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Senior Cloud Infrastructure Automation Engineer.

Linux Systems Admin, Python & PHP Developer, MySQL DBA

Shmuel Goldstein

733 59th St. #175
Brooklyn, NY 11220

Cloud: Amazon AWS: Amazon Cloudfront, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS
Amazon Route 53, Amazon S3, Amazon ElastiCache
Amazon Cloudformation, Amazon APIs [boto/Python]

Rackspace: Rackspace Servers, Rackspace Files, Rackspace DNS
Rackspace/Openstack API.

Microsoft Windows Azure: Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Storage API.

Google Cloud Storage API.

CDN: Amazon Cloudfront. CDN. Akamai Site Accelerator. Key CDN, CDN 77.

Automation: Opscode Chef: Cookbooks, recipes
Python scripting & deployment automation. Jenkins/Hudson.

API: Facebook API, Google Maps/Charts API, eBay API, Twilio API, Yahoo Social API.

CMS: Drupal 6/7, Magento, Joomla, Wordpress, OSCommerce; most PHP-based CMSs.

VOIP & SMS: Asterisk PBX, SIP, IAX, FreePBX, Twilio, Clickatell.

Database: Amazon RDS, MySQL/MariaDB, Replication, Clustering. Tungsten Replicator.

Version Control: Git. Bitbucket. Github.

Issue tracking: Jira, Confluence.

Monitoring: Zabbix. New Relic. Custom PHP monitoring & automation scripts.

DNS: Amazon Route53, Bind/named, Rackspace DNS, DNSMadeEasy, UltraDNS
custom MyDNS-based DNS failover/High-availability solution.

Scrum / Agile: Atlassian Jira, Target Process. Agile Scrum.

Programming: Python. PHP.

Caching: Varnish cache, Memcache/Memcached, Elasticache.

Job Scheduling: BMC Control-M, Jenkins.

Web Hosting: Cpanel / WHM, Virtuozzo, Plesk, LxLabs HyperVM, Ensim, Alabanza, Hsphere.

Server Software: Linux Redhat, CentOs, Debian, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, RHEL, Suse.

Security: Firewalls: iptables. AES encryption, GPG encryption.

Analytics: Piwik. Awstats.

Web Programming: JQuery, Ajax, CGI, PHP, CSS, DHTML, HTML, XHTML, HTML5, XML, XSLT
Javascript, REST, JSON, SOAP.

Work Experience

May 2012 - Present: Real Estate Management & Collections Brooklyn, NY
Position: PHP 5 Programmer / Linux Administration / MySQL DBA / Apache
Caused Robot-LandLord.coms biggest Real Estate Management client to collect over $428,000.00 more
(a 14% increase, in only 4 months!).
Created cloud-based tenant-management system that interfaces with common Real-Estate Management software such
as Yardi Voyager, iRealtyMananager, RentecDirect, RentRiter, etc.
Developed entire front-end and backend using PHP 5, MySQL, Linux, Apache on the Amazon cloud (Amazon EC2,
Amazon RDS, Amazon S3).
Created robust backup system to backup on an hourly/daily/monthly basis to Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage.
Technologies: Python/boto, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, PHP 5, MySQL, Linux (Fedora), Google Maps,
Javascript, CSS 3, HTML 5, Asterisk PBX, Twilio SMS, Nexmo SMS.


Topology Ive created & administered @

August 2013 - Jan 2014: - 557 Broadway, New York NY
Position: Cloud Automation, Linux Administrator, Python, PHP 5 Programmer

Automation: As a Admin I automated the entire deploy process via Jenkins and Python scripts: with the
push of a button deploy the entire site including chef-client runs on multiple servers, clearing Drupal
cache, clearing multiple varnish caches, purge multiple Akamai URLs, and report everything in Jenkins

Opscode Chef: Modified & fixed existing chef cookbooks and created new recipes & cookbooks to automate
the entire infrastructure on AWS.

Control Panel: Created a web-based Control-Panel for Middleware to automate the creation and easy viewing
of multiple Amazon accounts containing Scholastic.coms servers.

Intranet: Created an intranet web-interface to manage clearing (purging) multiple Varnish caches by just
specifying a URL.

Technologies: Python, PHP 5, MySQL, Akamai, JQuery, Varnish, Amazon Cloudfront, Amazon EC2, Amazon
S3, Amazon RDS, Jenkins, Opscode Chef, Akamai, IIS, Amazon RDS, HTML 5, CSS 3, RHEL.

July 2012 - Feb 2013:, Manhattan, NY
Position: MySQL Programmer / PHP 5 Development / Linux Administration.
Automatically import into Joomla CMS backend all High5games online games. [PHP 5 + MySQL + Joomla CMS
+ HTML5 + Javascript.]
Created backup system to automatically backup databases on an hourly/daily/monthly basis while minimizing
backup disk usage [PHP 5 + MySQL + Linux shell, crontab].
Secure servers, block unused ports, remove unused services. [Linux administration for servers &
Amazon AWS: EC2 instances. Redhat (RHEL), CentOS]
Troubleshoot Apache, PHP 5, MySQL, and any other system problems. Provide MySQL and PHP 5 support, as
well as HTML5 and Javascript.

June 2012 - July 2012: -
Position: MySQL DBA / PHP 5 Programmer.
Fixed MySQL slow query from 30+ seconds to less than 0.5 seconds!
Develop migration plan to the cloud; Amazon EC2, RDS, Auto Scale, Load Balancing, S3.
Fixed many slow queries by first using the slow-query-log and then fixing any indexing problems.
Troubleshoot and speed up live website (30-sec load-time sped up to ~0.5 sec) and database servers.
Technologies: Apache, MySQL, PHP 5, Joomla, Flexicontent, Amazon, Linux CentOS.

May 2012 - June 2012: Nielsen (Nielsen Photo Network -->,, Manhattan
Position: Linux (Cloud) Administration / MySQL DBA / / PHP 5 Programmer.
Migrate multiple websites to Amazon cloud services, including: Amazon EC2, S3, RDS.

Mar 2012 - May 2012: Conde Nast (Conde Nast Media Group -->
Position: MySQL DBA / PHP 5 Programmer / Linux Administration.
Participated in a team developing SWEEPR, a complex sweepstakes/contest program builder.
Migrated image storage to Amazon S3.
Troubleshooted database problems.
Migrate current API to a REST API.
[Amazon AWS: EC2, S3. DBs: MySQL, Amazon RDS.]

Dec 2010 - Nov 2011:
Position: Remote MySQL DBA / PHP 4 Programmer / Linux Administration
Creating PHP scripts to monitor 90,000,000+ domains for expiring domains.
MySQL database to track domain's status, PHP scripting to execute 'dig' and 'whois' at timed intervals to detect
status changes.
Administer Linux server, install and maintain MySQL database. Optionally expand to cloud / cluster for faster
distributed performance.

Jun 2008 - Dec 2009: Freelance
Position: Remote MySQL DBA / PHP Programmer / Linux Administration
Created automated Forex trade-execution software based on buy/sell signals (PHP, MySQL).
International Telephone System, providing daily Daf Yomi (Hourly Study Program) (Asterisk PBX).
Created clustered mailing software, to send 80,000,000 personalized emails per day (Linux Cluster,
Created a DNS Management System to provide directory services for 1+ million sites (PHP/MySQL).
Created rss2blog, a Wordpress plugin that automatically creates posts from RSS feeds. (PHP,
MySQL, Wordpress).

Mar 2008 - Apr 2008: / Dynasec Ltd.
Position: Joomla / PHP
Transfer entire website to Joomla CMS.

2007 2008:
Position: PHP / MySQL Developer
Developed data mining and scraping scripts using PHP and MySQL, and managed Linux server.
Technologies: PHP, MySQL, SEO, curl, data mining, regular expressions, HTML, Javascript.

2004 2005:
Position: Linux Administrator, Technical Support
Provided Level I / II / III Technical Support and Linux Administration for all webhosting servers.
Technologies: Redhat Linux Administration, Apache, Sendmail, Exim, DNS, MySQL.

2003 2004:
Position: Linux Administrator, Technical Support
Managed help-desk team for 24/7/365 Live Technical Support.
Technologies: Apache, PHP, DNS, iptables, database administration, backup services.


English, Spanish, Hebrew, French, Yiddish.


My education never ends - I study Torah every day.

2009 - 2010: Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim, Chabad-Lubavitch, Ramat Aviv, Israel.

1994 2001: Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim, Chabad-Lubavitch, 774 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY.

1989 1994: Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim, Chabad-Lubavitch, Brunoy, France.

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