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Final Exam: Ceramics 2013 1 of 7

Name: ___________________
Fill in the blank:
Directions: Please write the word that best completes the sentences.
1. _________________ is the term that refers to pottery which has been fired once witho!t
2. _________________ !nfired pottery.
3. __________________ sta"e of clay that is hi"hly flexible and ideal for creatin" a "eneral
$. _________________%ta"e of clay that is still damp eno!"h to &oin to other pieces !sin" slip.
For example this is the sta"e handles are applied to m!"s.
'. __________________ sta"e when all physical water is "one from the clay the clay is brittle
and can no lon"er be &oined with other pieces of clay.
(. __________________ is a finished piece of ceramic wear that has been coated with "lass.
Anatomy for the Ceramicist
Directions: Please write the name of the part of the pot on the line with the corresponding
Final Exam: Ceramics 2013 2 of 7
Please write t he name of the tool on the line ne%t too the picture of the tool.
11._____ _________________
1$. _____________________
&ultiple Choice:
Directions: Please place an ' o(er the letter of the answer the best fits the answer.
17. Clay mixed with water to create a p!ddin" consistency is called
*. En"lobe
+. %l!rry
C. %lop
,. %lip
1-. .ressed or rolled flat sections of clay !sed in hand b!ildin".
*. %heet
+. %lab
C. +oard
,. ,o!"h
1/. * method of 0neadin" clay to ma0e it consistent in text!re and air b!bble free.
Final Exam: Ceramics 2013 3 of 7
*. 1nead
+. 2anip!late
C. .alpate
,. 3ed"e
20. Creatin" ceramic shapes on the potter4s wheel.
*. )hrow
+. )!rn
C. %pin
,. )or0
21. )o manip!late clay with yo! fin"ers in yo!r palm to a hollow shape.
*. 1nead
+. .inch
C. 2old
,. .ress
22. * piece of clay rolled li0e a rope !sed in ma0in" pottery.
*. Cone
+. Center
C. Coil
,. Cylinder
23. )he process !sed to attach two or more pieces of clay to"ether.
*. %lip and %core
+. %crape and %lip
C. %cratch and %l!rry
,. %lime and %c!ff
2$. 2ethod !sed when !sin" the potters wheel to ins!re the clay is e5enly distrib!ted
*. Core
+. Central
C. Center
,. Cr!x
2'. )he word !sed to describe the process of ma0in" a 5essel taller when !sin" the wheel.
*. %tretchin"
+. .!llin"
C. Ele5atin"
,. ,rawin"
2(. )he s!bstance !sed to l!bricate clay as it mo5es past a potter4s hands while !sin" the wheel.
*. 6il
+. %lip
Final Exam: Ceramics 2013 $ of 7
C. 3ater
,. 7lide
27. Form !sed to aid in shapin" a plastic slabs
*. %l!mp mold
+. Fo!nd ob&ect
C. +!mp mold
,. %lab mold
2-. %!per 8efined slip !sed to create a smooth shiny white s!rface.
*. )etra simplexa
+. )erra "alla
C. )etra "i"ilala
,. )erra %i"illatta
Final Exam: Ceramics 2013 ' of 7
Please write one thing that could pre(ent the problem described)pictured in *uestion below
then write one method of fi%ing the problem once it has occurred where it says solution. +ach
*uestion will be worth ! points.
27. 2a5is is ma0in" a pot on the potter4s wheel as she be"ins to p!ll the pot hi"her the top of the
pot be"ins to appear !ne5en in hei"ht. 2a5is co!ld throw it a"ainst the wall and "et 0ic0ed
o!t of class or9
a. .re5ention:
b. %ol!tion:
2-. :eddah is attemptin" to create a coil pot while rollin" his first coil he becomes fr!strated
when the coil t!rns o!t flat and not ro!nd and e5en. :eddah co!ld s;!ish it and throw it at
%ally and &!st ta0e a 0 for the pro&ect or ...
c. .re5ention:
d. %ol!tion:
2/. <eloise has finished rollin" o!t slabs and has p!t the slabs to"ether to create a box shape.
=pon comin" to class the next day she finds that her pro&ect has crac0ed alon" two of the
seams. %he considers simply throwin" it in the recycle b!c0et !ntil 2rs. :ennin"s catches
her and "i5es her the followin" wise ad5ice9.
e. .re5ention:
f. %ol!tion:
30. Ch!c0 has &!st finished creatin" a piece of pottery that has se5eral small thin detail pieces
that stic0 o!t away from the body of the pot. *s the pot dries the small detail pieces be"in to
Final Exam: Ceramics 2013 ( of 7
brea0 off. <e is 5ery mad that he spent all that time creatin" the little details only to ha5e
them brea0. 3hat co!ld he do>
". .re5ention:
h. %ol!tion:
31. 3pts 3rite yo!r own problem here:
i. .re5ention:
&. %ol!tion:
32. 3pts. 3rite a problem yo! had here:
a. .re5ention:
b. %ol!tion:

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