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Curriculum vitae

Personal information
Surname/First name HOLBAN MIHAELA
Address 80, eng. Badea Romeo, Vaslui, Romania
Phone 07684016
!"mail iahim#7#$%ahoo.&om
'ationalit% Romanian
Birth date (1/11/1#7#
'ame )e*ore marriage IANCU
Professional experience
07.(010"+resent Postdoctoral Researcher at Al. ,.-u.a /ni0ersit% o* ,asi, Romania,
Fa&ult% o* -hemistr%
Resear&h in the domain o* organi& &hemistr% and +ol%meri&
)iomaterials 1mi&ro/nano+arti&les2 h%drogels, &on3ugates42 tea&hing
a&ti0ities 1Basics in Organic Chemistry 5 la)orator% +ra&ti&e4
11.(007"04.(008 Researcher, Analyst in Material t!dy at 6a&ia 7rou+ Renault,
8io0eni, Romania
Resear&h on +ol%meri& materials 9ith a++li&ations in automoti0e
"e#rees and "iplomas
10.(00:"0(.(010 Ph" thesis in Materials at -laude Bernard, ;%on1 /ni0ersit%, Fran&e
in &o"dire&tion 9ith 7heorghe Asa&hi <e&hni&al /ni0ersit% o* ,asi,
Fa&ult% o* -hemi&al !ngineering and !n0ironmental Prote&tion,
10.(006"0(.(007 Master de#ree in Polymeric Biomaterials at 7heorghe Asa&hi
<e&hni&al /ni0ersit% o* ,asi, Fa&ult% o* -hemi&al !ngineering and
!n0ironmental Prote&tion, Romania
10.(00:"07.(006 Master st!dies in Biomaterials at 7rigore <. Po+a /ni0ersit% o*
8edi&ine and Pharma&%, Fa&ult% o* 8edi&al Bioengineering, ,asi,
10.1##8"0#.(004 Bachelor de#ree $Medical Bioen#ineerin# at 7rigore <. Po+a
/ni0ersit% o* 8edi&ine and Pharma&%, Fa&ult% o* 8edi&al
Bioengineering, ,asi, Romania
Research experience
(010"+resent Postdoctoral researcher 9ithin P=S6R//8#/1.:/S/4##44 +rogram,
entitled Developing the Innovation Capacity and Improving the Impact
of Research through Post-doctoral Programs% *inan&ed )% the
!uro+ean So&ial Found and the Romanian 7o0ernment
(007"(008 Pro&ect leader o* <6 grant, no.60/'(()*'((+, entitled W/O/W multiple
emulsions based on polysaccharides for the controlled release of active
principles *inan&ed )% -'-S,S, Romania
(006"(008 Pro&ect leader in B6 grant, entitled !e" con#ugates based on
polysaccharides and aminoacid derivatives "ith possible
hepatoprotective actions, *inan&ed )% -'-S,S, Romania
(00:"(006 Mem,er o* -!!> grant no.10/0.10.'((-, entitled Innovative,
degradable, bioactive and biocompatible architectures based on
natural and synthetic polymers
(00:"(006 Mem,er o* -!!> grant no.#/0.10.'((-, entitled $dvanced
polymeric biomaterials "ith controlled structure and properties "ith
applications in pharmaceutical and food industry
(00: Mem,er o* -!R!S grant no..*-/0'((.
0("07.(0062 08"11.(007
0#" 10.(0082 0#"11.(011
Research mo,ilities at -laude Bernard ;%on 1 /ni0ersit% 1-P!,
;A7!P? ;-PP4, Villeur)anne, Fran&e
(006 Leonardo "a1inci Research #rant at -laude Bernard ;%on 1
/ni0ersit% 1-P!4, Villeur)anne, Fran&e
0.(00:"08.(00: Erasm!s research mo,ility at S&hool o* Pharma&% and Biomedi&al
S&ien&es, /ni0ersit% o* Portsmouth, /@
2orei#n lan#!a#es
!uro+ean le0el 1A4
%nderstanding &pea'ing Writing
2rench -1 -1 -1
En#lish -1 -1 -1
1A4 -ommon !uro+ean Frame9orB o* Re*eren&e *or ;anguages2 -1"eC+erimented user
<he address o* m% Resear&her ,6 +ro*ile is htt+D//999.resear&herid.&om/rid/B"::0#"(01(.

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