Every Job Matters Trains May 1st

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RMT members including

drivers, station staf and

other LUL grades across
the tube took 48 hours of
strong industrial action. In
man areas !e !ere
su""orted b #$L%& and
T$$# members too.
Why did we strike?
We are against our bosses
cutting nearly a thousand
'e are against the
contributions of nearl
())) "eo"le being
taken out of our
"ension "ot.
'e are against cuts of
*4.+bn being forced on
London Underground
that !ill afect us all.
'e realise it is better to
,ght no! and sto" LUL
at the start of their
attack, than to !ait
until it is the driver-s .ob
threatened , but cuts
else!here have alread
taken "lace succesfull.
Man lines on the
underground !ere
sus"ended and all had big
delas. $cores of stations
closed as !ell / and this
!as in s"ite of managers
being air lifted in to "oint
"assengers to the nearest
0o!ever a fe! "eo"le did
come into !ork. If you
cross the picket line you
are supporting our bosses
and the Tory mayor and
government in taking our
pay, pension and benefts1
and in making the tube a
"oorer "ublic service.
LUL Wreck !"
It !as ho"ed that LUL
management !ould be
sensible and sto" or
sus"end the devastating
cuts "lanned so that our
strike could be sus"ended.
0o!ever, after 2 hours of
talks London Underground
ofered to sus"end
im"lementation for .ust 3
!eeks if !e ofered to
totall cancel our dis"ute.
This is an ofer !e could
never acce"t / as if LU
broke their "romise, as
the did !ith regards to a
station b station revie!
during "revious talks, !e
!ould have to ballot
members for further action
giving them a clear run to
start cutting our .obs.
Read more on back page
Train Drivers Are Fit For The Fightback
#ob $or Life %romise
$or &rivers In &oubt
#t the recent #4#$ talks
RMT negotiators asked
for a guarantee of
"rotected earnings for
life for train drivers in
relation to the *4.+bn
cuts LUL "lan to make.
The res"onse5 nothing.
This is in stark contrast to
Mike 6ro!n-s claim that
ever driver !ho !ants,
can sta as a driver. 'e
assume this re7uest !as
denied as management
"lan to come for our "a.
"trike dates ' ()*++ hours on ,onday -th of
,ay until (+*-. hours on Thursday /th of ,ay
!" Update
RMT "resented to LUL
some sim"le !as for!ard
in talks at #4#$5
(. To enable "ro"er
consultation to take "lace
8s"eci,call, the "ublic
consultation voted for b
the 9L# and the station:b:
station revie! "romised in
&ebruar;, management
!ould halt the
im"lementation of their
"ro"osals until these
consultations !ere
+. That the com"an
recon,rm its !ritten
statement made in
&ebruar that the station:
b:station revie! ma
result in some ticket
o<ces staing o"en.
3. That the com"an give
all our members in #LL
9R#=%$ 8because all
grades are afected b the
*4.+ billion cuts; "ro"er
"rotection of earnings that
!ould be "ensionable and
for life.
RMT negotiators stated
that if LUL agreed to these
ste"s, !e !ould
recommend sus"ending
our strike action starting
on > Ma.
LUL stated that in return
for three !eeks of talks, it
!ould "ause its
im"lementation of the
cuts, but !ould re7uire
RMT to full and
"ermanentl close our
dis"ute. Management
!ould e?"ect RMT to
efectivel assist in
"rocessing the
The made no o0er to
protect earnings, saying
nothing about our
demand for all grades in
LUL to be treated fairly
and given proper
protection. The said that
the commitment the gave
in !riting in
&ebruar that
some ticket
o<ces could
sta o"en no
longer a""lied.
RMT is : as ever :
available for
talks at an
time, including
bet!een no! and the start
of the strike.
Read a full u"date from
our Regional @rganiser at
Transport $or ll
Trans"ort &or #ll, an
organisation !hich
cham"ions the cause of
accessible trans"ort in the
ca"ital, has voiced serious
concerns about London
Underground-s cuts "lan.
AMan disabled and older
"eo"le, including those
!ith a learning di<cult1
visuall im"aired "eo"le
and those !ho are sim"l
unfamiliar !ith com"uters
could ,nd it di<cult or
im"ossible to use ticket
machines / es"eciall !hen
making more com"licated
TU! "upport
TU4 9$ &rances @B9rad
said5 C4losing all London
Underground ticket o<ces
and cutting (,))) tube
staf !ill have a hugel
detrimental im"act on
both regular "assengers
and tourists.D
"trike pay periods
The strike date !as set so
it !ould take "lace over
t!o "a "eriods 8unless
LUL decide to change the
!a the "a us;. 'e also
e?"ect to get the 4$$
bonus !hich !ill hel" !ith
the cost. If ou have
issues, "lease get in touch
!ith our re" or branch
!ho ma be able to ofer
$unctional reps*
=ean @-0anlon
: )E2>F 34++3>
'ill Reid
: )E283 2>8 4+2
Gaughan Thomas
: )EE+) +2EF>E
1ealth 2 "afety
$unctional reps*
Him Mc=aid
: )E2(E (3(F2+
Iigel %ivers
: )E2F( (4(2+4
9ar &itJ"atrick
: )EE2) (3>((+
3et in touch

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