Echoes of May Day 2014

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Internationalist fights of the immigrant workers of Los Angeles: against the deportations to immigrants and for a decent life better
conditions and for full rights- for the ones who make the worst jobs in the imperialist beast. They marched in Los Angeles and San Francisco
and made sit-ins in Oakland and San Jose, in other cities as Chicago and Washington too.
The US working class stood up in this internationalist fight with their class brothers, the immigrant working class. Thus the international
unity is merged between the immigrant workers and the US working class. A great chance for the workers fighting of Latin America unify
with their class brothers of USA.
Here is the solution of the oppressed people to finish with the war of the US imperialist butchers and other imperialist powers. Down with
Obama, follower of Bush, a real chief of the bankers and Wall Street parasites! Down with the butcher and murders of the working class, who
command the attack with the imperialist power in the world against the exploited ones! Lets take the fight of the workers of Wisconsin of
Lets fight as in Egypt! Lets stand up again the anti-war movements and the Occupy Wall Street and Oakland movement

The immigrant workers of Indonesia in Hong Kong fighting against the imperialist transnational companies and marching against the
government under the banner; End Slavery!. With this demonstration, hundreds of workers in Bangladesh and Cambodia marched against
the labour conditions, which are really low, suffered by the textile workers in the companies that world for the big transnational companies
such as Nike, Adidas among others. The workers of Bangladesh asked the execution of the boss from the factory that collapsed last year
where 1000 workers lost their lives

Hong Kong

The exploited ones and workers of Turkey fight against the murderous police sent by the government of Erdogan when the masses tried to
occupy again Taskim Square, wanting to retake their fight of the exploited and youth in 2013

(Santa Cruz, Argentina), 15 hs
May Day Meeting of the Commission of Condemned Workers,
Relatives and Friends of Las Heras (Worker Congress October
12) starts to organized.
There were endorsements from Claudia Paillaguala (wife of
Jorge Armoa, delegate of BACCSA, prisoner to fight). There is
also there to set up a National Coordinator of the Condemned,
persecutes and political prisoners of Argentina, the
comrade Mercedes Astudillo, as relative of the fighters in
jailed of Corral de Bustos.
It is there the workers of ATE, oil workers, teachers, condemned
workers and relatives and the lawyer Razuri (lawyer of the
condemned workers of Las Heras).
It is there the delegations who arrived from Buenos Aires, the
comrade of Paty, delegates of Hospital Garrahan, among
This meeting is going to start at 4:40 pm.

From 4,15 pm the interventions in the
meeting can be heard in FM Radio
Soberania 104.1
de Las Heras

Preparations before the meeting

Beto Gonzalez, Mansilla and comrade
Claudia Paillaguala (Jorge Armoa`s wife)

The interventions can be Heard at FM La Soberania 104.1
( and the local television channe
In Las Heras, as in the Internationalist May Day the world working class is holding a great and real worker and fighter
assembly. In this assembly the delegates and comrades will intervene as they want. Then the fighting resolutions will be
In this meeting-assembly is present all the workers and persecuted ones of the world and their fights, because they were part
of the programmatic call to hold this meeting.
This is a meeting facing the working class to coordinate and organize the fight for the decent life and against the repression of
the bourgeoisie state in Argentina and the world.
The meeting will be opened by:
Claudia Bazan and Claudia Mansilla, by the Commission of Condemned Workers, Relatives and Friends of Las Heras (Worker Congress October 12)
Claudia Paillaguala, wife of Jorge Armoa (delegate of BACCSA prisoner to fight)
Mercedes Astudillo, , sister of Astudillo prisoner of Corral de Bustos
Then will intervene:
- David Soria and Pascual Villacorta of Paty
- Andrea by the Investigation ommission of Las Heras
- Juan Panicini of ADOSAC-Las Heras
- Rosa Razury, defender lawyer
- Angela Sanchez, of APAP
- Hector Ampuero, of ATE-Las Heras
- Luis Campo, delegate of Garrahan
- Leandro Hofstater, stringer of the Socialist Publishing House Rudolph Klement
- Martn, of Democracia Obrera
- Paula Medrano, daughter of disappear people and member of the Commission of Condemned Workers, Relatives and Friends of Las Heras (Worker
Congress October 12)
- Teresa Yerio, mother of a young woman death in a car accident
- Luis Bicego, priest of de Las Heras

The worker assembly voting the
fighting resolutions, this
Internationalist May Day in Las

Claudia Bazan (Rosales` wife, oil worker condenmed to life
sentence) with the relatives of the prisoners of Las Heras and
Corral de Bustos, speaking before the assembly

Juan Panicini of ADOSAC -
Santa Cruz

David Soria and Pascual Villacorta, shop stewards from Paty

Claudia Paillaguala (Armoa`s wife, shop steward from BACCSA, imprisoned
for fighting) talking to the working class and exploited on May Day

Mercedes Astudillo, relative of the imprisoned fighters of Corral de Bustos
(Argentina) taling in Las Heras on May Day

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