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Eco-Internship Campaign Coordinator, Individual Membership Programme

Project Title : Eco-Internship Campaign Facilitator
Reporting to : Eco-Internship Coordinator
WWF-Paistan Salar! "rade : #$
Position%s : &
'(t! Station : Karachi
'(ration and T!pe o) Contract : Short Term
Wor Wee : * 'a!s +,onda! to Sat(rda!-
Wor .o(rs : /:00 am To *:00pm
12 The coordinator is e3pected to deli4er presentations on WWF5 Nat(re related topics and its acti4ities2
'(ring the presentations it is e3pected that st(dents 6ill raise se4eral 7(estions there)ore the
preparation o) the )acilitator a8o(t WWF 6or sho(ld 8e 4er! strong2
$2 The )acilitator 6ill interact 6ith st(dents o) 9:A ;e4els%<ni4ersit!2
&2 Coordinate 6ith schools and (ni4ersities in So(th region and s(rro(nding areas to get their st(dents on
8oard )or the International Eco Internship Programme2
=2 ,(st ha4e the no6ledge to pro4ide trainings2 The )acilitator m(st ha4e the a8ilit! to control a gro(p o)
1>0 st(dents
>2 E3traordinar! comm(nication sills are e3pected
*2 Assist in all )(ndraising acti4ities o) WWF-Paistan Corporate Relations 'epartment2
?2 The )acilitator 6ill 8e responsi8le to e3amine 6eel! report )rom the st(dents2 .e%she 6ill collect )inal
report 8e)ore the end o) internship
@2 The )acilitator 6ill 8e responsi8le to distri8(te the mem8ership in)ormation and )orm among the interns
/2 The )acilitator along 6ith the acco(nts sta)) 6ill collect mem8ership )ees and )orms )rom each st(dent
on 6eel! 8asis2
102 The )acilitator 6ill 8e responsi8le to complete the progress 6or o) each st(dent on data 8ase and 6ill
send this in)ormation to the head o))ice )or consolidation and ser4icing to mem8ers
112 The )acilitator 6ill reconcile the )(nds so collected 8! each st(dent indi4id(all! and collecti4el!
1$2 The )acilitator 6ill 8e responsi8le )or the )ield acti4ities planned )or internsA the! 6ill see s(pport 8oth
technical and administrati4e )rom respecti4e WWF o))ice to ens(re that the acti4it! is s(ccess)(ll!
Qualification and Education:
The candidate )or the position o) WWF mem8ership campaign )acilitator m(st ha4e a #achelor%,aster
degree pre)era8l! in en4ironmental science
At least one to t6o !ears e3perience in Eco Internship Programme or mareting%sales or e4ent
Sho(ld 8e a8le to tra4el to other cities
E3ceptional presentation and comm(nication sills
"ood comp(ter sills s(ch as ,icroso)t o))ice etc
WWF-Paistan is an e7(al opport(nit! emplo!er2 WWF-Paistan reser4es the right to amend and (pgrade these
ToRs )rom time to time5 as ma! 8e re7(ired in the interests o) the organiBation2
9nline applications5 thro(gh WWF-Paistan 6e8site 66)pa 2org 6ill 8e considered2 9r email !o(r CC to

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