Reaching Critical Will: Fully Autonomous Weapons

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Reaching Critical Will

a programme of the Womens International League for Peace and Freedom

New York: Ms. a! "cheson# ra!$ %&.'&'.()'.&'(*
+ene,a: Ms. -eatrice Fihn# .eatrice$ %/&.''.0&0.12)2

Fully Autonomous Weapons
What are fully autonomous weapons?
Fully autonomous weapons are weapon systems that can select and fire upon targets on their own, without any
human intervention. Fully autonomous weapons can be enabled to assess the situational context on a battlefield
and to decide on the required attack according to the processed information.
Fully autonomous weapons would act on the basis of an artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is basically
created by arithmetic calculations and programming of the robot. t lacks every feature of human intelligence
and human !udgment that make humans sub!ect and accountable to rules and norms. "he use of artificial
intelligence in armed conflict poses a fundamental challenge to the protection of civilians and to compliance with
international human rights and humanitarian law.
Fully autonomous weapons are distinct from remote#controlled weapon systems such as drones$the latter are
piloted by a human remotely, while fully autonomous weapons would have no human guidance after being
programmed. Although weapons with full lethal autonomy have not yet been deployed, precursors with various
degrees of autonomy and lethality are currently in use. %everal states support and fund activities targeted at the
development and research on fully autonomous weapons. Amongst them are &hina, 'ermany, ndia, srael,
(epublic of )orea, (ussia, and the *nited )ingdom. (obotic systems with a various degree of autonomy and
lethality have already been deployed by the *nited %tates, the *nited )ingdom, srael, and the (epublic of )orea.

Important questions raised by the development of fully autonomous weapons
+ngoing research and development in the field of fully autonomous weapons have reached a critical stage,
requiring in#depth reflection on further technical development of such weapon systems. "he debate on fully
autonomous weapons raises following fundamental ethical and principle questions,
&an the decision over death and life be left to a machine-
&an fully autonomous weapons function in an ethically correct manner-
Are machines capable of acting in accordance to international humanitarian law ./01 or international
human rights law ./(01-
Are these weapon systems able to differentiate between combatants on the one side and defenceless
and2or uninvolved persons on the other side?
&an such systems evaluate the proportionality of attacks-
3ho can be held accountable-
"hese issues put into question whether or not human abilities, such as the assessment of proportionality,
military necessity, and the capability to make distinctions between civilians and combatants, can be transferred
to a machine.
Protection of civilians. 4earing in mind that most of today5s armed conflicts are inter#state conflicts without
clear boundaries between a variety of armed groups and civilians, it is questionable how a robot can be
effectively programmed to avoid civilian casualties when humans themselves lack the ability to make
distinctions in such conflict settings and face difficulties to overcome these dilemmas.
Proportionality. n certain situations, military attacks are not conducted due to the risk of causing
disproportionally high civilian damages. t has been doubted that a robotic system is capable of making such

Accountability. 3ith an autonomous weapon system, no individual human can be held accountable for his or
her actions in an armed conflict. nstead the responsibility is distributed among a larger, possibly unidentifiable
group of persons, including perhaps the programmer, or manufacturer of the robot.
Increasing the risk of war. As the *6 %pecial (apporteur on extra!udicial, summary or arbitrary executions
pointed out in his report to the /uman (ights &ouncil, the removal of humans from the selection and execution
of attacks on targets constitutes a critical moment in the new technology which is considered as revolution in
modern warfare. /e urged states to think carefully about the implications of such weapon systems, noting that
such technology increases the risk that states are more likely to engage in armed conflicts due to a reduced
possibility of military causalities. Fully autonomous weapons could lower the threshold of war.
Cool calculators or tools of repression? %upporters of fully autonomous weapons argue that these systems
would help overcome human emotions such as panic, fear, or anger, which lead to mis!udgment and incorrect
choices in stressful situations. /owever, opponents to the development of these weapon systems point out that
this so#called advantage can turn into a massive risk to people who live in repressive state systems. Fully
autonomous weapons could be used to oppress opponents without fearing protest, conscientious ob!ection, or
insurgency within state security forces.
Proliferation. Finally, concerns have been expressed that fully autonomous weapon systems could fall into the
hands of non#authori7ed persons.

What efforts have been taken to address the development of fully autonomous weapons?
8uring the /uman (ights &ouncil session in April 9:;<, 9= states attended the presentation of the report of the
%pecial (apporteur on extra!udicial, summary or arbitrary executions, &hristof /eyns, and discussed the issue of
autonomous weapons. >articipating states expressed concerns regarding the use of fully autonomous weapons
and indicated an interest in continuing discussions.
>akistan, ?orocco, ?exico, Argentina .on behalf of '(*0A&1, &uba, %ierra 0eone, %wit7erland, Algeria, and @gypt
raised deep concerns about future implications of such weapons and argued that these weapons should be
discussed through the perspectives of both human rights and international humanitarian law. "he @uropean
*nion, several of its member states, the *nited %tates, and 4ra7il seemed more eager to define the issue in arms
control terms, too. 4ra7il and France specifically proposed the &onvention on &onventional 3eapons .&&31 as
an appropriate body to deal with autonomous weaponsA others suggested the First &ommittee. "he *), however,
said it considers that existing rules are sufficient on fully autonomous weapons and that it does not support an
international ban. /owever, the *) government later clarified its position by affirming that fully autonomous
weapons will not meet the requirements of international humanitarian law.

Campaign to Stop Killer Robots
n April 9:;<, a group of non#governmental organi7ations launched the &ampaign to %top )iller (obots in
0ondon. "he campaign seeks to establish a coordinated civil society call for a ban on the development of fully
autonomous weapon systems and to address the challenges to civilians and the international law posed by these
weapons. "he campaign builds on previous experiences from efforts to ban landmines, cluster munitions, and
blinding lasers.
"he campaign emphasi7es the ethical implications of empowering machines to decide between death and life of
human beings. t urges states to negotiate a treaty that pre#emptively bans further development and use of fully
autonomous weapons. %uch a treaty would include the prohibition of development, production, and deployment
of fully autonomous weapons. "he campaign emphasi7es that this matter must be regarded as an urgent concern,
especially from a humanitarian perspective.
4esides the prohibition through an international treaty, the campaign calls also for prohibition on a national
level through national laws and other policy measures.

Additional resoures!
Article <B .9:;<1. *) says killer robots will not meet requirements of international law, ;C Dune 9:;<,
Article 9B .9:;<1. 0etter from *) 'overnment reiterates position on killer robots, 9C Dune 9:;<,

&ampaign to %top )iller (obots .9:;<1. *rgent Action 6eeded to 4an Fully Autonomous 3eapons, 6on#
governmental organi7ations convene to launch &ampaign to %top )iller (obots, 9< April 9:;<,
8ocherty, 4onnie .9:;91. "he "rouble with )iller (obots, 3hy we need to ban fully autonomous weapons
systems, before itFs too late, in, Foreign Policy, ;G 6ovember 9:;9,
/eyns, &hristof .9:;<1. (eport of the %pecial (apporteur on extra!udicial, summary or arbitrary executions,
&hristof /eyns, G April 9:;<, www.ohchr.org28ocuments2/(4odies2/(&ouncil2(egular%ession2%ession9<2A#
/uman (ights 3atch .9:;91. 4an J)iller (obots5 4efore t5s "oo 0ate, Fully autonomous weapons would increase
danger to civilians, ;G 6ovember 9:;9, www.hrw.org2news29:;92;;2;G2ban#killer#robots#it#s#too#late.
)rishnan, Armin .9::G1. )iller (obots, 0egality and @thicality of Autonomous 3eapons. Ashgate >ublishing.
(eaching &ritical 3ill .9:;<1. 'rowing momentum to prevent killer robots, <: ?ay 9:;<,

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