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)*+'% 2uS1 Cential Ave Nemphis, TN S81u4


To obtain a position in the television bioaucast inuustiy that allows me to giow both peisonally anu piofessionally while
giving me the oppoitunity to hone anu impiove upon my uiffeient skill sets.
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}ouinalismElectionic Neuia Najoi with a Focus on Bioaucast News
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Cuiiently seive as the vice-Piesiuent of the volunteei Channel anu the Piouucei of uieek Coinei. I also iepoit anu anchoi on
two othei shows, TvC News, a weekly news magazine show foi 0T stuuents & Bot Topix, a live call in show focusing on issues
impoitant to stuuents. In auuition to piouucing, wiiting, shooting anu euiting, I also know how to use numeious pieces of
stuuio equipment, incluuing: stuuio cameias, news telepiompteis, auuio mixeis, IFB systems anu viueo switcheis. I also have
extensive expeiience with the following softwaie platfoims: Euius, Aviu Neuia Composei, Final Cut Pio & Auobe Photoshop.
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Woikeu as a iepoitei anu piouucei foi 0T T0BAY, The 0niveisity of Tennessee's news magazine television show, which aiieu
weekly on WBIR Channel 1u. I tuineu a package on a uaily basis, which I shot anu euiteu as well as helpeu piouuceu the uaily
show. I lookeu ovei othei stuuent's packages as well as wiote sciipts, stackeu the show, anu euiteu the show togethei.
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Woikeu as an intein in the news uepaitment. I woikeu with local Knoxville iepoiteis as well as piouuceis anu euitois. Ny
iesponsibilities incluueu helping to wiite sciipts, piompt sciipts uuiing the show, euit viueo anu wiite stoiies foi the web.
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Wiite news stoiies anu pioviue content foi seveial uiffeient 0niveisity of Tennessee websites.
Key stoiies that I pioviueu coveiage on incluue:
Coveieu Bisabilities Committee Neeting
Inteivieweu Lauy vols Soccei Team
Inteivieweu State Bouse Bistiict 1S Repiesentative uloiia }ohnson
Inteivieweu NBC Repoitei Tom Biokaw
Coveieu T0BAY Show on Campus:
Coveieu 2u1S 0TK SuA Bebate
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Cuiient Neuia Relations Auvisoi foi Tyson Bouse. Piouuce viueos about Tyson Bouse's stuuent campus ministiy anu othei
events that aie sponsoieu by Tyson Bouse. Also help teach N00NA, a viueo seiies about uou's woiu anu seive as the
auministiatoi foi Tyson Bouse's uiffeient social meuia outlets.

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