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I feel best when I can work for betterment of the

people and the land

(Group: Drug-like Massimo)

A spineless, dome-shaped cactus (Lophophora
williamsii) native to Mexico and the southwest
United States, having buttonlike tubercles that are
chewed fresh or dry as a narcotic drug by certain
Native American peoples. Also called mescal

Polarity; Feeling of expansion and con-
Expansion; Conscience gets expanded
Organize the first Earth Day; A vision of the people
in the land being connected
Isolation (away from nature) inside myself, cant get out to get connected
Paralysis from sense of loosing ones identity; Not knowing who I am, not knowing how to move
most hard working drug remedy; Extends themselves; Workaholics; Selfless
Connection with the earth; best when outside; I just need to get my feet on the ground
Strong connection with colors and music; Fantasia Swept up and carried away
Time mix-up
very artistic, very musical

Spiritual Seeking; Need to feel a sense of oneness to feel okay
Joins groups, communities

Contraction constricting, crushing pains, depth perceptions disturbed
Connection sensitive to environmental changes, to food they eat

Very sensitive
To environmental changes, dropping of the barometer, can sense weather change
Feels it before it happens
To any external; to foods, something they like (salivate just thinking of it) something they hate
(makes her sick just thinking about it)
All constricting, crushing and hemorrhaging pains in Anh
Really intense visional disturbances; depth perceptions, focus adjustments hard, blurry looking up
from reading
Facial neuralgia; more left sided (other Cacti more right sided)
Easily nauseated, cant move have to lie down, as intense as any of the constricting pains of this

In Anh connectiveness so many ways to accomplish what you want to so
Dual train of thoughts (like Cann-i) but seen as SOO many ways, so many options...

Anhalonium lewinii (Anh) Peyote Cancer
a beautiful remedy - most psychedelic
not being seen at all
not being recognized at all
Delusion of being transparent - as if your body is made of glass,
fragile, can see thru it
his inner world is FULL of color and emotions, and communica-
on other side - almost impossible to express it
dramatic difference
something paradoxical in the person
This inner world is impossible ot be expressed
Suffering: is his strong desire to make a relationship with a few
people who can understand who he is
cannot communicate something so gigantic
the world is so rich, so good, so colorful and their are no tools in which to express this
Anhalonium lewinii (Anh) Peyote Cancer
Anhalonium Mental State
Cancer miasm
Mentally, hasnt been well know until
recent year (hidden mental state)
Rajan: cancer Miasm, tremendous
vision and over work to get there
the most hard working drug remedy
Extends themselves
Industrious person who is seeking
feeling of being connected

very artistic, very musical

Feeling of expansion and contraction
Conscience gets expanded
They can feel what others feel
I can feel what those trees feel

A contracted feeling of isolation
More likely when away from nature
Feeling of being alone (the most in this
cactus remedy)
Goes inside
A feeling of being in myself and cant
get out to get connected
Time mix-up
Lost or mixed up about time
(like Cann-i)
Connection with the earth
The environment
Good gardeners
Best when outside
I just need to get my feet on the ground
Good deeds are around environment
Go into nature
Ideal, a spiritual community that re-
volves around nature
Strong connection
with colors and music
See colors as more vivid
Music makes them feel very con-
Can hear music when its not really there
hear in their heads in a good way
Swept up and carried by music
Carried away by vision
by visions and music
When they hear music they experi-
ence it as colors, when the see nature
they experience it as music
Fantasia best Anhalonium piece
Spiritual Seeking
J oining churches, religions, groups,
communities that are out in nature
Sense of Oneness
Need to feel a sense of oneness to feel okay
Spiritual leaders
Organize the first Earth Day
A vision of the people in the land being connected
At best
At worst
They are inside themselves
Paralysis from sense of loosing ones identity
Not knowing who I am, not knowing how to move
There are moments I wake in the morning and dont know
my own name and Michael brings me back, hes my earth

I only have my identity when I am with
others working for the cause
I came into my life to find myself
I spent many lifetimes not being me
Carc vs. Anh
In balance state:
Carc has some idea of center,
Anh has much more sense of center,
its rooted in the ground
Frequently speak about spiritual ex-
belong to groups Leaders of the Light
Might have had experience of great union
and have been trying to get back there
They will meet a spiritual leader, and
how just seeing this person brought
love and light and music into my body
Looking for some sense of self
(but will talk about union)
Takes away pain of the feeling Im all
alone in here
Can seem quite arrogant
Like they have some great role in the
Im here to energize the universe
Shes sure shes the one
Delusion of spiritual greatness

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