7938 Unchanged Word .... Important Missionary Work ....

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... through Bertha Dudde

Unchanged Word ....
Important missionary or! ....
"ou shou#d stead$ast#y continue on the path you ha%e ta!en hen
you o$$ered your ser%ice to &e .... "ou shou#d on#y e%er #isten to
the instructions gi%en to you 'y the custodian o$ the house( $or it
is necessary to rescue the sou#s hich are at great ris!( since the
end is approaching .... )nd thus you shou#d #isten to &e( you
shou#d on#y e%er gi%e &e the opportunity to spea! to you( $or you
must !no hat &y i## consists o$ 'ecause you shou#d #i%e your
#i$e according#y.
)nd you shou#d 'e#ie%e the in$ormation re%ea#ed to you through
&y Word .... I ant to address a## peop#e through &y ser%ants on
*arth ho ena'#e &e to spea! through them. )nd you shou#d
a#ays regard them as &y messengers ho proc#aim the i## o$
their +ord to you( ho as! you to prepare yourse#%es and pro%ide
&e ith an a'ode hich ser%es &e e## hen I &yse#$ come
!noc!ing at the door o$ your heart in order to enter it ....
)nd I i## tru#y '#ess those o$ you ho are o$ ser%ice to &e 'y
a##oing &e to spea! through you .... ,his %o#untari#y accepted
tas! o$ yours( your mission( is %ery important( and you i##
indeed $inish it in accordance ith &y i##( $or time and again I
con%ey strength to you and a#ays sho you the ays hich
ena'#e you to success$u##y or! in &y %ineyard ....
,ime a$ter time I repe# &y ad%ersary $rom you( ho i## not
cease in his attempts o$ e-tinguishing the #ight here it as
!ind#ed 'y &y #o%e .... "et he i## not succeed( $or you are
surrounded 'y spiritua# guardians hich ea!en his acti%ity. )nd
you can sa$e#y continue ith your %ineyard or! 'y ser%ing &e
as a %esse# $or the spirit into hich I )m a'#e to $#o .... so that
&y Word can 'e transmitted to *arth and made accessi'#e to
peop#e o$ good i##.
)nd anyone ho is thus direct#y addressed 'y &e need not $ear
that his or! i## 'e in %ain( that &y Word i## not ser%e its right
purpose( that the .#i%ing ater/ might run dry ithout ha%ing
ser%ed the human 'eing ith its inherent 'ene$it .... to puri$y the
sou# and to strengthen it $or its pi#grimage on this earth .... &y
Word i## pre%ai#( $or it is strength and #ight in itse#$ .... and &y
Word i## tru#y not $ai# to ha%e the desired e$$ect ....
.My Word/( on#y that hich comes $orth $rom Me( has and i##
!eep this strength. 0oe%er( as soon as it is changed through
human i## it i## #ose its strength and then it can ne%er 'e
considered to 'e My Word .... ,his is aimed at a## those o$ you
ho ar'itrari#y try to impro%e &y Word and thus change it .... For
that hich originates $rom &e does not re1uire any
impro%ement( it can there'y on#y #ose %a#ue( and $or this you(
ho ma!e such corrections( i## ha%e to 2usti$y yourse#%es(
'ecause you are as yet una'#e to appreciate the grace o$ a direct
0oe%er( those o$ you ho are o$ ser%ice to &e and there$ore
accept &y Word( don/t #et yourse#%es 'e mis#ed 'ut continue to
or! according to &y i## .... )##o &e to spea! through you( $or
the human race needs &y Word( it su$$ers great spiritua#
ad%ersity4 it needs an unusua# gi$t o$ strength( it needs
e-traordinary signs and the e%idence o$ &y #o%e( it needs to 'e
strengthened in its $aith( hich is sti## ea! ....
0umanity needs &y Word( and since I cannot mani$est &yse#$
open#y on account o$ their $reedom o$ i##( I need you to ser%e
&e as a mouthpiece so that you gi%e &e the opportunity to spea!
to all peop#e .... For I sti## ant to rescue many peop#e 'e$ore the
end( I sti## ant many peop#e to recei%e &y Word hich is '#essed
ith &y strength ....
,here$ore #ea%e a## your pro'#ems to &e( 'e they o$ an earth#y or
spiritua# !ind .... )nd !eep or!ing $or &e and &y !ingdom( 'e
$aith$u# ser%ants to &e ho $u#$i# the i## o$ their +ord and I i##
'#ess your or! ....
5u'#ished 'y $riends o$ ne re%e#ations o$ God 6In$ormation(
don#oad o$ a## trans#ated re%e#ations( theme3'oo!#ets at7

6 http788en.'ertha3dudde.org8

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