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English Test 4B Time: 20 minutes


Identify the correct form of the underlined parts. Option A represents the sentence fragment as it
is in the original sentence.

1. The Glass House Mountains in Queensland, Australia, were sighted in 1770 by the English
navigator Captain James Cook, by whom they were named supposedly because its sheer wet rocks
glistened like glass.
(A) by whom they were named supposedly because its
(B) by whom they were named supposedly and their
(C) naming them supposedly since their
(D) who so named them supposedly because their
(E) who so named it since supposedly their

2. In 1527 King Henry VIII sought to have his marriage to Queen Catherine annulled so as to marry
Anne Boleyn.
(A) so as to marry
(B) and so could be married to
(C) to be married to
(D) so that he could marry
(E) in order that he would marry

3. Scientists have recently discovered what could be the largest and oldest living organism on Earth,
a giant fungus that is an interwoven filigree of mushrooms and rootlike tentacles spawned by a
single fertilized spore some 10,000 years ago and extending for more than 30 acres in the soil of a
Michigan forest.
(A) extending
(B) extends
(C) extended
(D) it extended
(E) is extending

4. In 1713, Alexander Pope began his translation of the Iliad, a work that, taking him seven years
until completion, and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Popes contemporary, pronounced the
greatest translation in any language.
(A) his translation of the Iliad, a work that, taking him seven years until completion, and that literary
critic Samuel Johnson, Popes contemporary, pronounced
(B) his translation of the Iliad, a work that took him seven years to complete and that literary critic
Samuel Johnson, Popes contemporary, pronounced
(C) his translation of the Iliad, a work that had taken seven years to complete and that literary critic
Samuel Johnson, Popes contemporary, pronounced it as
(D) translating the Iliad, a work that took seven years until completion and that literary critic Samuel
Johnson, Popes contemporary, pronounced it as
(E) translating the Iliad, a work that had taken seven years to complete and literary critic Samuel
Johnson, Popes contemporary, pronounced it

Identify the erroneous parts in the following sentences:

1. Joan of Arc had a (A)hunger to save France, a (B)knack for performing miracles, and (C)was willing
to endure great suffering (D)rather than to deny her faith. (E) No Error
2. The lieutenant (A)reminded his men that the only information (B)to be given to the captors was
(C)each individuals name, rank, and (D)what his serial number was. (E) No Error

3. (A)In order to be sure (B)that the mattress was firm before placing an order, the man gingerly
(C)sat down and (D)laid back. (E) No Error

4. Religion (A)is, (B)like politics, one of those subjects traditionally (C)to be avoided at dinner parties
or family reunions, (D)lest inflamed passions disrupt civility. (E) No Error

5. When Freud introduced the notion that most mental processes (A)that determine our everyday
thoughts, feelings, and (B)what we wish occur (C)unconsciously, his contemporaries rejected (D)it as
impossible. (E) No Error

6. We have (A)come to the conclusion that we can end hostilities (B)in that area of the world by
providing food to both sides, bringing the opposing forces to the (C)negotiation table, and (D)to
guarantee financial aid to both sides once peace is established. (E) No Error

7. Twenty-five (A)restless five-year olds (B)were throwing paper clips, were drawing on the
blackboard, and (C)called to one another (D)while their teacher went searching for milk and cookies.
(E) No Error

8. Numerous (A)collections of short stories include works by Isaac Bashevis Singer who, (B)despite
living in the United States for more than fifty years, (C)continued to write primarily in Yiddish. (E) No

9. (A)According to researchers, the weapons and work implements (B)used by Cro-Magnon hunters
appear (C)being (D)actually quite modern. (E)No Error

10. In 1986, the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl (A)had aroused intense speculation (B)about the long-
term (C)effects of radiation that continued for (D)the better part of a year. (E) No error

11. Neither the midlife career change applicant (A)nor the young, inexperienced applicant (B)are
finding it easy (C)to begin a career in data processing (D)because of a shortage of job openings. (E)
No Error

12. She faced a real dilemma (A)when it came to (B)choosing (C)between MIT, Yale and Cambridge
as all three of them ranked (D)among the top universities in the world. (E) No Error

13. All of the team members, except (A)him, (B)has anticipated (C)interest from the national leagues,
and now practice twice (D)as long. (E) No Error

14. (A)Unless two or more members object to (B)him joining the club, we shall have (C)to accept his
application (D)for membership. (E) No Error

15. Sadia was so (A)flustered at Saqeebs fruitful attempts (B)at sabotaging her (C)beautifully
trimmed patio that she (D)had her dog pee at his doorway. (E) No Error and Pun Intended

*No Teamwork & Good Luck!*

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