Code Book Chapter No.1

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Short questions (Chapter no.

1) Measurements
1. Define Physics.
2. What are physical quantities?
3. Define ase quantities.
!. Define "eri#e" quantities.
$. What is the system internationally a"opte" %y the scientists?
&. What are supplementary units?
'. What is (a"ian?
). What is Stera"ian?
*. What is scientific notation?
1+. Define systematic error.
11. Define (an"om error?
12. What is the "ifference %et,een precision an" accuracy?
13. What is the accuracy of measurement?
1!. -o, accuracy of measurements can %e in"icate"?
1$. What are si.nificant fi.ures?
1&. Define "imension.
1'. What is the con"ition to a"" t,o quantities?
1). /ame se#eral repetiti#e phenomenon occurrin. in nature ,hich can ser#e as reasona%le
time stan"ar"s.
1*. 0i#e the "ra,%ac1s to use the time perio" of a pen"ulum as a time stan"ar".
2+. Why ,e use it useful to ha#e t,o units for the amount of su%stance2 the 1ilo.ram an" the
21. mole?
22. 3hree stu"ents measure" the of a nee"le ,ith a scale on ,hich minimum "i#ision
23. is 1 mm an" recor"e" as (i) +.21!$ (ii) +.21 (iii) +.21!. Which recor" is correct an" ,hy?
2!. 4n ol" sayin. is that 54 chain is only as stron. as its ,ea1est lin16. What analo.ous
2$. statement can you ma1e"in. e7perimental "ata use" in computation?
2&. 3he time perio" of the simple pen"ulum is measure" %y a stop ,atch. What type of
errors are possi%le in the time perio"?
2'. Does the "imensional analysis .i#es any information on constant of proportionality that
may appear in an al.e%raic e7pression. 87plain?
2). What are the "imensions of (i) Pressure (ii) Density
2*. 3he , . of a ,a#e "epen"s on the spee" of the ,a#e an" its frequency .. Deci"e ,hich
of the follo,in. is correct2 . 9 . or (ii) . 9
1) Which one of the follo,in. is not a unit of
(a) 4n.strom
(%) Micron
(c) (a"ian
(") year
2) Which one of the follo,in. is not"e"
as a fun"amental quantity in Physics?
(%) Mass
(c) 3ime
3) ;ero is not si.nificant only if it
(a) :ies to the left of a si.nificant
(%) is %et,een t,o "i.its
(c) is to the of a si.nificant "
(") is %efore the "ecimal point
4) 3he "imension of the follo,in. pair is not
the same
(a) ,or1 < ener.y
(%) ,or1 an" torque
(c) Momentum < impulse
(") Mass < moment of inertia
5) 3he error in measurement may occur "ue
(a) ine7perience of a person
(%) 3he faulty apparatus
(c) =nappropriate metho"
(") Due to all reasons in a2 % an" c
6) =n any measurement the si.nificant fi.ures
(a) all accurately 1no,n an" all
"ou%tful "i.its
(%) only accurately 1no,n "i.its
(c) only "ou%tful "i.its
(") all accurately 1no, "i.its an" the
first "ou%tful "
7) Which one is the hi.hest po,er multiple?
(a) .i.a
(%) %eta
(c) me.a
(") "eca
8) >nit of 0 is ?
(a) /m2 1.2
(%) / m2 1.
(c) / m2 1.?2
(") none
9) 3he unit of force is@@@@@@@@ an" its
sym%ol is @@@@@@@ ,hich is the correct
(a) /e,ton2 n
(%) /e,ton2 /
(c) ne,ton2 n
(") ne,ton2 /
10) Which one is the correct representation of
the unit of pressure?
(a) /e,tonAMeter2
(%) ne,tonAmeter2
(c) /e,tonAmeter2
(") /e,tonAMeter2
11) 1+2! can %e ,ritten in scientific notation
(a) 1.+2!7 1+3
(%) 21+
(c) +.+++*'&
(") 1A+3+++*'
12) /um%er of si.nificant fi.ures in +.+1'3
(a) 3hree
(%) four
(c) fi#e
(") t,o
13) 3he "imension of force is
(a) M:3?1
(%) M:3?2
(c) M:?13
(") M:?132
14) M:?13?2 is the "imension of
(a) Borce
(%) Pressure
(c) Momentum
(") 8ner.y
15) Which equation is not "imensionally
(a) 8 9 mc2
(%) Cf 9 Ci D at
(c) S 9 Ct2
(") S 9 1A2at2
16) Which of the follo,in. is S= %ase unit?
(a) .ram
(%) slu.
(c) /e,ton
(") 1ilo.ram
17) 3he "imensions of stain are
1) EM:32F
2) EM:?23F
3) EMo :o 3oF
!) EM?1:?13?1F
18) 3he S= unit of intensity of isG
(a) Mole
(%) Hel#in
(c) Can"ela
(") 4mpere
19) +.++23 can %e e7presse" in scientific
notation asG
(a) 23 _ 10__
(%) 0.23 _ 10_
(c) 2.3 _ 10_
(") /one
20) -o, many years in one secon"?
(a) 3.1 _ 10_ years
(%) 3.1 _ 10__ years
(c) 3.1 _ 10_ years
(") 3.1 _ 10__ years
21) =f the rea"in. is ta1en ,ith measurin.
scale ,hose minimum "i#ision is 1mm2
then the correct rea"in. isG
(a) 0.2145 m
(%) 0.21 m
(c) 0.214 m
(") /one
22) 75.560 is roun" off asG
(a) 75.6
(%) 75.7
(c) 76.00
(") /one

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