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The Influence of Porosity & Aspect Ratio on the Compressive Behavior

of Pervious Concrete


Alexander Hango


Clarkson University

The Influence of Porosity & Aspect Ratio on the Compressive Behavior of Pervious

A Thesis Proposal by

Alexander Hango

Department of Civil Engineering

Mentor: Prof. Narayanan Neithalath

March 11, 2011

I) Abstract

The goal of this thesis project is to investigate the influence that porosity and aspect ratio
of test specimens has on the mechanical properties of pervious concrete. The ability to quantify
these influences, particularly that of aspect ratio can help better understand pervious concrete, as
well as its testing procedures. Many studies have been done on compressive strength and other
mechanical properties of pervious concrete. Using this predisposed information this research can
be done with expected results while examining how aspect ratio can alter the peak compressive
strength, the pre and post-peak stress-strain behavior, and any trends can easily be observed. The
results of this research can be used to help establish a more defined testing procedure of pervious
concrete, as well as act as a baseline for comparison of testing specimens in the future.

II) Introduction

Pervious concrete is a unique and effective solution to address important environmental
issues and support sustainable construction and development of infrastructure. The use of
pervious concrete has and continues to grow because of its environmentally friendly advantages
over traditional concrete in certain applications. Pervious concrete, which is typically made up
of limestone aggregate, Type 1 Ordinary Portland Cement, and water is relatively porous
therefore it contains more voids in the structure leading to higher permeability compared to
conventional concrete, but the structural strength of it is compromised [1,2]. Since cement paste
in pervious concrete is very thin to bond coarse aggregate together, porous concrete tends to fail
at the interface between the aggregates and results in the low compressive strength [2]. The
main benefit of pervious concrete is that it is porous and can allow water to permeate through it.
This can reduce storm water run-off of paved areas and allow for some ground-water recharge.
This can eliminate the need for retention ponds, storm water treatment, and lessen the impact of
new construction on the surrounding environment. Typically pervious concrete has been used
for low volume applications such as parking lots and sidewalks [1].

In recent history, there have been studies done which characterize the mechanical
properties of pervious concrete and examine the effects of changing aggregate size and porosity
on these properties [1]. Using this previous research as a baseline, this project intends to
characterize the mechanical properties of pervious concrete while examining the effect of
changing the aspect ratio of the specimens tested, as well as the porosity of the specimens.
Generally, in an experiment set, all the specimens tested are done so in a standard mold size and
the data collected is consistent to the aspect ratio of the mold. This study intends to look at and
identify a relationship between aspect ratio of the concrete specimen created and the mechanical
properties. By altering the aspect ratio of the specimens it can be determined if aspect ratio does
in fact effect the mechanical property data collected in the lab. Specifically, compression and
UPV tests will be done; the stress-strain curves for each mixture proportion will be looked at and
compared to identify relationships and differences in strength, Elastic Modulus, and post-rupture
behavior of each specimen. The results of this experiment will provide valuable information
about the testing procedures of pervious concrete, and how or if the aspect ratio of a sample can
altar laboratory results.

III) Background & Purpose

Traditionally in the determination of the compressive strength of concrete there are two
shapes of test specimens; cubes and cylinders [11]. Studies have been done with nominal
concrete that involved creating several different aspect ratios of specimens, cube and cylinder
alike. This study was able to produce relationship and conversion factors between non-standard
specimen shapes and standard cube strength. Additionally, it was found that the higher the
strength of the concrete, the less aspect ratio influenced the specimens compressive strength.
The major goal of this thesis work is to perform a similar study for pervious concrete with
cylindrical cylinders varying in aspect ratios of 1.5, 2 and 2.5.

Mixture Proportioning
In order to work with and test pervious concrete, it is crucial to understand the basic
mechanical properties of pervious concrete, and know what can be expected in all phases of the
testing process. One of the main challenges of this project is the mixture proportioning.
Generally the aggregates used are limestone in the range of: (i) #8 (retained on 2.36 mm sieve),
(ii) #4 (retained on 4.75 mm sieve), (iii) 3/8 (retained on 9.5 mm sieve), and (iv) 1/2 (retained
on 12.5 mm sieve) [1].

When proportioning pervious concrete mixtures, the goal is to obtain a target void
content that will allow for the percolation of water [3]. To do this correctly there are several
parameters that need to be accounted for. Some of these parameters include moisture content of
the aggregate being used, the water to cement ratio, and the relative densities of the material
being used [4]. It has been found in previous studies involving mixture proportioning that the
design porosities were always lower than the fresh porosities obtained when batching. This was
attributed to the reduced compaction effort in the ASTM C1688 procedure that effectively results
in an increased void volume in the mixture [1]. To correct for this, one common method is to
increase the amount of cement paste in the mixture [1]. Although higher cement paste content
increases the cost of the mixture, it has also proven to increase the compressive strength.
Because of the degree of accuracy required in mixture proportioning of concrete, it is important
to measure these quantities before mixing.

Batching of Concrete Specimens
As previously mentioned, pervious concrete is porous allowing it to permeate water
through pores in its structure. Pervious concrete has a porosity that typically ranges from 15 to
30% [1,2]. In order to ensure the mixture proportioning is correct, ASTM has developed a
standard method to test for fresh porosity of specimens as produced. The ASTM C1688
Standard Test Method for Density and Void Content of Freshly Mixed Pervious Concrete
establishes a set methodology which allows for the fresh density to be calculated using mass and
volumetric relationships [4]. Using a standard measure, a proctor hammer, and the volume and
mass of the measure, the fresh density of the pervious concrete can be calculated after mixing is
complete. This fresh density can then be compared to the theoretical density of concrete, and the
porosity can be found.

Testing of Concrete Specimens
Common tests to perform on pervious concrete specimens are: a compression test, a UPV
test, and a permeability test. This study will focus mostly on the UPV and compression testing
to characterize the mechanical properties of the specimens. A UPV or ultra-sonic pulse velocity
test method employs the principle of measuring the travel velocity of ultrasonic pulses through a
material. The wave velocity is calculated using the time taken by the pulse to travel the
measured distance between the transmitter and the receiver [5]. This can then be used to find the
Dynamic Modulus of the specimen. The compression testing is done in a load cell operating in
displacement controlled mode. This can provide load vs. displacement data. This can then be
converted to stress-strain curves and additional data can be extrapolated.

The preparation of the pervious concrete specimens is difficult and needs to be carried
out with a high degree of precision. Due to the porous and irregular surface of the faces, platen-
to-platen displacements are recorded to determine the strains since strain gauges usually cant be
mounted on the specimen surface [1]. In order to ensure that no eccentricity of loading occurs,
time must be taken to smooth both surfaces of the specimen, and ensure that the surfaces are
parallel. It is suggested that neoprene pads be used on each end of the specimen to help reduce
the potential for eccentricity.

Due to the number of studies and tests done on pervious concrete, there have been some
distinct and repeatable trends and patterns occurring in the stress-strain curve relationships that
should occur and be observed in this study. First, increasing porosity indicates decreasing peak
compressive strength of the specimen [1,4]. Second, the pre-peak response of the specimen
(portion of stress-strain curve prior to the peak) decreases with a smaller aggregate size being
used. This is likely due to the smaller aggregate size having a more uniform pore structure [1,6].
Also, increasing the cement-paste content will increase the peak compressive strength of the
specimen. Specimens with higher cement-paste content will also exhibit greater strain levels at
the ultimate stress than a low paste-content specimen [1,6,10].

These relationships provide a large amount of information prior to doing any testing. The
results of this study, such as expected strength, the shape of the stress-strain curve, and the
effects of changing porosity, can easily be compared to previous studies. It will be easy to tell if
the data being collected is accurate, and representative of the corresponding sample. As stated
earlier, the main goal of this study is to obtain similar data and use it to compare a parameter that
hasnt been used before, aspect ratio. Due to the numerous sources of potential error and
subjectivity in preparing and testing pervious concrete, six specimens will be made per mix in
order to obtain at least 3 good samples per mix. This study, with good data, has the potential to
reveal valuable data on the testing methods of pervious concrete, and how the results are or are
not affected by the aspect ratio of the specimen tested.

IV) Research Methodology

In order to complete this project, several stages of work must occur. In order to observe
any data, the specimens that are to be tested need to be created. The methodology of this process
can be broken down into several stages.

Preliminary Work
One of the first steps in the process is to gather the necessary supplies. This research will
occur in a laboratory containing all the appropriate equipment for mixing, curing, and testing of
concrete specimens. The materials needed to batch the twelve mixtures are Type 1 Ordinary
Portland Cement, limestone aggregate, and an admixture. The bulk materials will be supplied by
a local quarry. The admixture to be used will be a rheology modifying admixture to improve the
workability of the mixtures at a dosage of 680 g/100 kg of cement as recommended by the
manufacturer [1]. The twelve mixes will all use #4 (retained on 4.75 mm sieve) aggregate that
will need to be sieved before use. Additionally, before a mix can be made, several aggregate,
cement, and volumetric parameters need to be addressed in a pre-made mixture proportioning
spreadsheet. This spreadsheet encompasses many material properties and allows for the design
of a mix based on the inputs of desired porosity, aggregate size, and the volume of the mix
desired. Several material properties including: relative density of oven dry (OD) aggregates,
absorption of aggregates, packing density of aggregates, and the relative density of cement were
measured in a previous study done at Clarkson University [4]. Unless the results from these
mixture proportions become undesirable, the current values for the previously stated parameters
will be used. Before any mix, the moisture content of the sample will be measured by preparing
C for twelve hours. By doing this, the
moisture content of the aggregate can be determined.

As stated earlier, this research will consist of twelve mixtures. Six of the mixes will be
done at 19% desired porosity and the other six at 27% desired porosity. These porosities were
selected due to information available from previous studies done with 19% and 27% porosities
[1]. In most compression testing of concrete, both nominal and pervious, an aspect ratio (length
to width) of 2 is commonly used [9]. Commonly 3x6 and 4x8 cylinders are used for
compression testing [1,7,8]. To determine the effect that aspect ratio has on the mechanical
properties of pervious concrete, aspect ratios of 1.5, 2, and 2.5 will be used. Each aspect ratio
will have 4 different mixes. The mixes to be performed in this lab are as shown below:

Table 1- Mixes

For each mix, six cylinders of that size will be made for compression and UPV testing, as
well as two cylinders at 3.75x8 for permeability testing. The procedures for these tests will be
described later.

The mixing procedure will be done in accordance with ASTM C192, in order to ensure a
quality mix [4]. Once the mixing has been done, a quick check that can be done is to visually
examine the mix for wetness, consistency, and workability. ASTM also has a procedure C1688
to determine the fresh density of mixes by mass. This procedure will be used to determine if the
fresh porosities achieved are close to the desired porosities. A sample of fresh pervious concrete
should be placed in a standard measure and compacted at twenty blows in 2 lifts with a standard
Proctor hammer. The fresh density of the pervious concrete can be calculated based on the mass
of the concrete in the standard measure [3,6]. This fresh density can then be compared to the
theoretical density, and a fresh porosity can be calculated [1]. From previous studies, it has been
determined that a compactive effort of 5 drops of a Proctor hammer per layer for 2 layers in the
cylindrical molds was sufficient to bring the hardened state porosities close to the design porosity
(and the fresh porosity) [1]. This compactive effort will be used unless changes are deemed
necessary during the ASTM C1688 procedure.

The industry standard for curing of concrete is 28 days [1,9]. Since this study is being
done with the comparison of specimens being done all relative to each other, the test date can
and was arbitrarily selected. A test period of two weeks will be used for this study. All samples
will be removed from the molds after 24 hours and immediately placed in the curing room for a
two week period. This will give a consistent test period and the curing process should be equal
for all specimens.

Description Aspect Ratio
Dimensions Porosity Agg. Size
4"x6" 19% #4 1.5
4"x6" 27% #4
4"x8" 19% #4 2
4"x8" 27% #4
4"x10" 19% #4 2.5
4"x10" 27% #4
3"x4.5" 19% #4 1.5
3"x4.5" 27% #4
3"x6" 19% #4 2
3"x6" 27% #4
3"x7.5" 19% #4 2.5
3"x7.5" 27% #4
All of the concrete mixes will be tested for permeability, compression strength, and
dynamic modulus using a UPV test. As in a previous study done at Clarkson University, the
compression test will be done on a 490 kN closed-loop universal testing machine [1]. In
previous studies, two strain rates; 10 /s and 100 /s have been used for testing. It has been
shown that there is a small increase in peak stress and the slope of the ascending stress strain
curve, and a decrease in the strain corresponding to peak stress, when the strain rate is increased.
[6]. Because this difference is minor, and all samples will be tested at the same strain rate, a rate
of 100 /s will be used. Since strain gauges cant be used due to the irregular surface of
pervious concrete, a platen-to-platen method will be used to measure strain. Volumetric porosity
of the pervious concrete specimens will be measured by submerging a 3.75x8 cylinder in water
for 24 hrs to fully saturate the specimen [1]. The specimens sides will then be sealed with latex
and the cylinder will be secured and sealed at the base to a steel plate. Water can then be added
to the top of the cylinder and the mass of water required to fill the cylinder can then be converted
into a volume. This test will show the actual porosity of the cured specimens [1,9]. The third
test that will be conducted is a UPV test. A UPV test quickly determines the dynamic modulus
of the specimen. Each specimen will be tested three times, and the average value will be taken.

Using the data from the compression test, a stress-strain curve can be created and
compared. These curves can provide adequate means to compare the compressive behavior of
pervious concretes proportioned for different porosities and hopefully provide a comparison of
the influence of aspect ratio on the mechanical properties. It has been found that the stressstrain
relationships are influenced by the testing conditions, material properties, as well as specimen
preparation [1,6,12]. A method for analyzing stress-strain curves, which takes into account
experimental errors, has been developed in multiple studies. It has been noticed that in a
compression test of a pervious concrete specimen, there is a slight curvature at the beginning of
the stress strain curve. Theoretically, at up to 30% of the peak stress, the stress strain curve
should behave linearly [1,6,12]. After that point, it should begin to behave non-linearly. To
account for this experimental testing error, which has yet to be attributed to anything specific, a
method has been developed to correct this curve. First, a value corresponding to 30% of the
peak stress can be found. Next, a tangent to that point is drawn down to the x-axis, and that
tangent becomes the linear portion of the stress strain curve [1,12]. This method helps to
examine and look at data that has not been influenced by error.

From the stress-strain curves, toughness can also be extrapolated. Toughness can be
determined by measuring the area underneath the stress-strain curve

and its energy of mechanical
deformation per unit volume prior to fracture. The stress-strain curves that these are done on
usually go only to a strain value of three times the peak stress. Generally this point is the
beginning of the plateau of the stress-strain curve for pervious concrete, or the point where the
specimen can only strain but not bear additional weight [1,12]. The toughness parameter can be
summed by using a numerical area calculation method.

Preliminary Data
At this point in the project, a few of the mixes have been made, and a complete set of
tests have been done. The first mix that was batched was a standard 4x8 cylinder with both
19% and 27% porosity using #4 aggregate. Shown below in Figure 1 and Figure 2 are two
curves from the data-set for a 4x8 cylinder with 19% porosity and #4 aggregate. The linear
pre-peak portions of the curves were corrected using the previously stated method. These figures
show a peak stress of approximately 11 MPa and 15 MPa respectively. The shape of the curve
matches curves that have been created in previous studies; however this set of data shows a
rather low peak stress for the samples [1]. An expected peak stress for a mix as such is 15-20
MPa [1]. However, these curves give the correct shape and behavior of a pervious concrete
specimen. These curves can be compared to curves of 19% porosity at different aspect ratios,
and the location of peak stress, the stress-strain response, and the toughness can all be

Figure 1: Figure 2:

V) Timeline

Table 2: Thesis Timeline & Goals

Month Goal
December 2010
Determine focused topic and begin literature review
January 2011
Meet with advisor, work out specifics of thesis; what tests will be run, number
of mixes to make, type of mixes to make.
February 2011
Make 4-6 of the 12 mixes, continue literature review, and begin testing of first
set of mixes. Build molds for non standard test specimens.
March 2011
Complete 1
draft of proposal by March 4
. Have 6 of the 12 mixes done
before spring break (March 12
). Continue to test as needed. Examine
Preliminary results.
April 2011
Complete all 12 mixes by April 8
. Continue testing specimens. Rewrite
proposal as needed. Begin to do in-depth data analysis of test results. Start to
write paper for Prof. Neithalath. Make sure all lab work is done by the end of
the school year.
Summer 2011
Work on paper as needed. Keep in contact with Prof. Neithalath. Continue data
September 2011
Finish data analysis. Continue writing paper. Keep in contact with Prof.
October 2011
Finish paper for Prof. Neithalath. Expand this paper to use as thesis report.
Work on thesis paper.
November 2011
Complete thesis paper by the 1
week in November. Have it edited by Prof.
Neithalath and perhaps other professors.
December 2011
Present thesis. Have thesis requirements done by the end of this semester!!


[1] Deo, O., Neithalath, N. (2010) Compressive Behavior of Pervious Concrete Mixtures
Proportioned for Desired Porosities.

[2] Lian, C., and Zhuge, Y., Optimum mix design of enhanced permeable concrete An
experimental investigation, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 24, No. 12, 2010, pp.

[3] ASTM C1688 / C1688M - 10a (2008) Standard Test Method for Density and Void Content
of Freshly Mixed Pervious Concrete. Section on Safety Precautions, Manual of Aggregate and
Concrete Testing, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.02.

[4] NRMCA Engineering Division. (2009) Pervious Concrete: Guideline to Mixture
Proportioning. National Ready Mixed Concrete Association

[5] Hall, B. and John, V. (1998) Non-destructive testing. Springer-Verlag.

[6] Deo, O., and Neithalath, N., Compressive behavior of pervious concretes and a
quantification of the influence of random pore structure features, Material Science and
Engineering A, Vol. 528, No.1, 2010, pp. 402-412.

[7] Meininger, R.C., No-Fines Pervious Concrete For Paving, Concrete International, Vol. 10,
1988, pp. 20-27.

[8] Malhotra, V.M., No-Fines Concrete Its Properties and Applications, ACI Journal, Title
No. 73-54, 1976.

[9] Yang, J., and Jiang, G., Experimental study on properties of pervious concrete pavement
materials, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2003, pp. 381-386.

[10] Chindaprasirt, P., Hatanaka, S., Chareerat, T., Mishima, N., and Yuasa, Y., Cement paste
characteristics and porous concrete properties, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 22,
No.1, 2008, pp. 894-901.

[11] Mansur, M. A. and Islam M. M. Interpretation of Concrete Strength for Nonstandard
Specimens Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 2, April 1, 2002.

[12] Puri, Sunil (2003) Assessing the Development of Localized Damage in Concrete Under
Compressive Loading Using Acoustic Emissions Purdue University.

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