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SPED 500
Nomar B. Capoy Dr.
#$r%&er $nder'%andn( )a*%or' a''o*a%ed +%& (rade re%en%on, Br%&day e))e*%' and
'o*oemo%ona" '-""'
MarchApril 2014
Francis L. Huang
Abstract: Young-for-grad !indrgartnrs "princ a disproportionat ris! of rtntion
co#pard to thir old-for-grad prs. $sing th %arl& 'hildhood Longitudinal (tud&-
)indrgartn cohort datast* this stud& in+stigatd ,hthr socio#otional s!ills #diatd th
association of ag ,ith !indrgartn rtntion. Multil+l logistic rgrssion #odls tstd
,hthr crtain positi+ -.g.* intrprsonal s!ills* approachs to larning. and ngati+ -.g.*
"trnali/ing bha+ior. socio#otional s!ills ,r rlatd to th li!lihood of grad rptition*
,hil controlling for acad#ic abilitis and studnt d#ographic +ariabls. Findings sho,d
that th rlati+l& &oungst !indrgartnrs ,r appro"i#atl& fi+ ti#s #or li!l& to b
rtaind co#pard to th oldst studnt and that a child0s approach to larning -.g.*
attnti+nss* tas! prsistnc. contributd as #uch as a child0s acad#ic abilitis in rlation to
th li!lihood of rpating a grad.
S%a."%y o) yo$n( *&"dren/' a%%a*&men% repre'en%a%on', In)"$en*e o) *&"dren/' and
*are(!er/' *&ara*%er'%*'
MarchApril 2014
M. (ti+nart 1 2. 3os!a# 1 4.-'. Munir 1 5. 6an d Moortl
Abstract: 7his rsarch "plors th stabilit& of attach#nt rprsntations* assssd b& th
Attach#nt (tor& 'o#pltion 7as!* ,ithin arl& childhood. H&pothss ,r also for#d about
th influnc of parnting* "trnali/ing bha+ior and intllignc 8uotint -29. on th
d+lop#ntal cours of childrn0s attach#nt rprsntations. :ata ,r collctd fro# ;<=
Frnch-spa!ing >lgian childrn. (curit& and disorgani/ation sho,d a linar i#pro+#nt
,ith ag. 7h ffct of ti# on th t,o gro,th cur+s ,as influncd b& th child0s "trnali/ing
bha+ior. ?hn languag abilitis ,r controlld for in a subsa#pl of rfrrd childrn for
"trnali/ing bha+ior* th gro,th in scurit& ,as found to b influncd b& rasoning 29* but
th ffcts for disorgani/ation ,r unchangd. 7h i#plications of th rsults for both rsarch
and clinical purposs ar discussd.
So*a"'n( ado"e'*en% !o"$n%eern(, Ho+ mpor%an% are paren%' and )rend'0 A(e
dependen% e))e*%' o) paren%' and )rend' on ado"e'*en%'/ !o"$n%eern( .e&a!o$r'
MarchApril 2014
Ann A.4. +an 5oth# 1 Ann +an Hoof 1 Marcl A.5. +an A!n 1 >ra# @robio d 'astro 1
9uintn A.?. 3aaiA#a!rs
Abstract: 7his stud& "a#ind th rlati+ i#portanc of bst frind0s and parnts0 +oluntring
and ci+ic fa#il& orintation -co#bind ,ith opn fa#il& co##unication. in adolscnt
+oluntring* and th #odrating ffct of ag. 3sults* in+ol+ing BC= adolscnts -M
agD1<.1CE (:D1.4;.* r+ald that adolscnts ,r #or li!l& to +oluntr ,hn thir bst
frind and parnts +oluntrd* and +oluntrd #or fr8untl& ,hn thir fa#il& had a
strongr ci+ic orintation co#bind ,ith #or opn fa#il& co##unication. 'lar ag diffrncs
,r found: ,hn adolscnts gt oldr* frinds bco# #or i#portant for ,hthr th&
+oluntr* and th fa#il&0s ci+ic orintation bco#s i#portant for thir +oluntring fr8unc&.
An i#plication of ths findings #a& b that* dpnding on adolscnts0 ag and th aspct of
+oluntring* intr+ntions #a& focus on targting parnts0 or frind0s ci+ic bha+iour to
sti#ulat adolscnt +oluntring.
Pa%&+ay' o) peer re"a%on'&p' )rom *&"d&ood %o yo$n( ad$"%&ood
MarchApril 2014
4nnifr %. Lansford 1 7ian&i Yu 1 5rgor& (. Fttit 1 4ohn %. >ats 1 )nnth A. :odg
Abstract: 7his stud& "a#ind traActoris of pr social prfrnc during childhood and
prsonalit& assssd in arl& adolscnc in rlation to traActoris of frindship 8ualit& during
arl& adulthood. Farticipants -GD<=<. ,r follo,d fro# ags < to ag 2;. At ags < to =*
prs pro+idd socio#tric no#inationsE at ag 12 participants rportd thir o,n prsonalit&
charactristicsE fro# ags 1C to 2; participants ratd thir frindship 8ualit&. Latnt gro,th
#odling r+ald that traActoris charactri/d b& high l+ls of childhood pr social
prfrnc ,r rlatd to traActoris charactri/d b& high l+ls of arl& adulthood frindship
8ualit&. %arl& adolscnt prsonalit& charactri/d b& "tra+rsion and conscintiousnss
prdictd highr frindship 8ualit& at ag 1C* and conscintiousnss prdictd chang in
frindship 8ualit& fro# ags 1C to 2;. 7his stud& d#onstrats that pr rlationships sho,
continuit& fro# childhood to arl& adulthood and that 8ualitis of cor prsonalit& ar lin!d to
th d+lop#nt of adult frindships.
Genera%ona" pa%%ern' n Me1*an Amer*an'/ a*adem* per)orman*e n an $n+e"*omn(
po"%*a" *on%e1%
MarchApril 2014
:an&l A.6. Moos#ann 1 Mar! ?. 3oosa 1 5org F. )night
Abstract: 3sarch has sho,n that i##igrant studnts oftn do bttr acad#icall& than thir
$.(.-born prs fro# th sa# thnic group* but it is unclar ,hthr this pattrn holds for
M"ican A#ricans. ? "a#ind th acad#ic prfor#anc of four gnrations of M"ican
A#rican studnts fro# <th to 10th grad loo!ing for gnration diffrncs and "planations
for th#. $sing data fro# H4C fa#ilis* , tstd a #odl ,ith <th-grad +ariabls that diffrd
b& gnration as potntial #diators lin!ing studnt gnration to 10th-grad acad#ic
prfor#anc. 3sults sho,d that i##igrants ,r acad#icall& bhind at <th grad but
caught up b& Hth. @nl& cono#ic hardship #diatd th long tr# rlation bt,n studnt
gnration and 10th-grad acad#ic prfor#ancE #atrnal ducational "pctations and child
languag hassls* %nglish usag* discri#ination* and #ainstra# +alus hlpd "plaind th
arl& acad#ic dficit of i##igrant childrn. 7h rsults idntifid potntial targts for
intr+ntions to i#pro+ M"ican A#rican studnts0 acad#ic prfor#anc.
Re'den%a" mo."%y and %&e )am"y *on%e1%, A de!e"opmen%a" approa*&
MarchApril 2014
(ara Andrson 1 7a#a L+nthal 1 6Ironi8u :upIrI
Abstract: 7h goal of this stud& ,as to "a#in th lin!s bt,n rsidntial #obilit& and th
fa#il& cont"t* ,hthr ths lin!s +arid across d+lop#ntal priods -arl& childhood*
#iddl childhood* or adolscnc.* and ho, th& ,r associatd ,ith childrn0s achi+#nt
and bha+ioral outco#s. Longitudinal data fro# a di+rs sa#pl of o+r 1000 $.(. childrn
,r usd to "plor fa#il& structur -#arital and #plo&#nt chang.* procss -8ualit& of th
ho# and #atrnal snsiti+it& and dprssion.* and rsidntial #obilit&. 3sults of structural
8uation #odls indicatd that associations bt,n rsidntial #obilit& and fa#il& structur
and procss +arid across d+lop#ntal priods* ,ith significant lin!s found for fa#il& procss
in arl& childhood and structur in #iddl childhood and adolscnc. ? found +idnc of
indirct associations bt,n rsidntial #obilit& and childrn0s outco#s through fa#il&
procss in arl& childhood and of a dirct association ,ith intrnali/ing bha+iors in
adolscnc. ? pro+id i#plications for progra#s and policis for rsidntiall& #obil childrn.
Po!er%y2 e%&n*%y2 and r'- o) o.e'%y amon( "o+ .r%& +e(&% n)an%'
A+ailabl onlin 2= Fbruar& 2014
Fa#la )ato )lbano+ 1 5ar& ?. %+ans 1 4ann >roo!s-5unn
Abstract: 7h indpndnt and Aoint ffcts of fa#il& and nighborhood po+rt& and thnicit&
upon ,ight traActoris fro# ag t,o to si"-and-a-half ,r "a#ind using data fro# th
2nfant Halth and :+lop#nt Frogra# -GDC=<.* an arl& intr+ntion progra# for lo, birth
,ight childrn and fa#ilis. At ag t,o* fa#il& po+rt& ,as associatd ,ith highr bod& #ass
ind" ->M2.* ,hras nighborhood po+rt& and thnicit& ,r not. @+r ti#* th >M2 of
toddlrs fro# poor and nar poor nighborhoods incrasd nonlinarl&* ,hil thos fro#
nonpoor nighborhoods r#aind stabl. >M2s of Hispanic-A#rican toddlrs incrasd
stadil& o+r ti#* unli! African-A#rican and Anglo-A#rican toddlrs. Although initiall&
si#ilar* o+r ti# African-A#rican toddlrs0 >M2s incrasd #or rapidl& than Anglo-A#rican
toddlrs. Fa#il& and nighborhood po+rt& and thnicit& ,r associatd ,ith >M2. Mor ,or!
is ndd on ho, po+rt& and thnicit& contribut to diffrncs in arl& ,ight gain in
conAunction ,ith sociocultural and n+iron#ntal factors in th ho# and co##unit&.
Pro'pe*%!e re"a%on' amon( pre'*&oo"er'/ p"ay2 *opn(2 and ad3$'%men% a' modera%ed
.y '%re'')$" e!en%'
A+ailabl onlin 2< Fbruar& 2014
Ana ). Marclo 1 7upptt M. Yats
Abstract: 7his stud& +aluatd th prospcti+ contribution of prschoolrs0 prtnd pla& to
obsr+r rports of intrnali/ing and "trnali/ing bha+ior probl#s on &ar latr* as
#diatd b& obsr+d coping fl"ibilit& during a dla& of gratification tas! and as #odratd b&
childrn0s "posur to strssful lif +nts. Frschoolrs0 -GD2<0E MagD4C.0<#onths*
(:D2.C<E <0J f#al. fantas& and affct "prssion in prtnd pla& ,r assssd during a
laborator& +isit. Modratd #diation #odls tstd for conditional indirct ffcts of pla&
fantas& and affct "prssion on bha+ior probl#s through coping fl"ibilit& as a function of
th child0s "posur to strss. Frschoolrs0 fantas& and ngati+ affct "prssion in prtnd
pla& prdictd lo,r rats of intrnali/ing* but not "trnali/ing* probl#s. 'oping fl"ibilit&
partiall& #diatd this rlation* particularl& a#ong childrn ,ith rlati+l& #or lif strss. 7hs
findings clarif& procsss b& ,hich* and cont"ts ,ithin ,hich* prschoolrs0 prtnd pla&
influncs latr bha+ioral adAust#nt.
T&e mpa*% o) pre''$red n)orma%on mana(emen% on .oy'/ and (r"'/ p'y*&o"o(*a"
A+ailabl onlin 2< Fbruar& 2014
4osphin )arn& 1 )a& >uss&
Abstract: 7his stud& in+ol+ing 4B; adolscnts "a#ind th i#pact of prssurd infor#ation
#anag#nt ,ith #othrs on bo&s0 and girls0 subs8unt ps&chological functioning. 7his no+l
concpt of prssurd infor#ation #anag#nt in+ol+d both prssurd scrc& and disclosur
and ,as dfind as th dgr to ,hich adolscnts fl th& ha+ no choic but to ngag in
ths stratgis. ?hil prssurd scrc& ,as spciall& a+rsi+ for girls* &ilding
associations ,ith both dprssion and an"it&* it ,as rlatd to strss onl& in bo&s. Frssurd
disclosur ,as lss dtri#ntal* and in fact* had a positi+ influnc on girls0 an"it& o+r ti#.
Altrnat #odls for ths ffcts ,r considrd but not supportd b& th data. 7ogthr*
ths findings highlight th i#portanc of considring tns0 rasons for ngaging in diffrnt
infor#ation #anag#nt stratgis and suggst adolscnts ,ho fl th& ha+ no choic but
to !p scrts or disclos infor#ation to #othrs #a& "princ ps&chological cons8uncs
that ar gndr-spcific.
I' %&ere a *ommon pa%&+ay %o ma"ad3$'%men% )or n%erna%ona""y adop%ed and non4
adop%ed ado"e'*en%'0
A+ailabl onlin H Fbruar& 2014
2sabll 3os!a# 1 Mari (ti+nart
Abstract: 7h #ain purpos of th rsarch ,as to tst ,hthr cu#ulati+ ffcts rprsnt a
co##on path,a& to bha+ioral #aladAust#nt for intrnationall& adoptd adolscnts and
controls. 7h findings of pr+ious co#parison and follo,-up studis ha+ bn contradictor&.
7h h&pothsis ,as tstd in an original #ulti-infor#ant stud& ,ith H4 adolscnts: 40 adopts
and ;4 controls. 7h anal&ss of th data pro+idd argu#nts in fa+or of th "istnc of a
co##on path,a& for adopts and controls. 7h accu#ulation of ris! factors in th currnt
charactristics of th adolscnts and thir fa#il& ,as significantl& associatd ,ith bha+ioral
outco#s of both adopts and controls. 2#plications for rsarch* polic& and practic ar
5eepn( %&e reader/' mnd n mnd, De!e"opmen% o) per'pe*%!e4%a-n( n *&"dren/'
4anuar&Fbruar& 2014
4oan Fs!in 1 'arl& Frus!& 1 4uli 'o#a&
Abstract: 7his stud& in+stigatd ,hn childrn can ta! th prspcti+ of thir radr if th
infor#ation-procssing d#ands of ,riting ar r#o+d b& #ans of dictation to a scrib.
Farticipants -GDCB. agd <* B and H&ars dictatd lttrs to an addrss ,ho possssd
r8uisit contnt !no,ldg* and thn r+isd th lttr or dictatd a n, lttr to an addrss
,ho lac!d this !no,ldg -countrbalancd.. 3sults sho,d that 1CJ of <-&ar-olds* 41J of
B-&ar-olds* and H2J of H-&ar-olds considrd thir radr0s #issing !no,ldg. 'hildrn0s
a,arnss of thir radr0s !no,ldg ,as nithr rlatd to prfor#anc on highr-ordr
thor& of #ind tas!s* nor to #asurs of "cuti+ function. (ignificantl& gratr prspcti+-
ta!ing ,as d#onstratd in childrn0s n, lttrs than r+isd lttrs. Ho,+r* although
r+ision is considrd a lat-d+loping s!ill* half of +n th <-&ar-olds ,r abl to #a!
r+isions -albit f, r+isions d#onstratd actual prspcti+-ta!ing.. Findings ha+
significant i#plications for th #rgnt-litrac& curriculu#.
Pre!en%n( pre3$d*e and mpro!n( n%er(ro$p a%%%$de', A me%a4ana"y'' o) *&"d and
ado"e'*en% %rann( pro(ram'
4anuar&Fbruar& 2014
Andras >l#ann 1 )i# (arah Hin#ann
Abstract: 7his articl rports th rsults of a #ta-anal&sis of =1 rsarch rports containing
122 intr+ntioncontrol co#parisons of structurd progra#s to rduc prAudic or pro#ot
positi+ intrgroup attituds in childrn and adolscnts. @+rall* th anal&sis r+ald a #an
ffct si/ of dD0.;0* indicating lo, to #odrat intr+ntion ffcts. Fro# th grat +arit& of
diffrnt approachs* intr+ntions basd on dirct contact "princs along ,ith social-
cogniti+ training progra#s dsignd to pro#ot #path& and prspcti+ ta!ing sho,d th
strongst ffct si/s. 2n addition* ffcts +arid according to th progra# participant0s social
status -highr ffcts for #aAorit& groups.* th targt out-group -lo,r ffct si/s for thnic +s.
disabld and agd out-groups.* and th t&p of outco# assss#nt -highr ffcts for
cogniti+ +s. affcti+ and bha+ioral #asurs of intrgroup attituds.. 7h discussion
considrs s+ral li#itations including th lac! of i#pl#ntation and follo,-up rsarch as ,ll
as futur dirction of rsarch on pro#oting intrgroup rlations.
E1%erna"'n( .e&a!o$r )rom n)an*y %o md4ado"e'*en*e, La%en% pro)"e' and ear"y
4anuar&Fbruar& 2014
Ann )Aldsn 1 Harald 4anson 1 Mi! (tool#illr 1 Lila 7orgrsn 1 )ristin (. Mathisn
Abstract: 7h o+rall ai# of th currnt stud& ,as to idntif& t&pical traActor& classs of
"trnalising bha+iour* and to idntif& prdictors prsnt alrad& in infanc& that discri#inat
th traActor& classs. C21 childrn fro# a co##unit& sa#pl ,r follo,d o+r 1;&ars fro#
th ag of 1=#onths. 2n a si#ultanousl& sti#atd #odl* latnt class anal&ss and
#ultino#ial logit rgrssion anal&ss suggstd a fi+-class solution for d+lop#ntal pattrns
of "trnalising probl# bha+iours: High stabl -1=J of th childrn.* High childhood li#itd
-<J.* Mdiu# childhood li#itd -;1J.* Adolscnt onst -;0J.* and Lo, stabl -1BJ.. (i" ris!
factors #asurd at 1=#onths significantl& discri#inatd a#ong th classs. Fa#il& strss and
#atrnal ag discri#inatd th High stabl class fro# all th othr classs. 7h rsults suggst
that focusing on nduring probl#s in th rlationship ,ith th partnr and partnrs0 halth #a&
b i#portant in pr+nti+ and arl& intr+ntion fforts.
T&e e))e*%!ene'' o) a 3on% mo%&er6da$(&%er 'e1$a" &ea"%& pro(ram )or La%na ear"y
4anuar&Fbruar& 2014
Laura F. 3o#o 1 Magali >ra+o 1 4ann M. 7schann
Abstract: A culturall& and cogniti+l& adaptd Aoint #othrdaughtr s"ual halth and H26
trans#ission curriculu# ,as i#pl#ntd for CB Latina arl& adolscnts and thir #othrs -4=
#othrdaughtr d&ads.. Frtst and posttst sur+&s* intr+i,s* and obsr+ations of
participants0 con+rsations about A2:( ,r usd to assss progra# ffcti+nss in
incrasing !no,ldg and co##unication about s"ualit& and H26 trans#ission* and fostring
daughtrs0 positi+ attituds to,ard using condo#s in th futur. At posttst* #othrs and
daughtrs rportd an incras in th fr8unc& of ho# co##unication about s"ual topics
and opnnss in gnral co##unication. (&st#atic obsr+ational anal&sis of +idotapd
#othrdaughtr con+rsations about A2:( r+ald that* co#pard to th prtst* daughtrs
,r #or ngagd in posttst con+rsations as +idncd b& an incras in thir spontanous
sharing of infor#ation about H26 trans#ission and thir offring of opinions. 2n addition* th
posttst con+rsations focusd on a broadr discussion of H26 trans#ission ris! bha+ior
including condo# us as a protcti+ #asur. Mothrs ,ho !n, #or about H26
trans#ission at posttst* and ,ho rportd #or opnnss in gnral co##unication ,ith
daughtrs at posttst* as!d thir daughtrs #or 8ustions in th con+rsations about ,hat
th& had larnd in th progra#. :aughtrs ,ho contributd #or infor#ation and opinions to
th posttst con+rsations* ,ho ,r #or !no,ldgabl about H26 trans#ission at posttst*
and ,ho rportd #or ho# co##unication about s"ual topics in th posttst* also rportd
#or positi+ attituds to,ard using condo#s in th futur.
#ore*a'%n( ")e and *areer 'a%')a*%on n md")e )rom yo$n( ad$"% depre''!e 'ymp%om'
4anuar&Fbruar& 2014
Andra L. Ho,ard 1 Ganc& L. 5ala#bos 1 Har+& 4. )rahn
Abstract: 7his 14-&ar* si"-,a+ longitudinal stud& of <=; uni+rsit& graduats "a#ind
,hthr traActoris of dprssi+ s&#pto#s fro# ag 2; to ;0 prdictd lif and carr
satisfaction outco#s at ag ;H* aftr controlling for -a. ti#-+ar&ing associations of #arriag
and un#plo&#nt ,ith dprssi+ s&#pto#s* -b. sociod#ographic charactristics -ag* s"*
parnts0 ducation.* and -c. fa#il& and labor #ar!t "princs assssd at ag ;H -#arriag
and di+orc* raising childrn* inco#* splls of un#plo&#nt* occupational status.. Gt of th
ffcts of all co+ariats* lo,r dprssi+ s&#pto#s at ag 2; prdictd highr lif and carr
satisfaction at ag ;H* and stpr dclins in dprssi+ s&#pto#s prdictd highr lif
satisfaction. Fro# ag 2; to ;0* bing #arrid ,as associatd ,ith f,r dprssi+ s&#pto#s*
and #or un#plo&#nt -in #onths. ,as associatd ,ith #or dprssi+ s&#pto#s. 7h
cours of dprssi+ s&#pto#s through &oung adulthood carris o+r into #idlif* sho,ing
continuit& +n aftr accounting for fa#il& and labor #ar!t "princs.
D))eren%a" e))e*%' o) %&e 5Va an%4.$""yn( pro(ram on pop$"ar and $npop$"ar .$""e'
4anuar&Fbruar& 2014
'lair F. 5arandau 1 2hno A. L 1 'hristina (al#i+alli
Abstract: 7his stud& utili/d data fro# th +aluation of th Finnish )i6a progra# in tsting th
prdiction that school bullis0 high prci+d popularit& ,ould i#pd th succss of anti-
bull&ing intr+ntions. Multipl-group structural 8uation #odling -(%M. anal&ss ,r
conductd on a subsa#pl of C11 third-* fourth-* and fifth-gradrs idntifid as prptrators of
bull&ing. 7h& blongd to HH Finnish schools* including ;C schools i#pl#nting th )i6a
progra# and ;= control schools. :ata on pr-rportd bull&ing and prci+d popularit& ,r
collctd bfor progra# i#pl#ntation and on &ar latr. 'ontrolling for s"* ag* and initial
l+ls of bull&ing* )i6a participation rsultd in lo,r rats of bull&ing -indicatd b& f,r pr
no#inations. aftr on &ar for bullis of lo, and #diu# popularit&. Ho,+r* thr ,as no
significant ffct for thos high in popularit&* suggsting that popular bullis ar lss rsponsi+
to anti-bull&ing intr+ntions than lss popular bullis.
Yo$n( *&"dren/' n%erper'ona" %r$'% *on''%en*y a' a pred*%or o) )$%$re '*&oo"
Go+#br:c#br 201;
Luc& 3. >tts 1 )n 4. 3otnbrg 1 Mar! 7ru#an
Abstract: Young childrn0s intrprsonal trust consistnc& ,as "a#ind as a prdictor of futur
school adAust#nt. @n hundrd and nint& t,o -C< #al and CH f#al* MagDB&ars
2#onths* (:agDB#onths. childrn fro# school &ars 1 and 2 in th $nitd )ingdo# ,r
tstd t,ic o+r on &ar. 'hildrn co#pltd #asurs of pr trust and school adAust#nt
and tachrs co#pltd th (hort-For# 7achr 3ating (cal of (chool AdAust#nt.
Longitudinal 8uadratic rlationships #rgd bt,n consistnc& of childrn0s pr trust
blifs and pr-rportd trust,orthinss and school adAust#nt and ths +arid according to
social group* fact of trust* and indicator of school adAust#nt. 7h findings support th
conclusion that intrprsonal trust consistnc&* spciall& for scrt-!ping* prdicts aspcts
of &oung childrn0s school adAust#nt.
Paren% pred*%or' o) *&an(e' n *&"d .e&a!or pro."em'
Go+#br:c#br 201;
Mariann H. 7icho+ols!& 1 :a+id H. Arnold 1 'ourtn& G. >a!r
Abstract: 7h prsnt stud& "a#ind ,hthr inffcti+ disciplin* singl parnt status* social
support* parnt in+ol+#nt* and parnt dprssion prdictd changs in prschoolrs0 -GD12C.
bha+ior probl#s. 7his stud& also +aluatd ,hthr child s" and thnicit& #odratd th
rlations bt,n ths +ariabls and changs in probl# bha+ior. Farnts co#pltd
8ustionnairs at th bginning of th stud&* and parnt* tachr* and obsr+ational ratings of
childrn0s bha+ior probl#s ,r collctd t,ic during th school &ar. Farnts0 o,n social
support prdictd i#pro+#nt for bo&s and parnt dprssion ,as associatd ,ith ,orsning
s&#pto#s for girls. (ingl parnthood and parnt in+ol+#nt prdictd changs in bha+ior
probl#s for th sa#pl as a ,hol. (+ral significant thnic diffrncs #rgd* highlighting
th i#portanc of considring cultural cont"t in studis of parnting and child "trnali/ing
Paren%6*&"d n%era*%on2 %a'-4oren%ed re($"a%on2 and *o(n%!e de!e"opmen% n %odd"er'
)a*n( de!e"opmen%a" r'-'
Go+#br:c#br 201;
H&un-4oo 4on 1 'arla A. Ftrson 1 4a#i :'ostr
Abstract: 7h i#portanc of supporti+ parntchild intractions and th d+lop#nt of
rgulator& abilitis ,ith rgard to gro,th in childrn0s cogniti+ abilitis has bn stablishd.
7his stud& in+stigatd th longitudinal rlations a#ong parntal supporti+nss* child tas!-
orintd rgulation* and cogniti+ d+lop#nt for lo,-inco# childrn facing d+lop#ntal
ris!s. 2ntrloc!ing gro,th #odls ,r fit to ths +ariabls basd on #asur#nts #ad
,hn th childrn ,r 14* 24* and ;B#onths of ag. 3sults sho,d that gro,th rats of child
cognition ,r rlatd to baslin -14#onths. parntal supporti+nss and changs in child
tas!-orintd rgulation. ? additionall& found that baslin l+ls of cognition ,r rlatd to
th baslin l+ls of child tas!-orintd rgulation. 7his stud& suggsts that both parntal
supporti+nss during infanc& and th concurrnt d+lop#nt of child tas!-orintd rgulation
ar rlatd to cogniti+ d+lop#nt a#ong childrn facing d+lop#ntal ris!s.
Tea*&er6*&"d re"a%on'&p2 *&"d +%&dra+a" and a((re''on n %&e de!e"opmen% o) peer
Go+#br:c#br 201;
)+in '. 3unions 1 7hIrKs (ha,
Abstract: 7h stud& "a#ind pr-!indrgartn tachrchild rlationship as a prdictor of pr
+icti#i/ation up to first grad* assssd ,hthr this rol #odratd ris!s fro# childrn0s social
,ithdra,al andLor aggrssion. Farticipants ,r ;HH Australian childrn fro# 12 schools. Farnt
ratings of +icti#i/ation in pr-!indrgartn* !indrgartn and first grad ,r usd* as ,ll as
pr!indrgartn slf-ratings of parnting. 7achr-ratings of conflict and closnss* child
aggrssion and social ,ithdra,al ,r collctd in pr-!indrgartn. 7,o-part gro,th cur+
anal&ss conAointl& #odld th li!lihood of bing +icti#i/d and s+rit& of +icti#i/ation.
7achrchild conflict in pr!indrgartn prdictd th li!lihood of concurrnt and first grad
+icti#i/ationE closnss in pr!indrgartn ,as protcti+ of #or s+r +icti#i/ation o+r
ti#. 'onflict also #odratd th rlationship bt,n social ,ithdra,al and gro,th in s+rit&
of +icti#i/ation. :iscussion focuss on lucidating th Min+isibl handN of th tachr in pr
d&na#ics* and on intr+ntions for rducing conflict and pro#oting closnss in th classroo#.
S&yne'' a' a r'- )a*%or )or 'e*ond "an($a(e a*8$'%on o) mm(ran% pre'*&oo"er'
Go+#br:c#br 201;
)arin )llr 1 Larissa M. 7rosch 1 Al"andr 5rob
Abstract: 7h ai# of this stud& ,as to "a#in ,hthr sh&nss is a ris! factor for scond
languag ac8uisition in i##igrant prschoolrs. 3sults fro# studis on first languag
ac8uisition indicat that sh& childrn sho, lss fa+orabl languag d+lop#ntE ho,+r* it
r#ains unclar ho, sh&nss affcts scond languag ac8uisition. As scond languag s!ills
ar oftn ac8uird in intractions outsid th fa#il& ,hr sh&nss is #or +idnt* ,
postulat that sh&nss has a strong ngati+ ffct on scond languag ac8uisition. 7his
h&pothsis ,as "a#ind using standardi/d tsts and parntal ratings in a sa#pl of ;;0
i##igrant prschoolrs cross-sctionall& and ,ith 1;0 i##igrant prschoolrs longitudinall&.
7h anal&ss r+ald lo,r scond languag co#ptnc as ,ll as slo,r languag
d+lop#nt in sh& i##igrant childrn co#pard to thir non-sh& countrparts. 7h prsnt
stud& highlights that not onl& cont"tual but also prsonalit& factors nd to b considrd for a
co#prhnsi+ undrstanding of scond languag ac8uisition in i##igrant childrn.
C&"dren/' a%%r.$%on' )or peer !*%m7a%on, A 'o*a" *ompar'on approa*&
Go+#br:c#br 201;
)ari 4ann 6isconti 1 >c!& )ochndrfr-Ladd 1 'lair A. 'lifford
Abstract: A social co#parison fra#,or! ,as usd to "a#in th rlations bt,n childrn0s
attributions for +icti#i/ation and adAust#nt. 2n (tud& @n* 1C2 nin-to tn-&ar-old childrn
,r as!d ,h& so#on #a& pic! on th#. 3sults r+ald attributions rflcting fi+ causs
of +icti#i/ation that could b rliabl& sortd b& dirction of social co#parison: -a. Aalous pr
-do,n,ard.* -b. #utual antipath& -hori/ontal.* -c. bing diffrnt fro# ach othr -hori/ontal.*
-d. prsonal bha+ior -up,ard. and -. bing uncool -up,ard.. 'hildrn0s rsponss ,r usd
to crat an attribution #asur that ,as ad#inistrd to 20B ight-to l+n-&ar-old childrn.
3sults ,r consistnt ,ith th social co#parison h&pothsis such that pr Aalous& ,as
uni8ul& associatd ,ith lo,r l+ls of lonlinss and gratr accptanc ,hras prsonal
bha+ior and not bing uncool ,r corrlatd ,ith gratr lonlinss and lo,r prci+d
accptanc and slf-st#. Findings supportd th usfulnss of a social co#parison
fra#,or! for undrstanding associations a#ong attributions and adAust#nt.
C"a''room *on%e1%2 %ea*&er e1pe*%a%on'2 and *o(n%!e "e!e", Pred*%n( *&"dren/' ma%&
a."%y 3$d(men%'
Go+#br:c#br 201;
Gatali L. >ohl#ann 1 3hona (. ?instin
Abstract: 'lassroo# practics that #a! abilit& diffrncs salint co##unicat diffrntial
tachr "pctations for studnts. 7his stud& rports on a n, obsr+ational tool for #asuring
'lassroo# Abilit&-basd Fractics -'AF. and "plors ho, &oung childrn0s slf-prcptions of
abilit& in #ath#atics ar rlatd to thir tachrs0 "pctations for th# and to thir cogniti+
rasoning s!ills in classroo#s that +ar& in usag of such abilit&-diffrntiatd practics. 7h
sa#pl consistd of 1C; childrn and thir tachrs in 1< first grad classroo#s. 7h 'AF ,as
a rliabl #asur of abilit&-basd diffrntial tachr trat#nt and sho,d critrion +alidit& as
a #odrator +ariabl in prdicting childrn0s abilit& prcptions. 2n highl& abilit&-diffrntiating
classroo#s* childrn0s slf-ratings ,r #or congrunt ,ith tachrs0 "pctations of studnts0
#ath#atics abilit&. Also in highl& abilit&-diffrntiating classroo#s* highr cogniti+ l+ls
prdictd lo,r slf-abilit& ratings in #ath. 7hs findings "tnd our undrstanding of th
social and cogniti+ factors that shap &oung childrn0s slf-Audg#nts of #ath co#ptnc.
#or(!ene'' n%er!en%on )or )ema"e So$%& 5orean ado"e'*en% a((re''!e !*%m'
Go+#br:c#br 201;
4ong-H&o Far! 1 3obrt :. %nright 1 Maril&n 4. %ss" 1 'arol&n Oahn-?a"lr 1 4ohn (. )latt
Abstract: ? in+stigatd an intr+ntion dsignd to hlp f#al aggrssi+ +icti#s i#pro+
thir l+ls of ps&chological and school adAust#nt. Adolscnt aggrssi+ +icti#s ar &outh
,ho d#onstrat hightnd l+ls of aggrssi+ bha+ior and ar fr8untl& +icti#i/d b&
othrs. A progra# focusd on th ps&cholog& of forgi+nss ,as i#pl#ntd and tstd
against both an altrnati+ s!illstra#ing progra# and a no-trat#nt control group. Fort&-ight
f#al adolscnt aggrssi+ +icti#s in (outh )ora -ag 12 to 21&ars. ,r rcruitd fro# a
#iddl school and a Au+nil corrctional facilit&. Farticipants ,r rando#l& assignd to
groups. >oth forgi+nss and s!illstra#ing intr+ntions ,r i#pl#ntd in a s#all-group
for#at for 12,!s. Farticipants in th forgi+nss group rportd significant dcrass in
angr* hostil attribution* aggrssion* and dlin8unc& at post-tst and follo,-upE th& also
rportd significant incrass in #path& at post-tst and follo,-up and grads at post-tst. ?
discuss i#plications for th ps&chological d+lop#nt of adolscnt aggrssi+ +icti#s.
9nder'%andn( &o+ *&"dren/' en(a(emen% and %ea*&er'/ n%era*%on' * %o pred*%
'*&oo" readne''
Go+#br:c#br 201;
A#anda F. ?illiford 1 Michll F. Mair 1 4ason 7. :o,nr 1 3obrt '. Fianta 1 'arol Ho,s
Abstract: 7his stud& "a#ind th 8ualit& of prschool classroo# "princs through th
co#bination of childrn0s indi+idual pattrns of ngag#nt and tachrs0 classroo#-l+l
intractions in prdicting childrn0s gains in school radinss. A sa#pl of B0< childrn and ;0C
tachrs participatd. 7h 8ualit& of childrn0s ngag#nt and tachr intractions ,as
dirctl& obsr+d in th classroo#* and dirct assss#nts of childrn0s school radinss s!ills
,r obtaind in th fall and again in th spring. Latnt profil anal&sis ,as usd to "a#in
childrn0s pattrns of ngag#nt ,ith tachrs* prs* and tas!s. 'hildrn0s ngag#nt and
th 8ualit& of tachr intractions ,r associatd ,ith gains in school radinss s!ills. 7h
ffct of childrn0s indi+idual classroo# ngag#nt on thir "prssi+ +ocabular& ,as
#odratd b& classroo#-l+l tachr intractions. 7h rsults suggst that ,hn tachrs
ngag in highl& rsponsi+ intractions across th childrn in thir classroo#s* childrn #a&
d+lop #or 8uitabl school radinss s!ills rgardlss of thir indi+idual ngag#nt
Yo$%& .e"on(n( and *o(n%!e en(a(emen% n or(an7ed a*%!%e', A "ar(e4'*a"e )e"d
(pt#br@ctobr 201;
7ho#as A!i+a 1 )ai (. 'ortina 1 4ac8ul&nn (. %ccls 1 'harls (#ith
Abstract: Gu#rous studis of organi/d acti+itis ha+ found that participation is associatd
,ith a rang of positi+ outco#sE ho,+r* findings fro# rcnt rando#i/d trials ha+ bn
#or #i"d. $ndrstanding &outh0s ps&chological "princs of progra# in+ol+#nt thir
cogniti+ and #otional raction to and participation in acti+itis #a& b !& to undrstanding
th influnc of organi/d acti+itis. Hirarchical linar #odling ,as usd to in+stigat
corrlats of &outh blonging and cogniti+ ngag#nt in a sa#pl of 11B0 &outh in 12;
progra# offrings in BB sits. 3sults r+ald that intnsit& -fr8unc&. of "posur positi+l&
prdictd blonging and cogniti+ ngag#ntE ho,+r* duration ,as ngati+l& associatd
,ith cogniti+ ngag#nt. 7h staff practic of pro+iding a ,lco#ing at#osphr prdictd
blongingE ,hras pro+ision of acti+ s!ill-building prdictd cogniti+ ngag#nt. 7hs
rlations ,r found to +ar& across contnt t&p.
9nder'%andn( %&e ro"e o) 'o*a" '$ppor% n %ra3e*%ore' o) men%a" &ea"%& 'ymp%om' )or
mm(ran% ado"e'*en%'
(pt#br@ctobr 201;
(lcu! 3. (irin 1 7a+shi 5upta 1 Fatric 3&c 1 :alal )atsiaficas 1 'arola (uPr/-@ro/co 1
Laurn 3ogrs-(irin
Abstract: 7his longitudinal stud& of 2=B* urban rsiding* first- and scond-gnration i##igrant
adolscnts "a#ind th dgr to ,hich acculturati+ strss is rlatd to th d+lop#ntal
traActoris of #ntal halth probl#s and th rol of social support in this procss. Farticipants
,r rcruitd ,hn th& ntrd 10th grad and t,o additional ,a+s of data ,r gathrd at
12-#onth intr+als. $sing indi+idual gro,th cur+ #odling* th rsults sho, significant dclin
in intrnali/ing #ntal halth probl#s during th high school &ars. At th sa# ti#* gratr
"posur to acculturati+ strss prdictd significantl& #or ,ithdra,nLdprssd* so#atic* and
an"iousLdprssd s&#pto#s. Additionall&* social support #odratd th rlation bt,n
acculturati+ strss and an"iousLdprssd s&#pto#s. 5ndr and gnration status
diffrncs ,r found onl& at baslin -10th grad..
Ado"e'*en%'/ o**$pa%ona" and ed$*a%ona" (oa"', A %e'% o) re*pro*a" re"a%on'
(pt#br@ctobr 201;
(arah 4. >al 1 Lisa 4. 'roc!tt
Abstract: :uring adolscnc* &oung popl0s futur aspirations and "pctations bgin to
cr&stalli/* spciall& in th do#ains of ducation and occupation. Much of th rsarch in this
ara has #phasi/d d+lop#nt ,ithin a particular do#ain -.g.* ducation. and rlations
bt,n aspirations and "pctations across do#ains r#ain largl& un"plord* rsulting in a
lac! of infor#ation on ho, goals d+lop in tand# and affct ach othr. 2t is also unclar
,hthr ths d+lop#ntal procsss diffr b& gndr and sociocono#ic status. ? tstd
rciprocal ffcts bt,n occupational and ducational goals using a longitudinal sa#pl of
B;B adolscnts -<2J bo&s.. 3sults fro# d&na#ic s&st#s #odls indicatd chang in
occupational and ducational goals across high school. For all &outh* occupational aspirations
prdictd chang in occupational "pctations. %ducational "pctations prdictd chang in
occupational aspirations for &outh in high but not lo, parnt ducation groups* and occupational
"pctations prdictd chang in ducational "pctations for girls but not bo&s.
Ma%&ema%*' n'%r$*%on n Head S%ar%, Na%$re2 e1%en%2 and *on%r.$%on' %o *&"dren/'
(pt#br@ctobr 201;
Ann#ari H. Hind#an
Abstract: 7his stud& #plo&d th #ost rcnt -200B. cohort of th nationall& rprsntati+
Fa#il& and 'hild %"princs (ur+& -FA'%(. to "plor th natur of #ath#atics instruction
in Had (tart and th child* fa#il&* and tachr factors that contribut to childrn0s #ath#atics
larning o+r th prschool &ar. 2n total* 2<01 prschoolrs and thir fa#ilis* as ,ll as thir
tachrs -nD;;<.* participatd in th stud& fro# fall 200B to spring 200H. 3sults sho,d that
tachrs rportd fr8unt #ath#atics instruction* although dirct obsr+ations did not ntirl&
confir# this fr8unc&. A +arit& of factors prdictd childrn0s #ath#atics !no,ldg at Had
(tart ntr&* and s+ral including instructional 8ualit& ,r lin!d to larning o+r ti#. Go
thrsholds in instructional 8ualit& #rgd. @+rall* this stud& pro+ids n, infor#ation about
classroo# #ath#atics instruction and child larning a#ong th nation0s #ost +ulnrabl arl&
Re"e!an% dmen'on' o) *$""yn( : Re'$"%' )rom %+o e1permen%a" '%$de'
(pt#br@ctobr 201;
(tphani Fischl 1 7orstn Forsch 1 7obias )ahl 1 3ahl )loc!nbusch
Abstract: '&brbull&ing is a pr+alnt probl# of adolscnts. Ho,+r* s+ral concptual and
#asur#nt 8ustions* rgarding its dfining charactristics and rl+ant di#nsions in
co#parison to con+ntional bull&ing* r#ain unans,rd. 7o this nd , conductd t,o studis
,ith "pri#ntal #thods. (tud& 2 sho,s that po,r i#balanc in tr#s of prci+d
popularit& is rl+ant for th affcti+* cogniti+* and bha+ioral "princ of c&brbull&ing.
'&brbull&ing b& a popular bull& is #or distrssing than c&brbull&ing b& an unpopular bull&.
(tud& 22 sho,s that factors uni8u to c&brbull&ing ar also rl+ant for th "princ of
c&brbull&ing* na#l& th #dia and th t&p of c&brbull&ing. For "a#pl* diffrnt t&ps of
c&brbull&ing ar rlatd to diffrnt pattrns of rl+ant coping stratgis. 7hrfor*
c&brbull&ing s#s both a uni8u phno#non and closl& rlatd to con+ntional bull&ing.
So*a" pro."em 'o"!n( n ear"y *&"d&ood, De!e"opmen%a" *&an(e and %&e n)"$en*e o)
4ul&August 201;
@lga L. ?al!r 1 )athr&n A. :gnan 1 Gathan A. Fo" 1 Hathr A. Hndrson
Abstract: 7h purpos of this stud& ,as to "a#in d+lop#ntal chang and th influnc of
sh&nss on social probl#-sol+ing -(F(.. At 24* ;B* and 4=#onths* childrn -GD<H0. ,r
obsr+d ,hil intracting ,ith an unfa#iliar pr during an (F( tas! and at 24#onths*
#atrnal rport of sh&nss ,as collctd. 3sults sho,d that across th full sa#pl* childrn
displa&d lo, but stabl l+ls of ,ithdra,n (F( and incrasing l+ls of (F( co#ptnc
o+r d+lop#nt. 2n addition* rsults sho,d #ultipl traActoris of ,ithdra,n and co#ptnt
(F(. (h&nss ,as associatd ,ith high-incrasing and high-dcrasing ,ithdra,n (F(
traActoris co#pard ,ith th lo,-incrasing ,ithdra,n (F( traActor&. (h&nss ,as also
associatd ,ith th lo,-incrasing co#pard ,ith th high-incrasing (F( co#ptnc
traActor&. Findings d#onstrat th d+lop#nt of (F( co#ptnc o+r arl& childhood* and
th influnc of arl& sh&nss on this d+lop#ntal cours* ,ith so# sh& childrn sho,ing
i#pro+#nt in (F( s!ills and othrs continuing to sho, (F( difficultis o+r ti#.
A 'o*a" den%%y approa*& %o e1p"ann( *&"dren/' a((re''!e n%en%on'
4ul&August 201;
Maria 'hartrs 1 A#anda L. :uff& 1 :r, Gsdal
Abstract: 7his stud& "plord th ffcts of group nor#s* intra-group position* and ag on th
dirct and indirct aggrssi+ intntions of 24H childrn -agd <.<0 to 11.=;&ars.. Farticipants
,r assignd to a ta#* ,ith ta# nor#s -aggrssion +s. hlping. and th child0s position
,ithin th ta# -protot&pical +s. priphralprotot&pical +s. priphral. #anipulatd. 3sults
sho,d that childrn in th aggrssi+ nor# condition rportd gratr aggrssi+ intntions
than thos in th hlping nor# condition* although* ,hn ag ,as considrd* this ffct
r#aind +idnt for &oungr* but not oldr* childrn. (i#ilarl&* intra-group position influncd
th aggrssi+ intntions of &oungr childrn onl&. For ths childrn* ,hn group nor#s
supportd aggrssion* protot&pical ##brs and priphral ##brs ,ho anticipatd a futur
protot&pical position rportd gratr aggrssi+ intntions than priphral ##brs ,ho ,r
gi+n no infor#ation about thir futur position. 7h i#plications of ths findings for
undrstanding childhood aggrssion* and for intr+ntion* ar discussd.
C&an(n( n%era*%on' .e%+een %ea*&er' and 'o*a""y n&.%ed -nder(ar%en *&"dren, An
n%erper'ona" approa*&
4ul&August 201;
:bora L. 3oorda 1 Hl#a M.Y. )oo#n 1 4och# 7. 7hiAs 1 Frans 4. @ort
Abstract: 2n a short-tr# longitudinal intr+ntion stud&* it ,as in+stigatd ,hthr a short
tachr training in intrprsonal thor& and th co#pl#ntarit& principl could b usd to
bra! ngati+ intraction c&cls bt,n tachrs and sociall& inhibitd !indrgartnrs. (i"t&-
fi+ childrn and thir ;< rgular tachrs ,r obsr+d in a d&adic tas! stting* on thr
occasions. 2n th training* it ,as "plaind that tachrs could licit #or initiati+ fro# childrn
b& bing lss do#inant and #or frindlinss b& bing #or affiliati+. 2ndpndnt obsr+rs
ratd tachrs0 and childrn0s intracti+ bha+iors in <-scond pisods. 7achrs rportd on
childrn0s social inhibition. Multil+l anal&ss sho,d that th training licitd a dcras in
tachr control at follo,-up. $n"pctdl&* th training incrasd tachrs0 co#pl#ntarit& on
th affiliation di#nsion* spciall& in intractions ,ith highl& inhibitd childrn. 2#plications for
thor& and practic ar discussd.
In!e'%(a%n( %&e re"a%on'&p .e%+een 'o*a" .e&a!or' and p&ono"o(*a" a+arene'' n
pre'*&oo" *&"dren
Ma&4un 201;
Lisa-'hristin 5irard 1 Luigi 5irola#tto
Abstract: Furpos7his stud& "a#ind th longitudinal ffcts of social bha+iors in prdicting
phonological a,arnss outco#s in 4-&ar-old childrn.Mthod@n hundrd t,o childrn -<2
bo&s* <0 girls. ,r rcruitd fro# 11 schools sr+ing lo,-inco# nighborhoods in a larg
#tropolitan cit& and ,r assssd at th bginning and nd of th prschool &ar. All childrn
rci+d assss#nts of thir phonological a,arnss s!ills* "prssi+ +ocabular&* non-+rbal
29* and tachrs co#pltd bha+ioral ratings at prtst. At th nd of th acad#ic &ar*
childrn participatd in tsts of phonological a,arnss using standardi/d
assss#nts.3sults7h rsults of a #ultipl rgrssion anal&sis indicatd that bing "cludd
b& prs contributd up to ;J of th +arianc in ngati+l& prdicting phonological a,arnss
outco#s aftr controlling for initial phonological a,arnss s!ills* "prssi+ +ocabular&* and
cognition ,hich is a s#all ffct si/.'onclusion%arl& pr "clusion can i#pact ngati+l& on
th ac8uisition of phonological a,arnss s!ills in 4-&ar-old childrn in prschool. 7h rsults
of this stud& suggst that a child0s o+rall bha+ioral co#ptnc and ho, th& ar tratd b&
th pr group #a& pla& an i#portant rol in thir as of acad#ic s!ill attain#nt. 5i+n th
lin! bt,n pr "clusion and difficultis ,ith phonological a,arnss outco#s* additional
profssional d+lop#nt progra#s that pro+id tachrs ,ith stratgis to crat inclusi+
classroo#s #a& b ,arrantd in pr+nting against th #rgnc of #aladapti+ bha+iors at
first ntr& into for#al schooling.
E))e*%' o) Se'ame S%ree%, A me%a4ana"y'' o) *&"dren/' "earnn( n ;5 *o$n%re'
Ma&4un 201;
Mari-Louis Mars 1 Ohongdang Fan
Abstract: (sa# (trt is broadcast to #illions of childrn globall&* including in so# of th
,orld0s poorst rgions. 7his #ta-anal&sis "a#ins th ffcts of childrn0s "posur to
intrnational co-productions of (sa# (trt* s&nthsi/ing th rsults of 24 studis* conductd
,ith o+r 10*000 childrn in 1< countris. 7h rsults indicatd significant positi+ ffcts of
"posur to th progra#* aggrgatd across larning outco#s* and ,ithin ach of th thr
outco# catgoris: cogniti+ outco#s* including litrac& and nu#rac&E larning about th
,orld* including halth and saft& !no,ldgE social rasoning and attituds to,ard out-groups.
7h ffcts ,r significant across diffrnt #thods* and th& ,r obsr+d in both lo,- and
#iddl-inco# countris and also in high-inco# countris. 7h rsults ar cont"tuali/d b&
considring th ffcts and rach of th progra#* rlati+ to othr arl& childhood intr+ntions.
Adop%ed *&"dren/' "an($a(e d))*$"%e' and %&er re"a%on %o 'ymp%om' o) rea*%!e
a%%a*&men% d'order, #nAdo '%$dy
Ma&4un 201;
Hanna 3aas!a 1 Mar!o %lo+ainio 1 4ari (in!!onn 1 (u+i (tolt 1 2ina 4alonn 1 4aa!!o Mato#Q!i 1
(anna MQ!ipQQ 1 Hlna Lapinli#u
Abstract: 7his stud& in+stigatd th potntial association bt,n s&#pto#s of racti+
attach#nt disordr and languag difficultis a#ong intrnationall& adoptd childrn in Finland
-th FinAdo stud&.. 7h languag difficultis ,r assssd using a standardisd Fi+ to
Fiftn -F7F. parntal 8ustionnair and th s&#pto#s of racti+ attach#nt disordr using a
FinAdo 8ustionnair. 7h stud& sa#pl consistd of B=C B1<&ar old childrn -4C.2J bo&s*
rspons rat 4=J.. 7,nt&-nin prcnt of th childrn ,r rportd to ha+ languag
difficultis and =J s+r languag difficultis -10J and 2J* rspcti+l&* in th gnral
population.. A child0s s&#pto#s of racti+ attach#nt disordr ,r associatd ,ith languag
difficultis and s+r languag difficultis* @3 2.1<* C<J '2 R1.;C* ;.;1S and @3 4.;;* C<J '2
R1.<H* 11.C=S* rspcti+l&* th associations bing robust to adAust#nts for bac!ground factors.
Ado"e'*en% re"(o$'ne'' a' a pro%e*%!e )a*%or a(an'% porno(rap&y $'e
Ma&4un 201;
(a# A. Hard& 1 Michal A. (tl#an 1 (arah M. 'o&n 1 3obrt :. 3idg
Abstract: 7his stud& "a#ind #diators of rlations bt,n adolscnt rligiousnss and
pornograph& us. 7h sa#pl consistd of 41C adolscnts -ags 1<1=&arsE M agD1<.B=*
(:D0.C=E <BJ #al.. 2t ,as h&pothsi/d that rligiousnss -rligious intrnali/ation and
in+ol+#nt. ,ould protct adolscnts fro# pornograph& us -accidntal and intntional
+i,ing. b& incrasing slf-rgulation* consr+ati+ attituds to,ards pornograph&* and social
control against pornograph&. Fath anal&ss r+ald rligious intrnali/ation and in+ol+#nt
,r indirctl& lin!d to intntional +i,ing through all thr #diators. For accidntal +i,ing*
th onl& indirct ffcts ,r fro# rligious intrnali/ation through slf-rgulation and social
control* and fro# rligious in+ol+#nt through social control. 7hus* rligiousnss #a& protct
adolscnts fro# intntional and accidntal "posur to pornograph&.
Con%e1% and *$"%$re n %&e 'o*a"7a%on and de!e"opmen% o) per'ona" a*&e!emen%
!a"$e', Comparn( La%no mm(ran% )am"e'2 E$ropean Amer*an )am"e'2 and
e"emen%ary '*&oo" %ea*&er'
MarchApril 201;
Fatricia M. 5rnfild 1 >lanca 9uiro/
Abstract: ? docu#ntd cross-cultural si#ilaritis and diffrncs in +alus concrning
prsonal achi+#nt bt,n Latino i##igrant parnts* a group of #ultithnic tachrs* and
%uropan A#rican parnts. ? also "plord intrgnrational si#ilaritis and diffrncs
bt,n parnts and thir fifth-grad childrn. 7h thortical pr#is ,as that
sociod#ographic factors* such as ducation* dri+ cultural +alus* ,ith #or for#al ducation
associatd ,ith indi+idualistic +alus and lss for#al ducation associatd ,ith
collcti+isticLfa#ilistic +alus. 3sponding to opn-ndd social dil##as rl+ant to fa#il& lif*
Latino i##igrant parnts* a+raging a fifth-grad ducation* rspondd #or fa#ilisticall& than
th #or highl& ducatd #ultithnic tachrs or %uropan A#rican parnts. 2n contrast* no
group diffrncs in +alus sho,d up in situations ,hr school practics do not dirctl&
i#pact fa#il& lif. 2ntrgnrational diffrncs ,r f,E but* in fa#il&-cntrd scnarios*
%uropan A#rican fifth gradrs ,r significantl& #or collcti+istic than %uropan A#rican
parnts* a finding that suggstd th possibilit& that* in an indi+idualistic cultur* indi+idualis# is
sociali/d ,ith ag

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