!"ents 3hich %e#ine an% %eter"ine the technical
re!ire"ents o# the $!il%in& 3or5s<
9s!per)isin& o##icer: "eans the s!per)isin& o##icer o# the Ministr*<
9To3n an% Co!ntr* 2lannin& Boar%: "eans the To3n an% Co!ntr* 2lannin& Boar%
esta$lishe% !n%er the To3n an% Co!ntr* 2lannin& Act.
%. Ba.ic re1-ireme$t. for !-ili$2.
E)er* $!il%in& shall $e %esi&ne%6 constr!cte% an% "aintaine% in s!ch a 3a* as to
&!arantee people;s sa#et*6 societ*;s 3ell-$ein&6 the protection o# the en)iron"ent6 an%
aesthetic )al!e6 an% satis#* the #ollo3in& 8
>a? #!nctional re!ire"ents 8
>i? !tilit*6 to ens!re that the arran&e"ent an% %i"ensions o# the space an%
the #ittin& o!t o# the ser)ices allo3 the $!il%in& to $e !se% #or its inten%e%
>ii? accessi$ilit*6 to ens!re that persons 3ith i"paire% "o$ilit* an%
co""!nication6 el%erl* persons an% pre&nant 3o"en are a$le to access
an% !se the $!il%in& an% the #acilities 3ithin the $!il%in& co"#orta$l*<
>iii? access to teleco""!nication6 a!%io-)is!al an% in#or"ation ser)ices< an%
>i)? &en%er co"pliance6 to ens!re that &en%er-speci#ic re!ire"ents are
inte&rate% in the $!il%in&<
>$? sa#et* re!ire"ents 8
>i? str!ct!ral sa#et*6 to ins!re a&ainst %a"a&e6 %!e to %esi&n an%
constr!ction6 to the $!il%in& ori&inatin& in or a##ectin& the #o!n%ation6
incl!%in& s!pportin& col!"ns6 loa% $earin& 3alls6 $ea"s an% #loor sla$s
o# the s!perstr!ct!re or other str!ct!ral ele"ents 3hich co!l% %irectl*
@eopar%ise the $!il%in&;s str!ct!ral so!n%ness an% sta$ilit* re!ire%
nor"all* #or its !se<
>ii? sa#et* in case o# #ire6 to ens!re that 8
>A? a person "a* e)ac!ate the $!il%in& sa#el* in a speci#ie% ti"e<
>B? the #ire "a* $e stoppe% #ro" sprea%in& insi%e the $!il%in& an% to
nei&h$o!rin& $!il%in&s< an%
>C? #acilities6 s!ch as "eans o# escape in case o# #ire6 "eans o# &i)in&
3arnin& in case o# #ire an% "eans o# #ire#i&htin&6 are incorporate%
in the $!il%in& so as to allo3 #ire ser)ices an% other e"er&enc*
ser)ices to operate properl* at all ti"es<
>iii? sa#et* o# !se6 to ens!re that the !se o# the $!il%in& poses no ris5 o#
acci%ent to an* person<
>c? s!staina$ilit* re!ire"ents 8
>i? $* pro)i%in& in%oor air !alit* in the $!il%in&6 to ens!re the 3ell-$ein&6
co"#ort an% pro%!cti)it* o# the occ!pants o# the $!il%in&<
>ii? $* ens!rin& 8
>A? 3ater ti&htness o# the $!il%in& an% 3ater "ana&e"ent 3ithin its
>B? 3aste "ana&e"ent #ro" the constr!ction site<
>C? noise protection so that noise le)els %o not a##ect the health o# an*
person an% allo3 an* person to carr* o!t his acti)ities nor"all*<
>1? ener&* sa)in&s an% opti"!" ener&* cons!"ption #or the proper
r!nnin& o# the $!il%in&< an%
>E? re%!ction o# heat islan% e##ect in !r$an areas.
?. E>em=tio$ from re1-ireme$t for =ermit
>1? No per"it shall $e re!ire% #or $!il%in& 3or5s relatin& to 8
>a? a &ate6 hoar%in& or $o!n%ar* 3all not hi&her than 1.. "etres6 other than 8
>i? one 3hich $or%ers a roa%< or
>ii? an enclos!re crossin&6 or stan%in& 3ithin 2 "etres o#6 a 3aterco!rse<
>$? a sin&le store* trellis6 per&ola or &a7e$o<
>c? a canal or %rain not "ore than 300 "illi"etres %eep<
>%? a te"porar* stall or she% o# li&ht3ei&ht "aterial 3ithin an* pre"ises !se% #or
the p!rpose o# hol%in& a tra%e #air6 a #!n #air6 or an e(hi$ition6 lastin& not "ore
than + "onths<
>e? the %e"olition6 restoration or reinstate"ent o# a non-loa% $earin& 3all<
>#? the replace"ent or chan&in& o# 3in%o3s or %oors in a $!il%in& not e(cee%in&
2 store*s< or
>&? the replace"ent o# e(istin& #loor an% 3all #inishes.
>2? Nothin& in s!$section >1? shall e(e"pt an* person #ro" co"pl*in& 3ith the other
re!ire"ents o# this Act.
(. B-ili$2 Co$trol A+i.or" Co-$cil
>1? There is esta$lishe% a B!il%in& Control A%)isor* Co!ncil 3hich shall consist o#8
>a? a Chairperson6 ha)in& e(perience in the #iel% o# architect!re or en&ineerin&6
to $e appointe% $* the Minister<
>$? 2 representati)es o# the Ministr*<
>c? a representati)e o# the Ministr* responsi$le #or the s!$@ect o# ener&*<
>%? a representati)e o# the Ministr* responsi$le #or the s!$@ect o# en)iron"ent<
>e? a representati)e o# the Ministr* responsi$le #or the s!$@ect o# ho!sin& an%
>#? a representati)e o# the Ministr* responsi$le #or the s!$@ect o# local
>&? a representati)e o# the Fire Ser)ices<
>h? a representati)e o# the Ener&* E##icienc* Mana&e"ent O##ice<
>i? a representati)e o# the Constr!ction In%!str* 1e)elop"ent Boar%<
>@? an architect6 3ho shall $e %esi&nate% $* an% #ro" the 2ro#essional
Architects; Co!ncil<
>5? an en&ineer6 3ho shall $e %esi&nate% $* an% #ro" the Re&istere%
2ro#essional En&ineers Co!ncil<
>l? a !antit* s!r)e*or6 3ho shall $e %esi&nate% $* an% #ro" the Ma!riti!s
Association o# B!antit* S!r)e*ors<
>"? a s!ita$le person6 3ho shall represent a re&istere% association o#
contractors an% 3ho shall $e appointe% $* the Minister< an%
>n? a s!ita$le person6 3ho shall $e %esi&nate% $* an% #ro" the Ma!riti!s
Association o# Ins!rance Co"panies.
>2? A "e"$er6 other than a "e"$er re#erre% to in s!$section >1?>$? to >i?6 shall hol%
o##ice #or a perio% o# 3 *ears an% shall $e eli&i$le #or reappoint"ent.
>3? E)er* "e"$er shall $e pai% s!ch #ee or allo3ance as the Minister "a*
/. 8-$ctio$. of Co-$cil
>1? The Co!ncil shall 8
>a? a%)ise the Minister on all "atters relatin& to per"its an% on re&!lations "a%e
!n%er this Act<
>$? e(a"ine an% co""ent on an* &!i%elines re#erre% to in S!$-2art F o# 2art -III
o# the =ocal Go)ern"ent Act 20116 ha)in& re&ar% to this Act an% international
nor"s an% stan%ar%s<
>c? $e responsi$le #or #or"!latin& policies #or a "ore e##ecti)e6 sa#e6 e##icient an%
s!staina$le constr!ction o# $!il%in&s< an%
>%? per#or" s!ch other #!nction as "a* $e con#erre% on it $* this Act or as "a*
$e prescri$e%.
>2? In the e(ercise o# its #!nctions6 the Co!ncil shall ha)e re&ar% to an% ai" to
pro"ote the p!$lic interest6 an% shall6 3here it consi%ers appropriate 8
>a? cons!lt an* other person<
>$? co""ission research an% s!r)e*s< or
>c? re!ire a local a!thorit* to #!rnish in#or"ation6 partic!lars an% statistics.
7. 7aca$c" i$ mem!er.*i= of Co-$cil
>1? A "e"$er6 other than a "e"$er re#erre% to in section 5!1 ?>$? to >i?6 shall cease
to hol% o##ice 8
>a? on co"pletion o# his ter" o# o##ice<
>$? on his resi&nation6 $* notice in 3ritin& &i)en to the Secretar*< or
>c? 3here the $o%* that he represents on the Co!ncil %esi&nates another
person as its representati)e.
>2? Chere a "e"$er resi&ns !n%er s!$section >1 ?>$?6 his seat shall $eco"e )acant
as #ro" the %ate on 3hich the Secretar* recei)es the notice.
>3? An* "e"$er6 other than a "e"$er re#erre% to in section 5!l"!b" to >i?6 "a* $e
re"o)e% #or an* reason speci#ie% in section 3,>3?>$? o# the Interpretation an%
General Cla!ses Act.
>'? Chere a )acanc* occ!rs in the "e"$ership o# the Co!ncil p!rs!ant to
s!$section >1?>$? or >3?6 the person appointe% in replace"ent shall hol% o##ice #or
the re"ain%er o# the ter" o# o##ice o# the person 3ho" he replaces.
@. )eeti$2. of Co-$cil
>1? The Co!ncil shall "eet as o#ten as the Chairperson thin5s necessar* $!t at least
once e)er* "onth.
>2? A "eetin& o# the Co!ncil shall $e hel% at s!ch ti"e an% place as the Chairperson
thin5s #it.
>3? >a? At a "eetin& o# the Co!ncil6 / "e"$ers shall constit!te a !or!".
>$? An* %ecision o# the Co!ncil shall $e $* a resol!tion o# the "a@orit* o# the
"e"$ers present.
>'? The Chairperson shall chair e)er* "eetin& an%6 in the a$sence o# the
Chairperson6 the "e"$ers present shall elect one o# the D"e"$ers to chair the
>4? A special "eetin& o# the Co!ncil shall $e con)ene% $* the Secretar* 3ithin 21
%a*s o# the receipt o# a re!est in 3ritin& si&ne% $* not less than 5 "e"$ers an%
speci#*in& the p!rpose o# the re!est.
>+? The Co!ncil "a*6 3here it consi%ers necessar*6 co-opt s!ch other persons 3ith
rele)ant e(pertise not alrea%* a)aila$le to the Co!ncil6 to assist it in relation to
an* "atter $e#ore it.
>,? S!$@ect to this section6 the Co!ncil shall re&!late its "eetin&s an% procee%in&s in
s!ch "anner as it "a* %eter"ine.
9. Committee.
>1? The Co!ncil "a* set !p s!ch co""ittees as it consi%ers necessar* to assist it in the
%ischar&e o# its #!nctions.
>2? A co""ittee shall consist o# not less than 5 "e"$ers o# the Co!ncil an% s!ch other
persons as "a* $e co-opte% $* the Co!ncil.
>3? A co""ittee shall 8
>a? "eet as o#ten as is necessar* an% at s!ch ti"e an% place as the chairperson
o# the co""ittee thin5s #it<
>$? "eet as an% 3hen re!ire% $* the Co!ncil< an%
>c? re&!late its "eetin&s an% procee%in&s in s!ch "anner as it "a* %eter"ine.
>'? A co""ittee shall s!$"it a report 3ithin s!ch ti"e as the Co!ncil "a* re!ire6
containin& its co""ents on an* "atter re#erre% to it $* the Co!ncil.
10. Di.clo.-re of i$tere.t
>1? Chere an* "e"$er6 or an* person relate% to hi" $* $loo% or "arria&e6 has a
pec!niar* or other "aterial interest in relation to an* "atter $e#ore the Co!ncil or a
co""ittee6 that "e"$er shall 8
>a? %isclose the nat!re o# the interest $e#ore or at the "eetin& o# the Co!ncil or
the co""ittee con)ene% to %isc!ss that "atter< an%
>$? not ta5e part in an* %eli$erations o# the Co!ncil or the co""ittee relatin& to
that "atter.
>2? A %isclos!re o# interest "a%e !n%er s!$section >1? shall $e recor%e% in the "in!tes
o# procee%in&s o# the "eetin& o# the Co!ncil or the co""ittee6 as the case "a* $e.
11. 3ecretar"
>1? There shall $e a Secretar* to the Co!ncil 3ho shall $e a p!$lic o##icer.
>2? The Secretar* shall $e responsi$le #or the proper a%"inistration o# the Co!ncil.
>3? The Secretar* 8
>a? shall6 #or e)er* "eetin& o# the Co!ncil 8
>i? &i)e notice o# the "eetin& to the "e"$ers<
>ii? prepare an% atten% the "eetin&< an%
>iii? 5eep "in!tes o# procee%in&s o# the "eetin&< an%
>$? "a* ta5e part in the %eli$erations o# a "eetin& o# the Co!ncil6 $!t shall not
ha)e the ri&ht to )ote.
>'? The Secretar* shall ha)e s!ch other #!nctions as "a* $e con#erre% !pon hi" $* the
12. Protectio$ from lia!ilit"
No lia$ilit*6 ci)il or cri"inal6 shall $e inc!rre% $* the Co!ncil or an* "e"$er6 in respect o#
an* act %one or o"itte% $* it or hi" in &oo% #aith in the %ischar&e o# its or his #!nctions6 or
e(ercise o# its or his po3ers6 !n%er this Act.
1%. Co$fie$tialit"
>1? No "e"$er or the Secretar* shall6 %!rin& or a#ter his relationship 3ith the Co!ncil6
!se or %isclose an* "atter 3hich co"es to his 5no3le%&e in the per#or"ance o# his
#!nctions6 e(cept #or the p!rposes o# a%"inisterin& this Act.
>2? An* person 3ho6 3itho!t la3#!l e(c!se6 contra)enes s!$section >1? shall co""it an
o##ence an% shall6 on con)iction6 $e lia$le to a #ine not e(cee%in& 106000 r!pees an%
to i"prison"ent #or a ter" not e(cee%in& 12 "onths.
1?. Po'er. of )i$i.ter
>1? The Minister "a* &i)e s!ch %irections o# a &eneral character to the Co!ncil6 not
inconsistent 3ith this Act6 as he consi%ers necessar* in the p!$lic interest6 an% the
Co!ncil shall co"pl* 3ith those %irections.
>2? The Minister "a* re!ire the Co!ncil to #!rnish an* in#or"ation or %oc!"ent in
relation to its acti)ities6 an% the Co!ncil shall s!ppl* s!ch in#or"ation or %oc!"ent.
1(. Re1-ireme$t. for =ermit
>1? No per"it shall $e iss!e% $* a local a!thorit* !nless 8
>a? the re!ire"ents speci#ie% in section 3 an% the "ini"!" $!il%in& stan%ar%s
are co"plie% 3ith<
>$? the prescri$e% "ini"!" ener&* e##icienc* re!ire"ents6 i# an*6 are
co"plie% 3ith< an%
>c? plans an% %ra3in&s #or the propose% $!il%in& 3or5s are %ra3n !p an%
si&ne% in accor%ance 3ith s!$section >2? an% s!ch &!i%elines as "a* $e
iss!e% $* a local a!thorit*.
>2? Chere a $!il%in& has a #loor area o#8
>a? "ore than 140 s!are "etres6 the plans an% %ra3in&s #or the propose%
$!il%in& 3or5s shall $e %ra3n !p an% si&ne% $* an architect<
>$? 140 s!are "etres or less6 the plans an% %ra3in&s #or the propose%
$!il%in& 3or5s "a* $e %ra3n !p $* a person other than an architect6
an% an en&ineer6 3here applica$le.
1/. I$.=ectio$ -ri$2 !-ili$2 'or<.
An a!thorise% o##icer shall carr* o!t at least one inspection to a $!il%in& !n%er
constr!ction to ascertain 3hether the re!ire% per"it has $een o$taine% an%6 i# so6
3hether the con%itions o# the per"it are $ein& co"plie% 3ith.
1A. O!li2atio$ of *oler of =ermit
Chere a person is iss!e% 3ith a per"it6 he shall 8
>a? $e#ore co""encin& an* $!il%in& 3or5s6 in#or" the local a!thorit* 3hich has
iss!e% hi" 3ith the per"it<
>$? at all ti"es co"pl* 3ith the con%itions o# the per"it< an%
>c? at all ti"es %!rin& 3hich $!il%in&s 3or5s are $ein& !n%erta5en6 co"pl* 3ith s!ch
&!i%elines as "a* $e iss!e%6 or re&!lations as "a* $e "a%e6 $* the Fire
Ser)ices6 the Sanitar* A!thorit*6 the Ener&* E##icienc* Mana&e"ent O##ice6 the
National Eerita&e F!n% or an* Ministr*.
1@. 7aliit" of =ermit
>1? A per"it shall $e )ali% #or a perio% o# 2 *ears #ro" the %ate o# its iss!e.
>2? A per"it shall lapse !nless 8
>a? #or $!il%in& 3or5s at &ro!n% le)el6 the e(ternal 3alls o# the $!il%in& are raise%
at least +00 "illi"etres a$o)e the #loor sla$<
>$? #or a )ertical e(tension to an e(istin& str!ct!re6 the e(ternal 3alls o# the
$!il%in& are raise% at least +00 "illi"etres a$o)e the #loor sla$ o# the lo3er
>c? #or a $!il%in& 3ith $ase"ent6 the e(ternal 3alls are raise% +00 "illi"etres
a$o)e the po!re% sla$ o# the &ro!n% #loor a$o)e<
>%? #or a ti"$er constr!ction6 20 per cent o# the #ra"in& str!ct!re on the le)el
3here constr!ction is $ein& carrie% o!t is li#te% an% stan%in&<
>e? #or a steel constr!ction6 20 per cent o# the steel #ra"in& str!ct!re on the le)el
3here constr!ction is $ein& carrie% o!t is li#te% an% stan%in&< or
>#? the s!rro!n%in& e(ca)ation o# #o!n%ations are $ac5#ille% to a)oi% 3ater
19. Cleara$ce a$ com=lia$ce certificate
>1? S!$@ect to s!$section >.?6 3here a $!il%in& has $een erecte% a#ter o$tainin& a
per"it6 that $!il%in& shall not $e inha$ite%6 !se% or occ!pie% !nless a co"pliance
certi#icate has $een iss!e% $* the local a!thorit* 3hich iss!e% the per"it.
>2? An application #or a co"pliance certi#icate shall $e "a%e at the en% o# the $!il%in&
3or5s to the local a!thorit* 3hich iss!e% the per"it an% shall $e acco"panie% $* a
clearance certi#icate 3hich shall $e iss!e% $* a principal a&ent6 certi#*in& that the
$!il%in& 3or5s ha)e $een carrie% o!t in accor%ance 3ith the per"it.
>3? Chere the applicant has co"plie% 3ith this Act an% the $!il%er an% %e)eloper ha)e
pai%6 3here applica$le6 the necessar* pre"i!"s #or an ins!rance polic* speci#ie%
in section 216 the co"pliance certi#icate shall $e iss!e% 3ithin 10 3or5in& %a*s
#ro" the %ate an application is "a%e !n%er s!$section >2?.
>'? Chere an applicant #ails to co"pl* 3ith this Act6 the local a!thorit* shall speci#* a
reasona$le ti"e 3ithin 3hich the applicant has to co"pl* 3ith this Act in or%er to
o$tain a co"pliance certi#icate.
>4? >a? Chere an applicant #ails to co"pl* 3ith this Act a#ter ha)in& $een &i)en
reasona$le ti"e !n%er s!$section >'?6 the local a!thorit* shall re#!se to
iss!e a co"pliance certi#icate an% shall in#or" the applicant o# its
%ecision6 &i)in& its reasons.
>$? An* applicant a&&rie)e% $* the %ecision o# a local a!thorit* re#!sin& to
iss!e a co"pliance certi#icate "a* appeal to the Ma&istrate o# the %istrict
3here the $!il%in& 3or5s 3ere !n%erta5en.
>+? An* person 3ho allo3s a $!il%in& to $e inha$ite%6 !se% or occ!pie% 3itho!t a
co"pliance certi#icate ha)in& $een iss!e%6 shall co""it an o##ence an% shall6 on
con)iction6 $e lia$le to a #ine not e(cee%in& 1006000 r!pees.
>,? An* $reach o# this section shall &i)e a local a!thorit* the ri&ht to close the
$!il%in& #orth3ith an% ta5e s!ch other action as it consi%ers necessar* #or
co"pliance 3ith this section.
>.? No clearance or co"pliance certi#icate shall $e re!ire% in relation to a $!il%in&
ha)in& a #loor area o# 140 s!are "etres or less6 or in relation to s!ch other
$!il%in& as "a* $e prescri$e%.
20. D-tie. of e+elo=er4 e.i2$ team a$ =ri$ci=al a2e$t
>1? E)er* %e)eloper shall 8
>a? appl* #or an% o$tain a per"it an% an* a!thorisation re!ire% !n%er an*
>$? 3here applica$le6 appoint a %esi&n tea"6 an architect or another person6 or an
en&ineer #or the preparation o# plans an% %ra3in&s in accor%ance 3ith section
>c? 3here applica$le6 appoint a principal a&ent<
>%? pro)i%e all proper %oc!"entation an% in#or"ation nee%e% #or his pro@ect<
>e? arran&e #or the ins!rance policies re#erre% to in section 21< an%
>#? pro)i%e an* $!*er 3ith necessar* %oc!"entation on the $!il%in& 3or5s.
>2? E)er* "e"$er o# a %esi&n tea" shall 8
>a? prepare a pro@ect in accor%ance 3ith this Act an% an* other enact"ent6 an%
the ter"s o# the contract entere% into $et3een hi" an% the %e)eloper<
>$? ens!re that plans an% %ra3in&s "a%e $* hi" are in co"pliance 3ith this Act
an% an* other enact"ent< an%
>c? $e responsi$le #or the )eracit* an% acc!rac* o# an* in#or"ation pro)i%e%.
>3? E)er* principal a&ent shall 8
>a? s!per)ise the $!il%in& 3or5s at all sta&es !ntil co"pletion<
>$? ens!re that the $!il%in& 3or5s are carrie% o!t in accor%ance 3ith the per"it<
>c? iss!e a clearance certi#icate< an%
>%? $e responsi$le #or the )eracit* an% acc!rac* o# an* in#or"ation pro)i%e%.
>'? A local a!thorit* "a*6 at an* sta&e o# $!il%in& 3or5s6 proprio #otu or on the
reco""en%ation o# the principal a&ent6 iss!e a stop or%er 3here it is necessar* to
%o so #or p!$lic sa#et* or 3here the $!il%in& 3or5s are not $ein& carrie% o!t
accor%in& to appro)e% plans an% %ra3in&s.
21. )a$ator" 2-ara$tee.
>1? E)er* $!il%er shall s!$scri$e6 in relation to s!ch $!il%in& as "a* $e prescri$e%6 a
propert* %a"a&e ins!rance polic* in #a)o!r o# a %e)eloper or an e)ent!al $!*er
to &!arantee #or a perio% o# one *ear6 the pa*"ent o# co"pensation #or an*
propert* %a"a&es %!e to e(ec!tion #a!lts or %e#ects 3hich a##ect the #inish 3or5s
or ele"ents6 #ailin& 3hich the %e)eloper shall 3ithhol% 5 per cent o# the
contract!al price o# the $!il%in& 3or5s.
>2? E)er* %e)eloper shall s!$scri$e6 in relation to s!ch $!il%in& as "a* $e prescri$e%
>a? a propert* %a"a&e ins!rance polic* in #a)o!r o# e)ent!al or s!$se!ent
$!*ers or lessees to &!arantee6 #or a perio% o# 2 *ears6 the pa*"ent o#
co"pensation #or an* propert* %a"a&e res!ltin& #ro" #a!lts or %e#ects in
non-str!ct!ral ele"ents or ser)ices res!ltin& in the non-co"pliance 3ith
the re!ire"ents !n%er section 3>c?<
>$? a propert* %a"a&e ins!rance polic* in #a)o!r o# e)ent!al or s!$se!ent
$!*ers or lessees to &!arantee6 #or a perio% o# 10 *ears6 the pa*"ent o#
co"pensation #or an* propert* %a"a&e ca!se% to a $!il%in& $* #a!lts or
%e#ects ori&inatin& in or a##ectin& the str!ct!ral ele"ents incl!%in& the
#o!n%ation6 s!pports6 $ea"s6 #ra"e3or56 loa%-$earin& 3alls6 or other
str!ct!ral ele"ents an% 3hich co!l% %irectl* @eopar%ise the $!il%in&;s
str!ct!ral so!n%ness an% sta$ilit*< an%
>c? a propert* %a"a&e ins!rance polic* in #a)o!r o# e)ent!al or s!$se!ent
$!*ers or lessees to &!arantee the pa*"ent o# co"pensation #or an*
propert* %a"a&e ca!se% %!rin& a c*clonic season.
22. Da$2ero-. !-ili$2 to !e .-r+e"e
>1? Chere it is "a%e 5no3n to6 or consi%ere% $*6 a local a!thorit*6 the s!per)isin&
o##icer or the Co""issioner o# 2olice6 that an* $!il%in&6 incl!%in& an* str!ct!re or
3all6 constit!tes a %an&er to passers-$*6 occ!piers6 or nei&h$o!rin& $!il%in&s6
the local a!thorit* shall6 on recei)in& the report or in#or"ation6 or on an
application #ro" the s!per)isin& o##icer or Co""issioner o# 2olice6 appoint an
en&ineer to s!r)e* the $!il%in&.
>2? The en&ineer appointe% !n%er s!$section >1? shall6 a#ter s!r)e*in& the $!il%in& or
3all6 s!$"it a report to the local a!thorit*.
>3? Chere a report s!$"itte% !n%er s!$section >2? is to the e##ect that the $!il%in& or
3all is in a %an&ero!s state6 the local a!thorit* shall ca!se a notice to $e ser)e%
on its o3ner or occ!pier6 or%erin& that6 3ithin s!ch ti"e as "a* $e speci#ie% in
the notice 8
>a? the $!il%in& or 3all $e shore% !p or other3ise sec!re%6 an% proper
hoar%in&s or #ence $e p!t !p #or the protection o# passers-$*<
>$? the $!il%in& or 3all $e #orth3ith ta5en %o3n or repaire%< or
>c? the $!il%in& $e )acate%.
>'? Chere an o3ner6 or occ!pier6 on 3ho" a notice has $een ser)e% !n%er this
section #ails to co"pl* 3ith the notice6 the local a!thorit* shall ta5e %o3n6 sec!re
or repair the $!il%in& to the satis#action o# the en&ineer 3ho iss!e% the report
!n%er s!$section >2?.
>4? An* person 3ho #ails to co"pl* 3ith a notice ser)e% !n%er s!$section >3? shall
co""it an o##ence an% shall6 on con)iction6 $e lia$le to a #ine not e(cee%in&
2006000 r!pees an% to i"prison"ent #or a ter" not e(cee%in& ' *ears.
2%. Occ-=ier to reco+er e>=e$.e. from o'$er
>1? S!$@ect to s!$section >3?6 3here an occ!pier 3ho is not lia$le #or the costs o# an*
repairs has6 #ollo3in& a notice ser)e% !n%er section 226 co"plie% 3ith the or%er
in %e#a!lt o# the o3ner6 he shall6 3here he has &i)en pre)io!s notice to the
o3ner6 reco)er #ro" the o3ner the cost o# the repairs an% collateral e(penses.
>2? A notice !n%er section 22 shall constit!te e)i%ence $e#ore an* Co!rt that the
$!il%in& 3as in a %an&ero!s state an% that repairs 3ere re!ire%.
>3? The cost an% collateral e(penses o# the repairs to the %an&ero!s $!il%in& shall $e
clai"e% #ro" the o3ner an% "a* $e reco)ere% #ro" the rent pa*a$le.
2?. 3ale of material.
>1? Chere a $!il%in& is p!lle% %o3n p!rs!ant to a notice ser)e% !n%er section 226
the local a!thorit* "a* 8
>a? sell6 $* p!$lic a!ction6 the "aterials o# the p!lle% %o3n $!il%in&< an%
>$? appl* the procee%s o# the sale in pa*"ent o# the e(penses inc!rre% in
respect o# the $!il%in&.
>2? The local a!thorit* shall6 on %e"an%6 &i)e an* s!rpl!s arisin& #ro" the sale to the
o3ner o# the $!il%in&.
>3? The o3ner hall re"ain lia$le #or the pa*"ent o# the e(penses that "a* re"ain
%!e a#ter the application o# the procee%s o# the sale.
2(. R-i$o-. !-ili$2.
>1? Chere an* $!il%in& 8
>a? has $eco"e 3aste an% r!ino!s<
>$? has $eco"e the receptacle #or #ilth an% other n!isances<
>c? has $eco"e !nsa#e an% !n#it #or !se an% occ!pation<
>%? cannot $e re$!ilt or %ispose% o# 3itho!t the consent o# the o3ner< or
>e? is allo3e% to re"ain in a 3aste an% r!ino!s or !nsa#e state in
conse!ence o# the o3ner $ein& !na$le6 !n3illin& or %ela*in& to a&ree as
to the sale or re$!il%in& o# the $!il%in&6
the local a!thorit* "a*6 a#ter iss!in& a notice to the o3ner to "a5e the necessar* repairs an%
3here the or%er is not co"plie% 3ith6 an% a#ter the e(pir* o# the %ela* speci#ie% in the notice6
appl* to a F!%&e in Cha"$ers #or an or%er #or the sale o# the $!il%in&.
>2? The F!%&e shall iss!e an or%er callin& all intereste% parties to appear $e#ore hi"6
an% i# the parties ha)e not6 3ithin a perio% not e(cee%in& one "onth to $e #i(e%
$* the F!%&e6 a&ree% to sell or repair the $!il%in&6 the F!%&e shall a!thorise the
local a!thorit* to prosec!te the sale $e#ore the Master an% Re&istrar o# the
S!pre"e Co!rt.
>3? >a? The sale shall $e carrie% on at the s!it o# the local a!thorit*6 in the sa"e
"anner an% #or" as #or the sale o# an* s"all i""o)a$le propert*
$elon&in& to a $an5r!pt an% sol% $* p!$lic a!ction $e#ore the Master an%
>$? One o# the con%itions o# the sale shall $e that the p!rchaser shall 8
>i? p!ll %o3n6 re$!il% or repair the $!il%in&< or >ii? "a5e it #it #or !se
an% occ!pation6
to the satis#action o# the local a!thorit*6 an% 3ithin the ti"e #i(e% in the sai% con%itions.
2/. 8ee. to .-r+e" a$2ero-. !-ili$2.
There shall $e pai% s!ch #ees as "a* $e prescri$e% in respect o# the ser)ices o# an
en&ineer e"plo*e% to s!r)e* a $!il%in& %ee"e% %an&ero!s6 an% s!ch #ees shall accr!e to
the local a!thorit* an% shall $e char&ea$le to the o3ner or occ!pier o# the $!il%in&.
2A. Re.trictio$ o$ *a,aro-. !-ili$2.
An* $!il%in& !se% to acco""o%ate a #or&e6 a #!rnace or an o)en6 or !se% #or storin&6
processin& or han%lin& o# an* "aterials that 8
>a? pro%!ce e(plosi)e %!st or that res!lt in the %isinte&ration o# "atter into #ine
>$? are s!$@ect to spontaneo!s i&nition<
>c? can $e soli%s or s!$stances that i&nite or pro%!ce #la""a$le &ases on contact
3ith 3ater< or
>%? constit!te a hi&h #ire ha7ar% or an* other health ha7ar% in )ie3 o# its #or"6
character or )ol!"e6
shall $e a ha7ar%o!s $!il%in&.
2@. Permit for *a,aro-. !-ili$2
(1) No ha7ar%o!s $!il%in& shall $e $!ilt6 erecte% or esta$lishe% in an* part o# Ma!riti!s
>a? e(cept 3here a per"it has $een iss!e% $* the local a!thorit*< an%
>$? !n%er s!ch con%itions as the local a!thorit* "a* consi%er appropriate6
incl!%in& the pre)ention o# #ire6 protection o# the en)iron"ent or p!$lic
health6 p!$lic con)enience6 or #or the protection o# the health6 or #or the
sa#et*6 o# an* 3or5er e"plo*e% in or a$o!t s!ch ha7ar%o!s $!il%in&.
>2? A local a!thorit* "a* ca!se a ha7ar%o!s $!il%in& to $e p!lle% %o3n or re"o)e% as
the local a!thorit* "a* thin5 #it6 at the e(pense o# the o##en%er.
29. E>ce=tio$ i$ .=ecial ca.e.
Not3ithstan%in& section 2.6 a local a!thorit* "a* a!thorise6 in special cases6 a
ha7ar%o!s $!il%in& to $e $!ilt6 erecte% or esta$lishe% in s!ch prohi$ite% part o# Ma!riti!s
as "a* $e prescri$e%.
%0. C*im$e".
>1? Chere e(ha!st #!"es are $ein& pro%!ce% #ro" an in%!strial $!il%in& or 3here a
#or&e6 #ireplace6 o)en or #!rnace is esta$lishe% in the in%!strial $!il%in&6 the local
a!thorit* "a* iss!e a notice re!irin& the o3ner o# the in%!strial $!il%in& to erect
in connection 3ith the $!il%in&6 an% 3ithin the ti"e speci#ie% in the notice6 a
proper chi"ne* to $e %esi&ne% in s!ch "anner as "a* $e prescri$e%.
>2? Chere the o3ner o# an in%!strial $!il%in& #ails to co"pl* 3ith a notice !n%er
s!$section >1?6 the local a!thorit* "a*6 at the e(piration o# the ti"e speci#ie% in
the notice6 or%er the !se o# the in%!strial $!il%in& to $e %iscontin!e%.
>3? Chere the o3ner o# a $!il%in& #ails to co"pl* 3ith an or%er "a%e !n%er
s!$section >2?6 that o3ner shall co""it an o##ence.
%1. Petrole-m4 electric or i$ter$al com!-.tio$ e$2i$e
>1? No petrole!"6 electric or internal co"$!stion en&ine shall $e !se% in a $!il%in&
3itho!t a special a!thorisation #ro" the local a!thorit*.
>2? Sections 2. an% 30 shall appl* to e)er* a!thorisation iss!e% !n%er this section.
%2. 3er+ice of orer. or $otice.
>1? Chere6 !n%er this Act6 an* or%er or notice is re!ire% to $e ser)e% on the o3ner
or occ!pier o# an* pre"ises or on an* other part* !n%er this Act6 s!ch or%er or
notice6 a%%resse% to the o3ner6 occ!pier or part*6 shall $e si&ne% $* the Chie#
E(ec!ti)e6 an% shall $e ser)e% $* an o##icer o# the local a!thorit* personall* on6
or sent $* re&istere% post to6 the o3ner or occ!pier.
>2? E)er* or%er or notice re#erre% to in s!$section >1? shall 8
>a? speci#* the section o# this Act !n%er 3hich the or%er or notice is &i)en<
>$? clearl* an% e(plicitl* speci#* 8
>i? the 3or5 to $e e(ec!te%<
>ii? the $!il%in& or part thereo# to $e sec!re%6 repaire%6 p!lle% %o3n or
re"o)e%< or
>iii? the in#rin&e"ent o# this Act to $e %iscontin!e%<
>c? contain an in@!nction to the person to 3ho" the or%er or notice is a%%resse%6
to e(ec!te the 3or5 an% shall speci#* the $!il%in& or part thereo# to $e
sec!re%6 repaire%6 p!lle% %o3n or re"o)e%6 or the in#rin&e"ent o# this Act to
$e %iscontin!e%< an%
>%? #i( a reasona$le ti"e 3ithin 3hich the 3or5s are to $e e(ec!te%6 speci#*in&
the $!il%in& or part thereo# to $e sec!re%6 repaire%6 p!lle% %o3n or re"o)e%6
or the in#rin&e"ent o# this Act to $e %iscontin!e%.
%%. Offe$ce.
>1? An* person 3ho contra)enes this Act shall co""it an o##ence.
>2? An* person 3ho co""its an o##ence !n%er this Act6 #or 3hich no speci#ic penalt* is
pro)i%e%6 shall6 on con)iction6 $e lia$le to a #ine not e(cee%in& 1006000 r!pees an%
to i"prison"ent #or a ter" not e(cee%in& 2 *ears.
>3? The Co!rt "a*6 in a%%ition to an* penalt*6 or%er the p!llin& %o3n or re"o)al o# an*
$!il%in& at the e(pense o# the o##en%er 3here the o##en%er has not co"plie%6 3ithin
s!ch reasona$le perio% #i(e% $* a local a!thorit*6 3ith the notice ser)e% !pon hi" to
p!ll %o3n an* $!il%in& erecte% or "a%e in contra)ention o# this Act.
%?. Re2-latio$.
>1? The Minister "a*6 #or the p!rposes o# this Act6 "a5e s!ch re&!lations as he thin5s
>2? An* re&!lations "a%e !n%er s!$section >1? shall $e "a%e on the a%)ice o# the
>3? An* re&!lations "a%e !n%er s!$section >1? "a* pro)i%e 8
>a? #or the #or"6 ti"e6 "anner an% "o%e o# &i)in& notices an% or%ers !n%er this
>$? #or "ini"!" $!il%in& stan%ar%s<
>c? #or "ini"!" ener&* e##icienc* re!ire"ents #or $!il%in&s<
>%? #or an*thin& that is re!ire% to $e prescri$e%<
>e? that an* person 3ho contra)enes the" shall co""it an o##ence an% shall6 on
con)iction6 $e lia$le to a #ine not e(cee%in& 406000 r!pees an% to
i"prison"ent #or a ter" not e(cee%in& 12 "onths.
%(. Re=eal
The B!il%in& Act is repeale%.
%/. Co$.e1-e$tial ame$me$t.
>1? A re#erence in an* enact"ent to the B!il%in& Act shall $e constr!e% as a re#erence
to this Act.
>2? The =ocal Go)ern"ent Act 2011 is a"en%e% 8
>a? $* %eletin& the 3or%s 9B!il%in& Act: 3here)er the* appear an% replacin& the"
$* the 3or%s 9B!il%in& Control Act 2012:<
>$? in section 11,>3?6 $* %eletin& the 3or%s 9&!i%elines iss!e% !n%er: an%
replacin& the" $* the 3or%s 9the #ollo3in& enact"ents an% an* &!i%elines
iss!e% there!n%er:<
>3? The 2lannin& an% 1e)elop"ent Act is a"en%e% 8
>a? $* %eletin& the 3or%s 9B!il%in& Act: 3here)er the* appear an% replacin& the"
$* the 3or%s 9B!il%in& Control Act 2012:<
>$? in section '01>2?6 $* %eletin& the 3or%s 9section /. o# the =ocal Go)ern"ent
Act 2003: an% replacin& the" $* the 3or%s 9section 11, o# the =ocal
Go)ern"ent Act 2011:.
>'? The 2ro#essional Architects; Co!ncil Act is a"en%e%6 in section 1 .>2?>$?6 $*
%eletin& the 3or%s 9section . o# the B!il%in& Act: an% 9200: an% replacin& the" $*
the 3or%s 9section 1 4>2?>$? o# the B!il%in& Control Act 2012: an% $150%&
%A. Tra$.itio$al$.
>1? An application #or a per"it6 3hich has $een "a%e to a local a!thorit* an% is pen%in&
at the co""ence"ent o# this Act6 shall $e %ealt 3ith in accor%ance 3ith the
repeale% B!il%in& Act.
>2? Chere this section %oes not "a5e pro)ision #or an* transition6 the Minister "a*
"a5e s!ch re&!lations as "a* $e necessar* #or s!ch transition.
%@. Comme$ceme$t
Proclaime !" #Proclamatio$ No. 10 of 201%& '.e.f. 1( )arc* 201%
>1? S!$@ect to s!$section >2?6 this Act shall co"e into operation on a %ate to $e #i(e% $*
>2? 1i##erent %ates "a* $e #i(e% #or the co"in& into operation o# %i##erent sections o# this
2asse% $* the National Asse"$l* on the t3el#th %a* o# F!ne t3o tho!san% an% t3el)e.
Ram Ra$Bit Do'l-tta
'ler( of the )ational Asse#bl*

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