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Inside 1990s:
In Theaters Kathy Bates
to Hannibal
Own it on Lector: Best
DVD Horror
Movie of the Decade

The Need for

Special Effects
FREE Newsletter
Table of Contents
Which is better for
foreign language
films, dubbing or
subtitles? p. 18

Entertainer of the Month:

Kristen Stewart p. 21
Movie Reviews p. 22

Coming Soon to Theaters p.23

Horror Performances of the ‘90s p. 7 On DVD p. 24

The Need
Effects p. 5

1997, Titanic 1996, Independence Day

Monte Pictures was originally founded by Javier Serrano in San Diego, California on February 4, 2007. Monte
Pictures is the subject to the founder’s passion: to establish a film company. At this time, Monte Pictures
runs independently through monthly newsletters composed by the founder Javier Serrano and his editor-in-
chief Julia Wieczorek.

© 2009 Monte Pictures Newsletter. We acknowledge all photographs are subject to their original owners.
Monte Pictures was created to express, entertain and educate members of Monte Pictures the variety of
film selections available. We do not sell our newsletters nor accept donations of any kind; we are neither a
corporation nor non-profit organization. Questions or comments, please email your inquiries to:
Founder’s Message JAVIER SERRANO

Plan for your life –

Don’t just let it happen
There is an element of truth that some people let life
happen to them. This statement is backed by the fact
that many people spend more time planning their
vacation than planning their life. The quest to
investigate this topic had great value but I feel its
terminology is incorrect. How do we plan a life?
Planning is a linear activity and life is full of twists, turns
and detours. We don't plan our lives as much as we
plan our day. Our day's plan is a result of a methodical
prioritizing of what is of value to us, with the
completion of the task as the end result.

My suggestion: We begin the process by identifying our journey. This journey is a process of
identifying who we are. For right brained thinkers, this is discovering our meaning and
purpose known as our personal mission. This is creative stuff requiring a search within the
heart and soul. Some ways to discover your mission is to ask someone to deliver your eulogy
at your funeral. What do you want the people at your funeral to hear about the way you spent
your life?

Nothing is ever accomplished without a solid plan. The things we have accomplished in life
whether it be the things we acquire or the things we desire all came to us because we had a
plan. Everything we have ever been or done was the result of a plan and putting that plan in
action. Think back for a moment on all of the significant and not so significant events of your
life. There may be a few events that were luck, but the majority of it comes from having a plan
and then going out there to accomplish it. If you want better things in your life, make a plan
on how to achieve it. You can be, do and have anything you want if you have a plan of how to
obtain it. Think it through, and put serious thought into what you want for your life and then
set your plan in motion. Soon you will have all the things you desire.

“You can be, do and have

anything you want if you have a
plan of how to obtain it.”
julia wieczorek
Editor’s Message editor-in-chief

Have you ever wondered how to be the best? How to

be best at whatever it is you want to do, whatever you
want to accomplish? Well there are some steps that if
followed, can help anyone on their way to being the
best at what they do.

*Help others. This can be family, friends, neighbors,

strangers. Helping gives one a sense of worth and pride,
a selfless act can actually do wonders for the self. It also
creates a sense of responsibility in one’s actions.

*Listen. Listen to yourself, what are you really trying to

accomplish? Listen to others, other people are walking
and living encyclopedia’s of knowledge unique to the
individual. They can offer advice. You can offer advice
back, expanding cooperation between people.

*Give and take. Don’t always take from others, give in

return. Part of life is making lasting connections and
these must be maintained through being there for
others as they are for you.
*Remember things. Showing you care enough to remember something important to someone
else, and for your career or education, really shows you are dedicated to learning. It also
shows you actually do care.

*Spend time on the important things. Don’t forget there are other things outside of your own
little world, your own job and life. There are other people, activities and adventures that need
attention too. It is also important to spend time with yourself, time to relax.

*Don’t take anything too seriously. It is important to stay focused on accomplishing goals but
with any ambition, there are setbacks, and if you let these actually set you back then you are
just hurting yourself. Remember to see the more positive side of things before giving-up.

*Don’t give up. If you try your best, it shows, no matter what the outcome. Trying your best
leads to being the best.

“If you want to be the best, you

must lose your mind…” ~ julia wieczorek
The Need for Special Effects
By Javier Serrano But it is remorseful that most modern
films rely heavy upon the use of such
New technological feats have rapidly
effects to be successful. The focus is less
increased and enhanced the computer
on the skill of the actors, which majority of
technology in this modern digital age.
films was originally about: performances,
What I love about this modern day of
and more on the impression the film is
movie-making is films offer incredible visual
going to make on its viewers. Megan Fox
and realistic experience through the use of
and Shia Lebeouf, stars of both
special effects. For instance, Michael Bay’s
blockbuster films Transformers (2007) and
Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen
Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen
(2009) is an example of a recent film which
(2009), have lacked in their performances
totally relies on heavy destruction and a
in the films, but unlike others, which I can
space-age visual experience by special
care less for series, these stars are young
effects in order to reenact realization. Such
and attractive, so, of course, the film will
demands and requirements for the use of
generate more viewers from thirteen year
special effects are incredibly expensive and
olds. Another film example: Poseidon
often are too much to experience in the
(2006) relied on a lot of special effects and
theater, but it sure beats teens adrenaline
carefully time’s stunts to make it a rather
in their crave for more action and less
exciting movie but in the end, this was not
drama. Although, I am not a special effects
the work of the actors, and the ship was
kind of movie-goer; however, I do have to
simply unbelievable.
admit there have been many films I
enjoyed the use of special effects.
James Cameron’s Titanic

Not to spoil the ending, but I felt no grief when the

character died and could not relate or feel sympathy
because of the dilemmas they faced in the end. I
feel as though the actors are being made redundant
by this increase of technology; what they lack in skill
can simply be made up for in use of special effects
and most of the time, it is successful. Though, the
increased use of computer technology has
subsequently given rise to popularity of animated
films; a more advanced form of cartoon which
usually falls in the children’s or comedy genre.
While these films are usually the same high
standard of normal films, they put less demand on
the actors. Brilliant voice acting is obviously shown
off in films like these bit I believe acting is much
more authentic than voice acting; it is the
communication and expression of feelings and
emotions through the body language is what strikes
great performances. Therefore, I believe special
effects should be merely an addition and not the
focus. The consequence of the contrary is the
decrease on acting skill itself. I believe Titanic
(1997) is a prime example of flawless special effects.
Hence, films such as War of the Worlds rely heavily
on special effects and consequently, the storyline
can become hazy at times and often hard to follow
and characters are left undeveloped; we are not
completely convinced by what is happened.
Best Horror Performances
of a Lifetime

Kathy Bates in Misery

By julia wieczorek
Kathy Bates plays Annie Wilkes in the film Kathy Bates bring this psychotic fan
based on the Stephen King novel, Misery. Annie to reality in a performance that is
The film centers around Paul Sheldon haunting to Paul but also to all of us
(played by James Caan), a best-selling who watch her. She goes from the
novelist who crashes his car during a helpful good Samaritan, someone
blizzard, and his number one fan: Annie anyone can trust, and turns it on the
Wilkes. Annie rescues Paul and takes him to person she respects most. The
her remote house in the woods where she performance shows us that we can be
treats his injuries. He soon discovers the manipulated at our weakest times by
once nurse is a little out of her mind, as her those we put complete trust in. Kathy
reaction to his latest novel’s ending sets her never fails to astonish viewers with her
off in torturing the man physically and performances, getting truly deep into
mentally. She renders him incapable of her characters and with this one, she
walking and chains him to a bed and becomes very terrifying even with that
typewriter, where she forces him to re- sweet accent. She went on to win an
write his latest novel, completely Academy Award for her deranged
destroying his previous manuscript. Poor character.
Paul soon discovers he is not her first
The Soloist

Anthony Hopkins in
The Silence of the Lambs
By julia wieczorek

Anthony Hopkins’s Hannibal Lecter has

become iconic, as well as the psychological Anthony Hopkins won an Oscar for his
thriller he is introduced in, The Silence of performance and there is no doubt as to
the Lambs. A student named Clarice (Jodie why. He was terrifying. Anyone portraying
Foster) is sent to interview the once someone with a mental disorder, and
psychiatrist, now mental-patient someone with this severe of a case, has to
cannibalistic serial killer, Hannibal. Hannibal really focus on the character, if not it will
grows impatient with Clarice, but become un-realistic. Hannibal is just creepy,
eventually helps her in her quest to find and the way he is able to manipulate
another serial killer “Buffalo Bill”. They Clarice shows how cunning he must have
begin making deals with each other, all been with his victims, who became his
while being video-taped. Hannibal soon food. Hopkins gave us a stunning
discovers Clarice’s traumatic childhood and performance that left the audience sick and
uses it in exchange for giving her the enthralled. Without getting too gory, the
information she needs. Hannibal eventually film was able to capture disgusting horror
escapes jail and murders more in the and also one cold serial killer. Hopkins will
process. In the end he contacts Clarice once be remembered his role as this strange
more, asking her not to try to find him, cannibal.
when she disagrees he simply tells her he is
having a friend for dinner, and stalks his old
doctor through town.
Gary Oldman in Dracula
By julia wieczorek
Based on the novel by Bram Stoker, Dracula
Gary Oldman brings a truly amazing
depicts the escapades of the famous
performance as he depicts a man who
Transylvanian vampire. In the film version,
grows young again, and transforms from
Count Dracula, played by Gary Oldman, is
a human to a vampire. He shows all of
motivated by romance more so than he is by
Dracula’s different disguises and does it
blood. He uses the reason for biting others as
in a very charming way to top it off! He
a means of avenging the death of his wife in
has been known to be very diverse and
the 15th century. She committed suicide after
has most recently been seen playing
hearing he had died, a false report, and he
parts in several Harry Potter films as well
renounces God in anger of her eternal
as Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.
damnation. Dracula eventually comes to
Becoming Dracula, Oldman was able to
London to meet Mina Harker, played by
bring heart to the heartless in a subtle
Winona Ryder, who is the living image of his
intensity that is chilling to watch. Dracula
late wife. Anthony Hopkins plays the obsessed
is the main character, not quite the
vampire hunter Van Helsing, out to finish-off
villain, but not really the hero, in a tale
Dracula with all the other vampires. Other
that is meant to haunt and dazzle those
cast include: Keanu Reeves-Jonathan Harker,
that are swept into it.
and Tom Waits-bug-eating Renfield. Bram
Stoker's Dracula won three Academy Awards.
Macaulay Culkin in The Good Son
By julia wieczorek

In The Good Son, a woman dies of Macaulay Culkin has proven himself as a
cancer and her husband must leave on reputable child-actor time and time again,
a trip, so their young son Mark (Elijah in strings of family films he has starred in.
Wood) is left in the care of his aunt and In The Good Son, we are simply scared of
uncle. He is excited to be always him. He portrays this innocent young boy
around his cousin Henry, played by with a loving family, but shows his darker
Macaulay Culkin, because he has side in a way that is almost hard to
someone his age (8 years old) he can imagine such a young child can have. He
play with. He soon discovers that Henry plays the part brilliantly and we really start
enjoys more sinister activities, such as to believe he is evil, as well as a good
causing car accidents, toppling “actor” in the movie because his character
treehouses, killing animals and even convinces his parents of his innocence.
drowning his 3 year old brother (he Poor Mark is in a similar situation many of
admits this to Mark). When Henry gets us have seen ourselves in, warring
jealous of Mark, whom no one believes between doing the right thing and fitting-
when he claims Henry is evil, Henry in with our peers. Henry is down-right
attempts to murder his own younger cruel, and a movie-depiction of real-life
sister and then Mark himself. children who end up with serious mental
disorders and become sociopaths. Culkin
was able to pull it off horrifyingly.

Robert Englund in Although the film can be somewhat hard

New Nightmare to follow, unless you know the characters

and understand the long chain of
By julia wieczorek previous films, it turns the traditional
Robert Englund is one of my favorite “slasher-movie” we love into reality, at
actors because of his portrayal of one of least for one of the first stars and the
my all-time favorite movie characters: filmmakers. Robert Englund once again
Freddy Krueger. In New Nightmare, the plays the twisted undead child-murderer
7th film in the Nightmare on Elm Street who haunts children and teens in their
franchise, Freddy Krueger has been dreams. His voice and facial expressions,
possessed by a demonic force seeking under the burned flesh of his face, and
entry into the real world. The film takes not to mention the way he taps his claws,
place in the “real world” in which Freddy add to Freddy’s character in a way that
Krueger is simply a character in the creeps his viewers out so much they have
Nightmare on Elm Street movies. Heather their own nightmares. Wes Craven has
Langenkamp, who plays Nancy in mentioned his inspiration for Freddy
previous Nightmare on Elm Street’s, is came from a string of unsolved-deaths
being followed by strange occurrences while sleeping, in which the people
and discovers she must play the part of complained of suffering nightmares. He
Nancy, once again, for Wes Craven’s used inspiration from his own fear of a
latest film within a film, in order to defeat local homeless man and bullies at school,
the new real-life Freddy. She also must as well as his cat (for the clawed-glove) to
seek help from Robert Englund, playing come-up with a unique character that
himself as well as the new demonic truly haunts our dreams.
Freddy Krueger, in her conquest.
Nicole Kidman in To Die For
By julia wieczorek
To Die For is based on a novel, based on Nicole Kidman’s Suzanne knows exactly
a story, about a woman named what she wants and is willing to do just
Suzanne, played by Nicole Kidman, who about anything to get it! She makes up
is determined to become a TV for whatever she lacks, in cold
newscaster no matter the costs to determination and diabolical wiles. As
attain it. She is limited intellectually she pursues her goal with relentless
and talent-wise, but that doesn’t stop focus, she believes she is forced to
her ruthlessness. She convinces some destroy anything and anyone that may
teens she is doing a story on, to kill her stand in her way, regardless of the
husband, in which they are arrested ultimate cost or means necessary. In a
for. One of the teens is able to record twist, the teen who recorded her
Suzanne's plot but she is acquitted due murder plan was the one who ends up
to the way the police handled the becoming the star on TV. Kidman plays
investigation. When her husbands diabolical well, and mixed with her
Mafia father finds out what Suzanne beauty, her character becomes that
had done, he has someone murder her much more of an interesting
and bury her under her favorite lake, antagonist.
only to be skated over by her dead-
husband’s sister when it freezes over.
Fairuza Balk in The Craft
By julia wieczorek
Teen drama meets witchcraft in the Faruiza Balk plays the evil and all-
film, The Craft. When the 16 year old powerful teen witch to a point we
troubled teen Sarah, played by Robin really believe in her character and fear
Tunney, moves to a new town to start it. Her character comes from a troubled
fresh, she befriends an interesting past and uses that anger and jealousy
group of girls. Faruiza Balk plays Nancy, to fuse with her power and skill at
the head of the group. What Sarah casting spells. Balk literally transforms
doesn’t realize, until it’s too late, is the her character on screen in front of our
girls are witches that practice black eyes, from that of a slightly rebellious-
magic. She is the link that completes Catholic school girl to a full on crazed-
their coven and when she decides she dark witch, dressing and acting
wants out, it is too late. The power different as the film goes on. At the
Nancy wields over people and nature end she is screaming, her own voice
causes her to spin out of control and cracking in rage and power and the last
torture, attempting to murder Sarah. Nancy is seen on screen is muttering to
Her defeat is by Sarah herself, because herself in a mental hospital. Seeing a
Sarah is a natural and more powerful young teen transform the way Balk was
witch. able to, can be very disturbing.
Al Pacino in The Devil’s Advocate
The Devil’s Advocate centers on one
By julia wieczorek
fantastic lawyer named Kevin (Keanu Al Pacino delights his audience with
Reeves) who has yet to lose a case. He memorable performances and this is
knows a certain client is guilty of his just one of them. He plays the part of
crime, but causes him to get-off “not an all-powerful lawyer, and devil, very
guilty” anyway. Later he is approached well. His character is sly, evil and
by recruits to a prestigious New York greedy, manipulating others to get
law firm, headed by John Milton (Al what he wants. What would you think
Pacino). After he wins his first case he if your boss told you he was the Devil?
starts to spend more time at work and Let alone you were the son of the
less with his wife. When those that are Devil? Pacino almost becomes comical
angry with Kevin suddenly start dying, in his fits of rage, screaming while the
after he complains about them to John, theatrics blaze behind him, but he is
he begins to suspect something isn’t still scary in that way that makes one
right. Through events that leave him want to shudder at his overall
saddened and angry, Kevin runs to his hatefulness.
boss, only to learn John is not only a
powerful lawyer, he is Satan himself,
and Kevin is his son.

Inou Rie in Ringu

By julia wieczorek
Ringu is about Asakawa (the aunt of a Ringu may have spawned nightmares
teen victim) who is a reporter that for many people, possibly because the
begins researching a weird video, said faces of terror the dead victims in the
to be cursed, she falls into the world of movie take-on are quite simply,
one strange child: Sadako, played by disgusting. Inou Rie portrays the ghost
Inou Rie. She watches the video, but of Sadako, but really encompasses a
when eventually her son watches it, popular Japanese ghost, with white
she only has 7 days to discover the key clothing and long dark hair that covers
to save him (and herself) from the the face. Although she has no major
curse. Following clues from the tape role in the film, her vengeful ghost
itself, Asawaka discovers the girls past character’s stiff movements as she
and frees her body from a well she was crawls out of the TV and shuffles her
thrown into years before. Her way towards her next victim, make the
unfortunate ex-husband discovers too viewer’s own skin crawl. Her stunning
late that it wasn’t “freeing” the body silent horror spawned numerous copies
that saved Asawaka and her son, it was of this “type of ghost” in films and of
copying the video and showing to course, numerous American versions of
someone else that did. Thus the curse these films as well.
never ends.

Eihi Shiina in Audition

By julia wieczorek

Audtion is one of those movies that

starts out ordinary enough, and pulls Eihi Shiina portrays the innocent and
the viewer into a twisted tale that naïve young woman beautifully, and
becomes more and more twisted until the evil sadist eerily. Her character
it finishes with a gory ending. A lonely takes her odd but nice exterior
executive of a company, Aoyama, sits- personality and creates a façade that
in on auditions for actresses of a non- others are captivated by. What makes it
existent film his producer friend sets- more unnerving is the smile she
up. He is intrigued by one young plasters on her face while using a
woman, Yamazaki (Eihi Shiina), and needle to torture her victim, and the
asks her on a date. What he doesn’t odd way she hovers over him. The film
see on the other end of the line is her creates an atmosphere of horror by
tied-up victim in her dark room. The using little music in critical points. Once
movie climaxes with the sweet young again an actor, in this case Shiina, plays
woman using rubber gloves and a part that is contradictory in front of
doctor’s instruments to torture our eyes, and that just makes things all
Aoyama in a painfully long “home the more terrifying.
Which is better for foreign language films, dubbing or subtitles?
By Javier Serrano Most times while audiences are in the
As a lover of languages and cultures, I am middle of trying to decipher a certain work,
appalled by people who refuse to watch foreign the new subtitle is put on the screen, which
language movies just because they are subtitled. you will often see people concentrating too
The actor’s voice is the most vital importance hard for a movie or squinting at every
and the emotions that he or she conveys cannot recognizable word. Again, movie dubbing
be conveyed by a person reading a voice-over. however has many drawbacks. Often, the
Actors invest a lot of time and energy into emotion in the voices of the actors is not
preparing for a performing their roles and every portrayed quite the same as the original
emotion comes from inside them. Theses version. Most times the intonation of
emotions can’t be duplicated and added after emotion is not the same either in the
the fact. Every actor is unique, and their unique performances. Many actors are recognized
voices help them to shape the characters they by their distinct voice you are hearing does
play and bring that role to life. When it all not match up with the mouth movement.
comes together, the audience can become lost Another point to bring up is that often many
in the action and the characters become real to words or important phrases are lost in the
them. I have never liked dubbed movies. translation. This means that you are getting
Watching subtitled movies from all over the a brief broader statement many times
world has made me more culturally enriched. I instead of the poignant one in the original
immediately recognize people speaking version. Hence, movies with subtitles are
languages like Korean, Mandarin, and Cantonese not much of a step about the original talkies
when I walk down the street. However, as I am when the motion picture industry first
dubbing, majority of people would rather watch started nearly a century ago. During those
a film that is dubbed than subtitles. The main silent films the words were projected on to
importance of watching a movie in my opinion is the screen while instrumental music played
to be entertained and be educated. The idea to appropriately coordinated with what
sit back and watch a movie should be mindless emotion the actors were portraying. Often
effort to some people. Though, it is supposed to the music was loud and annoying too.
allow the viewers the opportunity to unwind
and relieve stress, and enlighten the individual,
right? In my opinion, subtitles are not at enough
contrast to the background of what is going on
the screen. To most people, sometimes the
entire works and letters blend in with screen
shot so much that they are difficult to read.
Naomi Watts in The Ring

Movie Sequels and Remakes: Is Hollywood out of ideas?

By Javier Serrano Hollywood has an uneasy relationship with

originality. The major studios in the United
Martin Scorsese’s The Departed is a well- States tend to operate best when a problem can
crafted crime-thriller that sees Scorsese return be solved by throwing money at it, which is
to the cinematic heights he once scaled with great when creating a summer blockbuster
GoodFellas. Set in the murky underworld of where adrenaline will keep the popcorn-
the Boston-Irish Mafia, the film is a remake of audience entertained. Over the past few years,
recent Hong Kong crime-thriller Infernal Affairs. the well of originality in Hollywood has become
As such, it’s the latest entry in a long line of particularly dry, with studios falling back on big-
Asian to American remakes, which, for all their screen versions of class TV shows, hoping to
individual merits, represents perhaps the most cash-in on the fan-bases, whilst never
cynical side of Hollywood film production. underestimating the help of big-name stars.
Over recent years, Japanese horror films Think of Drew Barrymore, Lucy Lu and Cameron
illuminated across the globe with such films as Diaz in Charlie’s Angels, Nicole Kidman and Will
Ringu (The Ring), Dark Water and Ju-on: The Ferrell in Bewitched, Sean William Scott and
Grudge, have provided fresh material for Johnny Knoxville in the Dukes of Hazard, are you
Hollywood to plunder greatly. Despite being getting my drift? Remakes are as effective an
freely available, in their original forms, on both exercise in risk-reduction, although studios have
sides of the world, these movie collectives, also for some time now been raiding their archives.
known as, “Foreign Film” has hindered their For examples, The Poseidon Adventure, The
circulation in all but the most enthusiastic film Omen, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The
clubs and academic-film circles. The major Amityville Horror, to name but four, have all hit
American studios, however, are not about to theaters across the nation in the past five years.
miss out on the opportunity, and as a result all Like Steven Spielberg’s remake of War of the
three of the titles I’ve mentioned have been Worlds stemmed from his lifelong enthusiasm
remade in the United States, with The Ring and for the story.
The Grudge spawning the originality from the
Japanese origins.
Then, Halloween 1978; Now, Halloween 2008

His version turned into an effective modern invasion-thriller, and has interpreted as the
director’s response, to the events of 9/11. Another example, Peter Jackson, director of the
Lord of the Rings’ trilogies, wanted to remake his childhood ambition King Kong, the film that
inspired to become a filmmaker. The biggest problem deals with some of the remakes,
adaptations and sequels that come out each year. While it is true that there are many different
remakes of films that become popular the big problem is that a remake of a classic film will
generally not be as memorable or as good as the original. The new version of The Day the
Earth Stood Still is completely different from the original class and is rather forgettable. Of
course there are some good ideas out there in Hollywood.

Then, Jenny & Juno 2005 (South Korean); Now, Juno 2007 (Canadian)

What I found to be humorous, people assumed Diablo Cody’s, Juno was her original idea, on
the contrary, her idea was original in the American sense, but the film’s plot is loosely based
on South Korean film Jenny and Juno. However, I will provide one film that I believe was one
of Hollywood’s best original films, 2008, WALL-E because the concept was so unique, witty
and charming. Many other films that have unique ideals like The Wrestler and Burn After
Reading showed up on many of those same lists too because they were very different from
Hollywood’s same old movies. Look how big comic books-turned-movies have done for
Entertainer of the Month
Kristen Stewart

In 2002, at the age of 12, Kristen

Stewart starred in her first major
Hollywood film in Panic Room
alongside Academy Award winners
Jodie Foster and Forrest Whitaker.
Born to a script supervisor
Australian mother and a stage-
manager and television producer
American father, Kristen Stewart
starred in several leading roles like
2004, Speak and 2007, In the Land
of Women, and her most critically
acclaimed performance as Bella
Swan in Stephanie Meyer’s
reviews movie By julia wieczorek

Pan’s Labyrinth (El Edward Lady in the Water

Laberinto del Fauno) Scissorhands Dir. M. Night Shyamalan
Dir. Guillermo del Toro Dir. Tim Burton 2006
2006 1990 An apartment building’s caretaker
In this Spanish-language twisted Johnny Depp and Tim Burton are a named Cleveland (Paul Giamatti),
fantasy film, a young girl, Ofelia great pair and in this earlier who lives in a cottage next to the
(Ivana Baquero) and her pregnant fantasy film by Burton, Depp plays pool of the complex, starts to
mother go to live with her Edward, a young man who was suspect there is someone
mother’s new husband, a captain created by a scientist who lived on swimming in the pool after hours.
who lives in the woods during a dark castle atop the highest He questions the residents of the
post-Civil Way Spain in 1944. Ofelia mountain of a small suburb. The building, all of whom had different
loves books, mainly fairy tales and scientist dies before he can backgrounds and comical quirks.
after seeing an insect she believes complete Edward, leaving his When he injures himself, he wakes
him to be a fairy. The fairy takes hands for last Edward is now stuck up to find he has been saved by a
her down a maze into a labyrinth, with the scissors he was originally young woman (Bryce Dallas
where Pan the faun dwells. Pan in place with. A local Avon Howard) named Story. He soon
tells her she is a fallen princess and saleslady discovers Edward and falls into her tale of her people
must complete tasks to come back takes him in with her family. He that live in water, Narfs. When he
to her father’s kingdom. Ofelia gets quickly falls in love with her tries to send her back home, she
into trouble trying to complete her daughter Kim (Winona Ryder) and explains it’s not as easy as it looks,
tasks and meets extraordinary becomes a hit with the neighbors and there are beasts all around
creatures, some of which are designing hedges and cutting their them that can only be seen by
terrifying. Ofelia’s fails at saving hair in outlandish styles. Everyone looking certain ways. It is up to
her mother’s life and upon her last falls in love with him, until a local Cleveland to gather the tenants in
task to spill the blood of her teen blames him for a crime, and a mission to protect Story during
innocent newborn brother, she Edward has to deal with something the one night she is to be rescued
refuses Pan and is left to suffer the he has never felt before, rejection. and brought back home. But their
consequences of not completing He spirals out of control and is grave mistakes leave her so injured
her tasks. This film is visually soon feared by all the neighbors. that it may be too late. This dark
stunning and the story captivating. This dark fairy tale is all about self- fantasy/thriller is innovative and
It is also so very heart wrenching discovery and isolation. Tim touching in that it brings all types
bringing viewers to tears, it Burton’s take on suburbia is weird of people together with one
deserves the title of dark fairy tale. and funny, and the film reflects common goal, and forces the main
that nicely. character to open up to others.
TheatersComing Soon By Javier Serrano

Inglorious Basterds Halloween II World’s Greatest

Dir. Quentin Tarantino Dir. Rob Zombie Dad
Opens August 21, 2009 Opens August 28, 2009 Dir. Bobcat Goldthwait
Opens August 21, 2009
In the first year of the German I really have nothing positive to say
occupation of France, Shosanna, about this film. However, I will Oscar winner and comedian
played by Melanie Laurent, provide a short synopsis for you. Robin Williams plays a high
witnesses the execution of her The film picks up right where the school English teacher Lance
family at the hand of Nazi Colonel first film left off, Laurie is taken to Clayton, a well-meaning but
Hans Landa, played by Christopher the hospital after supposedly killing incompetent parent to 15-
Waltz, which he won a Best Actor the man who was responsible for year-old Kyle, played by Daryl
award at this year’s Cannes Film the deaths of several people in the Sabara, starred in the film Spy
Festival. Shosanna narrowly town of Haddonfield, Illinois. Kids as Juni, who’s a rude,
escapes and flees to Paris where However, her stay at Haddonfield fouled-mouth moron. When
she forges a new identity as the General becomes very brief when a Kyle dies accidently during
owner and operator of a film very much alive Michael Myers auto-erotic asphyxiation,
theater. Elsewhere in Europe, appears once more. Michael Lance rearranges the body to
Lieutenant Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt) disappears, and Laurie survives the make it look like a suicide and
organizes a group of Jewish infamous Halloween massacres, but pens an eloquent note, all to
American soldiers to perform is still haunted by it years later. give his son a little dignity at
swift, shocking acts of retribution. Laurie struggles to come to terms the end of his life. Goldthwait
Later known in the film to their with her dark past. But the spends nearly half of the film
enemy as “the basterds,” Raine’s supposedly dead Michael has other establishing Kyle as the
squad joins German actress and plans, and as the anniversary of his world’s worst son, so it’s a
undercover agent Bridget (Diane massacre approaches, he returns to relief to actually see him
Kruger) on a mission to take down Haddonfield once more, with a parish. After that, Williams is
the leaders of the Third Reich. family reunion planned that Laurie admirably understated as
Tarantino’s re-imagining, will never forget. Have you noticed Lance, and does a good job
otherwise, remake of the 1978 Michael Myers is too tall. Well, conveying the mix pride and
Italian film, takes many risks which casting a former wrestler to play self-loathing that drives his
pays off. It is definitely not for Michael Myers is just so not actions. Overall, the film has
everyone, but there are plenty convincing. Grade: D + its annoyance and funny
who will enjoy the cinematic moments. Robin Williams at
experience. Grade: A - his best, of course. Grade: B
On DVD By Javier Serrano

Two Lovers The Last House on the Left Revolutionary Road

Joaquin Phoenix, Gwyneth Paltrow, Tony Goldwyn, Monica Potter, Sara Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate
Vanessa Shaw, 2008 Paxton, 2009 Winslet, 2008

In this tale of love and yearning, The difference between this Without doubt Kate Winslet’s
Joaquin Phoenix stars as Leonard version from director Daniel Oscar winning performance in
Kraditor, a man who has returned Illiades and Wes Craven 1972 The The Reader was a deserving
to his parents’ home in Brooklyn. Last House on the Left is the one. However, I preferred her
It’s apparent from the start that budget. We don’t need much to win the Oscar in this
Leonard is struggling with reminding when it comes to the performance in Revolutionary
emotional and psychiatric issues remake, an affair which turns into Road, which she was directed
and his mother, played by Isabella a brutally straightforward rape- by her Academy Award
Rosselini, is worried about him; revenge suspense film. Wes winning husband Sam
he’s recovering from a recent Craven’s original masterpiece had Mendes. In 1955, a young
failed relationship . Eventually, he a very low budget which the score couple the Wheelers, Frank,
meets Sandra, through his parents played majority of the suspense. (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his
dry-cleaning business. In a Nearly three decades later, the wife, April (Kate Winslet)
moment fraught with potential craft of this film is more fluent in settle into suburbia but
humiliation, Leonard sits with terms of filmmaking. But the set- dream of reclaiming lives as
Sandra in his childhood bedroom up remains the same: a gang of free spirits. The adaptation of
and shows her his photographs; criminals abduct two teenage girls Richard Yates’ novel is
her quiet enthusiasm somehow and drag them into the woods, understandably trumpeted as
makes everything more where one, played by Sara Paxton, a high-class affair. Most
comfortable. Leonard shows his is raped. The major innovation is appealingly it reunites Titanic
affection to Sandra, but then he that she survives, crawling back to romantics Leo DiCaprio and
meets Michelle, played by the home of her parents, played by Kate Winslet, But people
Gwyneth Paltrow, his neighbor Tony Goldwyn and Monica Potter, keen to reaffirm the
who lives in the same building. who have unwittingly offered their transforming power of love
Superb performances from all daughter’s attacker a bed for the may experience the desire to
three. A tragic loss for Joaquin night. Overall, a suspenseful film slash their wrist after their
Phoenix as this is his last film but lacks in performances. bleak drama, which defiance
performance. Grade: A Grade: C turns into tragedy. Grade: A +

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