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August 4, 2013

Cleaning the assigned part (main gate) at the university and have an
attendance check after the task has been done.

August 11, 2013
Engr. Eroles gave an activity to make each group a family tree.

August 18, 2013
Cleaning the assigned part (main gate) at the university and have an
attendance check after the task has been done.

August 25, 2013
We took up our Midterm Exam about NSTP Law, and after that we clean
the assigned part at the university

Republic Act No. 9163 otherwise known as the National Program NSTP act of
2001 is a laudable law because is resolved it issue on ROTC that had been
plaguing academic institutions in the past. It also brought about a creative way by
which to utilize and maximize the dynamism and energies of the youth while they
are still in the school system. The NSTP Act of 2001 now covers three program
components namely, Reserved Officers Training Course or ROTC, Civic Welfare
Training Services or CWTS and Literary Service Training or LTS.
Upon the affectivity of Republic Act 9163, ROTC has become optional and
voluntary. This does not in any way diminish the importance of ROTC in youth
development. The law merely opened other avenues of youth participation in
nation building. In short, the law expanded the options available the youths for
citizenship training.
What state policies guide the implementation of NSTP Act of
Under section 2 of the governing law, the state affirms the prime duty of the
government to serve and protect its citizens. In turn, it shall be the responsibility
of all citizens to defend the security of the state and in fulfillment thereof, the
government may require each citizen to render personal military or civil service.
In the same Section, recognizing the youths vital role in nation building, the State
shall promote civic consciousness among the youth and shall develop their
physical, spiritual, intellectual, and social well being. It shall inculcate in the
youths patriotism, nationalism, and advance their involvement in public and civic
And finally, in pursuit of these goals the youth, the most valuable resource of the
nation shall be motivated, trained, organized and mobilized military training,
literary, civic welfare and other similar endeavors in the service of nation.
Citizenship training is emphasized. CWTS consists of programs of activities
contributing to the general welfare and betterment of the life of the members of
the country by the enhancement of the facilities especially those who devoted to
improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation
and morals of the citizenry.
Each of the NSTP components including ROTC shall be undertaken for an
academic period of two semesters. Each program shall be credited three units
per semester, for fifty-four to ninety training hours per semester.
What is the Rights Based Approach (RBA)?
A rights based approach to development is a conceptual framework for the
process of human development. RBA as it is called normatively based on
international human rights standards.
Operationally, RBA is directed to promoting and protecting human rights.
Essentially, RBA integrates the norms, standards, and principles of the
international human rights system into the plans, policies and processes of
A rights based approach to development includes the following elements. 1)
Express linkage to human rights; 2) Accountability; 3) Empowerment; 4)
Participation and 5) Non-discrimination and attention to vulnerable groups.

Gender Awareness
Gender is the range of physical, mental, and behavioral characteristics
pertaining to, and differentiating between, masculinity and femininity. Depending
on the context, the term may refer to biological sex (i.e. the state of being male,
female or intersex), sex-based social structures (including gender roles and other
social roles), or gender identity.
"Sex" refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define
men and women.
GENDER BIAS is simply unfair treatment of men or women because of
their gender.
A gender role is a set of social and behavioral norms that are generally
considered appropriate for either a man or a woman in a social or interpersonal
STEREOTYPING is any commonly known public belief about a certain
social group or a type of individual.
Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act (RA 9262)
What is Republic Act No. 9262?
RA 9262 is the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of
2004. It seeks to address the prevalence of violence against women and children
(VAWC), abuses on women and their children by their partners like:
Husband or ex-husband
Live-in partner or ex-live in partner
Boyfriend/girlfriend or ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend
Dating partner or ex-dating partner
The Act classifies violence against women and children (VAWC) as a
public crime.
What is VAWC under the law?
It refers to any act or a series of acts committed by any person against a
woman who is his wife, former wife, or against a woman with whom the person
has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he has a common child,
or against her child whether legitimate or illegitimate, within or without the family
abode, which result in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm
or suffering, or economic abuse including threats of such acts, battery, assault,
coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty.
It includes, but is not limited to, the following acts:
Physical violence refers to acts that include bodily or physical harm;
Sexual violence refers to an act which is sexual in nature, committed
against a woman or her child. It includes but is not limited to:
1. Rape, sexual harassment, acts of lasciviousness, treating a woman or her
child as a sex object, making demeaning and sexually suggestive remarks,
physically attacking the sexual parts of the victims body, forcing her/him to watch
obscene publications and indecent shows or forcing the woman or her child to do
indecent acts and/or make films thereof, forcing the wife and mistress/lover to
live in the conjugal home or sleep together in the same room with the abuser;
2. Acts, causing or attempting to cause the victim to engage in any sexual
activity by force, threat of force, physical or other harm or threat of physical or
other harm or coercion;
3. Prostituting the woman or her child.
Psychological violence refers to acts or omissions causing or likely to
cause mental or emotional suffering of the victim such as but not limited to
intimidation, harassment, stalking, damage to property, public ridicule or
humiliation, repeated verbal abuse and marital infidelity. It includes causing or
allowing the victim to witness the physical, sexual or psychological abuse of a
member of the family to which the victim belongs, or to witness pornography in
any form or to witness abusive injury to pets or to unlawful or unwanted
deprivation of the right to custody and/or visitation of common children.
Economic abuse refers to acts that make or attempt to make a woman
financially dependent. This includes but is not limited to the following:
1. Withdrawal of financial support or preventing the victim from engaging in
any legitimate profession, occupation, business or activity, except in cases where
in the other spouse/partner objects on valid, serious and moral grounds as
defined in Article 73 of the Family Code;
2. Deprivation or threat of deprivation of financial resources and the right to
the use and enjoyment of the conjugal, community or property owned in
3. Destroying household property;
4. Controlling the victims own money or properties or solely controlling the
conjugal money or properties.
Children are those below 18 years of age or those, regardless of age, who
are incapable of taking care of themselves (as stated in Republic Act 7610). It
includes the biological children of the victim and other children under her care. A
dating relationship is one which has a romantic involvement. It means that a
relationship existed between a woman and a partner who is abusive or has
previously a bused her, whether or not the relationship was formal.
Sexual relations refer to a single sexual act which mayor may not result to
a bearing of a child.
Who gets protected under the law?
The law recognizes the unequal relations of a man and a woman in an
abusive relationship where it is usually the woman who is disadvantaged. Thus,
the law protects the woman and her children.
The victim, the child who is a minor (legitimate and illegitimate), and a
person aged 18 years and beyond who doesnt have the ability to decide for
herself/himself because of an emotional, physical and mental illness can make
full use of the law.
Any child under the care of a woman is also protected under the law.
Executive Order No. 348
Approval and Adoption of the Philippine Development Plan for Women for
1989 to 1992
WHEREAS, Article II, Section 14, of the 1987 Constitution provides that
The State recognizes the role of women in nation-building, and shall ensure the
fundamental equality before the law of women and men;
WHEREAS, the Philippine Development Plan for Women for 1989 to 1992
was formulated through the efforts of various government agencies and non-
governmental organizations;
Philippines, do hereby approve and adopt the Philippine Development Plan for
Women for 1989 to 1992,

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