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Tablet One
The Enuma Elish, Epic Of Creation
(19x 9=171)
Lo! When the Raqiya, "skies" above
werenot yet named,
2Nor wasthe Earth below, which then
waspronounced by thenameTiamat,
3 And Afsu, the sun, which is the first
one, that begot themboth.
4 Tiamat, now called Qi, who gave
birth to themall,
5Had mixed their waters together,
6But thepastures werenot formed yet,
and neither werethe reed bedsthat were
7 This was at a time, when yet no
Anunnagi weremanifest asAluhum,
8 Nor were their names pronounced,
nor wasany destiny decreed,
9 And then the Aluhum were born
within theAnunnagi.
10 Lahmu, the planet Mars, and
Lahamu, theplanet Venus, emerged; and
their names were pronounced for all to
hear, ashusband andwife.
11 As soon as they were completely
developed, andthey werefully formed,
12 Then emerged Anshar, the planet
Saturn and Kishar, the planet J upiter,
which were developing faster than
Lahmu, and Lahamu, and it was
surpassing them. They also became
husband andwife.
13 Their orbits set their days and the
length of their time. They planned their
14They added to the years. This made
their days of loveandhappiness longer.
15 ANU, who is El, and their
first-born son, surpassedhis forefathers
indivinity. They hadason.
16Anshar, the planet Saturn, made his
son ANU, who is A'LYUN A'LYUN
EL, of the Dinneer, the righteous ones,
of the rocketship like himself, in his
own imageandafter hisown likeness.
17And ANU, who isEl or An, and his
wife, Iyd, then gavebirth to Ea, who is
to be called Enqi and was later named
Nudimmud. Then he took a wife and
had a son. The planet Ea was named
after his astrological sign, which was
Neptune, that is in ANU's own
18He, Nudimmud, was superior to his
forefathers, beinginthe imageof AND.
19 He was profound and full of
20 He was wise, and was very
physically strong, but head strong, and
stubborn in his ways for self. In this one
thing didhediffer fromANU.
21 Mightier -by far than Anshar, his
father's father,
22 He had no rival amongst the
Anunnagi, hispeers.
23Astimepassedthe Anunnagi of that
generation would meet together;
24 And disturb the planet Qi, as they
came here to dig and drill for minerals,
which wasthen calledTiamat, and their
clamor causedby the crashreverberated,
their mining.
25 Then in time, on one of their visits,
they caused a great crash. They crashed
into Tiamat, to split Tiamat into two,
one solid, the upper half, the other
hammered into asteroids forming a
necklace, then again they crashed into
Tiamat's belly, which formed an inner
world calledEsharra,
Figure 137
Figure 138
Tablet 1:51
26 They, the Maldekians, were
annoying Tiamat by taking residence
inside her, which was Anduruna called
Yams, the great seas.
27 Afsu, the sun, could not shine
through to her after their great noise.
28 Tiamat, became void, and darkness
was upon the face of the Yams, and
there was no sound in front of the
29 However, that aroused the
Maldekian's grevious behavior towards
the residence of Tiamat.
30 However, Vulcan's ways
disagreeable ways were met with no
resistance from Tiamat, whatsoever.
31 Finally Afsu, the sun begetter of the
great Anunnagi,
32 Called out and addressed his
Yahweh, ruler of Mummu, the planet
33 "0Murnmu, Yahweh, in whom I
am well pleased with!
34 Cometh, let us go to Tiamat!" so
the craft of the Dinneer, hovered above
the surface of the Yam, waters.
35 So they went and sat in front of
Tiamat to remove the dust cloud, and
the Sun, and Mercury would be seen
36 And discuss affairs concerning the
Anunnagi, and their children, the
Aluhum of Tiamat.
37 Afsu, the sun, made his voice heard
to the Anunnagi who asked, "Could you,
let there be light, Dr?" Afsu agreed and
there was light.
38 The Aluhum spoke to Tiamat, now
called Qi, in a loud voice, "The light of
the sun shining upon Qi again is
agreeable!" He divided the light in the
atmosphere from the darkness outside
Qi's atmosphere. The light he named
after one of his sons, Yawm. And the
darkness he named after one of his
daughters, Laylat. And there was
another daughter, Salama, "evening" and
another son, Shakhar "morning." This
was all done in the new cycle of time
called one day of 1000 years of the
Anunnagi, in time to be 7000 years in
the time of Qi, and the firmament was
39 "The ways of the Maldekians have
become very grievous to me. They are
causing war and mishchief in my seas.
40 By day I cannot rest.
41 By shadow hour I cannot sleep.
42 I shall abolish their ways and
disperse them!
43 Let Salama's ways of peace, prevail
over Shakhar's ways of trouble, so that
we the Aluhurn, can rest peacefully." As
the sun appears to come up in the
Shakhar, "morning", it's the beginning
of chaos, but in the evening there is
peace when the darkness comes.
44 When the inhabitors of Tiamat
heard this,
45 Their ruler Salama was furious and
he shouted to her lover.
46 She shouted dreadfully, and she was
beside herself with rage,
47 But then she suppressed the evil in
her belly.
48 "How could we allow our planet,
which we ourselves created to perish?
49 Even though the Maldekian's ways
are so grievous, we should bear it
patiently." We should not break our
peace by killing anyone.
50 The Yahweh of Mummu, Mercury,
replied and counseled Afsu, the sun;
51 The Yahweh who ruled Mercury
did not agree with the counsel of his
Earth mother Salama.
Figure 139
Tablet 1:52
Tablet 1:83
52"0 father, Afsu, put an end to their
troublesome ways on Orb, calledQi,
53 So that she may be allowed to rest
by daylight hour, and sleep by shadow
54Afsu, waspleasedwith Mummu.
55 His face lit up with joy, at the
destruction he was planning for the
Anunnagi, and his own sons, the
56The Yahweh of Mummu, Mercury,
57 He sat on his lap, in which he
orbited him, and he kissed, which
eclipsed him, again and again. Thus,
Mercury orbits thesun.
58But everything they plotted between
them was relayed to the Anunnagi and
their sons, theAluhum.
59The Anunnagi listened and
wandered about restlessly;
60They fell silent, they sat quietly.
61 Nudirnmud, son of ANU, the
superior in overstanding, the wise and
62 Enqi, as he was to become known,
who knows everything, had found out
their plot,
63And hemadefor himself adesignof
everything, andlaidit out correctly,
64 And he made it cleverly, and his
pure Spell of Leviathan wassuperb.
65He recited the spell andit ceasedthe
growth in the waters. and all those who
were to inhabit .Q.i-- as children of the
agreeableAnunnagi. would bemaimed.
22.-I::kpoured sleep upon him so that
he was sleeping soundly. as he enforced
the spell.
67He put Afsuto sleep. For it washe,
who causedthe sunto beblocked by the
dust cloud.
68Yahweh of Mummu, Mercury, in
that period, time of darkness, the
counselor wasinasleeplessdaze.
69 He, Nudirnmud, Enqi, unfastened
his belt, and releasedthe asteroid belt so
that the waters above and beneath
70He took off his crown, brought life
to astop on the planet Mummu, and he
removed theleadershipof Salama.
71 He took away Afsu's mantle of
radiance, which isthelight fromthe sun
and he put it on himself. He took
rulership of thesolar systemfor himself.
72 He held Afsu, the sun, down and
slewhim; andheblocked thelight of the
sunto Qi,
73And tied up Mummu, Mercury, and
laid him across him. Mercury lost its
original orbit.
74 He set up his dwelling on top of
Afsu, the Sun, and he took rulership of
the entire solar system and not just
merely theplanet Qi,
75 And he grasped and controlled
Mummu, Mercury, ashe held him by a
76 And when he had overcome and
77 Ea, Neptune, set up his triumphal
cry over hisprivate quarters.
78 He named them Afsu, and assigned
temples, of Ra, the sundeity.
79Hefounded hisown residencethere.
80Nudimmud andDamkina, his lover,
dwelt insplendor.
81In the chamber of destinies, the hall
of designs.
82 His, Nudimmud's son, cleverest of
the clever, sage of the Anunnagi, was
83And insideher womb was pure like
Afsu, the originator, his name was
Murduk, andhewascreatedinsidepure
Figure 140
Figure 141
Tablet 1:83
84 Murduk was born to Nudimmud
and Damkina.
85 Damkina, his mother bore him.
86 He suckled the breasts of the
agreeable Anunnagi.
87 The nurse, who reared him, filled
him with awesomeness.
88 Proud was his people, for he was as
aplercrng star,
89 Mature his emergence, he was
powerful from the stan.
90 ANU, his father's begetter, beheld
him, taught by AND himself, his
grandfather, and he was cousin to
Adonis Tammuz, son of Ishtar and
Dammuzi, among whom he reared.
91 He rejoiced, beamed; his heart was
filled with joy.
92 AND, who is A'LYUN A'LYUN
EL, made him so perfect that his
ANUNNAGI position was 2 fold, for
he had 720 degrees disagreeable, and
agreeable within his nature, when all
others have 180 in their nature. Twice
degrees in all. His has 720
twice, 360 of the physical world, and
360 of the ether or spiritual world.
93 He elevated far above them, he was
superior, as ateacher in every way.
94 His limbs were ingeniously made
beyond comprehension,
95 Impossible to overstand, too
difficult to perceive.
96 He had 4 eyes, and 4 ears. He
perceived through his eyes twice that of
others, he hears through his ears twice
that of others.
97 When his lips moved, fire blazed
forth. When he speaks, he burns away
98 The 4 ears were enormous.
99 And likewise the eyes, they
Tablet 1:117
perceived everything.
100 Highest among the Anurrnagi, his
form was outstanding.
101 His limbs were very long, his fame
spreaded far, his height was normal, his
stature was the same as others, yet he
was outstanding, AND cried out!
102 "Mariutu, Mariutu, rebel, rebel!
103 Son, majesty, majesty of the
Anurrnagi! Ordered by ANU to be rebel
against Enqi.
104 Clothed in the radiant mantle of 10
Anunnagi, which was worn high above
his head.
105 There were 5 fearsome rays
clustered above him.
106 ANU created the 4 winds that
protect Nibiru and gave them birth, life.
107 And he put them in his, Murduk's,
108 My grandson, let them play!"
109 He fashioned dust and made the
whirlwind carry it;
110 He made the flood-wave and he
stirred up Tiamat.
111Tiamat was stirred up and heaved;
in restlessly daylight hour, and shadow
112 The disagreeable Anunnagi were
unable to rest, and they had to suffer.
113 They plotted disagreeableness in
their hearts,
114 And they addressed Tiam~t, their
mother, saying,
115 "Because they slew Afsu, the sun,
your lover, and they blocked the sun's
rays from embracing the Earth with its
loving warmth and vitality.
116 And you, agreeable Aluhum, did
not go to Murnmu's and Tiamat's aid,
but rather you would sit in silence
through its dark period.
117He has created the 4fearful winds
an unfaceable
giant snakes,
Tablet 1:117
of Nibiru.
118 To stir up your belly on purpose
by opening Esharra,
119 And we simply cannot sleep!
120 Was your lover Afsu, the sun, not
in your heart?
121 Yahweh of Mummu, Mercury,
who was captured?
122 No wonder you sit alone!
123 Are you not amother, Tiamat?
124 You heave restlessly,
125 But what about us, who cannot
126 Don't you love us?
127 Our grip has weakened and is
slack, and our eyes are sunken.
128 Remove the yoke of us restless
129 And let us sleep!
130 Set up a battle cry and avenge
131 Conquer the Maldekian enemies,
and reduce them to naught!"
132 Tiamat listened, and the speech
pleased her.
133 "Let us act now, on this, and bring
it to pass as you were advising!
134 The Anunnagi inside him Esharra
will be disturbed,
135 Because they adopted the ways of
the disagreeable one, Enqi, and his host
were the Aluhum who begot them."
136 They crowded around and rallied
beside Tiamat.
137 They were fierce, scheming
restlessly shadow hour and daylight
138 They were working up to war,
growling and raging.
139 They convened a council and
created conflict.
140 Mother Hubur, who fashions all
Tablet 1:157
141 Contributed
weapon: she bore
reptilians, in her seas,
142 With sharp teeth and unsparing
fangs, disagreeable in heart, and
rebellious in nature,
143 She filled their bodies with venom
instead of blood.
144 She cloaked ferocious dragons with
fearsome rays of power,
145 And made them bear mantles of
radiance, which made them appear like
146 "Whoever look upon these
Reptilians shall collapse in utter terror!
147 Their bodies shall rear up
continually and never turn away!"
148 She stationed a horned serpent, a
Mushussu-dragon and Lahmu, the planet
Mars, which was the first home away
from home of the agreeable Anunnagi.
149 The false Ugallu-demon, a rabid
dog called Anubis,
150 And ascorpion-man called Ibliys,
151 Aggressive Umu-demons called
Taneen, a fish-man called Dagan, and a
bull-man called Enkidu and all
offsprings of Maldek,
152 Were bearing merciless weapons,
fearless in battle.
153 Her orders were so powerful, they
could not be disobeyed.
154 In addition, she created 11 more
crafts, and she launched them at Nibiru,
155 Over the Aluhum, her offspring,
who she had convened acouncil for her,
156 She promoted the ruler Luna who
is Sheshqi, Kingu, who is ruler of the
Moon, she and made him greatest
among them,
157 And she conferred upon him
leadership of the army, and thus those
who worship the crescent moon,
Figure 142
Mother Hubur
Tablet 1:157
attribute it to Dina,
158And command of theassembly,
159Raising the weapon to signal
160Mustering combat-troops,
1610verall command of the whole
battle force.
162She set him upon a throne, and
163 "I havecast the Spell of Leviathan,
the great Taneen, called Shaytaan, for
you and made you the greatest of the
Anunnagi's assembly!
1641 have put him into your power
ruleover all theAnunnagi!
165You shall be the greatest, for you
aremy only lover!
166 Your commands shall always
prevail over all theAnunnagi!"
167 Then she, Ishtar, ruled Luna over
the deities in that solar system. Shegave
Kingu the Tablet of Destinies and made
himclaspit to hisbreast.
168"Your utterance shall never be
altered! Your word shall belaw!"
169When Sheshqi, alsoknown asLuna,
ruler of the moon, child of Tiamat was
promoted and had received the
170 And had decreed destinies for the
Anunnagi his sons, he said, "Thoseissues
that come forth fromyour mouths shall
quench fire!
171Your accumulated venom that
reaches any and aU shall paralyze the
Tablet Two
Enuma Elish II
(19x 7=133)
Lo! Tiamat assembled her creatures, the
Reptilians of Maldek, the controllers of
Tablet 2:21
2 And collected battle-units against the
Reptilians her offsprings.
3 Tiamat did even more evil for
posterity than Afsu, thesun.
4 It was reported to Nudimmud that
Tiamat hadprepared for war.
5 Nudimmud listened to that report
fromtheplanet Ea, Neptune,
6And he was dumbfounded and sat in
7When Nudimmud had pondered and
hisfury subsided,
8Nudimmud made his way to the
planet Anshar, Saturn, which is his
grandfather's planet.
9 Nudimmud camebefore Anshar, the
father of himwho begot him,
10And he began to repeat to him
everything that the Maldekians that
ruled Tiamat hadplanned.
11"Grandfather, the planet Tiamat,
who boreus, isrejectingus!
12Shehasconvened acouncil,
13And isragingout of control.
14 The Anunnagi have turned to the
aidof Tiamat, andall of them,
15 Even your children, those whom
you begot, such as AND and Antum,
havegoneover to Tiamat's side.
16 They crowded around and rallied
17 They were fierce, scheming
restlessly, shadow hour and daylight
18 They were working up to war,
growling andraging.
19 They convened a council, and
20Aswas stated earlier, Mother Hubur,
who fashions all things,
21 Contributed an unfaceable weapon:
shebore giant snakes, Reptilians, inher
Tablet 1:21
22 With sharp teeth and unspanng
fangs, disagreeable ill heart, and
rebellious in nature,
23 She filled their bodies with venom
instead of blood.
24 She cloaked ferocious dragons with
fearsome rays of power,
25 And made them bear mantles of
radiance, which made them appear like
26 "Whoever you look upon these
Reptilians shall collapse in utter terror!
27 Their bodies shall rear up
continually, and they shall never turn
28 She stationed a horned serpent, a
29 The false Ugallu-demon, a rabid dog
called Anubis,
30 And ascorpion-man called Ibliys,
31 Aggressive Umu-Demons called
Taneen, a Fish-Man called Dagan, and a
Bull-Man called Enkidu; and all the
offsprings of Maldek,
32 Were bearing merciless weapons,
fearless in battle.
33 Her orders were so powerful, they
could not be disobeyed.
34 In addition, she created 11 more
crafts and she launched them at Nibiru.
35 Over the Aluhum, her offspring
who had convened acouncil for her,
36 She promoted the ruler Luna, who
is Kingu, ruler of the Moon, and she
made him greatest among them,
37 And she conferred upon him
leadership of the army, and thus those
who worship the crescent moon
attribute it to Dina.
38 And command of the assembly,
39 Raising the weapon to signal
Tablet 2:60
40 Mustering combat-troops,
410verall command of the whole
battle force.
42 And she set him upon athrone.
43 "I have cast the Spell Of Kingu,
which is later to become known as the
Spell of Leviathan, the great Taneen
called Shaytaan, for you and made you
the greatest of the Anunnagi' sassembly!
44 I have put into your power, rule
over all the Anunnagi!
45 You shall be the greatest, for you are
my only lover!
46 Your commands shall always prevail
over all the Anunnagi!"
47 Then Tiamat gave Kingu rule in the
solar system,
48 The Tablet Of Destinies, and she
made him clasp it to his breast.
49 "Your utterance shall never be
altered! Your word shall be law!"
50 When Sheshqi, known as Luna,
ruler of the moon, child of Tiamat,
51 He was promoted and had received
the ANU-power,
52 And had decreed destinies for the
Anunnagi his sons, he said,
53 "These issues that come forth from
your mouths shall quench fire!
54 Your accumulated venom that
reaches any and all shall paralyze the
55 Anshar listened, and the report was
very disturbing.
56 He twisted his fingers, balled up his
fist, and frowned his face, and bit his lip;
57 His liver was inflamed, nerves on
edge, and his belly was restless.
58 His roar to Ea, his grandson, was
quite weak.
59 "You must be the one who declares
60 Keep brandishing what you have
Tablet 2:60
made as arms for yourself!
61 You are the hero, the conqueror.
You slew Afsu, the sun.
62 Where else will we find someone to
face the inhabitants of Tiamat, when she
rages uncontrollably?
63 You were born with the good sense
of the Anunnagi, oh Nudimmud."
64 In anger, Nudimmud made his voice
65 "You are the unfathomable fixer
of fates!
66 The power to create and to destroy
is yours!
67 0 Anshar, you are the
unfathomable fixer of fates!
68 The power to create and to destroy
is yours!
69 The fate which you order
immediately comes to pass."
70 Anshar, listened, and the speech
pleased him.
71 His heart prompted him to speak to
72 "Your courage, like an Anunnagi,
has given you the power to rise up
against the inhabitants of Tiamat!"
73 He, Anshar, addressed AND, his
son saymg,
74 "This is the Kasusu, weapon of
75 Its strength is mighty, its attack
76 Go against the inhabitants of Tiamat
and stand your ground!
77 Let her anger abate, and let her fury
be quelled.
78 If she will not listen to your word,
79 Speak our words of force to her,
that she may be calmed."
80 AND listened to the speech of his
father, Anshar,
81 And took the path to Tiamat and
Tablet 2:104
made his way straight to her.
82 AND set out, and came to earth.
83 He was trying to find out the
strategy of the inhabitants of Tiamat.
84 He discovered it and he turned back.
85 He entered into the presence of
Anshar, the father who begot him.
86 He humbly addressed him,
87 "Oh Anshar, you are too great for
88 She laid before me with the palms of
her hand on top of me."
89 Anshar was speechless, and stared at
the ground;
90 He gnashed his teeth in anger and
shook his head in despair at Nudimmud.
91 Now, the Igigi assembled all the
92 They stayed silently for a while,
93 "Will no other Anunnagi cometh
forward? Is fate fixed?
94 Will no one go out to face the
95 Who inhabited the seas of Tiamat
with courage?"
96 Then, Nudimmud, from his secret
dwelling called,
97 The perfect one grandson of Anshar,
father of the great Anunnagi,
98 Whose heart is perfect like a
fellow-citizen or countryman pure.
99 The mighty heir who was to be his
father's champion,
100 Who rushes fearlessly into battle;
Murduk the hero!
101 He told him his innermost design,
102 "0Murduk, take my advice, listen
to your father!
103 You are the son who sets his heart
at rest!
104 Approach Anshar, as you are
Figure 143
Anshar, Father Of Anu
Figure 144
Kishar, Mother Of Anu
Figure 145
The Anunnagi, Lahmu
Figure 146
The Anunnagi Lahamu
drawing near to him,
105 And make your voice heard, and
stand your ground:
106 He will be calmed by the sight of
107 The Yahweh rejoiced at the words
of his father,
108 And he approached and stood
before Anshar.
109 Anshar looked at him, and his
heart wasfilledwith joy.
110 He kissed him on the lips, put
away histrepidation.
111Then Murduk addressed him,
112 "Father, don't stay so silent, open
your lips,
113 Let me go, and let me fulfill your
heart's desire.
114 Ruler of Anshar, don't stay so
silent, open your lips,
115 Let me go, and let me fulfill your
heart's desire."
Anshar Replied:
116 "What kind of man have ordered
you out to hiswar?
117My son, don't you realizethat it is
the inhabitants of Tiamat,
118 And Ishtar, ruler of womankind,
who will advance against you with
Murduk Answered:
119 "Father, my creator, rejoice and be
120 You shall soon set your foot upon
the neck of the inhabitants of Tiamat!"
Anshar Replied:
121"Then go, son, knowing all wisdom!
122Quell Tiamat with your pure spell!
123 Set forth immediately in the craft
of the sound of lightning, a storm
124 Let its mission not be to drive
them out, but rather to turn them
125The Yahweh rejoiced at the words
of hisfather.
126 His heart was glad and he
127 "Yahweh of the Aluhum, fate of
the great Anunnagi,
128 If indeed I am to be your
129 If I amto defeat those who have
occupied Tiamat andhaveyour lives,
130 Convene the council, name a
special fate,
131Sit joyfully together m
132 My own utterance shall fix fate
instead of you!
133 Whatever I create shall never be
altered! The decree of my lips shall
never berevoked, andnever changed!"
Tablet Three
Anshar Speaks To Kakka
(19 x 9=171)
Lo! Anshar made his voice heard, and
addressed his speech to Kakka his
2 "0Kakka, Yahweh who pleasesme!
3 I shall sendyou to Lahmu, Mars and
Lahamu, Venus.
4 You shall know how to probe, you
arenot skilledinspeaking,
5Have the Anunnagi, my fathers,
brought you beforeme;
6Let all theAnunnagi bebrought to
TabletJ ;46
7 Let there be conversation, let them sit
at abanquet,
8 Let them eat grain, let them drink
choice wine,
9And then let them decree adestiny for
Murduk, their champion.
10 Set off, Kakka, and go and stand
before them, and everything that I am
about to tell you, repeat to them.
11 Anshar, your son has sent me,
12 He has told me to report his heart's
13 I sent ANU, but he was unable to
face her alone,
14 Nudimmud panicked and turned
15 Then Murduk, sage of the
Anunnagi, your son, came forward.
16 He wanted of his own free will to
confront the inhabitants of Tiamat.
17 He addressed his words to me,
18 'If indeed I am to be your champion,
19 To defeat the inhabitants of Tiamat
and save your lives,
20 Convene the council, name a special
21 Sit joyfully together m
22 And let me, in my own utterance,
fix fate instead of you.
23 Whatever I create shall never be
24 Let a decree from my lips never be
revoked, or never changed!'
25 Hurry and decree your destiny for
him quickly,
26 So that he may go, and face your
formidable enemy!"
27 Kakka set of and went on his way.
28 Before Lahmu, Mars, and Lahamu,
Venus, the Anunnagi, and his fathers, he
prostrated himself, and kissed the
ground in front of them.
29 Then straightened up, and stood
there and spoke to them, saying:
30 "Anshar, your son has sent me.
31 He has told me to report his
personal message, that they founded a
princely shrine for him."
32 He took up residence as ruler before
his fathers.
33 "You are honored among the great
34 Your destiny is unequaled, your
word has the power of ANU!
35 0Murduk, you are honored among
the great Anunnagi.
36 Your destiny is unequaled, your
word has the power of ANU!
37 From this day onwards your
command shall not be altered.
38 Yours is the power to exalt and
39 May your utterance be law, and
your word never be falsified.
40 None of the Anunnagi shall
transgress your limits.
41 May endowment, required for the
Anunnagi's shl'ines,
42 Wherever they have temples, be
established for your place.
43 0Murduk, you are our champion!
44 We hereby give you sovereignty
over all of the whole universe.
45 Sit in the assembly and your word
shall be pre-eminent!
46 May your weapons never miss the
mark, and may they smash your
Tablet 3:47
47 aMurduk, spare the life of him
who trusts in you,
48 But drain the life of the beings who
have espoused evil!"
49 They set up in their midst of that one
50 And then they addressed Murduk,
their son,
51 "May your decree, a Murduk,
impress the Anunnagi!
52 Command to destroy and to
recreate, and let it be so!
53 Speak and let the constellation
54 Speak to it again and the
constellation was recreated.
55 He spoke to it again, and the
constellation was recreated.
56 When the Anunnagi, his fathers, saw
how effective his utterance was,
57 They rejoiced, they proclaimed,
"Murduk is Ruled"
58 They invested him with scepter,
throne, and staff-of-office.
59 They gave him an unfaceable
weapon to crush the foe.
60 "Go, and cut off the life of the
inhabitants of Tiamat!
61 Let the winds bear her blood to us
as good news!"
62 The Anunnagi, his fathers, thus,
decreed the destiny of Murduk,
63 And set him on the path of peace
and obedience.
64 He fashioned abow, designated it as
his weapon,
65 And he feathered the arrow, and set
it in the string.
66 He lifted up a mace and carried it in
his right hand,
67 Slung the bow and quiver at his side,
Tablet 3:87
68 And he put lightning in front of
69 His body was filled with an
ever-blazing flame.
70 He made a net to encircle Tiamat
within it,
71 Marshalled the four winds so that
no part of her could escape:
72 South Wind, North Wind, East
Wind, West Wind,
73 The gift of his grandfather, AND,
he kept them close to the net at his side.
74 He created the Imhullu-wind, evil
wind, the tempest, the whirlwind,
75 The forcefields called the four
winds, the seven winds, like tornadoes,
the unfaceable facing wind.
76 He released the winds which he had
created, and 7crafts they were.
77 They advanced behind him to make
turmoil inside Tiamat.
78 Murduk, the ruler, raised the
flood-weapon, his great weapon,
79 And mounted the frightful,
unfaceable storm-chariot.
80 He had yoked to it a team of 4, and
he had harnessed it to its side.
81 "Slayer", "pitiless", "racer", and
82 Their lips were drawn back, their
teeth carried poison.
83 They know not exhaustion, they
can only devastate.
84 He stationed on his right,
fiercesome fight and conflict,
85 On the left, the battle to knock
down every contender prepared to
86 Clothed in a cloak of awesome
87 His head was crowned with a
Tablet 3:87
terrible radiance.
88 The ruler set out and took the road,
89 And set his face towards Tiamat
who raged out of control.
90 In his lips he gripped aspell,
91 In his hand he grasped a herb to
counter poison.
92 Then they thronged about him, the
Anunnagi thronged about him;
93 The Anunnagi, his fathers, thronged
about him.
94 The ruler drew near and looked into
the middle of Tiamat:
95 He was trying to find out the
strategy of Kingu, her lover.
96 As he looked, his mind became
97 His will crumbled and his actions
were muddled.
98 As for the Anunnagi his helpers,
who marched at his side,
99 When they saw the warrior, the
leader, their looks were strained.
100 Tiamat casted her spell. She did not
even turn her neck.
101 In her lips she was holding
falsehood, lies, wheedling,
102 "How powerful is your attacking
force, 0Yahweh of the Aluhum!
103 The whole assembly of them have
gathered to your place!"
104 The Yahweh of the Aluhum lifted
up the flood-weapon, his great weapon.
105 He sent a message to Tiamat who
feigned goodwill, saying:
106 "Why are you so friendly on the
107 When your depths conspire to
muster abattle force?
108 J ust because the sons were noisy
and disrespectful to their fathers,
Tablet 3:129
109 Should you, who gave them birth,
reject compassion?
110 You named Kingu asyour lover,
111 You appointed him to rites of
AND-power, which were wrongfully
112 You sought out evil for Anshar,
ruler of the Anunnagi,
113 You have compounded your
wickedness against the Anunnagi, my
114 Let your host prepare! Let them
gird themselves with your weapons!
115 Stand forth, and you and I shall do
single combatl"
116 When Tiamat heard this,
117 She went wild, and she lost her
118 Tiamat screamed aloud in a
119 Her lower parts shook together
from the depths.
120 She recited the incantation and
kept casting her spell.
121 Meanwhile, the Anunnagi of battle
were sharpening their weapons.
122 Face to face they came,
Tiamat and Murduk, sage of the
123 They engaged in combat, they
closed for battle.
124 The ruler spread his net and made
it encircle her,
125 To her face he dispatched the
Imhullu-wind, which had been behind:
126 Tiamat opened her mouth to
swallow it,
127 And he forced in the Imhullu-wind
so that she could not close her lips.
128 Fierce winds distended her belly;
129 Her insides were constipated and
Tablet 3:129
Tablet 3:167
143 They had to bear his punishment,
confined to prison.
144 And as for the dozens of creatures,
covered in fearsome rays,
145 The gang of demons who all
marched on her right,
146 He fixed them with nose-ropes,
and tied their arms.
147 He trampled their battle-filth,
stomping them beneath him.
148 As for Kingu, who had once been
the greatest among them,
149 He defeated him, and counted him
among the dead planets,
150 Which rested from him was the
Tablet of Destinies, which
werewrongfully his,
151 And he sealed it with his own seal,
and pressed it to his breast.
152 When he had defeated, and killed
his enemies,
153 And he had proclaimed the
submissive Tiamat foe his slave,
154 And he had set up the triumphal
cry of Anshar over all the enemy,
155 And he had achieved the desire of
Murduk the warrior.
156 He strengthened his hold over the
captive Maldekians,
157 And to Tiamat, whom he had
ensnared, he turned back.
158 Thegreat ship Nibiru caused her to
be trampled, and the lower part of
Tiamat was shattered,
159 With his unsparing mace, he
smashed her skull,
160 Severed the arteries of her blood,
161 And made the North wind carry it
off as good news. His fathers saw it and
were jubilant: They rejoiced,
163 Arranged to greet him with
presents, greetings and gifts. The ruler
rested, and inspected her corpse. He
divided the monstrous shape and created
marvels from it.
164 He sliced her in half like a fish for
165 Half of her he put up to the roof of
the sky as a new Tiamat, now called
166 And he drew an asteroid belt across
the skies from the particles of her lower
half, and he made aguard hold it.
167 He arranged her waters so that they
could not escape. He crossed the heavens
and her,
she stretched her mouth wide.
130 He shot an arrow which pierced
her belly,
131 Split her down the middle and slit
her heart,
132 That vanquished
extinguished her life.
133 He threw down her corpse and
stood on top of her.
134 When he had slain Tiamat, the
135 He broke up her regiments; and her
assembly was scattered.
136 Then the Maldekians, her helpers,
who had marched at her side,
137 Began to tremble, panicked, and
turned tail.
138 Although he allowed them to
cometh out, and spared their lives,
139 They were surrounded, and they
could not flee.
140 Then he tied them up, and smashed
their weapons.
141 They were thrown into the net and
sat there ensnared.
142 They cowered back, filled with
Tablet 3:167 Tablet 4:32
day of
path of
and entrusted the shadow hours to it.
13 He designated the moon, the jewel
of shadow hours, to mark out the days.
14 And to "go forth every month
without fail in acorona,
15 At the beginning of the month, to
glow over the land.
16 You shine with horns to mark out 6
17 On the 7th day the crown is half.
18 The fifteenth day shall always be the
mid-point, or the half of each month.
19 When Shamash looks at you from
the horizon,
20 You shall gradually shed your
visibility and begin to wane.
21 Always bring the
disappearance close to the
22 And on the 30th day, the year is
always equalized, for Shamash 1S
responsible for the year.
23 A sign shall appear in the skies and
sweep along its path.
24 Then it will always approach the
accused, and judge the case,
25 Which caused the bow star to kill,
and rob.
26 At the new year's festival, year of
27 You may control the bolt of the
exit, that separated the shadow hours
from the days, the Kingu, the moon.
28 The watches of the shadow hours
and day light hours,
29 The spittle of Tiamat is controlled
by Murduk, the champion.
30 He put into groups and made clouds
31 Raising winds, making rain,
32 Making fog below, by collecting her
Tablet Four
Enuma Elish III
(19 x 11=109)
and sought out ashrine;
168 He leveled Afsu, the sun, which is
the dwelling of Nudimmud, and he
removed his rule of the solar system.
169 The ruler Murduk measured the
dimensions of Afsu, the sun.
170 The large temple Eshgalla, which
he built in its image, was Esharra, the
inner world created in the belly of
Tiamat called Aghaarta and Shamballah:
171 In the great shrine Esharra, which
he had created as the sky, he founded a
cult centress for AND, Enlil, and
Lo! He fashioned stands for the great
2 As for the stars, he set up
constellations corresponding to them.
3 He designated the year, and marked
out its divisions,
4 He appointed 3 stars, each to the 12
5 When he had made plans of the days
of the year,
6 He founded the stand of Nibiru to
mark out their courses;
7 So that none of them could go wrong
or stray.
8 He fixed the stand of Nunamnir, and
Nudimmud together with it,
9 And he opened up the gates in both
10 And made strong bolts to the left
and right.
11 With her liver he located the zenith;
12 He made the crescent moon appear,
Tablet 4:32
33 He assigned for himself, and let his
own hand control it.
34 He placed her head, heaped up in
35 Opening up springs: water gushed
36 He opened the Furattu, Euphrates
and the Idiglat, Tigris from her eyes,
37 He closed her nostrils of her nose.
38 He piled up clear-cut mountains
from her udder,
39 He bored water holes to drain off
the catchwater.
40 He laid her tail across, tied it fast as
the cosmic bond. All was done.
41 And the rulership of Afsu was
beneath his feet.
42 He set her thigh to make fast the
43 With half of her he made aroof; and
he fixed the Earth.
44 He caused the work, and made the
insides of Tiamat surge,
45 And spread his net, which made it
extend completely.
46 The ruler of heaven and Earth.
47 He untied their knots, to coil the
tail of Leviathan.
48 Then he had designed its cult, and
created its rites,
49 And he threw down the reins, and
made Nudimmud take them.
50 The Tablet Of Destinies, which
Kingu had appropriated, he fetched,
51 And he took it and presented it for a
first reading, before the Anunnagi, and
then to AND.
52 The Maldekians of battle whom he
had ensnared,
53 Were disentangled by him;
Tablet 4:73
54 He led them as captives into the
presence of his fathers.
55 As for the 11 creatures that Tiamat
had created, he destroyed them,
56 Smashed their weapons, tied them at
his feet,
57 Made images of them, and had them
set up at the door of AFSU, the sun.
58 "Let this be a sign that will never in
the future be forgotten!"
59 The Anunnagi looked, and their
hearts were full of joy at the sight of
60 Lahmu and Lahamu and all his
fathers embraced him,
61 And Anshar, the ruler, proclaimed
that there should be areception for him.
62 ANU, Enlil, and Enqi, each
presented him with gifts.
63 Even Damkina, his mother,
exclaimed with joy at him;
64 She made him beam inside it and his
fine throne of his house.
65 He, Murduk, appointed Usmi, who
had brought his greetings present as
good news,
66 To be Yahweh of the Afsu and to
take care of shrines.
67 The Igigi assembled, and all of them
did obeisance to him.
68 The Anunnagi, each and every one,
kissed his feet.
69 The whole assembly collected
together to prostrate themselves.
70 Rising, they stood, they bowed,
"Yes, ruler indeed!"
71 Noble son of his fathers took their
fill of his manliness,
72 They took off his clothes which
were enveloped in the dust of combat.
73 His fathers, the Anunnagi, were
'Tablet 4:73 Tablet 4~lO~
attentive to him.
74 With cypress nectar they sprinkled
andanointed hisbody.
75Heput on aprincely garment,
76A royal aura, asplendidcrown.
77He took up amaceand graspedit in
hisright hand.
78A staff inhisleft hand.
79 He set a Mushussu-Dra-Gon, bowe
at hisfeet,
80 And he placed upon his shoulders
the mantle of radiance that was givento
81 His net was holding control of
fearful Afsu,
82A bull ishis symbol.
83 In the inner chamber of his throne
wastheTablets of Destiny.
84 In his cellar was the gifts presented
to him.
85The Anunnagi, and all that existed,
honored him.
86Lahmu andLahamu filledwith joy,
87And hemadetheir voicesheard, and
hespoketo theIgigi,
88"Previously...Murduk wasjust our
beloved son but now he is your ruler
Takeheed of hiscommand."
89Next, they spoke and proclaimed in
90 Lugal-Dimmer-Ankia- is his name.
Trust inHim!
91 When they gave rulership to
92 They spoke an oration for him, for
93 Hencefonh you shall be the
provider of shrines for us.
94 Whatever you command, we shall
perform ourselves."
95 Murduk made his voice heard and
96 And he addressed his words to the
Anunnagi, hisfathers,
97"Over the Afsu, the sea-green
98In front of the inner world Esharra,
which I createdfor you,
99 Where I strengthened the ground
beneath it for ashrine,
100 I shall make a house to be a
luxurious dwellingfor myself.
101He shall find his cult center within
102 And I shall establish my private
quarters, andconfirmmy rulership.
103 Whenever you come up from the
Afsu, the sun will be in the center of
Shamballah, for anassembly,
104 Your shadow hour's resting place
shall beinit, receivingyou all.
105 Whenever you come down from
theskyfor anassembly,
106 Your shadow hours resting place
shall beinit, receivingyou all.
107I hereby name it home of the great
108 We shall make it the center of
109The Anunnagi, his fathers, listened
to this command of his.
This Is How It Was Recorded
And This Is How It Will Be

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