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Marketing Opportunities
American Society of Professional Estimators Serving Construction Estimators Since 1956.
Christian Lutz, Assistant Executive Director |
2525 Perimeter Place Drive Suite 103, Nashville, TN 37214
Phone: 615.316.9200 | Fax: 615.316.9800 | Online:
2012 ASPE. All Rights Reserved.
The American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE) is the oldest and largest non-proft
association dedicated to serving construction estimators. Founded in 1956, ASPE has thousands
of members in 65 chapters across the United States.
ASPE is the leading authority on education and information about the estimating profession
within the construction industry. The membership of the organization represents all construction
disciplines including general and subcontractors as well as independent estimators, students, and
those individuals that provide goods and services to estimators.
What started out as a small group of twenty individuals in Los Angeles has grown into a national
organization whose members are a loyal and dedicated group of professionals. The Annual
Convention & Estimating Academy is the estimating event of the year where members and non-
members alike can learn best practices and leading-edge concepts and methods that improve
construction estimating.
Marketing your product or service with ASPE is a cost-effective way to meet your goals and
associate yourself with the oldest and largest national association serving construction estimators.
Here are some more reasons why you should invest your marketing dollars in ASPE:
We represent a niche market in the construction industry.
Our members represent a majority of the ENR Top 400 Contractors.
In a recent survey of ASPE members, 71% identifed themselves as the decision-maker
for purchases made by the Estimating Department.
Clearly, marketing with ASPE is the best investment. Besides, why let your competition have an
advantage with your absence?
Who We Are
Marketing Methods:
Corporate Annual Partners
Estimating Today
Annual Guide
Website & Digital Communication
National & Regional Meetings
American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE). Dedicated to serving construction estimators since 1956,
Corporate Annual Partners
We have created a dynamic array of highly effective sponsorships and incorporated numerous networking
opportunities to ensure your visibility is maximized and your marketing dollars are well-spent.
For those wishing to have year-long brand exposure at the National and regional levels of ASPE, we have developed
the Corporate Annual Partners (CAP) program.
Pick the level that best suits your needs, write one check, and get optimum coverage.
Due to production needs, some sponsorship items must be purchased by March 1. Any sponsorship requiring
artwork must be approved by ASPE in advance.
Space - Estimating Today (all 11 isuues) 1/4 page 1/2 page Full page Inside Front or Back
Space - 2013-2014 Annual Guide 1/4 page 1/2 page Full page Inside Front or Back
Space - Convention Program 1/4 page 1/2 page Full page Inside Front or Back
Button ad on ASPE website with link 3 months 6 months 12 months
Membership E-blasts 1 2 4 6
Exhibit Space at Annual Convention 10 x 10 10 x 10 10 x 10 20 x 20
Full Conference Registration(s) 1 2
One Hour presentation in Demo Room at Convention
Convention Exclusives* Level IV Level III Level II Level I
Marketing insert in Attendee Packets
Co-sponsorship of Welcome Reception at Convention
Sponsorship of Regional Meetings 2 4 8
Exclusive sponsor of webinar series
Exclusive sponsor of mobile app
Recognition on sponsorship page of ASPE website
Special Partners logo for your use
Printed Signage
Nametag ribbon at Convention
Framed Certifcate of Appreciation
($7,950 value) ($15,025 value) ($24,005 value) ($50,000 value)
* Convention Exclusives: Choice of sponsoring
Level 1 Awards Dinner, Presidents Party, or Keynote Speaker
Level II Luncheon or Convention Portfolio
Level III Convention Tote Bags or Estimating Academy Flash Drives
Level IV Beverage Break or an Estimating Academy session
American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE). Dedicated to serving construction estimators since 1956,
Why Advertise?
Dedicated Readership
Readers of Estimating Today rely on the
publication to keep them abreast of activities,
issues, and news within the estimating
profession and the construction industry.
Niche Market
ASPE has thousands of members in
65+ chapters across the United States
and represent a variety of construction
disciplines from small consulting frms to large
construction companies.
Digital Distribution
Estimating Today is quickly disseminated to
ASPE members through digital distribution
without the delays caused by printers and
unpredictable mail delivery. In addition,
Estimating Today is available for download in
either digital or PDF format from the ASPE
national website.
Authoritative Voice
Since 1956, ASPE and its publications including
Estimating Today have been the authoritative
voice on all issues relating to the estimating
profession. For over 50 years, ASPE is the
estimating authority in the construction
by JD Helms, Viewpoint Product Manager Cloud Computing
Technology on the go is now a key part of
every business. Yes, every business. Even your
cab driver is checking his email and making sure
his direct deposit went through on a smart
phone hopefully not while driving! Ever glance
around an airport gate waiting area? Everyone
is jockeying for position at one of the charging
stations or conducting phone business in over
half the seats. As a software provider to the
construction industry, weve seen a dramatic
shift in the need for anytime, anywhere data in
the last few years. From the suits to the hard
hats, access to data is a necessary factor in a tight
construction market for keeping an edge on the
Watching the shift to mobile data was a fxture
on our horizon for a number of years, soViewpoint
began planning for this new way of business by
releasing a Cloud deployment solution so that
clients could securely access their software from
anywhere. Security and peace-of-mind were also
increasingly important to clients and the Cloud
had proven to be an extremely safe environment
for data and a smart way to take the focus off
IT tasks, allowing a better focus on business.
The next step was learning how customers
access data in the cloud and we learned that
new technologies were indeed being utilized.
Through customer visits and reviewing feedback
from our user conferences, we discovered that
most folks are choosing to access their mobile
data on tablets such as the iPad and are seeking
all the related technology and tools to make that
as easy as possible. Here are some ways that
construction companies are using iPads or other
tablets today thanks to mobility provided via the
mobility of the Cloud.
April 2012
Prepare for the New Reality
The Cloud and iPads in Construction
Technical Paper
HowToEstimate the Cost of a
submitted by James Goree, Jr., CPE
What successf ul Cost Estimators know. . . . and you shoul d, too.
James Goree, Jr., CPE is a General Construction
Estimator in Birmingham, Alabama with the LEED AP
BD+C credential. James earned his Bachelor of Building
Construction and Master of Building Construction degrees
from Auburn Universitys College of Architecture, Design
and Construction McWhorter School of Building Science.
James began his career with a predominant healthcare
contractor where he was exposed to negotiated bid work as
well as construction eld supervision in Houston, Texas.
In order to concentrate more heavily on estimating, James
then began work with a program manager in Birmingham,
Alabama, where he concentrates on general building
construction and site work cost consulting for public school
systems, community colleges, universities and private
commercial projects.
1) Introduction
2) Types and Methods of Measurements
3) Special Factors In Takeoff & Pricing
4) Overview of Labor, Materials, Equipment,
Indirect Costs, & Approach to Markups
5) Special Risk Considerations
6) Ratios and Analysis - Testing the Bid
7) Misc. Pertinent Information
8) Sample Sketches
9) Sample Estimate - Takeoff &Pricing Sheets
10) Glossary
11) References
July 2012
February 2012
Bridging the Gap Between Education and the Construction Industry
January 2012
Estimating for
an IPD Project
The Young
To Be or
Not To Be
Moving Your Bid Room into Controlled Real-Time
How To Estimate
The Cost Of:
A Water Drainage
Exterior Insulation
Finish System
Your advertisement in Estimating Today is linked directly to your website!
Technical Paper Estimating-Related Articles
Estimating Today is a monthly news magazine
designed to engage readers with all aspects
of construction estimating. Maximize your
marketing dollars, increase visibility, and keep
your companys name and products in front of
the people who make purchasing decisions for
the estimating department.
Estimating Today
The offcial magazine of ASPE
American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE). Dedicated to serving construction estimators since 1956,
Ad Specifcations:
Ad Submittal Deadlines
December 2012
Submittals Deadline: October 19

January 2013
Submittals Deadline: November 16
February 2013
Submittals Deadline: December 21
March 2013
Submittals Deadline: January 18
April 2013
Submittals Deadline: February 15
May 2013
Submittals Deadline: March 22
June 2013
Submittals Deadline: April 19
July 2013
Submittals Deadline: May 17
August/September 2013
Submittals Deadline: July 19
October 2013
Submittals Deadline: August 23
November 2013
Submittals Deadline: September 20
December 2013
Submittals Deadline: October 18
2012-2013 Estimating Today Rate Card
Size 1X 6X 11X
Outside Back Cover* $1,000
Inside Front or Inside Back Cover* $1,500
Full Page $1,000 $900 $800
Half Page $750 $650 $550
Quarter Page $500 $400 $350
Business Card $275 $250 $200
*Premium pages only available with annual commitment & subject to availability.
Media Preparation
Adobe PDF is the preferred fle-submission format. Create ad to the
Estimating Today-specifc size in CMYK color mode with graphic elements
sized and placed at 100% and embed all fonts.
Convert all RGB photos to CMYK.
Photos must be high-resolution; 300 dpi is optimal.
Colors must be built using CMYK model.
Spot colors will be converted to nearest CMYK equivalent.
Supported layout programs: InDesign CS3, Illustrator CS3 & Photoshop CS3.
W: 7.5
H: 7.5
W: 3.625
H: 4.5
W: 3.5
H: 2
W: 7.5
H: 4.5
Width x Height
American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE). Dedicated to serving construction estimators since 1956,
Distributed every fall, the Annual Guide is sent to the
entire ASPE membership. Every member will have this
publication within arms reach as it serves as a year-round
reference in every estimators library.
Advertising in the Annual Guide is the perfect opportunity
to target our members with information about your
products, services and opportunities. For those that
purchase a display advertisement, you will receive one
FREE listing (a $150 value).
Serving Construction Estimators Since 1956
American Society of
Professional Estimators
Ad Specifcations:
2013-2014 Annual Guide
Size 1X
Outside Back Cover* $2,400
Inside Front or Inside Back Cover* $1,750
Full Page $1,200
Half Page $750
Quarter Page $500
Business Card $275
50-word Listing $150
*Subject to availability.
Media Preparation
Adobe PDF is the preferred fle-submission format. Create ad to the
Annual Guide-specifc size in CMYK color mode with graphic elements
sized and placed at 100% and embed all fonts.
Convert all RGB photos to CMYK.
Photos must be high-resolution; 300 dpi is optimal.
Colors must be built using CMYK model.
Spot colors will be converted to nearest CMYK equivalent.
Supported layout programs: InDesign CS3, Illustrator CS3 & Photoshop CS3.
W: 3.625
H: 4.5
W: 3.5
H: 2
W: 7.5
H: 4.5
Width x Height
American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE). Dedicated to serving construction estimators since 1956,
Website & Digital Communication
Website Buttons Ads Size Frequency/Rate per month
Button Ads Available on right side bar Pixels: WxH 3X 6X 12X
120x90 $330 $300 $260
120x120 $360 $330 $290
120x150 $390 $360 $320
Email Campaigns Rate
Email advertising, affectionately known as e-blasts,
to the entire ASPE membership. ASPE limits the
number of campaigns and frequency.
-- Must provide ASPE with HTML fle --
Per Campaign
NEW for 2013! Rate
Increase your brand recognition by placing
your corporate logo onto our monthly e-blast
notifcations. These notifcations are sent monthly
to our entire membership announcing that the new
issue of Estimating Today is ready for their viewing
and/or download. See example to the right.
One Month
One Quarter
(3 months)
175 x 120
American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE). Dedicated to serving construction estimators since 1956,
We all know fnding and flling construction estimating jobs is not easy. The challenge is fnding
qualifed candidates. ASPEs Career Center gives employers and candidates a better way to connect.
Visit the Career Center today at and click on Find a Job or Post a Job on the
homepage then discover the possibilities.
Online Career Center
Career Center Options Pricing
Single job posting Position announcements are valid for 60 days. $180
Spotlight Upgrade
Your job will be highlighted in the search results to
Preferred Upgrade
This upgrade keeps your job at the top of the job listings.
Your posting is marked with a red star for maximum
10 Pack
A subscription of ten 60-day job postings to be used
within a 1-year period.
60-day job posting + Construction
Job Board Network
This product bundle provides one position
announcement on the ASPE Career Center along with
secondary exposure on the job board sites of 28 other
construction-related organizations.
Resume purchase
Viewing resumes are free; however, contact information
is kept anonymous. You must send an inquiry to the
candidate to express your interest. If the candidate
responds, you pay the associated cost and contact
information is revealed. If no response, you pay nothing
and the candidate remains anonymous.
American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE). Dedicated to serving construction estimators since 1956,
Regional meetings offer your company additional exposure to ASPE members. Held at
least once per year, the regional meetings are educational for those members that may
not be able to attend the annual convention as well as those non-members wishing to
learn more about ASPE. Having a presence regionally extends your personal interaction
with our members to more than just once a year.

Sponsorship benefts consist of your company logo included on all pre-event publicity (both
digital and printed) and on-site materials, as well as a 1-hour time slot for a presentation.
Depending upon the meeting venue, there may be space available for a tabletop display.
Additional time for interaction in the schedule may be possible if special events (i.e. welcome
receptions, site tours, etc.) have been planned.
Regional Meetings
One Region $600
All 4 Regional Meetings $2,000
Upcoming Meetings Location*
Spring 2013
Northwest & Southwest San Jose, CA
Central Plains Des Moines, IA
Southeast Nashville, TN
Northeast TBD
*Subject to change.
American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE). Dedicated to serving construction estimators since 1956,
The Decision to Exhibit is as Easy as 1-2-3
A solid 17 hours of face-to-face
interaction with attendees. Increase
to 20 hours for those who sign up
to be Sponsors.
Lead Generation
Promote your brand to estimating
leaders with the infuence and
power to buy.
A free listing in the Convention
Program tells every attendee about
your company. After the event, each
exhibitor receives a fnal attendee
registration list.
Sponsors: $3,000
All benefts of Exhibitor plus:
Co-sponsorship of Welcome Reception
Quarter page ad in Convention Preview & Convention Recap
issues of Estimating Today
Special pre-convention e-blast
Marketing insert in all Convention attendee packets
Standard Sponsors & Exhibitors Benefts
Recognition on Convention page of ASPE website
Visual recognition at Annual Convention
Appropriate colored ribbon on convention nametag(s)
Exhibitors: $1,500
One (1) draped 6 table, 2 chairs, and electrical access
Listing in Convention Program
Opportunity to participate in door prize program
Any sponsorship requiring artwork must be approved by ASPE in advance.
The ASPE Annual Convention & Estimating Academy offers construction estimators the opportunity to expand their
professional knowledge and learn methods to help their businesses succeed. This annual event allows construction
estimators from across the country to learn emerging trends in the estimating profession through informative
educational sessions and workshops.
A La Carte Items* Price Benefts + Extras
Special Events
Your Choice of:
Awards Banquet
Presidents Party
Keynote Speaker
Marketing insert in all Convention
attendee packets
Luncheon $3,000
15 minute presentation to attendees
VIP seating
Marketing insert in all Convention
attendee packets
(limited to 1 sponsor)
Company logo will be printed on
portfolio as well as the ASPE logo
Tote Bags $2,000
Company logo will be printed on
portfolio as well as the ASPE logo
Beverage Break $500
*Subject to availability
Convention & Estimating Academy
American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE). Dedicated to serving construction estimators since 1956,
Drive traffc to your booth by purchasing an advertisement
in the 2013 Convention Program.
All attendees receive the Program which includes the
complete convention agenda, maps of the convention
venue, session descriptions, a list of pre-registered attendees,
exhibitor listings, and much more.
Your ad will remind attendees of your services and products
and brings them to you during and after the event. Attendees
often retain the Program and use it as a ready reference
throughout the year for locating products and services,
reinforcing your brand and visibility.
July 11 - 14
American Society of Professional Estimators
Serving Construction Estimators Since 1956
Attendee Name:
Convention Program
Size Price
Inside Front or Inside Back Cover* $1,000
Full Page $600
Half Page $375
Quarter Page $200
*Subject to availability.
Media Preparation
Adobe PDF is the preferred fle-submission format. Create ad to the
Convention Program-specifc size in CMYK color mode with graphic
elements sized and placed at 100% and embed all fonts.
Convert all RGB photos to CMYK.
Photos must be high-resolution; 300 dpi is optimal.
Colors must be built using CMYK model.
Spot colors will be converted to nearest CMYK equivalent.
Supported layout programs: InDesign CS3, Illustrator CS3 & Photoshop CS3.
Ad Specifcations:
Full Page
Ad Size: 4.875 x 8
(Also Live Area)
Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
W: 2.3125
H: 3.875
W: 4.875
H: 3.875
American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE). Dedicated to serving construction estimators since 1956,
Amount to Charge:
MasterCard VISA AMEX
Credit Card Number
CVC Code Exp. Date
Billing Address Billing Zip Code
Authorized Signature
Please check the boxes below that apply to your marketing commitments.
2012- 2013 Marketing Order Form
Please return completed form to: | Fax: 615.316.9800
Company Name: Contact Person:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
Phone: Email:
Corporate Annual Partners
PLATINUM only 1 available! . . . . $40,000
GOLD only 2 available! . . . . . . . $20,000
SILVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,000
BRONZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000
Estimating Today
Outside Back Cover*
Inside Front or Inside Back Cover*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Business Card
Annual Guide
Outside Back Cover* . . . . . . $2,400
Inside Front or Back Cover* . . . $1,750
Full Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,200
Half Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . $750
Quarter Page . . . . . . . . . . $500
Business Card . . . . . . . . . . $275
50-word Listing . . . . . . . . . $150
Website & Digital Communications
Button Ads
Email Campaigns
HTML email advertisement $600
Sponsored email: $250/mo. $600/qtr
Online Career Center
Orders for the Career Center can be placed online at:
Convention & Estimating Academy
SPONSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000
EXHIBITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500
Convention Program
Inside Front or Inside Back Cover* . . . $1,000
Full page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $600
Half page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $375
Quarter page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200
Convention A La Carte*
Awards Banquet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000
Presidents Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000
Keynote Speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000
Luncheon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000
Portfolio only 1 available! . . . . . . . . . $3,000
Tote Bags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000
Beverage Break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500
multiply by
multiply by
** Save, then Email using:
* Subject to availability
Submit Via Email

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