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Established Goals:

A.CED.1: Create equations and inequalities in one variable and use them to solve problems.
A.SSE.3: Choose and produce an equivalent form of an expression to reveal and explain properties of the
quantity represented by the expression.
F-IF.8: Write a function defined by an expression in different but equivalent forms to reveal and explain
different properties of the function.
F-IF.8b: Use the properties of exponents to interpret expressions for exponential functions. For example,
identify percent rate of change in functions and classify them as representing growth or decay.
F-BF.5: Understand the inverse relationship between exponents and logarithms and use this relationship
to solve problems involving logarithms and exponents.
F-BF.4c: Find inverse functions. Read values of an inverse function from a graph or table, given that the
function has an inverse.
F-LE.4: For exponential models, express as a logarithm the solution ab^ct = d where a, c, and d are
numbers and the base is 2, 10, or: evaluate the logarithm using technology.


Students will use their learning to
Recognize constant percent growth rate for exponential functions.
Determine the end behavior of an exponential function.
Explain c and a for an exponential function.
Explain why a cannot equal 1 for an exponential function.
Use the growth rate and a point to determine the y-intercept of an exponential function.
Graph an exponential function.
Compute and compare compound interest.
Rewrite a^1= (a^(1/n))^n, where a= 1+i for interest rate i to approximate the the monthly or daily
interest rate corresponding to n=12 or 365, that yields annual interest return i.
Use e^i to find the smallest number that an interest rate yield will never surpass.
Use the log function to identify time required for an exponential growth over time function to reach a
certain amount.
Convert back and forth between exponential, a^b=k, and log, log(a)k notation.
Use the power rule to bring down the exponent of an exponential equation.
Change between bases 2, 10, and e.
Solve exponential equations.


Understand that exponential functions will eventually grow faster than polynomial functions.
Understand the difference between the variable rate change for polynomial functions compared to the
constant percent growth rate of exponential functions.
Understand that e is an irrational number.

Understand that the formula for compound interest is exponential because the interest rate is multiplied
by itself repeatedly.
Understand that the logarithm function undoes a^x, just as the square root undoes x^2, and that
these inverse functions are necessary in order to get x by itself to solve for x when x is not known.

Essential Questions:

1. How does an exponential function always eventually grow at a faster rate then a polynomial function?
2. Why is the percent growth rate of exponential functions constant?
3. What makes e special?
4. How is the compound interest formula representative of an exponential function?
5. What does it mean to take the log of a number and in what cases would it be necessary to take the
log of an equation?

Students will know:

The meaning of a function.
The process for finding a and c in an exponential function.
Laws of exponents.
The process for solving linear equations.
How to graph exponential functions.
How to compute interest amounts after various time periods.
How to compute values of an exponential function with base e.
How to graph the inverse functions of power functions.

Students will be skilled:

Determine a and c for an exponential function.
Model a situation with an exponential function and use it to solve for an unknown.
Compute values of an exponential function, base e.
Compute amount in an interest bearing account, compounded at a given interval, after t years.
Using properties of logarithms to solve for a single variable exponential equation.


Performance Tasks:

Bell work & pre-assessment
Labs (m&ms & Acme Retirement)
Quiz & post-assessment
Partner/Group Share


Learning Experiences:

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