Birds: Still Building These Cards

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Still building these cards

(Laurie Dack talking about a case of a man)

Freedom is breaking rules
What kind of rules? Riding motorcycle w/o helmet
Drinking while driving fast
Whats the theme of what he does to break the rules?
Whats the experience?
Polarity: powerless and freedom
He breaks certain rules
They do for him exactly what he needs

Being drafted was terrible
You had to fold everything just so
Theme of authority
Doing things the way Im told
When abandoned as a child and bringing yourself up you do it yourself and survive
Your own will, your own strength
Worst situation without my freedom
I survived by my will and my freedom
As soon as I could get license
I had my own vehicle to move
Movement is important

I rose out of the ashes and became heroic
Im at a disadvantage
Out of the difficulties rises the energy
Hes sick
He doesnt want to make a lifestyle change
I dont want to make a lifestyle change

(J A)
All sit perfectly still
Good posture
Might have spinal fusion
Might have claw hand from arthritis


Family Obligations vs. Freedom
(J A)
The black sheep of the family
Does opposite of families wishes
Instant Gratification
Lots of ideas, thinkingstart and stop
Dont really follow thru
Idea of family is important
But Im outta here, wont do it
A game f or them

Really pissed off no one is helping them in the family
Very sever depression
Heavy, cant breathe
Yearn for freedom
Strong individuals
Spends more time feeding family than any other bird
Taking care of self vs. taking care of those dependent
Exploited by family
Others dont understand
They are pissed off
A lot of self-power, dreams of having power
Seeking oneness of spirit
Usually mate for life
Aversion to company
J ust too much, taken for granted, Im fed up, want my freedom, shackled to family

Buteo-j (Red-tailed Hawk)

Wisdom, Teaching, for others welfare

Bubo-virginianus (Great Horned Owl) (Bubo-v)

Passive, long standing abuse
J udged and criticized
With grief
They can console and love even the aggressor (not the
Very religious, serve community and others
In war carry messages
One still delivered his message after long suffering

My kids are everything
I cant discipline them, I dont have it in me
Anger doesnt help
I wait for her, peace will come
Constricted by my children
Im looking for peace

Columba-p (Ringdove, Pigeon)

The dominated and trapped bird
Feeling I am dirty
After rape can become very promiscuous

Its restricted
Antagonism with self
Two wills because feels dependant on somebody or something
for their welfare
Like a domesticated bird

A lot to do with restrictions
Very convoluted conflicted antagonistic reaction to restrictions
Like domestication
I have to do what Im told, but I hate it
She said I have to have all these restrictions, but I hate them

Will power and domination
Dominates or victims of domination
Puts themselves first (Hawkputs family first)
Strong desire for good opinion of others, may give up freedom for this
I ran away and was free
Alcohol, cutting, lots of alcohol
Resists domination
Fear always around family setting

A lack of control over ones own life
Someone or something else is in control of the patients life
Lack of control can be seen as chaos
Chaos, when control is taken from her hands
Great effort to maintain control - cleaning, order and organization
Sim: Carc, Staph, and Nat-mur

Falcon peregrine (Falco-p)

(J A)
Like Platina
Destructive forces
Can see death, can see so far
Wont tell how important family is, but is very

Its NOT a game
Ripped out throats with talons of crows tormenting

To soar, to reach my full potential
Dreams between the two worlds, visits from the dead in dreams, talking to the other side
When they have these dreams they are connected to themselves, when not dreaming they are not
being their authentic self
Sees colors
Beauty, regal
In awe of
Powerful, and not feeling powerful
It is all an issue within themselves and are they being
their true self
Other people, jobs, conditions stop them from doing
Fear stops them

Haliae-lc (Bald Eagle)

Strix-aluco (Tawny Owl) (Strix-a)

Turkey Vulture
Wants to break the rules
A separate set of rules for rest of society and set for me
In birds you really see this powerlessness and this freedom

Two wills colliding
I want to get better VS. And I dont want to do what it takes
J ailed
Freedom means moving (like cars), and easy life
Like Mexico not too much responsibility not too much hard business
Freedom is breaking the rules
Its his specialized expression of freedom
Turkey Vulture

Tyto alba (Barn Owl)

In Ducks and Geese, tendency to be Martial
Issues with believing they are ugly
Issues with their legs, and perhaps the way they walk
Desire to dance, sing and play- perhaps a bit cruder than other birds

Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
(Fraser book)
Very fast
Symptoms come quickly and go quickly
Desire to move fast, do things fastdesire to run vs. walk
Desire for busyness , work and cleaning
Symptoms might go when busy
Also tendency for idleness
Flu symptoms: aches, fever, tiredness, congestion nose, throat,
(K) Feeling of being UNLOVED, by parents, brother and sister loved more
Delusion is uglyparticularity strong
Love of water (of course) - Dreams of water
Expression thru songdesire to sing
Lots of EYE symptoms, visions, etc.
Desire for chatting and communication as well as irritability and desire to be alone
Comfort in regimen and in order
Of course love of outside
Amel eating outside
Great sadness (water birds) overwhelming melancholy
Anxiety and fear in the darkmuch worse at night

Muscovy Duck (or Barbary) (related to oscilloccinum)
Flu symptoms: fever, chills, bruised sensation, throbbing headache, painful sinuses, nasal obstruction,
throbbing headache
(not the eye symptoms like in Mallard)
EAR symptoms
Digestion problems with eggs and milk
Nausea and vomiting
Swelling of abdomen
(rec when too violent a reaction to Carc)
Anxiety w/o any reason
Desire for neatness and order, fear of dirt and disordercan be extremecan be obsessive
Might have fear of infection
Fixed ideas and opinions and unwilling to change them
Can be busy bodies, interfering
Waterfowl (Ducks, Geese, Swans)

Greylag Goose (Anser Anser)
(Fraser book)
Very fast

Waterfowl (Ducks, Geese, Swans)

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