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Rebecca Ashleigh ONeill

Teaching Philosophy

There are numerous rewards and challenges involved in the field of education, and it is these
rewards and challenges that motivate me most as an educator. Nothing brings me more satisfaction
than when the learning in my classroom is tangible. Whether it is the chatter of students discussing
strategies they used to solve a problem; the smile on a childs face when they use a new vocabulary
word in conversation; or that long awaited a-ha, light bulb moment for that struggling student; I
am able to leave my classroom knowing that I made my mark on at least one student that day. My
goal as an educator is to make an impact on every student that walks through my classroom door by
making each learning experience one to remember.
Teaching is to providing sunlight, water, and air, as learning is to the growth of a flower. Just
as with students, without the proper environment, engagement, management, and recognition that
each flower is unique- growth is typically impeded. Therefore, my essential goal as an educator is to
cultivate student growth by facilitating practices and an environment that promote optimal learning,
individual development, and an overall thirst for knowledge. With confidence, I believe student
growth can be achieved through practices and strategies derived from the constructivist philosophy
of education- which emphasizes learning through real life experiences in order to construct and
attain knowledge within and beyond the curriculum.
Starting from day one, I believe that it is critical to create a learning environment that is both
safe and positive for all students. Furthermore, it is vital for my students that I provide a classroom
setting that celebrates diversity in all of its forms. This celebration not only results in personal
security, but also encourages respect for others. In addition, as I have high expectations for myself, I
also have high expectations for my students. All children have the potential and capacity to learn, as
long as they are provided with the appropriate tools and motivation. Therefore, I believe by
transmitting positive expectations to my students and setting the bar high, my students will achieve
success in all areas of development.
In addition to a positive classroom environment, I deem classroom management to be the
most influential factor to govern student learning. When thinking about a well-managed classroom,
two words come to mind- efficiency and organization. To me, a well- managed classroom has a
work-oriented climate, but is also relaxed and inviting. Students are deeply involved with the task at
hand and are aware of the expectations that are set. In my experience, a classroom that is structured
by consistent, daily routines is more likely to have minimal time wasted, less student confusion, and
a decrease in classroom disruption. In result, creating more time for learning!
I believe that as a result of effective classroom management, student engagement thrives. An
engaging learning experience for my students encompasses four qualities. One quality is authenticity-
where students are able to make connections to personal experiences and prior learning. I feel that
authentic learning experiences provide students with the necessary support and confidence needed
when learning new concepts and content. In addition to making connections, students must have
the opportunity to share and compare ideas with their peers. Furthermore, I promote learning that
encourages students to explain their logic and reasoning behind their answers, causing them to be
more invested in their learning. It is also essential to provide students with meaningful options for
their learning and tasks. In my experience, by allowing for students to have more choice in their
learning process, self-motivation amplifies!
When presenting concepts, knowledge and skills to students, I design and plan for learning
opportunities that are student-centered, authentic and inquiry-based. It is my firm belief that one of
the many jobs of an educator is to uncover the true identity of each and every student, as a learner
and individual, both inside and outside of the classroom. By designing lessons and activities that
promote student- centered learning, the individual and personal learning needs of each student is
taken into account and made a priority. As an educator, I have fostered student-centered learning
opportunities through the use of instructional scaffolding and differentiation.
In order to be the best facilitator and educator to my students, I make it a priority to
monitor the learning progression of all my students, through the use of formative and summative
assessments. Based on these assessments, both informal and formal, I am consistently provided with
feedback as to how students are progressing with the material at hand. This valuable information
allows for me to adapt my plans so that all my students find success within their learning.
Children are life-long learners. Therefore, it is my great ambition as an educator
to facilitate learning experiences that encourage students to discover a love and purpose for learning
that is everlasting!

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