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A good business plan always requires a good Executive Summary, and a solid Executive

Summary can also serve as a quick pitch to a potential investor.

Executi ve Summary Templ ate
[The ompany! was "ounded in [year! and [describe what your business does or its
principal mission or ob#ective. $or example %and is a growing manu"acturer o" pencil lead&!.
'ur principal o""ices are located in [x!.
(usi ness)*roduct or Servi ce
[The ompany! makes [describe your product)service line!.
The ompany produces)provides the "ollowing products)services+ [list products here in
order o"
*resently, our [main product! is in the [pick one o"+ introductory, growth, maturity! stage. ,t
competes primarily based on [competitive advantage!. 'ur "uture plans include developing
[x, y, and -! in [year or time"rame!.
The .arket
/e de"ine our market as [de"ine market. e.g. women0s athletic apparel, kitchen appliances,
small business so"tware!. The total market si-e was approximately [1x! last [period
available!, and is expected to grow by [x2! by [year!. /e currently hold [y2! o" this market
and believe we can capture [-2! o" it by [year!. Some o" our most notable customers
include [examples o" customers!.
ompeti ti on
/e compete directly with [x and y! and alternatives to our product include [u and v!. 'ur
product is
unique)superior because o" [x!. /e have a competitive advantage because o" our [speed to
established brand name, low cost producer status!. /e [anticipate ) do not anticipate! new
companies to enter this market.
3i sk)'pportuni ty
The greatest risks associated with our business today are [x, y, and -!. /e "eel we can
overcome these risks because o" [m!. 'ur biggest recogni-ed opportunities include [a, b, c!
.anagement Team
The management team is led by hie" Executive '""icer [4ame o" E'! who ["ounded the
company in 5year6 ) #oined the company a"ter working as 5position6 at 5company6!. [Add any
relevant previous work experience!. [Add education. e.g. %She received her ..(.A. "rom the
7niversity o" ,owa in 8998&!
The [title o" position! is [name o" position holder!, [Add relevant work experience and
The [title o" position! is [name o" position holder!, [Add relevant work experience and
The [title o" position! is [name o" position holder!, [Add relevant work experience and
/e have [manu"acturing "acilities ) o""ices ) branches! located in [location, location,
location!. /e currently per"orm [u! in house, while outsourcing [v!. 'ur total "ull time sta"" is
[:; people! and our products are distributed by [method or distributor!
api tal 3equi rements
/e are seeking [1! which will enable us to [describe what you will accomplish with the
"unds! by [describe how the "unds will be spent!. /e expect to provide an exit within [x!
years by [a dividend o" excess pro"its, recapitali-ation,sale o" company, or public o""ering!.
$i nanci al Snapshot
,n [the most recent quarter)month!, our company had sales o" [x!, and net income o" [y!,
compared to sales o" [u! and net income o" [v! in [the previous quarter)month!.
<ast =ear This =ear 4ext =ear =ear Two
(ook >alue+
*revious capital raises "or equity included [1x! in [month)year! "rom [name! "or [y2 "or the
company!, [and?!

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