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Speed News

Email: Editor: Jared Hatfield October 2, 2007

Now Online at

Engineers Without Borders plan trip to Belize

by Jared Hatfield, Editor
“Engineers Without Bor-
The University of Louisville ders - USA (EWB-USA)
Engineers Without Borders is start- is a non-profit hu-
ing to plan their upcoming trip to manitarian organiza-
Belize. Those students who are tion established to
interested in helping out others and partner with develop-
enjoy traveling are encouraged to ing communities
become part of this positive pro- worldwide in order to
gram. improve their quality of
Meetings are held in Vogt 311 life. This partnership in-
every Wednesday’s at 6:00PM. volves the implementation of
For additional information or to ask sustainable engineering projects, and engineering stu-
questions, contact Ben Myser: while involving and training inter- dents.” - nationally responsible engineers

Speed advising registration now available

by Jared Hatfield, Editor
It is that time of year again, advising appointments
are now available for the spring 2008 registration. The
advising sign up sheets have been available since Sep-
Oct 29 Graduate Students, Honors & Student Ath-
tember 24 in JB Room 213 in the Department of Engi-
neering Fundamentals Academic Advising Office. No
appointments can be made over the phone. Oct 30-31 Post-Bach & Seniors—Alpha Rotation
The registration dates for the spring 2008 semester
are between October 29 and November 8. A detailed list Nov 1-2 Juniors—Alpha Rotation
of when registration for each group is available is listed
in the table to the right. Nov 5-6 Sophomores—Alpha Rotation
Those students who have been admitted to their re-
Nov 7-8 Freshmen—Alpha Rotation
spective departments must make an advising appointment
with their departmental advisor.
Council News Briefs Upcoming
Update Exam Fees for the Fundamentals
of Engineering Exam
October 8-9
Speed School Student The Kentucky legislature just approved an
Mid-Term Break
Council is constantly busy amended fee statute which will allow the
throughout the semester with Kentucky State Licensing Board to reim- October 11
many different activities. Fol- burse the Fundamentals of Engineering and Last Day to Withdraw
lowing is a short list of ongoing Fundamentals of Surveying exam fees for
and upcoming activities along those students who pass the exam while October 29—November 8
with other important informa- still enrolled in school. For more informa- Spring 2008 Registration Dates
tion. tion, visit the Speed School web page at: October 31
Fall Festival
Study Jams are study ses-
sions provided by council for
Fundamentals of Engineering November 21-25
EAC 101 students who want Thanksgiving Break
help with calculus homework Exam Test Date
from upperclassmen. The help The October 27th FE exam will be offered December 3
sessions are Mondays at 5:30— in Louisville on the Shelby Campus. Last Day of Classes
8:00 PM in Vogt 314 to help
prepare for the Tuesday tests. Higher Studies Application December 4
The Wednesday Study Jam Reading Day
The higher studies application is now
sessions have been canceled.
available on-line. Go to the Speed School
web page at,
December 5-11
Final Exams
select "Academics" from top navigation,
Assassins is a game run by then "Forms" for the Higher Studies Appli-
council where no one is actually cation instructions and the application it-
injured. The game's concept is self. The direct web address:
to receive a contract, hunt down
a contract. To “kill” a target, studentservices/higherstudiesapp.pdf
simply be within arms reach of
a co ntract and scr eam
“Assassinated!” At this point
the target has been assassinated
and the assassin receive on kill . 6 3
and their contract which the 7 3 2 8 5 9 4 8 2
target was seeking. The person
6 2 5 6 1 9 4
with the most kills or the last
person standing wins. A game 7 5 2 9 3 9 6 4
is currently underway. Good
6 5 1 9
luck to everyone who partici-
pate. For those who did not 5 7 4 8 2 7 8 1
register, stay tuned for informa-
1 6 9 9 2 1 5
tion regarding the next match. 9 5 6 8 2 7 1 4 7
1 3

Easy Hard

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