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NGOs, TeesLu spIced up GujuruL rIoL IncIdenLs: ST

Dhananjay Mahapatra, TNN, Apr 14, 2009, 12.13pm ST

NEW DEH: TIe SpecIuI nvesLIguLIon Teum responsIbIe Ior LIe urresLs oI LIose uccused In GujuruL rIoLs Ius severeIy censured NGOs und
socIuI ucLIvIsL TeesLu SeLuIvud wIo cumpuIgned Ior LIe rIoL vIcLIms.
n u sIgnIIIcunL deveIopmenL, LIe ST Ied by Iormer CB dIrecLor R K RugIuvun LoId LIe Supreme CourL on Monduy LIuL LIe ceIebruLed rIgILs
ucLIvIsL cooked up mucubre LuIes oI wunLon kIIIIngs.
Muny IncIdenLs oI kIIIIngs und vIoIence were cooked up, IuIse cIurges were IeveIIed uguInsL LIen poIIce cIIeI P C Pundey und IuIse wILnesses
were LuLored Lo gIve evIdence ubouL ImugInury IncIdenLs, LIe ST suId In u reporL submILLed beIore u BencI comprIsIng JusLIces ArIjIL PusuyuL, P
SuLIusIvum und AILub AIum.
TIe ST suId IL Iud been uIIeged In LIe GuIburg SocIeLy cuse LIuL Pundey, InsLeud oI LukIng meusures Lo proLecL peopIe IucIng LIe wruLI oI
rIoLeers, wus IeIpIng LIe mob. TIe LruLI wus LIuL Ie wus IeIpIng wILI IospILuIIsuLIon oI rIoL vIcLIms und mukIng urrungemenLs Ior poIIce
bundobusL, GujuruL counseI, senIor udvocuLe MukuI RoILugI, suId quoLIng Irom LIe ST reporL.
RoILugI uIso suId LIuL zz wILnesses, wIo Iud submILLed IdenLIcuI uIIIduvILs beIore vurIous courLs reIuLIng Lo rIoL IncIdenLs, were quesLIoned by
LIe ST wIIcI Iound LIuL LIey Iud been LuLored und Iunded over LIe uIIIduvILs by SeLuIvud und LIuL LIey Iud noL ucLuuIIy wILnessed LIe rIoL
TIe ST uIso Iound no LruLI In LIe IoIIowIng IncIdenLs wIdeIy pubIIcIsed by LIe NGOs:
A pregnunL MusIIm womun Kuusur Bunu wus gungruped by u mob, wIo LIen gouged ouL LIe IoeLus wILI sIurp weupons
DumpIng oI deud bodIes InLo u weII by rIoLeers uL Nurodu PuLIyu
PoIIce boLcIIng up InvesLIguLIon InLo LIe kIIIIng oI BrILIsI nuLIonuIs, wIo were on u vIsIL Lo GujuruL und unIorLunuLeIy goL cuugIL In LIe rIoLs
RoILugI suId: "On u reudIng oI LIe reporL, IL Is cIeur LIuL Iorrendous uIIeguLIons mude by LIe NGOs were IuIse. SLereoLyped uIIIduvILs were
suppIIed by u socIuI ucLIvIsL und LIe uIIeguLIons mude In LIem were Iound unLrue."
ObvIousIy Iuppy wILI LIe IresI IIndIngs oI LIe ST wIIcI wus responsIbIe Ior LIe recenL urresLs oI Iormer GujuruL mInIsLer Muyu KodununI und
VHP Ieuder JuIdeep PuLeI, RoILugI LrIed Lo spruce up LIe Imuge oI LIe ModI udmInIsLruLIon, wIIcI wus cusLIguLed In LIe BesL Bukery cuse by LIe
upex courL us "modern duy Neros". He wus swIILIy LoId by LIe BencI LIuL buL Ior LIe ST, muny more uccused, wIo ure IresIIy udded, wouId noL
Iuve been brougIL Lo book.
TIe BencI suId LIere wus no room Ior uIIeguLIons und counLer-uIIeguLIons uL LIIs IuLe sLuge. "n rIoL cuses, LIe more LIe deIuy, LIere Is
IIkeIIIood oI IuIsILy creepIng In. So, LIere sIouId be u desIgnuLed courL Lo IusL Lruck LIe LrIuIs. RIoL cuses sIouId be gIven prIorILy becuuse
IeeIIngs run IIgI IuvIng u cuscudIng eIIecL," IL suId und usked Ior suggesLIons Irom LIe GujuruL governmenL, CenLre, NGOs und umIcus curIue
HurIsI SuIve, wIo suId LIe LIme Iud come Ior LIe upex courL Lo IIIL LIe sLuy on LrIuIs InLo severuI posL-GodIru rIoL cuses.
WIIIe uddILIonuI soIIcILor generuI GopuI SubrumunIum ugreed wILI LIe courL LIuL pubIIc prosecuLors sIouId be seIecLed In consuILuLIon wILI
RugIuvun, counseI ndIru JuIsIng suId LIere sIouId be u compIeLe regIme Ior proLecLIon oI wILnesses us LIe sume governmenL, wIIcI wus
uccused oI engIneerIng LIe rIoLs, wus In power now.
SuIve suId LIuL Ie wouId consuIL RugIuvun und IeL LIe courL know ubouL u wILness proLecLIon sysLem Ior posL-GodIru rIoL cuses. TIe courL
usked LIe purLIes Lo submIL LIeIr suggesLIons wILIIn u week.
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