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NOV 3RD, 2009 VOL 1 ISSUE 3

The Eternally Vigilant

"First they ignore you, then they

November 17, 2009 ridicule you, then they fight you, then
you win."
Cleveland Town Hall

Work Session -- Mahatma Gandhi

The next scheduled Town Hall meeting is being called a
“work session”, but we all must still attend. This is an Another Productive
important part of practicing vigilance, and expressing our RetakeCleveland Meeting
dissent with the current situation.
On Monday, November 2, 2009, the citizens of
Everyone is encouraged to sign up for their “glorious 60 Cleveland once again met to discuss the major
seconds” to address the Town Council at this work issues that town faces. Many people attended
session. Remember, they require us to request to be on the meeting and expressed their ideas about the
the agenda 7 days before the scheduled meeting. We all path forward. With Josh Byrd and Donna
must be sure to request our time early, so that we do not Gillespie documenting the meeting with cameras,
forget. The deadline to request time to address the councilthe citizens discussed their grievances in great
at the “Work Session” is: detail.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 The main thing to come out of the meeting was
organization and preparedness. The citizens
discussed their rights as citizens, and the
freedoms that they have as Americans and
Alabamians. The townspeople came to the
Cleveland Town Council Meeting conclusion that they needed to come to the Town
Hall meeting completely prepared.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Last on the agenda was the very controversial
Tuesday night, the vigilant citizens of Cleveland came to issue of “Necessary and Unnecessary
the Town Hall meeting more prepared than ever. Armed Spending”, in which the people were eager to
with information, signs, cameras, and video cameras, the discuss. The first issue that was brought up was
citizens attended the meeting to demand the transparency the newly installed $8000.00 +labor Christmas
that they deserve from their governing officials. lights.

As the meeting convened, many of the citizens already This controversy was sparked after the Council
had an idea of what was to come. One by one the citizens only approved $4,600.00 for these Christmas
asked for the Council and “mayor” to clarify many issues lights. Many of the citizens
that they feel have been hidden from public view. The
citizens came prepared to speak, but what came next was Continued on Page 2

The “resigned” mayor stated (on camera) that the Town of

Cleveland was not suing Steve Pass, which most citizens
of this town know to be untrue. This statement by Larry
Longshore has angered many citizens that have taken
"Governments are to attend
time out of their busy schedules
instituted among men, Continued on Page 2
deriving their just powers
from the consent of the
Page Two VOL

Another Productive RetakeCleveland Meeting

Continued from Page 1
expressed their anger over the excessive spending, as the town’s
administration tells the citizens that the town is broke.

Breakdown of Christmas light expense:

• Lights - $4971.00 -United Concepts, GA

• Rigging for telephone poles - 699.12
• Man lift - $185.00 / day

One vigilant
Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter citizen
text here.stated, “Back
Continue in the summer,
newsletter they let a man go…
text here.
Word of the Week
Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here. would have gone
because they
a long waytext
Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter
on his
no money.
Ten-thousand dollars

Redress (v.) (r -dr s ) This meeting ended with the citizens discussing ways to spread their
ideas to the other citizens of the town. We are still tightly united and
will do whatever is possible to help put this town back into the hands
1. To set right; remedy or rectify.
of the citizens, and their will, WHERE IT BELONGS.
2. To make amends to.
3. To make amends for.
Cleveland Town Council Meeting
4. To adjust
Continued from Page 1
Take a moment to review the word of the week
these very important hearings.
and try to remember it in your daily routine.
Before the council could convene, they went into a secretive
executive session to discuss pending litigation that has been filed
both by and against the town. This has become a major issue with
the citizens of Cleveland, because they have lost all trust that their
Quote of the Week government is working in their best interest.

Many townspeople waited for the Town Council to resume and

“Congress shall make no law
adjourn the meeting.
respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging the
freedom of speech, or of the
press; or the right of the people “If the freedom of speech is taken
peaceably to assemble, and to
petition the Government for a
away then dumb and silent we may
redress of grievances.” be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
-First Amendment to U.S.
555.555.5555 -- George Washington

Page Three
“The Weekly Rebuttal”

Larry Lies!

I can see the headlines now: Town Hall Found in ashes after illegal Mayor’s
pants spontaneously combust! This week’s Town Hall meeting was
completely outrageous. The actions of this illegal Mayor and rogue Council
baffle me. Larry Longshore has now gone ON RECORD saying that there is
NO lawsuit against Steve Pass. This is preposterous. There have already been
two hearings on the lawsuit in question; however, no one has shown up to
represent the town. Now maybe the absence of representation means they
THINK there’s no litigation, but this is false as well.
When asked about their actions not matching their words Stan
Glasscox’s reply was that there was pending litigation, therefore they could
not talk about it. But wait, didn’t Mr. Longshore just say there was not
lawsuit? Should we not be able to discuss this if there is no lawsuit? Which is
It sounds like they didn’t get their stories together as tight as they
should have before the meeting. Let’s try to make this all come together:
we’ve got an illegal Mayor saying that there is NO lawsuit against Mr. Pass,
the Town Lawyer saying that nothing can be discussed due to pending
litigation, and a Council who refuses to answer any questions. I think the
answer to this problem is quite simple, clean house!

Josh Byrd
Cleveland, AL
Page Four

This is a poem that one of my patients wrote several years ago. It has to remain
anonymous due to privacy laws, but this poem has given me a lot of inspiration in life,
work, and personal issues. I believe this may be a good addition to one of the Retake
Cleveland newsletters, because we have to stay focused on our work and the big picture
(IMPROVING THE TOWN OF CLEVELAND'S FUTURE). I hope this poem will inspire
others to stay vigilant and "DO YOUR WORK" in every aspect of life. The future of our
town and our children's future rest in the hands of GOD and HE will give us the strength
and knowledge to overcome whatever obstacles we may face.

-Brandie Pass Thomas

The Lord has given every man his work. It is man's business to do it, and the devil's
business to hinder him if he can. Just as surely as God has given you a work to do, Satan
will try to hinder you. He may present other things more promising. He may assault you
with slander, torture you with false accusations, set you to work defending your character,
and you may wonder why all those things come upon you. Can you not see that the whole
thing is brought about through the craftiness of the devil? He plans to draw you from your
work and hinder your obedience to God; keep on with your work. Do not flinch because the
lion roars; do not stop to stone the devil's dogs; do not fool away your time chasing the
devil's rabbits.


Let the devil do his worst; but see to it that nothing hinders you from fulfilling the work
God has given you to do. He has never bidden you to defend your character. He has not set
you at work to contradict falsehoods which Satan and his servants may start to peddle. If
you do these things, you will do nothing else. You will be at work for yourself and not the


Let your aim be as steady as the star. Let the world brawl and bubble. You may feel abused
and rejected of men. But with steadfast determination and with unfaltering zeal, see to it
that you pursue the great purpose of your life, and the desired object of your being, until at
last you can say; "I have finished the work which thou gaveth me to do."

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing

to fail.”
--Benjamin Franklin

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