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Rajayoga Child Birth According to Garbhadhana

Vasthu Brahma
An ancient textbooks our Vedic sagas explained how to get "Rajayoga
Santhanam". After verifying so many books these truths are practically
proved. According to traditional astrology sage Parasara said : "Sarve
trikona netharo grahah subhaphala pradah", which means 1, 5, 9 lords
give good results. It is applicable to Jataka, Prasna, and Muhurtha
Lagnas. By this Sloka twelve Zodiac signs are divided into two
divisions - one division is "Guruvarga Lagnas", which are Mesha,
Kataka, Simha, Vruschika, Dhanus, Meena and Lords of these signs
(Guru, Kuja, Ravi, Chandra, Ketu) are called Guruvarga planets. The
second division is "Sanivarga Lagnas, which are Vrushabha, Mithuna,
Tula, Kanya, Makara, Kumbha and Lords of these signs (Saturn,
Venus, Mercury, Rahu) are called Sanivarga planets, Sanivarga planets
become 1, 5, 9 lords to Sanivarga Lagnas and Guru Varga planets
become 1, 5, 9 lords to Guruvarga lagnas.
According to numerology we can also divide the Lagnas and planets
into two divisions. There are 12 Lagnas from Mesha to Meena. If we
add these 12 serial numbers (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10
+ 11 + 12) we get a total of 78. If we divide 78 by 2; we get 39 for
each division. If we add the serial numbers of Guruvarga Lagnas =
Mesha = 1 + Kataka = 4 + Simha = 5 Vruschika = 8 + Dhanus = 9 +
Meena = 12 we can get the total 39 (half of the total 78). The Guru
and Sani Varga Lagnas are 1800 opposite to each other, so they are
enemies to each other.
Like this there is also another method. It is the divisions of direction
lords. East = 1; its lord Ravi, South-East = 2; its lord Venus, South =
3; its lord Mars, South-West = 4; its lord Rahu, West = 5; its lord
Saturn, North-West = 6; its lord Moon, North = 7; its lord Mercury,
North-East = 8; its lords Guru and Ketu. Now we add the serial
numbers of Guruvarga planets Ravi = 1 + Mars = 3 + Moon = 6 +
Jupiter and Ketu = 8 we can get the total 18 (half of the total direction
No. 36) and we add the numbers of Sanivarga planets, Venus = 2 +
Rahu = 4 + Saturn = 5 + Mercury = 7 we can get the total 18 (half of
the direction's total 36). According to this division Guruvarga directions
are exactly opposite to the Sanivarga directions and these opposite
direction lords are also enemies to each other.
The sign in which the Sun rises in the East is called Udaya Kala Lagna.
The Sun rises one month in every Lagna. Udaya Kala Lagna rises along
with the Sun. After sunrise the other 11 Lagnas also rise in the East
one after the other. Within 24 hours all the 12 Lagnas rise in the East.
The Lagna, which rises in the East, is considered as birth lagna,
Prashna Lagna or Muhurtha Lagna. The Sun is traveling not only in 12
Zodiac signs but also in 8 directions within 24 hours. According to
"Bhubhramana" the Sun is rotating in each direction in 3 hours and
completes the eight directions in 24 hours. If the Sun rises at 6 O'
clock in the mid point of East, he can reach the mid point of South
East at 9 O' clock, the mid point of South at 12 O' clock, the mid point
of South-West at 3 O' clock P.M., the mid point of West at 6 P.M., the
mid point of North-West at 9 P.M. the mid point of North at 12
midnight, the mid point of the North-East at 3 A.M. and he again
reaches the mid point of East at 6 A.M. of next day.
If any Guruvarga Lagna (Mesha, Kataka, Simha, Vruschika, Dhanus,
Meena) rises in the East, the Sun must be in the mid point of his
friendly directions (East mid point, South mid point, North-West mid
point, North-East mid point) it is the Subha Pushkara Kala Lagnam to
Guruvarga Lagnas. By the same way any Sanivarga Lagna
(Vrushabha, Mithuna, Kanya, Tula, Makara, Kumbha) rises in the East
the Sun must be in the mid points of his friendly directions (South-
East mid point, South-West mid point, West mid point, North mid
point) it is the Subha Pushkara Kala Lagna to Sanivarga Lagnas.
In every year the Lagnas and their friendly direction mid points
coincide in the "Soura Mesha Masa" "Soura Simha masa", "Soura
Dhanurmasa". In any month it is Soura Masa or Chandra Masa. If
there is no coincidence to rising Lagnas and directional mid points,
there is no auspicious muhurthas at all in the month. For example
from June 17the to July 17th the Sun rises in the Mithuna, so the
rising Lagna is Mithuna. But the Sun is in the mid point of East, which
is inimical direction, because Mithuna is Sanivarga Lagna and east is
Guruvarga direction. If Sun rises is at 6 O' clock the Sun must be in
the mid point of South-East at 9 A.M. and the Lagna must be
Karkataka at the time. So the Southeast lord Venus is Sanivarga
planet and Karkataka Lagna Lord Moon is a Guruvarga planet become
enemy. Like this in the Soura Mithuna Masa there is no coincidence of
Lagnas and their friendly direction lords.
According to the above explanation in Soura-Mesha, Simha, Dhanus
months coincide with the Lagnas and their friendly direction lords. We
decide the Soura, Mesha, Simha, Dhanus months are auspicious not
only for Garbhadhana Muhurtham but also all other Muhurthas. In
these months children will be born with good character and morality.
Garbhadhana Muhurtham decide in the month of Soura Mithuna Masa
that the children will be born with bad character and immorality. For
example the natives of Mesha, Simha, Dhanus Lagnas at sunrise time
are naturally have good character. But the natives of Mesha Simha,
Dhanur Lagnas at sunset time naturally have bad character (because
sunset time direction lord is Saturn, Sanivarga planet and the lords of
Mesha, Simha, Dhanur Lagnas are Guruvarga planets).
For the couple married in Soura, Mesha, Vrushabha months
(Chandramana Chitra, Vaisakha) the parents and astrologers fix
Garbhadhana Muhurtha only in Soura, Simha Masa (Chandramana
Sravana, or Bhadrapada). For this purpose the parents do not allow
sexual intercourse in the month of Soura Mithunamasa (Chandramana
Ashadamasam). The parents send the bride to her native place
because if the bride (newly married in Soura Mesha or Vrushabha) is in
the house of her mother-in-law, it is bad for her mother-in -law.
So without knowing the above reasons some of the modern people
rejecting the importance of Garbhadhana Muhurtham and fixing the
Garbhadhana Muhurthams they are generating bad character people
who spoil the society with their wild nature.
There is no trouble for newly married couple to follow first
"Garbhadhana Muhurtha who are married from April to June. If they
follow the "Garbhadhana Muhurtha" for first issue, the second and
third Garbhadhana Muhurthas will be set automatically in Soura Simha
Masa, only in the cases of healthy women. This is the reason why our
ancient seers arranged Garbhadhana muhurtha, only for newly
married couple. But any parents who wanted issues of good character
should follow the auspicious Garbhadhana Muhurtham. Now a days
millions of issues are generating in every second. But in this system
only 1/3 of Lagnas coincide with their friendly direction lords. The
remaining 2/3rd of Lagnas would not coincide with their friendly
direction lords. So majority of the issues were generating like
"Kaliyuga Rakshasas". So we could not create peace in the world
without birth control.
If we spread the Garbhadhana Muhurtha all over the world we can
generate the issues with good moral character and creat peace. There
is no necessity of atom bombs and hydrogen bombs. By the power of
moral character we can conquer the world.
According to Garbhadhana Muhurtha we can create not only good
character issues but also highly "Yogavanta" issues. Naturally we can
see the "Yoga Jathakas" - the beneficent planets of 1, 5, 9 lords were
generally situated in exaltation, own house or friendly house at the
beginning of the Rasi. The malefic for planets of 3, 7, 11 lords were
situated in Rasimadhya, in Satruvarga Neecha Rasis and having
benefic influence of 1, 5, 9 lords. Now I am explaining the conditions
to create "Guruvarga Yoga Jataka".
If Jupiter is situated in Meena, he aspects the Karkataka and Vruschika
and he changes them into benefic. By this situation his own house
Meena also becomes beneficial place like this if he is situated either in
Karkataka or Vruschika he can change his situated house and other
two Guruvarga houses. Though Jupiter moves forward to 28
in Meena
his situation occupies unto Mesha 28
and 9th aspect falls from 28
in Vruschika. So Jupiter covers 30
on Kuja Rasis, though he
moves forward in Meena Rasi. Jupiter situation in Meena 1
can cover
of Jupiters house in Meena. If he moves 28
in Meena he occupies
only 2
in Meena and his 9th aspect falls from 28
in Vruschika to 28

of Dhanus. So Jupiter covers his own houses 30
either he is in 1
or in
. If Jupiter is 30
of Meena his 5th aspect falls from Kataka 30
Simha 30
). So Jupiter situated in any degree of Meena, Karkataka,
Vruschika he covers his own house and other two houses of Guruvarga
houses about one year.
In the year when Jupiter is in Meena or Karkataka or Vruschika we
select the months of Soura Mesha, or Soura Simha or Soura Dhanus
Masa. Avoiding the 5 days of menstruation we decide the
Garbhadhana Muhurtha between 6th and 15th day counting the first
day of menstruation.
(A) If we arrange the Garbhadhana Muhurtha in Mesha Soura Masa
there must be Vruschika or Dhanur Lagna from 7.30 P.M. to 10.30
P.M. North-West direction mid point must happen at 9.00 P.M. (if sun
set time is 6.00 P.M.) 9.00 P.M. is the Pushkarakalam if it is Vruschika
or Dhanu lagna. If Veeryakana enters into an egg at that time the
birth of child will happen at ninth month of Soura Dhanur Masa, and
the ascendant must be Guruvarga Lagna (Mesha, Kataka, Simha,
Vruschika, Dhanus, Meena). Upto the birth of child Jupiter must be in
Guruvarga Rasi and aspects the houses of Jupiter, Mars, and Sun. So
the child will be a Guruvarga Yoga Jataka.
(B) In the year when Jupiter is in Meena or Karkataka or Vruschika if
we fix the Garbhadhana Muhurtha in Soura Simha Masa there may be
Meena or Mesha Lagnas between 7.30 to 10.30 P.M. If Veeryakana
enters into an egg at that time the child of born will happen at the 9th
month of Soura Mesha Masa and the ascendant must be a Guruvarga
Lagna only (Mesha, Karkataka, Simha, Vruschika, Dhanus, Meena).
(C) In the year when Jupiter is in Meena or Karkataka or Vruschika if
we fix the Garbhadhana Muhurtha in Soura Dhanur Masa There may
be Karkataka or Simha Lagnas between 7.30 P.M. to 10.30 P.M. and
North-West direction mid point must happen at 9.00 O' clock P.M. If
Veerya kana enters an egg at that time, birth of the child will happen
at the ninth month of Soura Simha Masa and the Lagna of the child
will be a Guruvarga Lagna (Mesha, Kataka Simha, Vruschika, Dhanus,
We can know the month of childbirth and the Lagna will be a
Guruvarga lagna. If the Sanivarga planet is in enemy's Rasi Madhya, it
additionally gives Yoga to the native. We must select the year also to
be the planets of Guruvarga in their own houses in exaltation or in the
beginning of the Rasis. The malefic Sanivarga planets must be
aspected by Guruvarga planets. By the same way we can select
Sumuhurtha in these months at 12 midnight in Sanivarga Lagnas to
create the Sanivarga Yogajatakas also applying opposite rules to
Guruvarga Yoga Jataka. This system is very useful for practical
application. Therefore honorable astrological savants try to apply this
method and give wonderful results to our nation and our world.

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