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Johnny Jung

Period 8
Unit Four: Nigeria
Patrimonialism- the system of power where authority flows from a single figure, such as the
President, and groups, especially the military, follows his/her orders directly.
Biafra- the southern state that tried to secede and led to the Nigerian Civil War. They agreed to
a cease-fire and was reintegrated into Nigeria. The people were generally from Igbo descent.
Coup- the sudden takeover of power in a state. In Nigeria, high-ranking members of the military
have historically taken power over the country with support of the troops.
Federal Character Principle- the principle creating quotas of certain ethnic populations serving
in public service and government work. An effort to acknowledge diversity in the country.
Constitutionalism- the belief that government should be structured by a Constitution. Nigeria
has gone through 9 Constitutions since 1914, loss of legitimacy in Constitution.
Indirect Rule- In the Colonial Era, the British used the local leaders and trained natives for the
bureaucracy instead of instituting British governors.
Resource Curse- having abundant natural resources creates corruption among the government
leaders and instability and overdependence on the resource in the economy.
Prebendalism (Loyalty Pyramids)- Nigerian form of patron-clientelism where there is a
hierarchy of power where public offices are treated as personal fiefdoms.
Sharia- Muslim law that has been integrated into northern, Muslim-dominated areas. Special
Sharia courts exist for Muslims guilty of breaking Islamic code of law.
Rentier state/Rent Seeking Behavior- When the state takes rent from companies using its
land for gathering resources (Oil companies). Expending resources to produce assets that
amounts to economic rent.
Derivation Formula- percentage of the revenue oil producing states retain from taxes on oil
and other natural resources produced in the state.
National Question- whether or not Nigeria should stay as one state, in spite of their drastic
ethnic, linguistic, religious differences.
Consociationalism- political representation based on respect for minorities and assertion of
group rights, cooperative action.
Parastatals- state-owned or controlled, corporations created to undertake a certain industry. In
Nigeria, INEC controls the lucrative oil industry.

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