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Calvary Clothing
Store Opens for

The Calvary Clothing

store is once again
online with a wide variety
of summer clothing and
accessories for

New this season is a

baseball cap, infant
onesie, and several t-
shirt options.

Calvary-branded clothing
can be an easy way to
shine the light as you
serve and care for our
community. All of the
merchandise is made
available at or near
production cost to make
it accessible to our

The Calvary store will be

open through Sunday,
May 11, and can be
accessed through the
Calvary website or by
Vacation Bible School
to Show Youth
The Way this Summer
Who's ready for an adventure? Join us as
we take a journey through Jesus' life to
discover "The Way!

If you have a child aged 4 years through

fifth grade, please help them register for
this fun and impactful week at Calvary.
We have volunteer opportunities for
students and adults. There will also be
an opportunity for the entire congregation
to come and worship with the kids on
June 19, so mark your calendars.
VBS 2014 Registration

VBS Dates: June 16-19, 2014

VBS Time: 6-8 pm daily

Children: 4 years by September 1, 2014
through current Fifth Graders (2013-2014
school year)

Volunteers: current students age Sixth

Grade (2013-2014 school year) and
above and all adults.

Students that register on or before May

14 will receive a T-Shirt. Volunteers may
choose to order a T-Shirt for a cost of $5
(same deadline applies).

Registration Information
Cost: $10 per child
(capped at $20 per family)
Volunteer T-Shirt: $5 (optional)
T-Shirt Deadline: Wednesday, May 14

Payment Methods:
Online: using PayPal
Check: made payable to CUMC"
Please indicate "VBS" in the memo line.
Deliver to the church office in person or
by mail to: VBS, Calvary United Methodist
Church, 1700 N Towanda Ave, Normal, IL
Questions? Please contact

To register (kids and/or volunteers):
this issue
VBS Shows The Way P.1
Outreach: Home Sweet Home P.2
Missionary Update P.3
Village Event Raises Awareness P.4
I SSUE 02 | MAY 2014

Reaching Out
Through Home
Sweet Home
Calvary puts the outreach
spotlight on homeless ministry
during the month of May

Muriel Harman Bean

Evans Junior High
Mackenzie Ann Carlson
Parkside Junior High
Elise Diane Crockett
Thomas Metcalf Lab
Caitlyn Rose Davis
Kingsley Junior High
Haley Elizabeth Dees
Parkside Junior High
Jason Scott Enevoldsen
Bloomington Junior High
Addison Claire Ewalt
Olympia Middle
Brady Michael Fletcher
Chiddix Junior High
Ryan Matthew Flynn
Bloomington Junior High
Rebecca Cailin Hall
Kingsley Junior High
Kaleb Ross Harding
Thomas Metcalf Lab
Larin Annette Harr
Chiddix Junior High
Xavier Jacob Higgins
Parkside Junior High
Isaiah Michael Holaway
Chiddix Junior High
Noah Dean Jefferson
Chiddix Junior High
Sabrina Grace Kosharek
Kingsley Junior High
Savana Jane Mattson
Kingsley Junior High
Kathryn Claire Nelson
Kingsley Junior High
Harrison Sammuel Clellan
Thomas Metcalf Lab
Isaac Joseph Riegler
Olympia Middle
Nicholas William Charles
Chiddix Junior High
Jacob Stephen Rutkowski
Parkside Junior High
Jared Adam Schuckman
Kingsley Junior High
Alexis Mairi Grace
Evans Junior High
Anna Rose Smith
Kingsley Junior High
Matthew Robert Stogsdill
Parkside Junior High
Emily Noel Swigart
Evans Junior High
Kendahl Marie Whitwood
Kingsley Junior High
Calvary continues to care for the
hungry and homeless in our
community through an outreach
partnership with Home Sweet Home
Ministries in Bloomington. This
month, we are spotlighting the work
done through this important

A recent gift that

Calvary provided to
Home Sweet Home
Ministries was used
to purchase much-
needed supplies for the transition to a
new, low income food co-op. The co-
op model provides a greater measure
of dignity for the participants and an
opportunity to grow in personal
capability. This transition will continue
over the next 60 days.

Additionally, Calvary Member Joe
Landon is currently volunteering to
teach an art class at Home Sweet
Home. The creative arts classes that
Home Sweet Home provides allow for
residents to gain greater
understanding of their gifts and
talents. This, in turn, increases their
desire to grow stronger as they make
changes that will afford lasting
positive impact on their lives.


Home Sweet Home will be

present in the Calvary atrium
on Sunday, May 25, to answer
your questions about caring for
the most vulnerable in our
Share the HSH story with others.
The message of hope is nearly 100
years old at Home Sweet Home
Ministries. But they need your voice
to help others learn more about who
the organization. HSH
has representatives
available to speak to
your group about
connecting with the

Donate your nancial resources.
Donating to Home Sweet Home is
easy. You can visit and make a
contribution. You can provide support
regularly through monthly giving or
may consider Home Sweet Home
Ministries in your estate planning.

Volunteer your time.
You or your group can connect with
Home Sweet Home by volunteering
your time. Visit the Get Involved
section of the HSH web site to
complete an application and get
started today:


April Baptisms
Savannah Kay Gully
(April 20)

April Altar Flowers
In Memory of James M.
Fish, Brother of Gary Fish
(April 20)


May 7
First Wednesday

May 18
Graduation Sunday
May 25
IGNITION Connections
June 4
First Wednesday
June 16-19
Vacation Bible School
June 22
IGNITION Connections
July 2
First Wednesday
July 4-12
CSM Reach Workcamp
Full calendar of events:

Missionary Update from Linda Unger

Linda Unger, a missionary to the area of Nairobi, Kenyaand who is supported by

Calvarys Outreach dollars and prayershas provided an update of a special
project close to her heart:

We have also started working on a Swahili Worship CD. The motivation for
this CD is to provide a resource to missionaries and other non-Swahili

One thing that those of us who are not native Swahili speakers often
sacrifice is the privilege of worshiping in a language that we not only
understand but have grown to a point that we truly worship as we sing. This
CD will contain common songs that are sung everywhere.

There will be an accompanying booklet that will contain the Swahili words,
their English translations, a glossary of common words, and an article on
worship and suggestions for worshiping in this culture. [Locals] James and
Nthenya are working with me on this project.

I have dreamed of this worship CD since 2003. We are very excited about
this project. By learning the songs on the CD and its vocabulary, the vision is
that they will have more freedom in worship as they now understand the

Please continue to pray for Linda and her ministry as she connects this part of the
world with Christ!
Fight Hunger at First Wednesday in May

Date: Wednesday, May 7
Time: 6-7:30 pm
Where: Calvary Gym

First Wednesday is an event for all ages where we share a meal and worship
together. On May 7, we will also package meals in the gym to respond to child hunger
right here in the U.S. through an organization called Kids Against Hunger. Plan to join
us for this special event. Childcare will be available for the youngest kids as needed.

RSVP for the meal:

Todd Agnew Raises Awareness at Village Event
Calvary was blessed to have recording artist and worship leader Todd Agnew as part of
our Buliisa Village Event on Sunday, April 27. Todds passionate worship and inspiring
words were an excellent lead-in to the work being done in Ugandaand a reminder that
there is so much left to do. World Visions Millie Vanderpool and Calvarys Debbie
Brown, who both went on an exploratory trip to Buliisa, provided an update of current
progress and needs in the region.

Making an impact in Buliisa

The Buliisa Village Event raised more than $4,000 for the on-going water project and
found sponsors for an additional 25 children in the Buliisa region. Furthermore, the
youth of Calvary have contributed more than $20,000 to World Vision ministries through
the annual 30 Hour Famine. Calvary continues to be faithful to what God is calling us to
in Uganda and beyond. Thank you for your support of this international mission site!

1700 N. Towanda Ave.

Normal, IL 61761
(309) 452-5413

Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
8am - 5pm
8am - 1pm


UNDER the STEEPLE Issue 02 May 2014

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