Exercícios de Inglês 1 - DS PDF

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1. Escreva os nmeros abaixo por extenso:

a. 18:
b. 88:
c. 244:
d. 515:
e. 3333:
2. Escreva os nmeros abaixo em algarismos:
a. fifteen:
b. fifty:
c. one hundred and thirty-five:
d. one thousand and one hundred and eleven:
e. ninety thousand and ninety-nine:
2. Reescreva as frases abaixo s!bstit!in"o as palavras "estaca"as por !m pronome s!#eito.
a. $ac% is a good student.
b. &ar' is at work.
c. ()e "og is very sick.
". &' )o!se is a mess.
e. *o! an" I study together.
f. &ar' an" 'o! are late for class.
g. +ob an" Sall' have a new ob.
). ()e st!"ents are bored.
i. ()e st!"ents t)e teac)er an" 'o! are all tired.
#. ()e t,o bi%es were stolen.
-. I"entifi.!e o s!#eito nas frases abaixo.
a. !y cousin "om# a very funny guy# is coming for a visit.
b. $ack and his wife %sabel# who is &'anish# both work in a hotel.
c. (very day in this boring city is always the same thing.
/. 0esta.!e as palavras no texto abaixo .!e possam ser s!bstit!1"as por !m pronome s!#eito sem .!e o senti"o geral "o
texto se#a comprometi"o. Reescreva o texto com as m!"an2as .!e voc3 fe4.
)aul (vans is a !ath teacher. )aul lives in *ondon and )aul works in a school in the center. )aul is at school now.
)aul is married. +is wife# $enny# is in her office. $enny works is the ,ank of *ondon. $enny is a bank manager.
)aul and $enny have two children# !ark and "om. "he two children are good students. !ark is twelve years old and "om is
ten years old. !ark and "om have a dog called -over. -over is very funny and -over is a good friend.
5. S!bstit!a os termos "estaca"os por !m pronome ob#eto apropria"o.
a. &ally is going out with (on'.
b. % gave my money to &ar'.
c. &he loves walking with )er "og.
d. "hey never go out with 6a!l an" me.
e. +e studies with Scott an" +ill.
7. Complete as frases com a forma 6OSSESSI89 correta "e acor"o com o contexto "a"o na senten2a.
a. % live with ///////// sister. 0eu moro com ///////// irm1..
b. 2ou are not like ///////// older brother 0voc3 n1o 4 como ///////// irm1o..
c. "here comes *isa and ///////// boyfriend. 0l5 vem *isa e ///////// namorado..
d. $ack have lost //////// wallet. 0$ack 'erdeu //////// carteira..
e. "his is my friend. ///////// name is $oe. 0este 4 o meu amigo. ///////// nome 4 $oe..
f. $ack and % like ///////// ob. 0$ack e eu gostamos de ///////// trabalho..
g. % met two 'eo'le yesterday# but % can6t remember //////// names. 0eu encontrei duas 'essoas ontem# mas n1o consigo
lembrar //////// nomes..
:. Relacione a perg!nta com a resposta:
a. 7here are you from8 0 . +is name6s *uis.
b. 7hat6s her name8 0 . +e6s from !e9ico.
c. 7hat6s his name8 0 . %t6s in :anada.
d. 7here6s he from8 0 . %6m from ,ra;il.
e. 7hat6s this in (nglish8 0 . %6m fine# thanks.
f. +ow are you8 0 . +er name6s $une.
g. 7here6s "oronto8 0 . %t6s a com'uter.
;. 6ossessivo genitivo: complete as senten2as com base na <rvore geneal=gica abaixo.
<eorge = !ary
> >
?nn = $ohn @avid = Aelly
> >
/////// &te'hen
> >
:athy *ouise
(9em'lo: ?nn is $ohn6s wife.
a. :athy is ///////// sister.
b. &te'hen is ///////// son.
c. ?nn is ///////// aunt.
d. <eorge is ///////// husband.
e. !ary is ///////// grandmother.
f. @avid is ///////// uncle.
g. :athy and *ouise are ///////// cousins.
h. @avid is ///////// borther.
@. Complete as frases com o verbo to be apropria"o.
a. !y older brother ///// a sutudent of s'icology.
b. "he :)B# the most im'ortant 'art of the com'uter# ///// only about 1.5 inches sCuare.
c. !y girlfriend and % ///// on vacation.
d. <eorge# his wife and his children ///// at home.
e. 2our sisters ///// all students.
f. "his e9ercise ///// very easy.
g. "hese books ///// not mine.
1A. Complete o texto abaixo com a forma apropria"a "o verbo >to be? Bafirmativo o! negativoC.
,rian 7inston ////// a forty years old. +e ////// from &anta !onica# but his ob ////// in *os ?ngeles. +e ////// an
informatics engineer at :alifornia "echnology %nstitute. +e ////// satisfied with his ob# but he ////// ha''y to be in another
city# far from his family.
,rian6s wife# $ennifer# ////// a doctor. +er hos'ital ////// in the center of town# and its name ////// &anta !onica <eneral
+os'ital. &he ////// thirty-seven years old and she ////// very ha''y with her ob D she ////// a very good doctor# but it
////// easy. @ifferent from ,rian# $ennifer ////// from &anta !onica# she ////// from &acramento.
"hey have three children# "om# $ack and &ally. "om6s fourteen# $ack6s ten# and &allyEs four years old. "he children ////// all
very intelligent and good students# but they ////// ha''y with their 'arents because ,rian and $ennifer are out all day.
11. Consi"ere o >s Bap=strofe DsC no texto abaixo. &ar.!e 6 para possessivo o! 8 para verbo e tra"!4a o texto.
"his is a 'hotogra'h of !artin# his wife# and his children. +is wife6s name is $ennifer. &he6s a dentist. +is daughter6s name is
?lison. &he6s twenty-three and she6s a hairdresser. +is son6s name6s ?ndy. +e6s nineteen and he6s a student. ?lison6s boyfriend is
a travel agent. +is name6s $oe.
12. &ar.!e a senten2a correta.
a. !y name &andra. 0 .
!y name6s &andra. 0 .
b. F7hat6s his name8G F*uisG. 0 .
F7hat6s her name8G F*uisG. 0 .
c. +e6s from !e9ico. 0 .
+is from !e9ico. 0 .
d. 7here she from8 0 .
7here6s she from8 0 .
e. &he6s name6s &oraya. 0 .
+er name6s &oraya. 0 .
f. +er ob is teacher. 0 .
&he is a teacher. 0 .
g. ?re you from ,ra;il8 0 .
%s you from ,ra;il8 0 .
h. &he is no married. 0 .
&he isn6t married. 0 .
i. F?re you married8G F2es# %6mG. 0 .
F?re you married8G F2es# % amG. 0 .
1-. Eeia o texto abaixo e respon"a as .!estFes com respostas completas.
!y name is +arry :ollins. % am from @allas# "e9as. %6m thirty-two years old# and %6m married. %6m a ta9i driver# and % am very
ha''y with my ob.
!y wife6s name is &ara. &he6s thirty and she6s a teacher at &aint !ary +igh &chool# a school in the center of @allas. &he is not
from "e9as# she6s from *os ?ngeles# :alifornia.
&ara and % have two children# a boy and a girl. "he boy6s name is $ames# but his nickname is $immy. +e is ten years old. "he
girl6s name is )amela# but her nickname is )am. &he is eight years old.
Hur children are very s'ecial to us# and they are very different one from the other: $immy is not a good student 0he does not like
school.# but )am is a very good student 0she is the best in her class..
a. 7here is +arry from8
b. +ow old is he8
c. 7hat is his occu'ation8
d. %s he sad with his ob8
e. 7hat is his wife6s name8
f. +ow old is she8
g. %s she from @allas8
h. 7hat is her occu'ation8
i. 7hat are the names of their children8
. 7ho is a good student and who is a bad student8
1/. Rea" t)e texts an" !n"erline t)e verbs.
9. &ister !ary comes from %reland. &he is a nun and she lives and works in a girls6 school in :ork. &he teaches Irench and
&'anish. &he likes her ob and she loves the green countryside of %reland. &he goes walking in her free time.
+. +ans +usser is a ski-instructor. +e is &wiss and he lives in Jillars# a village in the mountains. %n summer he works in a s'orts
sho'# and in winter he teaches skiing. +e s'eaks four languages# Irench# <erman# %talian# and (nglish. +e is married and has two
sons. +e 'lays football with them in his free time.
15. Complete t)e sentences abo!t Sister &ar' an" Hans.
a. &he comes from %reland. +e ////////// ////////// &wit;erland.
b. +e lives in a village# but she ////////// ////////// a town.
c. &he works in a school. +e ////////// ////////// a s'orts sho'.
d. +e ////////// skiing. &he ////////// Irench and &'anish.
e. &he ////////// near the sea# but he ////////// in the mountains.
f. +e likes his ob and she ////////// ////////// //////////# too.
g. +e ////////// ////////// sons.
h. &he ////////// walking in his free time. +e ////////// ////////// with his sons.
i. +e ////////// four languages. &he ////////// ////////// languages.
17. Eoo% at t)is information c)art an" rea" t)e text.
Game <eorges
$ob a ta9i driver
Co!ntr' Irance
(o,n )aris
6lace of ,or% %n the center of town
&arrie" Ko
Iamil' ? dog
Iree time 7alking with his dog and football

+is name is <eorges. +e is a ta9i driver. +e comes from Irance# and he lives in )aris. +e works in the center of town. +e is not
married# but he has a dog. +e goes walking with his dog and 'lays football in his free time.
Go, ,rite similar texts abo!t t)ese people:
Game Aeiko 7ilson !ark Aing
$ob an inter'reter ? ournalist for the ,,:
Co!ntr' $a'an (ngland
(o,n Kew 2ork !oscow
6lace of ,or% ?t the Bnited Kations %n an office
&arrie" 2es 2es
Iamil' "wo sons "hree daughters
Iree time &kiing "ennis
Eang!ages $a'anese# (nglish# and Irench (nglish# -ussian# and <erman
1:. Krite a similar text abo!t *OL.
1;. Complete o texto com os verbos abaixo na forma apropria"a.
like want be 94 love <o 92 work s'eak live study stay
!ary //////////// with her 'arents and her brother. !ary ////////// her house because it ////////// very co;y. &he
////////// to school in the morning and ////////// in a restaurant in the afternoon. !ary ////////// a waitress# but she
////////// to be an actress. &o# she ////////// very hard. !ary ////////// three languages D (nglish# &'anish and Irench.
&he ////////// to go out with her friends.
+er brother ////////// a mechanic. +e and !ary ////////// to work together by bus# and their 'arents ////////// at home
because they ////////// retired.
1@. G!mber t)e lines in t)e correct or"er.
0 . !ario :osta is from ,ra;il# but he lives and
0 . is thrity-two and he is married. +is wife# (mily#
0 . s'eak (nglish and )ortuguese. +e and his friends
0 . works in Kew 2ork :ity. +e 'lays the 'iano. +e
0 . and a son. +e s'eaks (nglish and his children
0 . are on tour in IranceL Hn the weekends# !ario
0 . 'lay music in a 'o' grou'. "hey
0 . is from :anada. "hey have two children# a daughter
0 . 'ractice from !onday to Iriday and they sometimes
0 . reads books and watches soccer on television.
2A. 6asse as frases abaixo para as formas negativa e interrogativa.
a. 2ou study too much.
b. &ally cooks the dinner everyday.
c. +is ob 'ays very well.
d. 2ou and your brother live together.
e. "he students understand (nglish 'erfectly.
21. Respon"a as .!estFes abaixo.
1. @o you smoke8 2. @o you have a good ob8
3. @o you 'lay s'orts regularly8 4. @o you have any brothers or sisters8
5. @o you like horror movies8 M. @oes your school have an informatics laboratory8
N. @oes your school have a big library8 8. @oes your neighborhood have a 'olice station8
O. @oes <uaPba have good 'laces to go to8 1Q. @o you like your classmates8 @o your classmates like you8
22. Respon"a as .!estFes abaixo com respostas completas.
1. 7here do you come from 0city.8 2. 7here do you live 0neighborhood.8
3. 7here do you study8 4. 7here do you work8
5. 7hat do you do in the morning8 M. 7ho do you live with8
N. +ow many brother or sisters do you have8 8. +ow do you go to school8
O. 7hat do you like in this school8 1Q. 7hat do you dislike in this school8
2-. Rea" t)e text an" ans,er t)e .!estions ,it) complete ans,ers.
!y name6s !auri;io :eli. % come from ,ologna# a city in the north of %taly. %6m a student at the Bniversity of ,ologna. % study
modern languages D (nglish and -ussian. % also know a little of &'anish# so % can s'eak four languages. % like my course# but it6s
really hard work. % live at home with my 'arents and my sister. !y father is a mechanic# and my mother is a housewife. % have an
older brother# but he6s in the B&? now. +e works in an %talian restaurant in Kew 2ork. +e is a waiter.
?fter % graduate# % want to be a translator.
a. 7here does !auri;io come from8
b. 7hat6s his occu'ation8
c. +ow many languages does he s'eak8
d. @oes he like his course8
e. 7ho does he live with8
f. 7hat is his 'arents6 occu'ation8
g. +ow many brothers and sisters does he have8
h. 7here6s his brother8
i. 7hat does his brother do in his work8
. 7hat does !auri;io want to be8
2/. Rea"ing: $ac% an" Isabel (ippit.
$ack and his wife# %sabel# who is &'anish# both work at the -egent +otel in the center of *ondon. $ack is a rece'tionist and
%sabel works in the hotel bar. $ack says:
F"en million 'eo'le visit *ondon every year. %n our hotel we have fifty rooms# and we have visitors from all over the world#
es'ecially from ?merica and $a'an. % s'eak (nglish# <erman# Irench and &'anish. % don6t s'eak $a'anese# but % want to learn it.
%sabel s'eaks (nglish and Irench# and &'anish# of course.
Hur visitors like doing many things. Hn a ty'ical day they have breakfast in the hotel restaurant# an (nglish breakfast of
eggs# bacon# tea# and toasts. ?fter breakfast they visit the +ouses of )arliament and ,uckingham )alace and go sho''ing in
+arrods. "hey come back to the hotel at four o6clock and have tea and rela9. "hen in the evening they go to the theatre.
7e work very long hours. % work from si9 o6clock in the morning till three in the afternoon# and %sabel works from si9 in the
evening till one in the morning# but we love our work. 7e like meeting 'eo'le of all nationalities.G
25. &ar% ( for tr!e or I for false.
1. ? lot of foreign visitors come to the hotel 0 ..
2. ,oth $ack and %sabel s'eak Irench and <erman 0 ..
3. ,oth $ack and %sabel want to learn $a'anese 0 ..
4. "he visitors have breakfast in bed 0 ..
5. "hey have a very light breakfast 0 ..
M. "hey visit the +ouse of )arliament in the morning 0 ..
N. "hey like sho''ing in ,uckingham )alace 0 ..
8. "he visitors don6t come back to the +otel for lunch
0 ..
O. "hey have tea in the evening 0 ..
1Q. $ack and %sabel work a lot 0 ..
11. %sabel works more hours than $ack 0 ..
12. $ack and %sabel don6t like their work 0 ..
27. Complete t)e intervie, ,it) $ac%. Lse an a!xiliar' verb an" a main verb.
?. 7hat ///do////you ////do///8
,. %6m a rece'tionist in a hotel.
?. 7hat ///////// your wife /////////8
,. &he works in the hotel bar.
?. 7here ///////// you /////////8
,. ?t the -egent +otel in *ondon.
?. +ow many languages ///////// you /////////8
,. Iour. (nglish# <erman# Irench# and &'anish.
?. ///////// you ///////// $a'anese8
,. Ko# % /////////. ,ut % want to learn it.
?. ///////// your wife ///////// (nglish8
,. 2es# she /////////. &he s'eaks it fluently.
?. 7hat time ///////// you /////////8
,. ?t si9 o6clock in the morning.
?. 7hy ///////// you ///////// working in the hotel8
,. ,ecause we meet 'eo'le of all nationalities.
2:. CO&6EE(E O (EX(O CO& OS 8ER+OS 9+9IXO G9 IOR&9 96RO6RI909.
come cook eat get u' go have listen love rela9 visit
?nn !c<regor lives in *ondon. &he is thirty-four years old and works for the ,,:. &he interviews 'eo'le on an early
morning news 'rogramme called "he 7orld "oday. (very weekday she gets u' at three in the morning because the 'rogram starts
at si9 in the morning. &he loves her work because it is e9citing and she meets a lot of very interesting 'eo'le# but she loves her
weekends# too:
FOn Fridays I come home from the BBC at two in the afternoon and just __________. On Friday evening I dont go out, but
sometimes a friend __________for dinner. He or she brings the wine and I __________ the mea. I __________ coo!ing" #e
__________ to music or we just chat.
On $aturday mornings I __________at nine and I go sho%%ing. &hen in the evening I sometimes __________to the theater or
the o%era with a friend. I ove o%era" &hen we __________in my favorite restaurant.
On $unday mornings I stay in bed ate. I dont get u% unti eeven" $ometimes in the afternoon I __________my sister. $he
ives in the country and __________ two chidren. I i!e to %ay with the chidren, but I eave eary because I __________to bed at
eight on $unday evenings.G
2;. RES6OG09 CO& RES6OS(9S CO&6EE(9S
7here does ?nn live8
7ho does she work for8
7hat does she do in her work8
7hy does she get u' early8
7hy does she love her work8
7ho comes for a dinner at Iridays8
7hat time does she get u' on &unday8
7here does her sister live8
+ow many children does her sister have8
7hy does ?nn leave early from her sister6s house8
&e9ta &5bado @omingo
-A. G!mber t)e sentences in t)e correct or"er to organi4e t)e conversation.
"ravel agent
0 . 2es# of course. 7here do you want to go8
0 . :hildren8 +ow many children do you have8
0 1 . <ood morning. :an % hel' you8
0 . IrenchL ?h yesL "hat gives me a good ideaL % think % have the 'erfect winter holiday for you.
0 . ?nd how old are they8 7hat do they like doing8
!r and !rs ?dams
0 2 . 2es# 'lease. !y husband and % want to have a winter holiday.
0 . 7ell. "he boy is twelve. +e loves all s'orts D skiing# swimming# footballR "he girl is si9teen. &he doesn6t like s'orts. &he
likes sitting in the sun# reading# drinking coffeeR ?nd she wants to 'ractice her Irench.
0 . "woR two children# a son and a daughter.
0 . 7ell. "his is the 'roblem. % like skiing and winter s'orts# but my husband doesn6t. he wants to rela9 and sit in the sun# and the
-1. Krite s)ort ans,ers to t)e .!estions abo!t t)e 9"ams Iamil'.
a. @o they want a winter holiday8
b. @o !r. ?dams and his daughter like skiing8
c. @o !rs ?dams and her son like skiing8
d. @oes their daughter like s'orts8
e. @oes their daughter s'eak Irench8

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