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Muay Thai Kickboxing Theory Test (Module 1)

Upon completion of all presentation slides for each unit in Module 1, teacher will
provide to all students 17 theoretical questions in a question paper.
Overall mark for the seven questions is worth 100% marks. These theor question is
intended to prove that the students understand the Module 1 which was alread !een
lectures and discussed ! the teacher.
The time allocated ! students to answer these followin" seven questions is #0
Have the student to respond to the following questions:
1) Why Muay Thai is considered as a higher art and being part in the royal curriculum in
Suhothai era! "# mars)
$) What is the name of the training center that is well%nown for its Muay Thai martial arts
during the &yutthaya era! "# mars)
#) What is the name of the defense team that has been built by 'ing (aresuan to fight in
)uerrilla Warfare! "# mars)
*) +n the era of 'ing (arai, the bo-er hand was wrapped with yarn dyed in thic starch or tar
when they are in match. What is the name of the hand wrap technique! "# mars)
/) 'ing 0rachao Sua, or better nown as 'ing Tiger, has managed to beat # best fighters
from the Wisetchaichan city. Who are these three losers! "# mars)
1) Mentioned one great honor that has been given to (ai 'hanomtom as 2ather of Muay
Thai! "# mars)
3) What are the use of Muay Thai Training during the Thonburi period! "# mars)
4) What are the most recogni5ed laws and regulations in 6atanaosin era! "# mars)
7) What are the name of the selected bo-ers to fight with foreigners behind 8merald
9uddha Temple behind The )rand 0alace in 'ing 6ama + period! "# mars)
1:) 2ormerly, the name of Muay Thai sport is nown by another name during 'ing 6ama ++
period. What is the name of the Muay Thai sport from that era! "# mars)
11) What is the name of the first stadium in Thailand that is used for Muay Thai icbo-ing
match in 17$:! "/ mars)
1$) How the history of Muay Thai icbo-ing competitions begin in Thailand! "/ mars)
1#) There are 1: musical instruments used in before, during and after the match of Muay
Thai 'icbo-ing. )ive / of them and e-plain. "1: mars)
1*) State the rituals used by the instructors to the students &2T86 completion Muay Thai
'icbo-ing match for beginner and e-plain its meaning. "/ mars)
1/) There are two wears used during the pre%fight ritual when performed. 8-plain both of
them. "/ mars)
11) There are four movements of Wai 'ru dance styles that is performed to show a sign of
respect to the instructor. State and e-plain them all. "$: mars)
13) What is the relationship between the ic, punch, nee and elbow in use for Muay Thai
'icbo-ing! "$: mars)

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