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very day we are faced with a wide range of

choices that afect our health in both the
short term and the long term. Perhaps the
single most important choice we make is what
we eat because the food you eat can make the
diference between health and illness.
Of course, everyone knows, in theory, that
maintaining a good diet is an important part of
maintaining good health. But very few people fully
understand how much impact a diet makes.
In my daily medical practice, I spend a great deal
of time and energy educating patients about which
foods are good and which foods are bad for the
In this issue of Natural Way to Health, I will
share some of the same information I give to
my patients about making better food choices.
Specically, I will detail ve common foods that are
dangerous to your overall health.
There are, of course, more than ve foods you
should avoid for a healthy diet, but these foods are
so widespread and regularly eaten that they deserve
special mention.
The Dangers of Soy
I wrote about soy in both the December 2008
and November 2011 issues of Natural Way to
Health. Soy is a type of plant called a legume a
category that also includes peas, beans, lentils, and
peanuts. And like other legumes, soy has been
touted as a healthy food.
I can assure you that the vast majority of soy
food sources are not healthy products. In fact,
most soy products cause a myriad of health issues,
including thyroid problems and deciencies in
many vitamins and minerals.
Then why is soy promoted as such a healthy
food? For one thing, it is incredibly cheap to grow,
so it is added to many products to increase volume.
There are estimates that the food industry has added
soy to more than 50 percent of supermarket food
products. The vast majority of these products should
be avoided.
Soy can be processed as a fermented or non-
fermented product. Fermented soy is produced by
using bacteria to break down the soy. Examples of
fermented soy include:
Fermented soy sauce
The fermented forms of soy can be eaten in
5 Common Foods That
Damage Your Health
In This Issue...
July 2012
Vol. 5, Issue 7
Stay Away From Articially Sweetened Soda ....... 2
Devitalized Food Harms the Body .................... 3
Case Study: Addisons and Hormone Deciency 4
Quitting Soy Can Cure Thyroid Disorder ............ 5
Fast Food Wreaks Havoc on the Body .................. 5
In the News: An F for the PSA Test ..................... 6
Rened Sugar Impairs the Immune System ........ 7
Ask Dr. Brownstein ................................................ 8
Dr. David Brownsteins
Page 2 July 2012
small amounts without causing nutrient deciencies
or thyroid problems.
Non-fermented soy products, on the other hand,
contain anti-thyroid agents and enzymes that block
the absorption of many vitamins and minerals. Soy
in its natural form contains protease inhibitors.
Protease enzymes, such as trypsin, are used by the
body to break down protein into amino acids.
Amino acids are used to maintain muscle tone and
bone strength.
Soy is one of the most potent trypsin inhibitors
known to science. Animal studies have shown that
trypsin inhibition results in illnesses of the pancreas
as well as cancer. Examples of non-fermented soy
products include:
Soy milk
Soy-based meat substitutes
Soybean oil
Many types of spreads with soy in them
Non-fermented soy use leads to hypothyroidism
as well as autoimmune thyroid problems such as
Hashimotos disease and Graves disease.
I have seen many patients develop thyroid
problems due to soy ingestion. And it is nearly
impossible to rectify thyroid problems in patients
who continue to eat soy as a major protein source.
Avoid Articially Sweetened Soda
Diet soda has been touted as a healthy
alternative to regular soda because it contains few or
no calories. In fact, a spokesperson for the Academy
of Nutrition and Dietetics (previously the American
Dietetics Association) stated, Unlike sugar, [articial
sweeteners] dont cause cavities or add calories
to food and they can be a helpful alternative for
children with diabetes.
That is pure nonsense.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
has tested and approved ve articial sweeteners
Medical Schools Dont Teach Proper Nutriton
You would think that medical
schools would provide future doctors
with the knowledge they need to
properly guide their patents in
making good food choices. But the
truth is very diferent.
When I was in medical school,
there was litle or no menton of diet
anywhere in the curriculum. In fact, I
dont recall any instructon about how
food afects the body.
In fact, the only dietary
informaton medical students are
exposed to is the standard American
Diabetes Associaton (ADA) diets.
Unfortunately, these diets are
a disaster for patents, as they
recommend refned carbohydrates,
avoiding or limitng good sources
of protein, the use of artfcial
sweeteners such as sucralose and
aspartame, avoiding good sources of
fat, and other nonsensical directves.
Over the last 60 years, Americans
have followed the advice of the ADA.
We have eaten less fat, increased our
consumpton of carbohydrates, and
used artfcial sweeteners.
What has been the consequence
of following the ADAs advice? We are
the most obese people on the planet,
and we have more diabetes and
insulin resistance than ever before.
It is clear that the ADAs dietary
advice has been a disaster for the
people of this country.
Sadly, most doctors know litle or
nothing about which foods promote
health and which foods promote
illness. Medical doctors are so
poorly trained in nutriton that it
may be impossible for them to make
reasonable dietary recommendatons.
It is best to educate yourself and
come to your own conclusions.
Dr. David Brownsteins Natural Way to Health is a publication of Newsmax Media, Inc., and It is published monthly at a charge of $54.00 per year and is offered online and
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CEO Christopher Ruddy Health Publisher Travis Davis Author David Brownstein, M.D. Contributing Editor Matthew Kalash Production/Art Director Elizabeth Dole
To contact Dr. David Brownsteins Natural Way to Health send e-mail to: Subscription/Customer Service contact 1-800-485-4350 or naturalway@newsmax.
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2012 Newsmax Media, all rights reserved. Please note that this advice is generic and not specic to any individual. You should consult with your doctor before undertaking any medical
or nutritional course of action.
July 2012 Page 3
for use. Aspartame and sucralose are included in
those recommendations. I have written about the
problems with articial sweeteners in previous
The articial sweetener sucralose is essentially
chlorinated table sugar. Chlorine is in the family of
chemicals called halides, and can act as a competitive
inhibitor to iodine.
What this means is that chlorine can lower
iodine levels in the body.
Furthermore, when heated, sucralose changes
into a toxic product. It should be avoided.
The FDA approved aspartame for use in food
products in 1974. However, there was much
controversy over its approval. Many doctors felt that
aspartame use would cause neurological problems.
One 12-ounce diet soda contains 180 mg of
Aspartame contains two amino acids
L-aspartic acid and L-phenylalanine. In an acidic
environment, or when heated, aspartame can
generate methanol. The EPA states, The articial
sweetener aspartame . . . release[s] methanol as [it] is
Methanol is poisonous to the body, and
is especially toxic to nervous tissue. The EPA
recommends no more than 7.8 mg per day of
methanol. But a one-liter bottle of aspartame-
sweetened (diet) beverage can generate about 56 mg
of methanol nearly eight times more than the
EPA limit.
Food manufacturers who use articial
sweeteners like aspartame or sucralose claim that
these substances help prevent obesity. Unfortunately,
most registered dietitians have bought into this
ludicrous idea, even though there is not a shred of
evidence that it is true. There are no studies that
show articial sweeteners prevent obesity.
In fact, the research is absolutely clear: Greater
consumption of articial sweeteners is associated
with a higher prevalence of obesity. Its very difcult
for an obese person to lose weight if they ingest
articial sweeteners daily.
Rened Carbohydrates Harm
The Body
For more than 30 years, every child in America
was taught about the food pyramid, which was
established by the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) to educate people about how
to eat healthy foods. The USDA was promoting
the food pyramid as a way to combat the growing
obesity problem.
Youll recall that the largest part of the food
pyramid, the base, consisted of rened carbohydrates
such as bread, cereal, rice, and pasta.
Did we follow the USDAs advice? Yes, we did.
We ate more bread, pasta, and cereal and limited
our intake of fats and oils.
And what consequences followed from the
USDAs recommendations? As a country, we became
fatter and developed higher rates of diabetes, insulin
resistance (a condition in which insulin becomes
less efective at lowering blood sugar), and other
chronic illnesses.
Continued on page 5
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David Brownstein, M.D., is a
board-certfed family physician and
one of the foremost practtoners
of holistc medicine. Dr. Brownstein
has lectured internatonally to
physicians and others about his
success with nutritonal therapies
in his practce. His books include
Drugs That Dont Work and Natural
Therapies That Do!; Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You
Cant Live Without It; Salt Your Way To Health; The Miracle
of Natural Hormones; Overcoming Arthrits; Overcoming
Thyroid Disorders; The Guide to a Gluten-Free Diet; Vitamin
B12 For Health; The Guide to a Dairy-Free Diet; and The
Soy Decepton. He is the medical director of the Center for
Holistc Medicine in West Bloomfeld, Mich., where he lives
with his wife, Allison, and their teenage daughters, Hailey
and Jessica. For more informaton about Dr. Brownstein,
please go to
Page 4 July 2012
Addisons Disease Leads to Hormone Deciencies
Dennis was a 75-year-old retired airline pilot who
had been diagnosed with Addisons disease at age 35.
Addisons is a disorder in which the adrenal glands
produce inadequate amounts of hormones.
The adrenal glands are located in the back, on
the upper pole of the kidneys. They produce many
diferent hormones, such as hydrocortisone and
epinephrine, which manage the bodys response
to stress. The adrenal glands also produce DHEA,
an androgenic (male developmental) hormone,
and aldosterone, which helps regulate sodium and
potassium balance in the body.
Addisons disease can be life-threatening if not
treated with hormone replacement. Traditionally, it
has been treated with lifelong doses of hydrocortisone
and aldosterone (as Dennis was). If appropriately
treated, patients with Addisons disease can lead
normal, productive lives.
Unfortunately, the conventional medical approach
to Addisons disease does not provide all the hormones
necessary for optimal health.
The Missing Pieces of the Puzzle
During my endocrinology rotations in medical
school, I remember how exciting it was to diagnose
and treat a patient sufering from Addisons disease.
A patient who was dying could be resurrected
before your eyes when given small amounts of
hydrocortisone and aldosterone.
However, when I began studying natural hormone
therapies, I realized that conventional treatment of
Addisons was missing crucial pieces of the puzzle.
I have yet to see an endocrinologist prescribe the
hormones DHEA or pregnenolone to a patient with
Addisons disease. As noted, DHEA is produced in the
adrenal glands. In fact, the adrenal glands produce
more DHEA than any other steroidal hormone.
It stimulates tissue repair and muscle growth.
Furthermore, DHEA stimulates the immune system
and helps to ensure proper brain function.
Pregnenolone is ofen referred to as the mother
hormone of the adrenal glands because it is the rst
major hormone produced. The highest concentration
of pregnenolone occurs in the brain.
I have found pregnenolone invaluable for patients
sufering from headaches, brain fog, dementia, and
I have never understood why endocrinologists fail
to prescribe either DHEA or pregnenolone, especially
in the case of Addisons disease. When I started reading
about the function of all the hormones of the body, I
became interested in their use. Little did I know how
safe and efective this therapy would be.
My Brain Is Working
Dennis main complaint was fatigue. For the last
35 years I always felt tired. I kept telling my doctors I
was tired and they told me everything was OK. They
wanted to put me on antidepressants. I told them I
wasnt depressed, I was tired.
At our rst visit, I took a complete dietary history.
Dennis was eating a diet high in rened carbohydrates
such as bread, pasta, and cereal, as well as dairy.
I drew blood tests to ascertain Dennis hormonal
status, as well as nutrient imbalances. I asked Dennis
to eat a diet higher in protein and avoid rened food
products. Furthermore, I told Dennis to maintain
adequate hydration by drinking water.
At a four-week follow-up, Dennis reported
improvement. When I started eating more protein, I
felt my energy level improve. My head does not feel as
foggy. I think I am 25 percent better, he said.
I found that Dennis adrenal hormone levels of
DHEA and pregnenolone were very low. In low
adrenal cases of Addisons patients, it is the norm to
nd low DHEA and pregnenolone levels. In fact, I
have found it nearly impossible to help low adrenal
sufering patients reach their optimal health if low
levels of DHEA and pregnenolone are not addressed.
I asked Dennis to take 10 mg per day of DHEA
and 25 mg per day of pregnenolone. Both hormones
should be taken in the morning without food.
Two months later, Dennis reported feeling
markedly better. I feel normal for the rst time in 35
years, he said. I no longer feel fatigued, and my brain
is working. I wish Id taken these hormones a long
time ago.
DHEA and pregnenolone are inexpensive
supplements. It is best to check your levels before you
begin supplementing and then afer you have been
taking them.
In each issue, I will share with you the story of one of
my patients and how sometimes simple alternative
approaches can solve major health problems. Names
and some details have been changed for privacys sake,
but the problems and their resolutions are real.
Dr. David Brownstein
A New Miracle Solution for Joint Pain
Could There Be an Underlying Cause for Your Aches and Pains That Your Doctor Doesnt Know About?
Special Advertiser Supplement
o you have stiff joints or aches and pains that just never
seem to go away? Unfortunately, most doctors offer only
a Band-Aid solution for chronic pain, such as painkillers or
steroids. The current mainstream medical mentality on pain manage-
ment has spurred a multibillion-dollar industry for the pharmaceutical
industry. However, studies show that long-term use of painkill-
ers may actually weaken your joints or worse! The painkiller
Vioxx claimed as many as 55,000 lives before being banned, which
makes me wonder, is the next Vioxx lurking out there?
My name is Joshua Corn and I am the Editor-in-Chief of Live in the
Now, one of the fastest growing natural health publications in the
nation. My passion for natural health drives me to seek out safe and
effective alternative health solutions. A few years ago, I started to
experience unexplained joint pain. I went the traditional route frst,
seeing one doctor after another. What none of my doctors knew was
that I was suffering from chronic, low-grade infammation and that
there is a safe, natural and permanent way to address this problem.
Glucosamine Is Great...But Its Not Enough
At the time, I was taking a glucosamine-chondroitin supplement, a
proven combo for rebuilding cartilage and improving joint function,
but it just wasnt getting the job done, so I hit the books determined
to fnd a solution. I learned that invisible body-wide infammation is
often the underlying cause of joint pain, and that by targeting infam-
mation and fortifying your joints, you can begin healing your body
from the inside out and put an end to pain and discomfort for good.
Rid Your Body of Infammation and Protect Your Joints
Studies show that taking MSM, a natural form of sulfur, is a sure-
fre way to relieve infammation. MSM works by allowing harmful
substances to fow out of cells while healing nutrients fow in. When
you combine MSM with hyaluronic acid (HA), a component of the
synovial fuid that acts as a joint lubricant and shock absorber, youre
well on your way to healing. Research shows that HA revitalizes
synovial fuid, cushioning and protecting every joint in your body.
Natures Top 5 Herbal Infammation Fighters
Groundbreaking research shows that certain anti-infammatory
herbs often offer better pain relief than painkilling drugs. The follow-
ing infammation fghters have been shown to be the most effective
for supporting joint health and healing: curcumin (a component of the
curry spice turmeric), boswellia (an extract made from frankincense),
bromelain (an enzyme found in pineapples), ginger and tart cherry.
The Perfect All-in-One Joint Health Solution
Most joint supplements are inferior because they dont address the is-
sue of infammation, and exclude the nutrients required for quick and
lasting relief. Thats why I developed my own regimen consisting of
the best of the best ingredients including glucosamine, chon-
droitin, MSM, HA, curcumin, boswellia, bromelain, ginger and
tart cherry. After just a few weeks on this regimen, I felt like my old
self again. Then I realized that lots of people could beneft from my
personal solution. In addition to my work with the newsletter, I am
co-owner a company that has been making premium quality supple-
ments since 1995, and we created a breakthrough formula based
on my regimen called Super Osteo GOLD

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- Joshua Corn
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July 2012 Page 5
Rened carbohydrates are ours, salts,
and oils that have been processed to remove
nutrients. Breads, pastas, and cold cereals, as well
as crackers, cookies, and cakes are all made with
these devitalized carbohydrates. And ingestion of
devitalized substances leads to a devitalized body.
One of the worst dietary choices you can make
is to eat breakfast consisting primarily of rened
Rened carbohydrates have a high glycemic
index. This means that afer ingestion, these
carbohydrates turn into sugar quickly, which causes
a spike in blood glucose.
When this happens, the pancreas responds by
releasing large amounts of insulin to lower the
glucose levels. This rapid, exaggerated rise and fall of
glucose is stressful to the body.
In addition, the bodys response to this stress is
to convert the excess glucose into fat. The end result
is weight gain in the belly, hips, buttocks, and thighs
as well as insulin resistance and diabetes. The rst
thing I tell people who want to lose weight is to
avoid all rened carbohydrates and grains.
Eating a balanced diet that contains adequate
amounts of protein and fat is essential to supply the
body with the correct nutrients it needs to maintain
a healthy metabolic rate.
More information on a how to follow a healthy
diet can be found in my book, The Guide to Healthy
Fast Food Wreaks Havoc
Fast food restaurants are now found in nearly
every city across the United States. I admit that in
my younger days, I did eat fast food. Now, I cant
tolerate it.
Most fast food items have too many rened
carbohydrates and supply the wrong types of fat
for our bodies. These products can cause nutrient
imbalances and weight gain.
The meat in fast food items comes from
conventionally-raised farm animals that are fed a
diet full of preservatives and synthetic hormones.
As a result, people who eat fast food consume these
preservatives and hormones.
I believe that one of the reasons we are seeing
such a tremendous increase in breast and prostate
cancer is due to the hormones fed to animals.
These are synthetic, estrogen-like hormones,
which wreak havoc in our bodies. Furthermore,
these animals are fed antibiotics, which also make
their way into our food supply.
Continued on page 7
Continued from page 3
Quitng Soy Can Cure Thyroid Disorder
Stacey was a 41-year-old doctor
who came to my ofce complaining
of fatgue, coldness, dry skin, and
anxiety. Worse yet, her hair was
falling out. All of these symptoms
point to a thyroid problem.
When I took her dietary history, I
learned that Stacey was eatng non-
fermented soy as a large part of her
diet. For breakfast, she was eatng
cereal with soy milk. She would have
a soy protein-based shake for lunch
and she was eatng soy-based meat-
substtute products for dinner. She
was also eatng soy-based yogurts
and edamame throughout the day.
On a physical exam, I found that
Stacey had a swollen thyroid gland
and slow refexesalso very common
symptoms of thyroid disorders. Blood
tests confrmed that she was sufering
from an underactve thyroid gland
I told Stacey to remove all the
soy in her diet and to undergo a
detoxifcaton plan to help clear
out the residue of soy. Within three
weeks, she was feeling beter, and
when she came in for a checkup two
months later, Stacey told me that she
was feeling 80 percent beter.
There is much more to the soy
story. My book, The Soy Decepton,
contains more informaton about soy.
Non-fermented soy products should
be avoided.
Children, in partcular, should not
be fed soy products, including soy-
based formula.
Exclusive to Current Subscribers
Current subscribers have instant access to any and every
past edition of Dr. Brownsteins Natural Way to Health.
Simply go here:
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(Please remember to use lowercase letters.)
Page 6 July 2012
In the News: Reading Between the Medical Headlines
An F for the PSA Test
A headline in the May 22, 2012,
issue of the Wall Street Journal read,
Blood Test From Prostate Cancer
Test Gets a D From Panel. My only
criticism of the article is that the
grade should have been an F.
The article referred to the U.S.
Preventive Services Task Force
(USPSTF) Recommendation
Statement, which was published
in the Annals of Internal Medicine
on the same date. The USPSTF
recommended that men should
not be screened for prostate cancer
with the prostate specic antigen
(PSA) blood test.
They reported a moderate
or high certainty that the [PSA
test] has no benet or that harms
outweigh the benets.
The task force reviewed clinical
studies of PSA testing, and the
best of the studies found only
a miniscule benet from PSA
screening. The researchers wrote,
There is good evidence that PSA-
based screening prevents only
zero to one prostate cancer death
for every 1,000 men screened. No
studies show any benet in overall
death rates.
Millions of men have been
screened with PSA testing and
many have been told to have
expensive and dangerous therapies
to treat prostate cancer found by
the test.
However, men were not told
that the vast majority of prostate
cancers are slow-growing, and
that the harm from treatment can
vastly outweigh the benets.
This study is an indictment of
PSA testing. It should also function
as a necessary slap in the face to
conventional medicines approach
to treating cancer.
The American Cancer Society
should be studying how to prevent
cancer. Instead, they focus on
early diagnosis and treatment.
Unfortunately, by the time most
cancers are diagnosed, it is too late.
Truly preventative measures
will revolve around eating a
healthier diet, detoxication, and
supplementing to correct nutritional
and hormonal imbalances.
Osteoporosis Drugs Are
A Disaster for Your Health
The May 21, 2012, issue of
Archives of Internal Medicine
reported on researchers studying
the relationship between bone
fractures and the length of time a
woman is treated with a drug that
is marketed to treat osteoporosis
the thinning of bone tissue and
loss of bone density that occurs
with aging.
The study looked at 477
patients over age 50 who had
been hospitalized
for a fracture of the
thigh bone (femur).
These patients were
compared to 200
healthy individuals
without femoral
The subjects
were evaluated to
nd out if there
was a relationship
between an atypical
fracture and the long-term use of
bisphosphonate drugs. An atypical
fracture of the femur occurs with
minimal stress on the bone, as in
walking or stepping of a curb.
In a healthy state, the femur, the
strongest bone in the body, should
not fracture in the course of such
normal daily activities.
The researchers found a
direct correlation between the
length of time a woman took a
bisphosphonate drug and the risk
of an atypical fracture. Women
who took a bisphosphonate drug
for less than two years had a 35
times greater risk of developing an
atypical fracture of the femur.
Those who took the medication
for 2 to 5 years had a 47-fold
increase, and those who took drugs
for 5 to 9 years had a 117 times
greater risk.
Finally, those who took the
medications greater than nine
years were 176 times more likely to
have a fracture of the femur.
Last year, Americans spent
more than $4.2 billion dollars on
these bisphosphonate drugs. This
study showed a direct relationship
between the length of use of these
drugs and an increased risk of an
atypical thigh bone fracture.
I have written extensively about
the use of these medications in my
book Drugs That Dont Work and
Natural Therapies That Do. There,
I predicted that long-term use of
was bound to cause
problems with
bones. I made that
prediction because
I understood that
the mechanism of
action of these drugs
poisons a crucial
cell necessary to
maintain optimal
bone function.
should be pulled from the market.
We could have saved more than
$4 billion dollars last year alone.
That amount does not take into
account the untold hundreds of
billions of dollars we are wasting
on bone mineral density testing
and treating the adverse efects of
Osteoporosis occurs due to an
imbalanced hormonal system,
nutritional decits, poor exercise
capacity, and eating a poor diet.
Correcting the underlying causes
of osteoporosis should be the focus
of our medical dollars.

occurs due to
hormones and
eating a
poor diet.

July 2012 Page 7

When I was still eating at fast food restaurants,
one of my favorite food items was french fries. These
days, McDonalds advertises that their fries contain
zero grams of trans fats per serving.
To accomplish this, they use a canola-blend
cooking oil that contains soybean oil. Most canola
and soybean oils are unhealthy because they have
had all the nutrients removed.
Specically, the oils have been heated to very
high temperatures a process that alters the fatty
acid structure of the oil.
Whats more, even though McDonalds claims
the fries have zero trans fat, the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) regulations state
that foods containing less than 0.5 grams of trans fat
per serving are considered trans-fat free.
So a company can manufacture a food product
with up to 500 mg of trans fats and still declare the
food free of trans fats.
I can assure you that neither canola nor soybean
oil are healthy oils to cook with, especially at very
high temperatures. Palm oil and coconut oil are
healthier options for high temperature cooking.
Rened Sugar Impairs Immunity
Rened sugar is the ne white table sugar that
we are all familiar with. It is the most commonly
used type of sugar today.
Between 1985 and 1999, the U.S. consumption
of sugars added to food items increased by 23
U.S. adults consume more than 22
teaspoons of sugar per day. This is much higher
than we should be consuming, which is about six
teaspoons per day.
Sugars now make up an average of 16 percent of
our total calorie intake and the majority of that is
rened sugars.
Rened sugar comes in many diferent forms,
Brown sugar
High fructose corn syrup
Powdered sugar
Turbinado sugar
White table sugar
Like many other processed foods, rened sugar
has a very high glycemic index and is converted to
glucose very quickly afer its ingestion. This causes a
surge in insulin production.
Prolonged use of rened sugar leads to a host
of health problems including diabetes, obesity, and
insulin resistance. Its use also leads to deciencies of
vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.
The rening of sugar involves stripping vitamins
and minerals from the end product. I cannot stress
enough the dangers of eating rened sugar.
Researchers have shown that white blood cells,
the rst line of defense of our immune system,
become dysfunctional for up to ve hours afer
ingestion of rened sugar.
Needless to say, inactivating the rst step in our
immune system is never a good thing to do.
Every patient I have treated who removed all
sources of rened sugar from their diet has seen
a signicant improvement in their health. Their
immune system improves and metabolism rises. If
they have an autoimmune disorder, that condition
One patient, Robert, had sufered with
rheumatoid arthritis for 10 years before he saw
me. He improved on a regimen of vitamins and
minerals. However, his biggest improvement came
when he removed rened sugar from his diet.
It took about three weeks of a no-sugar diet
until I started to feel better. Afer that, I was amazed.
All my remaining pain and swelling went right
away. I think diet has a huge part in how you feel,
he reported.
Eating the wrong foods can have a disastrous
efect on your health. It is important to educate
yourself about what food actually does in your body.
With the right knowledge, you can make better
choices on which foods to avoid.
Next months newsletter will review ve healthy
foods that should be part of everyones diet.
ners. Accessed 2.18.12.
2. Cancer Epidem. Biomarkers and Prevention. Sept. 2006; 16: 1654.
3. Toxicological Review of Methanol. EPA CAS no. 678; 2009: 56-1.
Accessed 2.19.12.
PolicyDoc.pdf. Accessed 2.19.12.
6. AJCN. Nov. 1973:1180-84.
Continued from page 5
Page 8 July 2012
Dear Readers,
I will try to answer as many questions as I can.
However, because of the volume of questions, I
cannot answer each letter personally. Please include
your full name, city, and state when submitting.
If you have a question for me, please email it to:
My daughter had her thyroid removed because of
cancerous nodules. They want to give her radioactive
iodine treatments, but she wants to conceive again.
Are there natural alternatives?
Wanda G., Albuquerque, N.M.
Unfortunately, thyroid cancer is increasing at
epidemic rates. The thyroid gland is at the base of
the neck, below the Adams apple.
Papillary thyroid cancer is the most common
type and makes up more than 80 percent of all
thyroid cancer diagnoses.
What causes thyroid cancer? Radiation exposure
such as X-rays or radioactive iodine released from
a nuclear accident or weapon can cause thyroid
cancer. Anything that causes goiter can also increase
the risk of thyroid cancer. However, not all goiters
are cancerous.
Conventional medicines approach to thyroid
cancer is to remove the abnormal tissue via surgery
and/or use radioactive iodine therapy.
I believe that surgery is warranted in a
diagnosis of thyroid cancer. However, I also feel
that radioactive iodine is overused and should be
considered a potentially dangerous therapy.
Endocrinologists would have you believe that
radioactive iodine therapy is perfectly safe with no
adverse efects. They are wrong. Radioactive iodine
therapy has been associated with increases in various
Radioactive iodine therapy works by having
iodine bind to the thyroid; the radioactive material
destroys the surrounding tissues. The iodine given in
this treatment also binds to other areas of the body
including the breasts, ovaries, uterus anywhere
that iodine binds. It also destroys and alters DNA in
these tissues.
It should not be surprising that radioactive
iodine therapy is associated with various cancers. I
am very cautious about recommending radioactive
iodine therapy for my patients.
Where do you nd unrened salt? Can you buy it at a
grocery store? Do you recommend a certain kind?
Sarah R., Los Angeles, Calif.
Unrened salt contains more than 80 minerals.
It has not been subjected to harsh chemicals and
bleaching that removes these precious minerals.
Rened salt has had all of the minerals removed
through chemical processes.
Rened salt is the thin, white table salt that
we are all familiar with. Unrened salt, due to the
mineral content, should have color to it.
Which salt is healthier? Without a doubt,
unrened salt should be the salt of choice. I
recommend using Celtic Brand Sea Salt or
Redmonds Real Salt.
I have had both brands tested and the results
showed no toxicity and a good mineral prole.
These brands of salt can be found at a good health
food store or online.
More information about salt can be found in my
book, Salt Your Way to Health.
To your good health,

Ask Dr. Brownstein
Please note: All informaton presented in Dr. David Brownsteins Natural Way to Health is for informatonal purposes only. It is not specifc medical
advice for any individual. All answers to reader questons are provided for informatonal purposes only. All informaton presented in Dr. David Brown-
steins Natural Way to Health should not be construed as medical consultaton or instructon. You should take no acton solely on the basis of this pub-
licatons contents. Readers are advised to consult a health professional about any issue regarding their health and well-being. While the informaton
found in Dr. David Brownsteins Natural Way to Health is believed to be sensible and accurate based on the authors best judgment, readers who fail
to seek counsel from appropriate health professionals assume risk of any potental ill efects. The opinions expressed in Dr. David Brownsteins Natural
Way to Health do not necessarily refect those of Newsmax Media.

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