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Awaken the Kundalini!

In India, the degree of awakening of the Kundalini energy is symbolized by the

number of cobras hovering on the top of the head of the yogi. The number of cobras
symbolize the number of layers the Kundalini has been awakened. Sometimes you
may see a statue of a yogi meditating, with one, three or five cobras hovering over his
head. But seldom would you see a sculpture showing seven cobras on top of the
yogis head. Seven cobras symbolize a very advanced soul, a great spiritual teacher. In
China, a sage who has fully awakened the Kundalini energy and has mastered it, is
represented by a person standing and riding on a dragon. This is why some paintings
depict Bodhisattva Kuan Yin in this manner. In Egypt, the awakening of the
Kundalini energy, which has risen up to the head center, is symbolized by a snake on
the headgear of the pharaoh.
What is the use of the Kundalini energy in spiritual practice? The Kundalini energy
enables the brain cells to register spiritual or higher experiences and stimuli. The
quality of the physical body, especially the brain and the nervous system, is improved
or upgraded. After a certain period of time, a person whose Kundalini is highly
awakened may become a genius, a great charismatic leader or a great spiritual
When the Kundalini is awakened, the positive and negative qualities of the person will
be magnified to a very high degree. Kundalini energy is like fertilizer. Whatever seeds
are in the ground will be stimulated to grow. So whatever ancient seeds a person
possesses, whether good or bad, will be magnified. This is why a person going into
the spiritual path experiences intense inner battles. Therefore, it is important to
practice inner purification.
One of the side effects of improper, premature awakening of the Kundalini is having
an excessive or unregulated sex drive. A person may become a sex maniac.
Sometimes a person may develop extreme pride, or even become a megalomaniac.
There are many methods of awakening the Kundalini energy, but the process must be
done properly. There must be proper preparation.
First, the physical body and the energy body must be cleansed or purified, so that the
Kundalini energy, once awakened to a higher degree, can flow easily without any
blockage and without causing damage to the physical body. Second, it is important
that one must practice inner purification regularly through character building. This is
done by developing virtues and removing vices or inner weaknesses. Third, the higher
chakras, especially the heart chakra and the crown chakra, must be activated first
before awakening the Kundalini energy. These two chakras are extremely important.
The activation of the heart chakra ensures that the enhanced intellectual faculty and
increase in willpower will be used properly and harmlessly. The activation of the
crown chakra enables the spiritual energy to come down or descend in order to (1)
awaken the Kundalini energy safely, (2) awaken it to a higher degree, and (3) regulate
the Kundalini energy. The Kundalini energy is brought up to the higher chakras and to
the crown chakra by the spiritual energy.
For spiritual practitioners who are interested in a safe and effective method of
awakening their Kundalini energy, it is advisable to use the Meditation on Twin
Hearts. In this meditation, the heart chakra and the crown chakra are highly activated
first. Next, the spiritual energy comes down in great quantities and goes to the area
near the base of the spine, partially awakening the Kundalini energy to a higher
degree, and then regulating and bringing it up to the higher chakras and to the crown
In practicing the Meditation on Twin Hearts, you may feel your head being pushed
down. This sensation is the descent of the spiritual energy. You may feel the energy
going up your spine. This is the Kundalini rising up. When the Kundalini energy goes
to the crown chakra, some may feel as if the head is or will be exploding or may see
the head like a fountain of light. Others may feel an energy pulling them up. Some
may clairvoyantly see the stars and galaxies, or feel their consciousness expanding all
over the cosmos. More advanced meditation practices are revealed in the book and
workshop Meditations for Soul Realization and Arhatic Yoga.
Another method of awakening Kundalini energy is by using special practices in Hatha
Yoga. If done properly, and guided by a competent teacher, this method is relatively
safe, but slow. It is not as powerful or as fast as when one uses advanced spiritual
Yet another method of awakening the Kundalini is by using visualization and mantras
and by awakening the Kundalini from the bottom going up. This is an old method.
There is a tendency of excessively activating the lower nature, unless inner
purification is done thoroughly. This method is not suitable for the present living
conditions. We are constantly bombarded with excessive sexual stimuli and other
stimuli that tend to create excessive and obsessive desire for material things. Movies
show characters repeatedly using foul language and violence, and too much
individualistic selfishness. All of these conditions were not present in ancient times.
This method is not suitable for spiritual practitioners living in this kind of social
By safely awakening the Kundalini with the Meditation on Twin Hearts, and other
higher spiritual practices, you can experience blissful union with your divine nature as
you take this practical journey towards spiritual transformation.
This is just an excerpt from GrandMaster Choa Kok Suis latest book Meditations
for Soul Realization. For more information on how to obtain this book and/or
experience the awakening of your own Sacred Fire through the guided
workshops of Soul Realization, please call The American I nstitute of Asian

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