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Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!

Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
F42 K54$6 P67864'
F76 62$2F 7F C9C7#2 V$CT$'S $# B4#84"2S5
Construction of
SC577-cum-C9C7#2 S52T26S
Contract #o! B"$-%%&&
:Pac;age -*<
Bidding "ocuments
:Technical Submission based on Volume--<
"ate of Submission: &% 4pril +%-*
2mployer: $'C =orld>ide td in
association >ith "P'
:Program 'anagement
Consultant< on behalf of $"B
Submitted by :
Joint Venture of Taher Brothers Ltd
and Subashati Properties Ltd.
Steel Mill Bazar, North Patena,
!hittaon"#$%#, Banladesh.
Tel. &%'("$)*+%*,, $*%%%%$.
Submitted to:
Pro0e/t 1ire/tor
2M! 3orld4ide Ltd.
5ouse 6, 7oad ((, Baridhara, 1ha8a
Tel. &))%$))$*+,(
-mail: pm/.im/4"banladesh./om
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*)
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Contents of Technical Submission

S2CT$7# - 4ddendum
S2CT$7# + Joint Venture 4greement ? other legal
S2CT$7# & Form of Bid) Contract data) Bid Security
S2CT$7# * @ualification of the Bidder :Financial
Capacity ) 4udit 6eport) Cash flo>) Financial
ProAection) litigation history) etc<
S2CT$7# . Proposed Personnel ? their 6esumes
S2CT$7# 0 2Buipment
S2CT$7# / Site 7rgani(ation
S2CT$7# , 'ethod statement
S2CT$7# C 'obili(ation Schedule
S2CT$7# -% Construction Schedule
S2CT$7# -- Schedule of $mported 2Buipment ? 'aterials
S2CT$7# -+ 7thers :=or; 21perience) 2Buipment
7>nership Certificate) Site Visit<
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Joint Venture Agreement & Other Legal Capacity
Tra!e Licenses" Certificates of Incorporation etc# $
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
%orm of &i!" Contract 'ata" &i! Security
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Form of Bid
Name of Contract( %ael )hair *rogram ( Construction of School+cum+
Cyclone Shelters, Contract No# &'I+ --.. *ac/age 01$
To( I2C 3orl!4i!e Lt!# acting as Agent for the Islamic 'e5elopment &an/
1. In accordance >ith the Conditions of Contract) Specification) "ra>ings) and Bill
of @uantities and 4ddenda #os! 02 for the e1ecution of the aboDe-named =or;s >e) the
undersigned) offer to construct and install such =or;s and remedy any defects therein in
conformity >ith the Conditions of Contract) Specifications) "ra>ings) Bill of
@uantities) and 4ddenda for the sum of B"T
In Words:
specified in the Appendix to Bid or such other sums as may be ascertained in
accordance with the conditions].
+! =e ac;no>ledge that the 4ppendi1 forms part of our Bid!
&! =e underta;e) if our Bid is accepted) to commence the =or;s as soon as is
reasonably possible after the receipt of the ProAect 'anagerEs notice to commence) and to
complete the >hole of the =or;s comprised in the Contract >ithin the time stated in the
4ppendi1 to Bid!
*! =e agree to abide :7ur ban; guarantee #o! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
this Bid until the date specified in $TB Clause -0 [0.0!.20"#]$ and it shall remain binding
upon us and may be accepted at any time before that date!
.! Gnless and until a formal 4greement is prepared and e1ecuted this Bid) together
>ith! your >ritten acceptance thereof) shall constitute a binding Contract bet>een us!
0! =e understand that you are not bound to accept the lo>est or any bid you may
/! =e certifyHconfirm that >e comply >ith the eligibility reBuirements as per $TB
Clause & of the bidding documents!
,! Commissions or gratuities) if any) paid or to be paid by us to agents relating to this Bid)
and to Contract e1ecution if >e are a>arded the Contract) are listed belo>:
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
#ame and 4dress of 4gent 4mount and Currency Purpose of
Commission or gratuity
----------------------------------- ---------------------------
------------------------------------ ------------------------------
: $f none) state none<
"ated this --------+,
----------------------day of ----------------4pril -------------------- +%-*
Signature FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFin the capacity of
-----------duly authori(ed to sign bids for and on behalf of Joint Venture of Taher Brothers td ?
Subashati Properties td!
4ddress : Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Contract 'ata
Bidders should fill in all of the blan; spaces! Bidders are reBuired to sign each page of the Contract "ata
and submit the original signed Dersion >ith the Bid Submission!
Title Contract
"efinitions -!- The Site is located at the Schools listed in Contract "ata 4nne1 4 and
is defmed in the "ra>ings in Section I of these documents!
"efinitions -!- and
The "efects iability Period is &0. Calendar "ays
"efinitions -!- The Beneficiary is The 8oDernment of The PeopleEs 6epublic of
Bangladesh represented by The ocal 8oDernment 2ngineering
"epartment :82"< !
"efinitions -!- The l7B means $slamic "eDelopment Ban; and JfinancingJ refers to
the monies donated by the Fael Khair and administered by the $"B!
"efinitions -!-
The 2mployer is :
$'C =orld>ide td!:acting as 4gent for the $slamic "eDelopment
5ouse C) 6oad --)
Baridhara) "ha;a -+-+) Bangladesh!
Tel:- K,,% -+- ,,+./0-) ,,--%/.! Fa1:- K,,% -+- ,,+&/-&!
2-mail:- pmc3imc>-bangladesh!com
"efinitions -!- The intended Completion "ate for the >hole of the >or;s shall be .*,
Calendar "ays after the Start "ate!:
"efinitions -!- The ProAect 'anager is:
L'C =orld>ide td! (UK Firm<
ocal 4ddress: 5ouse C) 6oad --
"ha;a -+-+ Bangladesh
Tel:- K,,% -+- ,,+./0-) ,,--%/.
Fa1:- K,,% -+- ,,+&/-&
Their 6epresentatiDe currently is:
Mr. 6obert 'ichael 5ughes B!Sc! :5ons!< C!2ng! '$C2!
or any other competent entity appointed by the 2mployer) and
notified to the Contractor) to act in replacement of the ProAect
"efinitions -!-
The =or;s consist of construction of School-cum-Cyclone
Shelters) Pac;age -* of the Fael Khair Program :Contract B"l-
Pac;age -* includes c o n s t r u c t i o n of -& #o! school-
cum-cyclone shelters in the districts of #oa;hal i and
F e n i in the coastal region of Bangladesh!
The shelters >ill be constructed on sites proDided by
the 8oDernmentof Bangladesh) proDiding school facilities
during normal conditions and emergency shelters
facilities during cyclones!
The shelters are of the stilt type) and there are t>o heights for the
Stilt type :Stilt-l and Stilt-+<!
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
The Stilt superstructures >ill be constructed on cast-in-situ
pile The total floor areas for the shelters are around -&.%
sB! meters each!
The buildings >ill be eBuipped >ith electrical and
mechanical serDices) including >ater supply and sanitary
The sites around each shelter building >ill be enhanced by
landscaping) turfing and tree plantation
"efinitions -!-
The Start "ate shall be the issued to the contractor by the ProAect
'anager not later than Fourteen :-*< calendar days after the etter of
"efinitions -!- The #ame and $dentification #umber of the Contract is:
Fael Khair Program: Construction of School-cum-Cyclone Shelters
Contract #umber B"$-%%&& :Pac;age -*<
$nterpretation +!+ For the references to the =or;s) the Completion "ate and $ntended
Completion "ate) each School-cum-Cyclone Shelter is an indiDidual
Section of the =or;s! This reference includes Variations and
Compensation 2Dents!
$nterpretation +!&
The follo>ing documents also form part of the contract:
anguage and
&!- The language of the contract is 2nglish!
anguage and
The a> that applies to the Contract is the la> of the
8oDernment of the PeopleEs 6epublic of Bangladesh
0!- #otices to the 2mployer and ProAect 'anager: The 2mployerEs
address is:
$'C =orld>ide td!
[actin% as A%entfor the Is&amic 'e(e&opment Ban)*
Fael Khair Program 'anagement Consultant
5ouse C) 6oad --
"ha;a -+-+
Telr- K,,% -+- ,,+./0-) ,,--%/.
Fa1:- K,,% -+- ,,+&/-&
2-mail:- pmc3irnc>-bangladesh!com
The ProAect 'anagerEs address is:
$'C =orld>ide td!
5ouse C) 6oad --
"ha;a -+-+
Tel:- K,,% -+- ,,+./0-) ,,--%/.
Fa1:- K,,% -+- ,,+&/-&!
The ContractorEs 4ddress shall be as giDen in the Form of Bid! Changes
to the aboDe must be notified in >riting giDing a minimum of -* days
Schedule of
The Contractor shall cooperate and share the Site >ith other contractors
as reBuired by the ProAect 'anager!
Key Personnel C!- The ContractorEs Key Personnel are Those listed under Proposed
Personnel in Section IJ$ Technical Proposal of the Contract "ocuments!
The ContractorEs 6epresentatiDe and all of the ContractorEs Key
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Personnel need to be able to communicate effectiDely in 2nglish!
$nsurances -&!-
oss of or "amage to the =or;s) Plant and 'aterials
The Contractor shall insure:
-! the =or;s) together >ith the 'aterials and Plant to the full
replacement cost!
ii. 4n additional sum of -.M to be added to coDer any
additional costs!
$nsurances -&!- :b< oss of or damage to the 2Buipment
The ContractorEs eBuipment and other things brought to the site for a
sum sufficient for their replacement at the Site!
$nsurances -&!- :c<
-&!- :d<
iabilities for death) inAury to any person or loss or damage to any
property :e1cept the =or;s) Plant) 'aterials and 2Buipment<! The
contractor shall proDide insurance coDer up to GSN+%%)777 :t>o hundred
thousand Gnited States "ollars< per occurrence) >ith an aggregate sum
of GSNl)777)777:one million Gnited States "ollars< for any number of
occurrences! $nsurance may be in the eBuiDalent of B"T! This sum is to
be closely monitored and additional insurance effected if) in the ProAect
'anagerEs opinion the remaining insurance coDer is insufficient!
$nsurances -&!0
$nsurance 4gainst 4ccident to =or;men!
The Contractor shall insure against such liability and shall continue
such insurance during the >hole time of the =or;s!
-*!- The Site $nDestigation "ata is proDided in Section I$ Soil Bore 5ole
ogs !The 2mployer >ill ma;e aDailable at his premises) all
dra>ings) maps and inDestigation data relating to the =or;s that
are aDailable >ith the 2mployer at the time of reBuest by the
Possession of
+-!- Possession of Site >ill be giDen on the Start "ate
4rbitration +.!&
4ny dispute >hich has not become final and binding
shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance >ith
the rules of procedure designated belo>! The arbitral
tribunal shall haDe full po>ers to open up) reDie>) and
reDise any decision) opinion) instruction) determination)
certificate) or Daluation of the ProAect 'anager related to the
#either party shall be limited in the proceedings before
such tribunal to the eDidence or arguments preDiously put
4rbitration may be commenced prior to or after completion
of the =or;s) proDided that the obligations of the 2mployer)
the ProAect 'anager) and the Contractor) shall not be altered
by reason of the arbitration being conducted during the
progress of the =or;s!
4ny dispute controDersy or claim arising out of or related to
this contract) or the breach) termination or inDalidity thereof
shall be referred to an arbitration panel for a final and binding
decision in accordance >ith the rules and procedures
specified in the statute of the $nternational $slamic Centre
for 6econciliation and 4rbitration "ubai G42) and shall be
finally settled under the said 6ules and Procedures by three
arbitrators appointed in accordance >ith the said 6ules!
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Gnless other>ise agreed by the Parties) arbitration proceedings
shall ta;e place at "ubai) Gnited 4rab 2mirates under the la> of
the G42!
Program +/!-
The =or;s Program shall be in such form and detail as the
ProAect 'anager shall reasonably prescribe) and shall be giDen
to the ProAect 'anager >ithin T>enty-eight :+,< calendar days
after the issue of the etter of 4cceptance!
Program +/!&
The interDal for an updated programme is & calendar months!
21cept >here there is an e1tension granted by the ProAect
'anager) an updated programme shall be proDided >ithin -* days
sho>ing the effects of the e1tension on the oDerall =or;s program!
Program +/!&
$f the Contractor does not produce an updated programme its
reBuired in clause +/) the ProAect 'anager may >ithhold +%M of
the certified amount until the satisfactory programme submission!
Copies of
#umber of Copies of:
'onthly Statement) - Four number + + #o! C!"!s
Statement at Completion - Four number + + #o! C!"!s
Final Statement - Four number + + #o! C!"!s
The Contract Price) and all rates and prices are to be payable
entirely in Bangladesh Ta;a >hich is the currency of payment
for the =or;s! 4ll payments for the =or;s shall be in
Bangladesh Ta;a
5o>eDer) eDen though the Contract Price is in Bangladesh
Ta;a) the Contractor may reBuest a portion of the Contract
Price) not e1ceeding *%M of the Contract Price) to be paid in
GS "ollars #o alternatiDe foreign currencies are aDailable
The Contractor should complete the follo>ing and submit this
>ith his bid as directed in the $nstructions to Bidders:
I reBuest that
(Zero , ) 0%
O>ords and numbersP percent of each ProAect 'anagerEs
CertificateEs Value is paid in GS "ollars!
The 2mployer shall transfer the GS "ollar eBuiDalent of the
payment due in Bangladesh Ta;a to the ContractorEs ban;
account at the preDailing e1change rate of the corresponding
ban; at the time of transfer!
**!- :-<
The follo>ing eDents shall also be Compensation 2Dents:
#one) e1cept as determined by the ProAect 'anager!
This Contract is not subAect to Price 4dAustment! The Gnit 6ates
giDen by the Contractor >ill not be adAusted to allo> for changes in
costs oDer time!
The proportion of payments retained is .M :FiDe percent<
The 4mount of iBuidated "amages for the >hole of the =or;s
is %!- M :(ero point one percent< per day) of the Contract Price
The ma1imum amount of iBuidated "amages for the >hole of
the >or;s is -% M :ten percent< of the Contract Price
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
The 4mount of 4dDance Payment is -.M :Fifteen percent< of
the Contract Price less ProDisional $tems and "ay >or;s!
The adDance payment loan shall be used by the contractor
e1clusiDely for mobili(ation e1penditure :including the
acBuisition of materials) temporary >or;s and constructional
plant< in connection >ith the >or;s!
Should the Contractor misappropriate any portion of the adDance
payment) it shall become repayable immediately) and no further
loan >ill be made to the contractor thereafter!
The adDance Payment >ill be paid to the Contractor under
separate certification by the 2ngineer after :a< e1ecution of the
Form of 4greement by the partiesQ :b< proDision by the
Contractor of the performance security in accordance >ith Sub-
Clause .+!-Q and :c< proDision by the Contractor of an
unconditional ban; guarantee in a form and by a ban; located in
Bangladesh or abroad) acceptable to the 2mployer in an amount
eBual to the adDance payment!
The repayment of the 4dDance Payment shall commence in the
first certification for payment due to the Contractor! +%M
:T>enty percent< of the Contract Price less ProDisional Sums and
"ay >or;s!
The amount of the repayment shall be +%M :T>enty percent< of
the amount of Payment Certificates until such time as the
adDance payment has been repaid) al>ays proDided that the
adDance payment must be completely repaid prior to the time
>hen ,%M of the Contract Price :less ProDisional $tems and
"ay>or;s< has been certified for payment!
The performance security >ill be in the form of an irreDocable
and unconditional ban; guarantee as set out in Section $I The
Contract Forms) in the amount:s< often :-%< percent of the
Contract Price for each Pac;age!
'anuals 4s
The Contractor shall proDide & :three< copies ofthe 7perating
and 'aintenance 'anuals and & :three< sets of 4s Built
"ra>ings for all shelters! These are subAect to the 4pproDal
of the ProAect 'anager! They should be produced in
accordance >ith the Bo@ item for payment! They must be
deliDered to the ProAect 'anager >ithin -* days after the
Completion "ate!
'anuals 4s
The ProAect 'anager may >ithhold .%M of any payment due
to the contractor follo>ing Clause .,!+
This >ill be paid after approDal of 7perating and
'aintenance 'anuals and 4s Built "ra>ings by the ProAect
Corrupt or

.C!+ :h<
The Contractor shall obserDe the highest standard of ethics
during the e1ecution of the Contract! For the purpose of this sub-
+bribery+$ +corruption+ and +corrupt practice + mean the
offering) giDing) receiDing or soliciting) directly or indirectly) of
anything of Dalue to improperly influence the actions of another
party in the procurement process or in contract e1ecution!
+fraudu&ent practice+ means a misrepresentation of facts to
the benefit of the Contractor in order to influence a
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
procurement process or the e1ecution of a contract to the
detriment of the 2mployer andHor Beneficiary) and includes
collusiDe practice among bidders :prior to or after bid
submission< designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-
competitiDe leDels and to depriDe the 2mployer andlor
Beneficiary of the benefits of free and open competition!
+emp&oyee of the ,ontractor+ means any indiDidual contracted
to the firm >ho is riot one of its legally appointed "irectors! 4ny
actionHnon-action of a "irector >ill be Audged to constitute
the actionHnon-action of the Contractor!
$f in the Audgment of the 2mployer andHor the 2mployerEs
4gent the Contractor or the ContractorEs 6epresentatiDe
or the ContractorEs employee is) in respect of competing for
or in the e1ecution of the Contract) strongly suspected of haDing:
:i< direct&y en%a%ed in any act of bribery) corruption) or
corrupt or fraudulent practiceQ or
:ii< indirect&y sanctioned through in-action) lac; of
proper procedure andHor non-fulfilment of contract) any act
of bribery) corruption) or corrupt or fraudulent practiceQ
:iii< obser(ed any act of bribery) corruption or corrupt or
fraudulent practice and fai&ed to report this action
through the agreed channelsQ
then such suspicions >ill be reported to the appropriate and
releDant authorities) follo>ing >hich the =or;s shall
be suspended >hilst appropriate inDestigations ta;e place!
Should the inDestigation confirm that the Contractor has acted
unethically according to the definitions the Contractor has
committed a fundamental breach of the Contract!
Follo>ing Contract termination) the 2mployer andHor
the 2mployerEs 4gent may see; appropriate damages from
the Contractor proportionate to proDen action!
Should the inDestigation confirm that the ContractorEs
representatiDe has acted unethically) The Contractor
must terminate any contract >ith the agent immediately and
>ithout recompense! Follo>ing termination of contract
>ith his representatiDe) the Contractor mustR further
demonstrate to both the 2mployer and the 2mployerEs 4gent
:i< that the ContractorEs representatiDe acted
independent&y of the Contractor) outside of his instruction
and ;no>ledge) and outside the terms of any contractual
agreementQ and
:ii< that the Contractor reported the unethical action:s< of his
representatiDe in accordance >ith the aboDe proDisions and
in-line >ith his o>n documented procedures and as soon as
was practicab&y possib&e.
Should both the 2mployer and the 2mployerEs 4gent concur that
the Contractor cannot proDide adeBuate proof:s< of both :i< and
:ii< aboDe) then the actions of the indiDidual >ill be Audged as the
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
actions of the Contractor himself) and this >ill be considered a
fundamental breach of this Contract!
The Contractor shall ensure that all professional employees
and staff engaged in the e1ecution of the Contract >ill undergo
anti- bribery training as approDed by the ProAect 'anager! #o
employee or member of the ContractorEs staff shall be
permitted to be engaged in the e1ecution of the Contract before
first completing this training! The Contractor shall proDide to the
ProAect 'anager appropriate documentary eDidence confirming
that such training has ta;en place!
The Dalue of the >or; not completed) upon Termination due to
a Fundamental Breach of Contract by the Contractor) >ill
be increased by &%M :thirty percent< to recompense the
2mployer for his additional cost for completing the =or;s!
This is in addition to the agreed iBuidated "amages!
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com

SECTION: 4 (as per Bidding data 5.1, 5.2, 5.3)
6ualification of the &i!!er %inancial Capacity
& Others$
E5i!ence of Access to lines of cre!it
7ecent Au!it 7eports after pre+8ualification$
%inancial *re!iction for the current year an! t4o follo4ing
Cash flo4 statement
Litigation 9istory
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*)Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
*ropose! *ersonnel an! their 7esumes
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*)Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Site Organi:ation
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
2etho! Statement
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*)Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
2ET9O' STATE2ENT %O7 *AC)A;E +01
The pac;age consists of construction of School-cum-Cyclone SheltersQ the shelters >ill be
constructed on sites proDided by the 8oDernment of Bangladesh at different e1isting
schoolHmadras locations) proDiding school facilities during normal conditions and emergency
shelters facilities during cyclones! The shelter superstructure is stilt :&-storied< type
superstructure! There are t>o different heights for the stilt type :stilt-- and stilt-+<! The stilt
superstructure >ill be constructed on t>o types of foundation) namely pre-cast pile and cast-
in-situ pile :depending on the indiDidual ground bearing capacity at each specific site<! The
total floor areas for the shelters are up to -)&.%sBm each! The buildings >ill be eBuipped >ith
electrical and mechanical serDices) including >ater supply and sanitary systems! The sites
around each shelter building >ill be enhanced by landscaping) turfing and tree plantation!
$n the follo>ing pages) the JV of TB-SP proDides a brief description of actiDities ! The
descriptions indicate ho> each maAor construction actiDity is to be underta;en and >hat
eBuipment) and in >hat numbers) are to be utili(ed in carrying out each actiDity!
"uring implementing the proAect) the Contractor shall seBuentially carry out the follo>ing
procedure of maAor actiDities:

Follo>ing receipt of letter of acceptance for construction) >e shall start mobili(ation to the
site! Construction of temporary facilities li;e office) storage) labor accommodation)
mobili(ation of eBuipment) some manpo>er and initially reBuired building materials >ill be
carried out at this stage) more details are giDen at Smobili(ation scheduleT!
%iel! Office & laboratory Set+up( The JV >ill set up one proAect field office at
CompaniganA Gpa(ila of #oa;hali ! The proAect offices >ill be at rented houses near the
Gpa(ila 5@ or any other suitable location! The proAect office >ill be suitable to
accommodate office cum residential arrangement of Contractor ProAect 'anager)
Construction 'anager and other engineers! 2ach of the field offices >ill set up a laboratory
>ith reBuired facilities as per instruction of the ProAect 'anager! 2ach office >ill also be
eBuipped >ith SurDey 'achine and other reBuired eBuipment!
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Submission of En5ironmental 2anagement %rame4or/ E2%$" 6uality 2anagement
System 62S$ for appro5al(
The Contractor ProAect 'anager :CP'< >ill underta;e the responsibility of preparation of
2nDironmental 'anagement Frame>or; of each site soon after signing of contract! 5e >ill
deDelop a plan upon discussion >ith the School 'anaging Committee) other local people
regarding enDironmental management as per desired in the contract! 4t the same time) a
realistic @uality 'anagement System >ill be deDeloped considering the ground situation!
Both of them >ill be sent to ProAect 'anager for his approDal!
Establishment of Site Offices" Site Clearance" Stac/ yar!" Arrangement of Electricity
an! 3ater(
Considering the health) safety arrangement of the e1isting school students and other people
and upon discussion >ith the S'C) the location of the site office >ill be selected so that it
might be useful to S'C >hen it >ill be handed oDer to them after completion of the
proAect! The Stac; 9ard >ill also be selected considering the guidelines of the proAect! 'ost
of the sites already haDe electricity connection by 62B! 5o>eDer) a generator for each site
>ill be proDided! 4 deep tube >ill be installed at initial stage so that it can serDe all the
purposes for construction >or; as >ell as office! 4fter that) the site >ill be prepared by
demolishing e1isting facilities if any and cleaning of the site! Cleaning and grubbing
includes the remoDal of trees so mar;ed) all brush) roots) hedges) fences) rubbish and all
other obAectionable materials! 4ll trees) plants) or structures designedHdesired by the
2ngineerH2mployer) to remain) shall be carefully protected by us :the Contractor< during the
entire period of the >or;!
Temporary 'rainage an! Control of ;roun! 3ater(
=e shall ma;e proper proDision for the drainage of surface >ater from the >or; site
including rain>ater from surrounding areas! =e shall proDide form) fi1) and maintain
pumps) chute) >all) drains) bunds) silt traps and other temporary >or;s facilitating proper
drainage so that no flooding occurs and ground>ater is controlled!
Control of Lan!(
=e) the contractor shall attend to all operations carried out on the lands under our control
and utili(e them only for the purpose of construction of the >or;s! Before starting any >or;
>e shall ascertain the boundaries of the land coming under our control and encompass it
>ith security fencing made of C$ sheet! The site >ill be made >ell secured >ith +*-hour
Setting of Lay+out(
=e) the contractor shall lay-out the >or;Q establish all necessary mar;s) bench mar;s)
grading sta;es and other sta;es as specified in the specification! The site plan furnished to
us by the 2ngineerHConsultants sho>ing reference points that haDe established the datum for
the site >ill be follo>ed by us for correctly locating all lines and grades reBuired for
the construction under the contract from the established reference points and the datum
furnished on the dra>ings! =e shall prepare detailed setting out dra>ings and data sheets as
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*)Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
necessary and submit them to the 2ngineerHConsultants for approDal! 4ny modifications to
the setting out of dra>ings or data sheets reBuired by the employer representatiDe should be
made by us and resubmitted for final approDal!
Then the lay-out >ill be set properly by using total station) leDeling machine and other
eBuipment! 4ll sta;es) boundary lines) corner mar;ers) bench mar;s or surDey mar;ers
>hich >ill be established in any part of the site) shall be carefully preserDed and protected!
7n acceptance of the lay-out by the consultants) e1caDation of foundation trenches >ill
start! The >or; includes) but is not necessarily limited to the furnishing of all materials and
eBuipment and performing all operations necessary for and properly incidental to
accomplishing all e1caDation) remoDal of surplus materials a>ay from site) compacting)
bac; filling and grading >or;) and trenching and bac; filling for utilities as necessary to
complete the proAect as sho>n and noted on the dra>ings and specified in the Contract
21caDation of foundations) pits) trenches) footing) par;ing areas) and aprons) and any other
structures indicated as >ell as common e1caDation for grading purpose shall be to the lines
and leDels reBuired! 4ll site preparation) cutting and shaping) e1caDation) filling) and bac;-
filling shall be carried out under the inspection and control of the 2mployer! There shall be
deployed adeBuate pumping system for bailing out of >ater from the site if reBuired!
"uring this operation) >e shall ta;e care of all ha(ards! For e1ample) >e shall remoDe the
e1cess materials arising from e1caDation from the site and the li;e only in e1cess of the
Dolume >hich can be re-used in the >or; in the approDal of the employer li;e >or; in
foundation bac; filling) site filling >or; and the li;e as sho>n in site plan dra>ing!
%orm4or/ an! E8uipment
To underta;e smooth operation of the proAect) adeBuate Buantity of form>or;s >ill be
arranged >ell ahead of the concreting >or;s! =e shall prepare and submit a complete
design and shop dra>ing of the form>or; and props to be used in each stage of >or;! The
design >ill include the method of supporting the form>or; and shall indicate si(e) length
etc! of form ties if used! The 2ngineerHConsultants >ill reDie> and approDe such designs
prior to the erection of any form>or;! Form>or;s shall be constructed to correct shape )
dimension using the steel of adeBuate thic;ness!
The pac;age--* is relatiDely remote than the other pac;ages! 5o>eDer) it is possible to
utili(e a set of steel form >or; :for roof shuttering< for t>o suitable schools yet
maintaining the completion time! The steel shuttering for column and beam >ill be
arranged one set for each school! There >ill be a standard mi1er machine) Dibrator etc! at
each site to carry out the concreting >or;! $n addition to that) there >ill be an additional set
of mi1er machine) Dibrator set for t>o adAacent sites! The bundle approach for the sites has
been e1plained in the Smobili(ation scheduleT!
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Shop 'ra4ings of bar ben!ing sche!ule an! ben!ing !iagram(
Shop dra>ings including bending schedules and bending diagrams >ill be prepared to the
2ngineer for his reDie> and approDal! Shop dra>ings shall sho> fabrication) placing details)
si(e and location of all reinforcing steel!
*iling Arrangement(
The Pac;age--* has -& shelters >here / of them haDe Pre-Cast Piles foundation and other 0
haDe Cast-in-Situ Piles foundation! The contractor has the plan to start casting of all pre cast
piles at the same time and engage &-* piling sub-contractor for the purpose! $t has also the
plan to engage 0 cast-in-situ piling sub-contractor to carry out the piling >or; at each site at
the same time period! Some of the sites under this pac;age >ill reBuire longer piles and
therefore) longer period! Therefore) more than one rig >ill be deployed there to finish the
*rocurement of importe! stone chips for piling(
The reBuired strength of the concrete to be used in pile is &0!. 'pa! $t is difficult to obtain
that strength by using locally aDailable Sylhet Stone! The contractor has the e1perience of
using imported stone :$ndian blac; stone to be shipped through ShibgonA)
Chapaina>abgonA< to obtain that strength!
7CC %ooting" ;ra!e &eam" *ile Cap an! *e!estal (
4fter the piling >or;) construction of foundation >or; including pile cap) 6CC footing)
raft) paedestal) and grade beam >ill be ta;en seBuentially! The reBuired strength >ill be
confirmed by mi1 design and testing in the laboratory! 4ll these >or; >ill be carried out
after approDal of the design mi1 by the ProAect 'anager!
7CC Columns (
6CC column >ill be constructed follo>ing proper form >or;) rod bending and placing!
6einforcing steel shall be placed in accordance >ith the dra>ings) approDed shop dra>ings
and the applicable reBuirements of the codes and standards specified!
2rection of column >ill be done in lifts of -+%%mm! The mi1 design of concrete >ill be
ta;en prior approDal by the 2ngineer! Follo>ing inspection and approDal by the
consultants) pouring of concrete >ill be done! 4ll the concrete shall be thoroughly
consolidated and compacted by Dibrators and other standard practices! Poured concrete >ill
be cured until gaining of substantial strength as per specification! 'achinary includes mi1er
machine and Dibrator! Placing of concrete >ill be done manually!
Casting of 7CC beams an! floor slabs (
The form >or; for 6CC beams and floor slabs >ill be proDided as discussed aboDe! Slab
concreting form>or; >ill be done at a time and concreting >ill be done by diDiding the slab
into seDeral panels proDiding construction Aoints! Before casting) rod bending and placing
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*)Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
>ill be done as per approDed bending schedule and diagram and under close superDision of
the field representatiDe of the ProAect 'anager! Proper form >or; ensuring Buality >or; of
concrete free from honeycomb and segregation >ill be done! 7n getting clearance from the
2ngineer) concrete >ill be cast! The numbers of Dibrators >ill be sufficient to compact the
Dolume thoroughly! The slab cast >ill be cured by ponding the top surface until substantial
strength is gained as per specifications! This correlation >ill be deDeloped by freBuent
testing of samples at laboratory!
Before the slab casting) 2lectrical Conduits >ill be laid in the slab reinforcement as per
specification and dra>ings! Conduits passing through the >alls >ill be placed after cutting
groDes in erected >alls concealing the conduits!
&ric/s 4or/ (
Bric;>or; >ill start as soon as completion of 6CC frame>or; at respectiDe part of the
building! First class bric; >ill be procured follo>ing the standard specification and source
approDal by the 2ngineer! $t >ill satisfy all necessary Bualities of a first class bric;!
Cement mortar shall consist of a mi1ture by >eight or by Dolume of cement to by >eight or
Dolume of sand) mi1ed in proportion as specified in the schedule or >or;s or as sho>n in
the dra>ing! Bric; masonry >or; shall be built to dimensions indicated in the dra>ings)
pump) curDed or battered as reBuired by s;illed masons and >or;man properly superDised!
$t is also important to >ash the bric;s to >ash and soa;ed in >ater for * hours before use!
4ll Aoint Dertical or hori(ontal shall be filled full >ith mortar of reBuired Buantity to proDide
a plain surface!
;roun! %loor (
7n completion of bric;>or; at 8F) the base of the ground floor >ill be prepared by sand
filling up to plinth leDel! Sand >ill be properly rammed and compacted! The floor >ill be
finished >ith artificial patent stone flooring or >ith tiles >or;s as specified!
"oor Frames) concealed Pipes and Conduits : 4fter minimum / days curing of bric;>or;s
done) grooDe cutting in >alls >ill be done accommodating electric conduits and pipe>or;)
both plumbing and sanitary! 2lectric pull bo1es and circular bo1es >ill also be placed at this
stage! "oor cho>;ats) grills etc >ill be fi1ed in position before plastering!
*lastering (
Plastering >or; of masonry surfaces and e1posed concrete surfaces :=ithout all the fair
face surfaces< >ill be finished according to schedule) specification and dra>ings! The >or;
shall be cured properly to help gaining of strength! Plastering shall be performed >ith a
good >or;manship so that all surfaces) intersections) edges) corners) lines are addressed
properly to proDide a neat and fair surface!
Before starting of plaster >or;) bric; Aoints shall be ra;ed out to a depth of U inch and
concrete surface shall be roughened! Both bric; and concrete surfaces shall be cleaned to
remoDe loose materials and shall be thoroughly dampened >ith >ater!
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Gnless other>ise specified) cement plaster shall be made in the follo>ing proportion! 7n
bric; >alls) it >ill be one part Portland cement to si1 parts sand! 7n concrete surfaces) it
>ill be one part Portland cement to four parts sand by >eight or by Dolume! The proportion
>ill be used as per approDal of the 2ngineer or his representatiDe! 'ortar shall be mi1ed in
such Buantities so that it can be used >ithin &% minutes after mi1ing >ith >ater!
'oors an! 3in!o4 Shutters(
Procurement of timber and sa>ing them >ill be done >ell ahead of fabrication to ensure
matured and seasoned timber! "oors and >indo>s >ill be made according to field
measurement of doors and >indo>s!
Tiles flooring(
The floors >ill be tiles using the approDed tiles as per specification! Before that) patent
stone flooring >ill be done using the specified materials in standard proportion maintaining
the proper camber and leDel!
Electrical ;ang bo=es(
2lectrical gang bo1es >ill be fi1ed after / days curing of plaster>or; by ma;ing grooDes on
the plaster >or;! S>itches and Soc;ets >ill be fi1ed on gang fi1es during electrical >or;s!
Electrical fittings an! fi=tures (
Procurement of electrical >iring and other goods is Dery important aspects for the proAect!
The goods >ill be bought after necessary source approDal of the 2ngineer! The >iring and
fi1ing of all electrical fittings >ill be done by professional technician under the superDision
of electrical engineer!
Sanitary an! *lumbing fittings an! fi=tures (
These fittings and fi1tures are also Dery important and reBuires sufficient care during
procurement! These >ill be procured as per specification and after source approDal! These
fiting and fi1tures >ill be installed by s;illed plumber under the superDision of mechanical
engineer of the contractor!
*ainting (
Painting >ill start after plaster>or;) installation of all fittings) fi1tures and remedial >or;s
if any! The item coDers application of smooth paints oDer surface :masonry) plaster) >ood
and steel< in minimum three coats or as specified by manufacturer in a manner to giDe an
eDen) smooth finish! Before procurement) the contractor >ill ta;e approDal of color and
brand :of paint< from the 2ngineer!
Plastered concrete and masonry surface to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned of all grit)
grease) dirt) loose materials) mortar dripping etc! $t >ill be sanded smooth and made free of
mar;s before starting of first coat! Voids and holes shall be filled after first coat is dry using
filler compatible >ith the finishing specified and tinted if reBuired! 4ll paint shall be applied
>ith brushes under adeBuate light ma;ing the surface eDenly spread) smoothly flo>ed on
and >ithout runs or sags!
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*)Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
#o e1terior paint >ill be done in rainy) damp >eather until the surface is thoroughly dry!
#o interior painting >ill also be done on damp surface!
'emobili:ation an! Site Cleaning(
4fter completion of all >or;s at site) the site and the building >ill be perfectly cleaned
remoDing stains) dirt) filth etc! Temporary sheds >ill be demolished and shifted!
"emobili(ation of eBuipments nd plant >ill be carried on! The school cum cyclone shelter
>ill then be ready for handoDer!
The school cum cyclone shelter >ill be handed oDer to $'C international and $"B!
SubseBuently) it >ill be handed oDer to the users represented by School 'anaging
Committee in presence of the beneficiary) representatiDes of 82"!
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
2obili:ation Sche!ule
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*)Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Intro!uction( The Joint Venture of Taher Brothers imited and Subashati Properties
imited is confident to carry out the construction >or; of School cum Cyclone Shelters in
Pac;age--.! The JV Disited all the school site) consulted >ith the school managing
committees) made necessary home>or; and communicated at reBuired places to underta;e
the Aob and accomplish it according to Time Control) Cost Control and @uality Control as
desired by the employer!
7econnaissance ( The JV made a reconnaissance surDey of all the construction
sites of the Pac;age! The mobility to the site) aDailability of electricity and >ater >as also
surDeyed! The result of the surDey is as follo>s:
Name of the School 2obility to the site Source of
Source of 3ater 7emar/s
Bha;tiarpara Char
Peer 4ulia W 5S
5BB road) reBuires
unloading ? carrying
>ith pic; up
62B-4Dailable at
School Site
Potable =ater at
-%% ft
Burumchara Shahid
Basaru((aman 5S
#arro> Pucca road)
reBuires unloading ?
carrying >ith pic; up!
62B-4Dailable at
School Site
Potable =ater at
-%% ft
Sanua 'adinatul
'ono>ara 6eg! PS
2arthen Q reBuires
secondary carrying
>ith trolleyH pic; up
62B-4Dailable at
/%%-,%% ft from
School Site
Potable =ater at
C%%K ft
Chambol 5S
Pucca 6oad! 9et)
Secondary carrying
62B-4Dailable at
School Site
Potable =ater at
-.% K ft
#apora Shaher;hil
4dAacent to the main
road! 9et secondary
carrying reBuires!
62B-4Dailable at
School Site
Potable =ater at
-%% K ft
Boroma Tarhi 'en;a
Pucca road yet
unloading and
secondary carrying is
62B-4Dailable at
School Site
Potable =ater at
-.% K ft
Name of the School 2obility to the site Source of
Source of 3ater 7emar/s
"a;hin Kesua #urul
5ossain 68PS
5BB road! Gnloading
and secondary)
tertiary carrying is
62B-4Dailable at
School Site
Potable =ater at
-%% K ft
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
#urul 4min Chy 5S
4dAacent to main
road! Gnloading and
secondary carrying is
62B-not aDailable
at School Site
Potable =ater at
/.%K ft
Badar;hali 'S Fa(il
4dAacent to main
road! 9et) secondary
carrying reBuired!
62B 4Dailable! Potable =ater at
/.%K ft
'u;be;i 8PS
4dAacent to road!
Secondary carrying
>ill be reBuired!
62B- =ill be
aDailable at School
Site soon!
Potable =ater at
/.%K ft
$slamia "a;hil
4dAacent to road!
62B-4Dailable at
School Site
Potable =ater at
/.%K ft
V*- Pe;ua- 'ognama
'a(ir Para S!6 4lim
Secondary carrying
>ith pic; up etc
62B-4Dailable at
School Site
Potable =ater at
C%%K ft
**The layer of potable water preliminary determined as per opinion of SMC, during
construction of hand deep tubewell , it will be detailed worked out.
'eliberation 3ith Client( 4fter obtaining the =or; 7rder from the client) >e shall discuss
>ith the client) consultants and collect deliDerables from them! 4fter that) >e shall ma;e
e1haustiDe deliberations to finali(e the proAect reBuirements and modus operandi!
2obili:ation an! *ro>ect 2anagement *lans ( Gpon issue of the >or; order) >e shall
deDelop our organi(ational set up from the proposed list of personnel! =e shall reDisit the
sites and prepare detailed mobili(ation) proAect management plan) construction schedule)
procurement schedule etc! 4 short description of these plans and schedules are described
belo> :
*rocurement *lan ( 4s the pac;age >ill reBuire some essential items for
international procurement) it is needed to deDelop an immediate plan regarding
international procurement! 4 detailed procurement plan >ill be deDeloped
including Sinternational) local ) bul; or small procurement items! $t has been
discussed separately at the SSupply-Chain 'anagementT part of this chapter!
2obili:ation *lan >ill highlight the total mobili(ation plan for the proAect! $t
>ill include the procurement plan as stated aboDe) mobili(ation of eBuipment-
plants) erection of temporary facilities etc!
En5ironmental 2anagement %rame4or/( The Contractor ProAect 'anager
:CP'< >ill underta;e the responsibility of preparation of 2nDironmental
'anagement Frame>or; of each site soon after signing of contract! 5e >ill
deDelop a plan upon discussion >ith the School 'anaging Committee) other
local people regarding enDironmental management as per desired in the contract!
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*)Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
6uality 2anagement System( 4 realistic @uality 'anagement System >ill be
deDeloped considering the technical specifications) aDailable materials) resources
and laboratory facilities! Both of the 2'F and @'S >ill be sent to ProAect
'anager for his approDal!
9ealth & Safety 2anagement *lan( 5ealth ? Safety 'anagement Plan >ill
be deDeloped at the initial stage before inception of the >or;! The items reBuired
regarding Shealth and safetyT >ill be included in the procurement plan! =e also
plan to conduct S5ealth ? Safety TrainingT for the >or;ers at the site >hen they
>ill start the >or;!
Construction Sche!ule?3or/ *lan( Construction schedules using a standard
soft>are has been attached >ith the proposal in respectiDe section! This schedule
>ill be follo>ed primarily! 4t the same time) it >ill regularly be >or;ed out and
updated to trac;ing the proAect completion!
Establishment of %iel! offices" Site Offices" Stac/ @ar! etc#
Some of the content here has been repeate! from Ametho! statementB to maintain the
se8uence of !escription#
*ro>ect Office & Laboratory ( The contractor >ill set up one proAect field offices at
CompaniganA Gpa(ila of #oa;hali ! The proAect offices >ill be at rented houses near the
Gpa(ila 5@ or any other suitable location! The proAect office >ill be suitable to
accommodate office cum residential arrangement of Contractor ProAect 'anager)
Construction 'anager and other engineers! 2ach of the field offices >ill set up a
laboratory >ith reBuired facilities as per instruction of the ProAect 'anager! 2ach offices
>ill also be eBuipped >ith SurDey 'achine and other reBuired eBuipment!
Establishment of Site Offices" Site Clearance" Stac/ yar!" Arrangement of Electricity
an! 3ater : Considering the health) safety arrangement of the e1isting school students
and other people and upon discussion >ith the S'C) the location of the site office >ill be
selected so that it might be useful to S'C >hen it >ill be handed oDer to them after
completion of the proAect! 2ngineerTs site office >ill haDe minimum -, sB-m plinth area
>ith proDision of sanitation) furniture) first aid bo1es) safety halmet) surDey machine)
leDeling staff) ranging rod) measuring tapes) consumables) stationeries etc!
The site office >ill also be >ell furnished and haDe computer facilities! 'ost of the sites
already haDe electricity connection by 62B! 5o>eDer) a generator for each site >ill be
proDided! 4 deep tube >ill be installed at initial stage so that it can serDe all the purposes
for construction >or; as >ell as office!
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
The Stac; 9ard >ill also be selected considering the guidelines of the proAect! 'aterials
procurement >ill be made according to its consumption in the field! Cement >ill be ;ept
in the storeroom >ith proper dunnage aDoiding >eather action and dampness! Sand >ill
be heaped and rods >ill be stored at stac; yard! Bric;s >ill be stoc;piled in the open field!
Site *ossession an! *rotection( 4fter ta;ing possession of the site) the first responsibility
>ill be to protect itTs periphery ) to ensure adeBuate means of access and >ay out! =e
shall encompass the site >ith fencing made of 'S angle-framed C8$ sheet >ith gates for
entry and e1it! 4fter reBuired mobili(ation) >e shall erect the fencing >or;! Proper
signboards >ith the names of proAect) client) 2ngineer and contractor >ith proAect cost)
proAect completion time etc! >ill be posted for public display! Trespassing in the site area
>ill be prohibited Q site security >ill be ensured through deployment of guards!
Setting up of Labour Camps ( abour camps >ill be constructed considering
enDironmental management frame>or;) health and safety plan for the >or;! 4ll needed
infrastructures such as >ater supply) >aste >ater management) solid >aste management
>ill be >or;ed out so that the camps do not strain local resources and do not cause harm to
the enDironment!
Sources of E8uipment" mobili:ation *erio!
*iling Arrangement( The Pac;age--* has -& shelters >here / of them haDe Pre-Cast Piles
foundation and other 0 haDe Cast-in-Situ Piles foundation! The contractor has the plan to
start casting of seDen pre cast foundation at the same time and engage &-* piling sub-
contractor for the purpose! $t has also the plan to engage 0-/ cast-in-situ piling sub-
contractor to carry out the piling >or; at each site! To maintain the >or; schedule as
proposed in section- ) the sites >ith long pile >ill haDe more than one rig!
*rocurement of steel form 4or/" props an! other shuttering material( Considering all the
aspects reBuired for Time Control) Cost Control and @uality Control) minimum 0 sets of
steel shuttering :for roof slab casting< >ill be reBuired! 7ne additional set of beam
shuttering >ill be arranged at each site to minimi(e the time bet>een casting of one slab
and the ne1t! The proposal may be reDised depending on the progress of >or;! 4 portion
of the form >or; >ill be imported from $ndia! The reBuired processing >ill be started soon
after a>arding of the contract!
2obili:ation an! use of steel form 4or/s & ma>or E8uipment( The pac;age--* is
relatiDely remote than the other pac;ages! 5o>eDer) it is possible to utili(e a set of steel
form >or; :for roof shuttering< for t>o suitable sites yet maintaining the completion time!
The steel shuttering for column and beam >ill be arranged one set for each school! There
>ill be a standard mi1er machine) Dibrator etc! at each site to carry out the concreting
>or;! $n addition to that) there >ill be an additional set of mi1er machine) Dibrator set for
t>o adAacent sites! The bundle approach for the suitable sites may be as follo>s! $t has
been planned assuming that piling >or; at one site >ill be finished earlier follo>ed by the
6CC >or;! The roof shuttering >ill go to the ne1t site >here the piling >or; >ill be
finished later compared to the first site! $f needed) more than one rig >ill be deployed at
the first site!
Serial No Name of Sites at each bun!le
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*)Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
C1 DEF Feni-Sonaga(i-South 2ast Char Chandia
Baharddarhat Junior 5S
C. G-H & C. HED
CompanigonA-5afe( 4 6 Khan 68PS ?
CompanigonA-'usapur 5S
C. G-F & C. G-I CompanigonA-Gnion Char Fa;ira Ka(i Jasim
Gddin 5S ? CompanigonA-Jamea Sharafatia
$slamia "a;hil 'adrassa
C1 DE1 & C. G-. CompanigonA-Char 2lahi 5S ? Feni Sadar X
Ka(irbag 'a(id 'iar Ba(ar $slamic "ha;il
C1 DEH &C. G-1 CompanigonA-Char Fa;ira 5S ? Feni Sonaga(i-
"a;;in Char ShahaDi;ari Community PS
C1 DEG & C. G-E CompanigonA X6angmala "arus Sunnah 'odel
4lim 'adrasa ? Feni-Sonaga(i-4l 5elal
C1 DED & C. DE. Feni Sadar-"hanshahadda 5S ? Feni-Sonaga(i-
Purba Borodhali 'adinatul Glum "a;hil 'adrssa
The other E8uipment & *lants
The sources of 2Buipment ? plant haDe been e1plained in the eBuipment list separately! 4 maAor
portion of the eBuipment and plant is o>ned by the Joint Venture of TB-SP! The materials are to
be procured or rented >ill be soon processed after the contract agreement! $t is e1pected that) most of
the procure or rented eBuipment >ill be aDailable at site before completion of piling! For the first +
months) during the piling >or;s) all eBuipment related to piling >ill be mobili(ed!
2aterials Sourcing" Appro5al *roce!ures for Aggregates" San!s" 7einforcing bars" &ric/s etc
Source of most of the materials >ill be Bangladesh! For piling >or;s or high strength 6CC >or;s)
blac; stone from $ndia >ill be considered! $t >ill be duly consulted and ta;en approDal from the
ProAect 'anager! The source of stone and sand >ill be Sylhet! Sand of lo> F' >ill be collected
locally if they are free from salinity and impurities! Source of bric; is Chittagong or Feni! 6einforcing
bars from Bangladesh >ill be tested at selected laboratory and used after approDal!
Periods reBuired for sourcing and approDal procedures for all local materials >ill be >ithin &--% days!
This duration >ill be counted before actual consumption of the materials! $f reBuested by the
2ngineer) >e shall carry out reBuired laboratory tests of the samples as a procedure for approDal!
The Supply Chain 2anagement
$t is a challenge to underta;e this pac;age of construction >ithin the stipulated time in the remote
coastal belt of Bangladesh! 9et) >e belieDe that a good supply chain management >ith the coordinated
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
effort of 'anagement-Procurement-Construction team >ill deDelop a confident approach to achieDe
the outcome of the proAect! 5ere) >e proDide a sample planning of supply-chain management to
deDelop a comparatiDely smooth operational plan for the pac;age!
;eneral *rocurement for the *ac/age International$
Name of
Source 'esire!
!ate of
at site
'ate of
'ate of
at port
'ate of
for site
of source
%- Steel
%+ Steel
%& 8enerator
%* 'i1er
%. Blac;
%0 Pic; Gp
;eneral *rocurement for the *ac/age Local$
Name of
Source 'esire!
!ate of
arri5al at
'ate of
'ate of
for site
of source
Construction Site specific *rocurement *lan
Name of Construction Site(
Name of
Source 'esire!
!ate of
arri5al at
'ate of
'ate of
for site
of source
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*)Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
E8uipment 2obili:ation *lan
Name of
n Site
Name of
Item of
'ate of Start
! plant?
!ate of
!ate of
!ate of
Construction Team 2obili:ation *lan
Name of
Name of
'ate of
Start of
'esire! !ate
Tentati5e !ate
of Completion
Actual !ate
*iling 3or/
3or/ Team
7CC 3or/
2asonry 3or/
2S fabrication
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
3or/ Team
*ainting 3or/
Tiles 3or/
3oo! 3or/
*lumbing &
Sanitary team

%inancial 2obili:ation *lan
4 customi(ed entrepreneur resource planner soft>are :26P< >ill be deDeloped to deal
>ith financial mobili(ation plan of the proAect!
Concrete 2i= 'esign
=e shall submit the concrete mi1 design to the 2ngineer for satisfying the mentioned
minimum compressiDe strength for approDal prior to commencement of the >or;! The
follo>ing aspects >ill be considered for the purpose
"esign of concrete mi1 may include recommended amount of admi1ture and >ater to
be used !
Gpon receipt of acceptable design mi1es from the laboratory) >e shall submit this mi1
design to the 2ngineer for his approDal
=e shall ta;e the responsibility for incorporating into the structural concrete of the
minimum strength and slumps specified on the basis of approDed mi1 design
The mi1 design report shall coDer the compressiDe strength) mi1ing ratio) >ater
cement ratio) aggregate test etc!
Import of 2aterials an! E8uipment
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*)Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
6egarding the construction materials) C >ill be opened after the source approDal of
materials! For shuttering and other eBuipment) the C >ill be opened immediately after the
letter of acceptance by the 2mployer! The list of materials has been listed in chapter--%!
=e shall appoint C?F contractors at respectiDe land port and sea port! Both the companies
inDolDed in the JV haDe >ide e1perience of import and clearing of goods) therefore it >ill be a
added adDantage to deal >ith the imported items smoothly!

Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Construction Sche!ule
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*)Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
*ro>ect 2anagement
The ProAect 'anagement is the ;ey to successful outcome of all proAects! The proAect
management is al>ays a team>or; consisting top management) office management and the
site management! $t includes tiny details at any corner of the site or any item that is going to
be procured at abroad! 7ther than the staff) the >or; >ill al>ays be superDised by the top
leDel of the JV! Commitment from all sides and strong team >or; >ill be deDeloped to paDe
the >ay for good proAect management for the >or;!
2aintaining the Construction Sche!ule
The construction schedule has been deDeloped according to mobili(ation plan) method
statement e1plained in the preDious chapters! 5ere) one schedule has been sho>n for each
shelter! Considering the bundle approach e1plained in the Smobili(ation planTQ one set of roof
shuttering materials >ill be used for one pair of shelters! Therefore) one shelter is e1pected to
be finished >ithin *%0 days and the other >ithin .-% days! The S>or; scheduleT for each pair
has been deDeloped >ith this approach!
5o>eDer) this represents initial planning! $t >ill be fine tuned after the contract agreement!
"uring construction >or;) the >or; schedule >ill be monitored) updated and reDie>ed to
trac; the desired progress!
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Sche!ule of Importe! E8uipment &2aterials
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
3or/ E=perience
E8uipment O4nership Certificate
Site Visit
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Site Visit
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
S-!T2:N: ((
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
Joint Venture Agreement & Other Legal
Capacity Tra!e Licenses & Certificates$
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
S-!T2:N :
M:B2L2;9T2:N S!5-1<L- for
!onstru/tion of S/hool /um !y/lone
Shelters under =ael >hair Proram
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
!:NST7<!T2:N S!5-1<L-
Pro0e/t Manaement
The Project Management is the key to successful outcome of all projects. The project
management is always a teamwork consisting top management, office management and the
site management. t includes tiny details at any corner of the site or any item that is going to
be procured at abroad. !ther than the staff, the work will always be super"ised by the top
le"el of the #$. Commitment from all sides and strong team work will be de"eloped to pa"e
the way for good project management for the work.
Maintainin the !onstru/tion S/hedule
The construction schedule has been de"eloped according to mobili%ation plan, method
statement e&plained in the pre"ious chapters. 'ere, two schedules ha"e been shown. !ne of
them contains details construction schedule of one shelter. (nd the other contains
construction schedule of one pair of shelters. (s one set of roof shuttering materials will be
used for one pair of shelters, therefore the others will be almost identical.
'owe"er, this represents initial planning. t will be fine tuned after the contract agreement.
)uring construction work, the work schedule will be monitored, updated and re"iewed to track
the desired progress.
Fael Khair Program: School-cum-Cyclone Shelters Joint Venture of Taher Brothers and Subashati Properties td!
Bidding "ocuments Contract #o! B"$-%%&& Steel 'ill Ba(ar) #orth Patenga) Chittagong-*+%*) Bangladesh!
Telephone #o!: ,,%&--+,./%.0) +.%%%%+) Fa1: ,,%&--+.%%%%&!
2-mail: subashati3yahoo!com) tbltdctg3yahoo!com
S-!T2:N :
!:NST7<!T2:N S!5-1<L- for
!onstru/tion of S/hool /um !y/lone
Shelters under =ael >hair Proram

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