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AbuUbaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah (RA) The

Trustworthy Of This Nation.

Aug 8 by !usli!ah
Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah (RA) The Trustworthy Of This
Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah (RA) was the !irst "o#$anion who
was bein% &alled "o##ander of "o##anders' (e was The
#an who# Rasulullah ()A*) sent with reinfor&e#ents to A#ir
Ibn Al-+Aas in the ,haat As -)alaasil -.$edition and (e was a
&o##ander of the ar#y that in&luded U#ar (RA) and Abu
/a0r (RA).
(e was The 1an whose ri%ht hand Rasulullah ()A*) (eld u$
and said2 In e3ery nation there e.ists a #an worthy of all trust
and the trustworthy of this nation is Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-
(e was tall4 sli#4 stron%4 trustworthy #an about who# U#ar
Ibn Al-5hattaab (RA) said on his deathbed4 f Abu Ubaidah Ibn
Al-Jarrah were ali3e4 I would ha3e entrusted hi# with the
&ali$hate4 and if Allah as0ed #e about hi#4 I would say4 I
assi%ned the &ali$hate to the trustworthy of Allah and (is
1essen%er ()A*)4 Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah.
Allah A0bar' (ow the &o#$anions res$e&ted hi#4 and lo3ed
(e was the ON- who $ulled out the two rin%s fro# Rasulullah
()A*)+s &hee0s in the /attle of Uhud and (e lost his u$$er and
lower teeth. Abu /a0r As-)adi6 (RA) said2 *hen the /attle of
Uhud rea&hed the a$e. of fier&eness and fero&ity4 Rasulullah
()A*) was wounded4 and two of the rin%s of Rasulullah
()A*)+s #ail $enetrated his &hee0s. As soon as I reali7ed what
had ha$$ened4 I rushed to hi#. A #an ran swiftly in sa#e
dire&tion and e.&lai#ed4 ,ear Allah4 a&&e$t this deed as a si%n
of obedien&e. Then we both rea&hed Rasulullah ()A*)4 but
Abu Ubaidah was there before #e4 so he $leaded with #e4
8lease4 by Allah4 Abu /a0r4 let #e $ull the# out of Rasulullah
()A*)+s &hee0s4 so I let hi#. Abu Ubaidah held one of the rin%s
with his front teeth and $ulled it out alon% with his u$$er front
teeth. The he $ulled out the se&ond alon% his lower front teeth.
Thus4 he lost his teeth.
Rasulullah ()A*) lo3ed this trustworthy one of his nation so
#u&h that he %a3e hi# $referen&e o3er e3eryone else. !or
Instan&e4 when the Na9raan dele%ation arri3ed fro# :e#en
after they had e#bra&ed Isla#4 they as0ed Rasulullah ()A*) to
send so#eone to the# to tea&h the ;ur+an4 the )unnah4 and
Isla#. Rasulullah ()A*) told the#2 I will send you a
trusthworthy #an4 a 3ery trustworthy #an. *hen
&o#$anions heard this $raise4 e3ery one of the# $rayed that
Rasulullah ()A*) #eant hi# this $raise and sin&ere
re&o##endation. +U#air Ibn Al-5hattaab (RA) narrated thus2
I ha3e ne3er &ra3ed &o##and in #y life e.&e$t on the day4 in
ho$e that I would be the #an who# Rasulullah ()A*) held in
su&h hi%h estee#. Therefore4 I went in intense heat to $erfor#
#y ,huhr 8rayer. *hen Rasulullah ()A*) finished leadin% the
$rayer4 he loo0ed to his ri%ht4 then his left. I stood on #y toes to
draw his attention to #e4 yet he 0e$t on loo0in% round until he
saw Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah and ordered hi#4 <o with
the# and 9ud%e in truth between the# in the #atters in whi&h
they dis$ute. Afterwards4 Abu Ubaidah tra3eled with the#.
This in&ident does not #ean that Abu Ubaidah was the only
one who# Rasulullah ()A*) trusted or a$$re&iated. /ut he
was the only one or one of few who was 6ualified to the absent
fro# Al-1edina for this #ission of &allin% $eo$le to a&&e$t
Isla# 1onotheis#4 for he was the $erfe&t #an for this
assi%n#ent. (e #aintained his trustworthiness as a
"o#$anion of Rasulullah ()A*)4 and e3en after his death4 he
u$held his res$onsibilities with ad#irable inte%rity. Thus4 Abu
Ubaidah was assi%ned as the "o##ander-in "hief in )yria. (is
ar#y was the #i%htiest and best e6ui$$ed a#on% the 1usli#
ar#ies. :ou &ould hardly distin%uish hi# fro# the ran0 and file
of the ar#y. (e was always unassu#in%. *hen he heard that
the $eo$le of )yria were infatuated by hi# and by his new
ran04 he as0ed the# to asse#ble4 then addressed the# sayin%2
!ollow #en4 I+# a 1usli# fro# the ;uraish tribe. I will follow
any of you li0e his shadow re%ardless of the &olor of his s0in4 if
he is #ore $ious and ri%hteous than #e.
One day4 the &o##ander of the !aithful (U#ar Ibn Al-
5hattaab (RA)) 3isited )yria and as0ed those who were at his
re&e$tion4 *here is #y brother= They as0ed4 *ho do you
#ean= (e answered4 Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah. )oon Abu
Ubaidah (RA) arri3ed and hu%%ed U#ar (RA)4 then he in3ited
hi# o3er to his house4 where he had no furniture. In fa&t4 he
had nothin% but a sword4 a shield and a saddleba%. U#ar (RA)
as0ed hi#4 s#ilin%4 *hy don+t you furnish your house as
$eo$le do= Abu Ubaidah (RA) readily answered4 O
"o##ander of the !aithful4 as you see4 I ha3e a roo# to slee$ in
and that is enou%h for #e.
)ubh>nallah' "an ta0e a #inute and Reread this )tate#ent (e
s$o0en? Allahu A0bar' "o#$are to yourself with (i#?
)ubh>nallah' Thin0 about the world as e3erythin% de&oratin%
out houses li0e we will e3er li3e there?#ay Allah %uide us li0e
hi# and for%i3e our sins. Aa#een.
One day as the "o##ander of the !aithful U#ar Ibn Al-
5hattaab (RA) was &ondu&tin% the affairs of the 3ast 1usli#
world4 he re&ei3ed the sad news of Abu Ubaidah+s (RA) death.
(e tried to &ontrol hi#self4 but his sadness %ot the better of hi#
and his tears flowed. (e as0ed Allah to bestow (is #er&y on his
brother. (e re&alled his #e#ories and tenderness. (e
e.&lai#ed4 If I were to #a0e a wish4 I would ha3e wished a
house full of #en 9ust li0e Abu Ubaidah.
The Trustworthy of This Nation died in the land whi&h he had
$urified fro# $a%anis# of the 8ersians and the o$$ression of
the Ro#ans. Today in Jordan lie his noble re#ains whi&h on&e
were full of life4 %oodness4 and satisfa&tion. It does not #atter if
you 0now where he is buried or not4 for if you want to find his
%ra3e4 you will need no %uide@ The !ra%ran&e of his re#ains
will lead you to it??.
1ay Allah ha3e 1er&y on (is )oul and 1ay Allah be $leased
with hi#. Aa#een.
A 8oe# In The *onder Of Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah (RA).
(e was the first )ahabi
*ho was bein% &alled4
The "o##ander Of "o##anders'
And All the )ahabah
Res$e&ted hi# well
Indeed (e was Trustworthy'
Althou%h (is ti#e
*as ended fro# ,unyaa
It was really hard
!or #any "o#$anions
To hear (is ,eath
)ubh>nallah (e was A hero
And Allah Ao3ed (i#.
(e has dealt #any $roble#s
"arin% not about the world
/ut Only (is -yes was dire&ted
To The 8aradise of Allah
And he has %ained it well
/y the hel$ of Allah
And (e was a#on% the Ones
That Allah /estowed (is 1er&y
(e is Our (ero
I as0 Allah4 The One4
To %a3e us Aeaders
*ho will ha3e (is &hara&ter
And will lead us
*ith the fear Of Allah
And the )unnah Of Rasulullah ()A*)

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