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By Jonathan Tamari, The Philadelphia Inquirer
McClatchyTribune Information Services
May 04WASHINGTON The grassrootsvs.mainstream brawl that has marked Republican politics for
years has arrived in South Jersey, and it's already producing haymakers in perhaps the most competitive
House district in the Philadelphiaregion.
On one side in the race to replace Rep. Jon Runyan(R., N.J.) is Steve Lonegan, a firebrand who has
long campaigned as the true conservative option in bids for high office. His latest run is in a district
encompassing much of Burlingtonand OceanCounties typically won by moderate Republicans.
Rejected by the local GOPestablishment, Lonegan has worn their disdain as a badge of honor, and last
week boasted an endorsement from libertarian champion Ron Paul, who hailed his fight for smaller
government. (He has also collected a $2,000donation from Gov. Christie'sbrother, Todd.)
Against Lonegan is Tom MacArthur, a former insurance executive with support from the mainstream
the Republican committees in Burlingtonand Ocean and the national GOP, which this week will
elevate him to "contender" status in its program for top new candidates.
MacArthur talks of reining in taxes and spending, and repealing and replacing President Obama's health
law, but in measured tones.
"I am a conservative Republican and I have been for my whole life," MacArthur said.
Lonegan, in another typically bonerattling campaign, calls MacArthur a liberal.
"We've had enough of big government and my opponent is a biggovernment guy," Lonegan said.
Both are former North Jerseymayors who moved to the district this year after Runyan, the former Eagles
player, announced he would not seek reelection.
MacArthur's bio on his campaign website describes his past work as "a local Mayor" but doesn't name
the town he served Randolph, 70 miles north of Burlington County.
Lonegan's site touts his work in the Bergen Countytown of Bogota.
Their scrap is playing out in a wideopen contest: The incumbent is out, Republicans have dominated
House races in the district, but Obama won it in 2008 and 2012.
Lonegan, 58, is by now known to many voters. He has been on the public scene for nearly 20 years,
first as an outspoken mayor, later as an activist who fought taxes and borrowing, and he has run three
statewide races: twice in Republican gubernatorial primaries, and last year as the party's nominee for
U.S. Senate.
"Steve Loneganis a true conservative," said Bill Haney, vice president of the West Jersey Tea Party,
which endorsed him. So has the national Tea Party Express.
But in a largely liberal state, Lonegan has been rejected in five runs for higher office. Establishment
Republicans have scorned him in South Jersey.
In February, Assemblywoman Dawn Marie Addiegoblasted his "angry" style, "callous" positions, and
rhetoric that "drives away the middleoftheroad voters we appeal to and win here in Burlington
MacArthur's campaign repeated the words callous and angry as the race intensified last week.
MacArthur launched two television ads pointing to Lonegan's opposition to a $50.5 billionfederal relief
package after Hurricane Sandy and his criticism of military spending as "bloated."
Military base
Both issues could strike a chord in a district that is home to the DixMcGuireLakehurst joint military
base, and is still recovering from Sandy.
"How do you leave people high and dry?" MacArthur asked.
Lonegan on Friday said the aid bill was full of "porkbarrel spending" and the federal response "a
He also drew attention to an article by a British tabloid, the Daily Mail, that reported three instances in
which the insurance company MacArthur built and led was accused of shortchanging institutions and
individuals hit by hurricane and fire.
Lonegan predicted that if MacArthur wins, Democrats will use the story to tar him the same way they
did Mitt Romneyand Bain Capital.
"That's going to be the whole Democratic campaign, and it's going to be an effective one," he said.
MacArthur's camp called the article a planted "hatchet job" and the Lonegan tactics "despicable."
The Daily Mail writer has a history of collaborating with a researcher who is now paid by Lonegan's
campaign they previously cowrote stories on a conservative website.
The insurance disputes in the article two in Texasafter Hurricane Ike, one in Californiaafter a fire
devastated a mobilehome community were settled without any admission of wrongdoing, but are sure
to provide lasting campaign fodder.
MacArthur, 53, who goes by "TMac" on his website and Twitter, moved to Toms Riverthis year after
owning a Shorearea home for eight years.
"He's very conservative on all the issues, but he's practical," said Bill Layton, chairman of the Burlington
CountyRepublicans. "That's the difference between him and Steve Lonegan."
A nasty primary in 2008 led to the GOP'sonly loss in the district in recent memory.
But Layton downplayed the tea party's power in New Jerseyand said MacArthur didn't have to worry
about exhausting his war chest in the primary.
"He'll have the money," Layton said.
MacArthur sold his insurance firm, York Risk Services Group, in 2010 for close to $500 million, and lent
$2 millionto his campaign in the first quarter of the year. (His only other fundraising came from a
single $1,000contribution.)
He had a 101 cash advantage as of March 31, and that was after spending nearly $169,000on
television and radio advertising and mailers in late March.
MacArthur also donated $25,300to the Ocean CountyGOP in December, months before winning the
group's endorsement. Lonegan gave the organization $600in February.
Lowkey Democrats
Lonegan, too, is new to the district he bought a house in Lavallettethis year but stresses that he
won the district in his Senaterace against Cory Bookerlast year.
"If you talk to people in the street, they don't know who MacArthur is," said Haney, of the West Jersey
Tea Party. "Steve has a wellrecognized name."
Democrats have a more lowkey primary: Burlington County Freeholder Aimee Belgard is running against
Ocean Countyattorney Howard Kleinhendler. The party's Washingtonoperatives are watching the GOP
fracas with glee even if analysts still predict a strong year for Republicans.
"Not one, but two carpetbaggers have their sights set on imposing their outoftouch agendas on South
Jersey," said Marc Brumer, a spokesman for Democrats' national congressional campaign, hinting at
another bruising round to come.
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