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Text Descriptive
Text Descriptive adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan suatu benda,tempat,atau
orang tertentu.
Generic Structure
a. Identifikasi : pendahuluan tentang apa dan siapa yang akan dideskripsikan
b. Deskripsi : berisi ciri ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda,tempat,atau orang yang dideskripsikan
Ciri ciri Text Descriptive
a. Menggunakan simple present tense
b. Menggunakan atribut verb (tobe)
contoh :
My House

My house is located in Jl Lestari no. 5. There is wall fence in front of my house to limit the area
with the other and many trees such as, avocado, mango, and guava. Besides that, I also have
many kind of flower and my front yard is filled by grasses. There is a terrace which usually use for
us to do some activities, like chatting with my parents in the evening, doing my homework, and
playing Rubiks cube with my brother.
The first room in my house is a guest room which functions to receive the guest and at this room
there is one set of chair and a table; there are also two windows covered by red curtain. My guest
room is not big enough and we usually use family room to receive when the guest is too many. The
second room is my room which contains a bed almost as long as the room. There is a book rack
besides the bed to put my brothers books and my books. There is also a desk beside the rack
book. It not only uses to study, but also functions to put my bag, my brothers toys, my book, and
my movies collection. The third room is my parents room; there is a clothes closet and a bed
beside it. The bed merges with a small closet and it located in the front of bed. It contains my
fathers books and my mothers cosmetics. The fourth room is family room; at this room, there
are a small bed for us to sit down and to sleep, a television, a DVD player, a sound system and a
small aquarium. I usually spend the time at this room with my parents and my brother and it uses
to discuss something or to watch a movie. That room is bigger than other room; so I feel
comfortable to spend my time longer. The fifth room is a bathroom which contains of a bath up
and two water tap. I have two bathrooms and it located side by side; so my second bathroom
beside it. The sixth room is a kitchen; the first thing that you seeing are refrigerator beside the
door, and there is a dining table with four chairs. In front of it, there are two gas stoves, a rack
and two windows behind the stoves.
My back yard is divided into two sections by small fence; the first section is the area for my family
and me; the second is for my pets and my plants. In the first section there are a well and a small
warehouse. The second sections contains of many pets, such as, fishes, rabbits, chickens, and

2. Text Recount
Text Recount adalah teks yang bercerita tentang kejadian/peristiwa yang telah berlalu atau
lampau,biasanya tentang pengalaman pribadi penulis.
Generic Structure
a. Orientation : berisi pendahuluan tentang tokoh yang ada dalam cerita tersebut,peristiwa yang
terjadi,tempat dan waktu kejadian peristiwa.
b. Events : berisi jalinan peristiwa,kejadian yang ada dalam cerita pengalaman tersebut.Bagian
ini biasanya terdiri atas beberapa events/peristiwa.
c. Re-orientation : berisi rangkuman atau penutup cerita.
Ciri ciri Teks Recount
a. Menggunakan past tense
b. Menggunakan kata penghubung (conjunction)
contoh :
5 Serangkai
When I am sitting under mango tree alone, I remembered my good friends a long time ago. They
were Tuti, Pipit, Nurul, and Siska. At the time, they were a friend who really loyal with their own
friends. It could be known from their actions every day. For the example, we went to school, backed
to school, played, and studied always together. Even though, we were not in the same class(e.g. I ,
Tuti, and pipit were on one class and Nurul and Siska were different class with us), but we were so
chummy. Even, many my other friends called us as 5 Serangkai
At the time, I and my friends went to school at 6 oclock in every day. It was caused by the distance
between I and my friends to the school was so far. In addition, I and my friends might across river,
might go around the forest to go the school. Nevertheless, I and friends did not feel tired to do that.
We were very spirit full every day. If there was one of us did not meet one day. We would search
our friend until we met her.
One day, after I and my friends backed to school, at 13.00 oclock. We planned to study together in
Tutis home especially under Tutis mango tree which was very calm, and cool. In addition, under
Tutis mango tree was prepared some benches. So that, it made all people felt enjoy when staying
on this place.
At 13.30 oclock all members of 5 Serangkai completed. I, Tuti, Pipit, Nurul, and Siska came on
time. We never would be late, except there was obstacle that disturbed us. At 13. 45, we started to
study to discuss each other about the answer of our homework. Nevertheless, when we did not finish
yet in answering our homework, there was event which happened to Tuti. Tuti had fallen to the
ground from the bench that she sat. I, Pipit, Nurul and Siska were very shocked about it. Then, we all
tried to make Tuti became conscious by giving the first aid. Nevertheless, God had another plan, Tuti
backed to God. Tuti Died. We all were very sad.
3. Text Narrative
Teks Narrative adalah teks yang menceritakan sesuatu yang imajinatif/hayalan belaka.Tujuannya
untuk menghibur pembaca.
Generic Structure
a. Orientasi(pendahuluan cerita) : memperkenalkan tokoh tokoh dalam cerita,latar,dan waktu.
b. Complication : munculnya permasalahan diantara tokoh tokoh tersebut.
c. Resolusi : masalah dapat diatasi
d. Reorientasi (opsinal)
Ciri ciri Text Narrative
a. Menggunakan Past Tense
b. Biasanya dimulai dengan adverb of time(keterangan waktu)
example : One day, long time ago
c. Menggunakan kata penghubung(conjunction)
contoh :
The Origin of the city Surabaya

Once upon a time , there were two animals , Sura and Baya name . Sura is the name of the Beast is the
Beast shark and Baya the crocodile . They live in the deep sea . After Sura and Baya were looking for
some food . Suddenly, Baya see a nice goat . " Yummy is good , this is the most delicious lunch , " said
Baya . ' No way ! This is my lunch . You greedy " Sura said . Later they fought for goats . After several
hours of fighting, they were very tired . Feels tired of fighting , they live in different places . Sura Baya live
in the water and stay in the country.

Border is the beach , so they do not will fight again . Someday , Sura went to the ground and look for
some food in the river . he was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea . Baya was very
angry when he knew that Sura broke a promise . they fight again . They both punching and kicking . tail
Sura Baya fight . Baya did the same thing to Sura . He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up and
returned to the sea . Baya happy . named his final city of Surabaya .

4. Text Procedure
Text Procedure adalah teks yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan cara membuat/menggunakan
sesuatu(how to make/how to do something)
Generic Structure
a. Goal/aim/purpose (tujuan) : dapat berupa judul
b. Material(bahan) : bahan dan alat yang digunakan untuk membuat/menggunakan sesuatu
c. Step (lamgkah) : langkah langkah untuk membuat/melakukan kegiatan
Ciri ciri Text Procedure
a. Menggunakan Imperrative Sentence(kalimat perintah)
b. Diawali kata kerja
example : Open the door!
c. Menggunakan kata penghubung temporal
example : first,second,next
contoh :
How to Make Chicken Kebabs


400 grams of chicken thigh fillets and cut into the box into the average pieces
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
4 tablespoons of hoisin sauce
2 tablespoons of margarine and has been melted
1 teaspoon of pepper powder
1 teaspoon of salt
5 leeks and cut into 3 cm
1. Mix chicken, hoisin sauce, lemon juice, margarine, salt, and pepper. Let it for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
2. Skewers the chicken alternately with green onion.
3. Roast the chicken while greased by the marinade seasoning until cooked.
4. Chicken kebabs are ready to serve.

5. Text Report
Text Report adalah teks yang digunakan untuk mendiskripsikan sesuatu secara umum.teks ini
hampir sama dengan text descriptive,bedanya text descriptive hanya mendiskripsikan sesuatu
secara khusus (to descripe something in general).
Generic Structure
a. General Classification
b. Description
Ciri ciri Text Report
a. Menggunakan Simple Present Tense

contoh :

Altbough a jaguar does not live in asia, it is famous there because there is a car named after the animal .
it can be stated in some points, the jaguar belongs to the cat family , it is one of he four big cats along
with the lion, the tiger and the leopard, becausse it has sport a jaguar is often mistaken for a leopard
however , a jaguar has large rosetle markings , a stronger body and a shorter tail, The jaguar is brownish
yellow In color and has spots on the head. Jaguaar live in variety of locations , the rainforest and wet
grassland of central and south America form the habitat pf the jaguar. The jaguar is an excellent hunter,
while the other roaring cats kill their prey by biting it at the neck, the jaguar kils its prey by biting it trough
its skull , it usually kills small animals for food but can attack and kill cattle or deer.

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