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COMPETENCE:Identifico palabras claves dentro de un texto que me permitan comprender

su sentido general.
1.escriban el texto en el cuaderno
2.respondan las preguntas.
3.con el vocabulario desconocido realicen una sapa de letras
4.recojan cuadernos.
Last week Clive and Jennifer Baker made one of the most difficult decisions in their
lives. They got rid of their TV set. Clive and Jennifer are in their mid-forties and have
been married for 1 years. They have three children! "udrey! 1#! $eith! 1%! and
Jeremy! &. "nd it was mainly because of the children that they decided that the TV
had to go. Before then! this was how a ty'ical day in the life of their eldest child!
"udrey! looked.
"udrey used to get u' every morning at .(%. )he had breakfast in front of the TV!
because breakfast TV was new and interesting! and it gave her something to do
before she went to school. "t &.1* she left the house and +oined her friends at the bus
sto' to wait for the school bus. They s'ent their time talking about what they had seen
on TV the 'revious evening. "t school she usually felt a bit tired! and she liked to have
a little snoo,e! es'ecially during -rench lessons. .hen school finished at # o/clock!
she rushed down to the bus sto'! and soon as she was back home 0 watching TV.
)he had her dinner on a tray in front of the TV! and if one of the boys said one word!
she screamed at them to shut u'. The evening continued as it had started1 The TV set
on! and the whole family glued to the bo2! no one daring to make a sound.
.hen it was finally time to go to bed! "udrey didn/t mind. )he had a small 'ortable TV
in her bedroom! and she was allowed to watch a bit more before she went to slee' 0
instead of reading a book. "lthough her mum and dad didn/t know! she sometimes
didn/t switch off till after 11.(%! and maybe that was why she was so tired the ne2t
The things changed. Clive and Jennifer reali,ed that the children were s'ending too
much time in front of the TV. Jeremy often had nightmares! and his 'arents decided
that 'erha's TV was to blame. 3ost im'ortantly of all! Clive reali,ed that he never
heard anything about what the children had done at school. 4n fact! he rarely s'oke to
his children at all. 5ven at the weekends! the TV was on from early morning till
midnight. 6o one thought of turning it off if there was nothing interesting on. 74 noticed
that the children didn/t take in what was going on around them when they were
watching TV. 4t was as if they were in a trance. .orld .ar 444 could have started and
they wouldn/t have turned their heads away from the screen!8 says Clive. 7The final
straw was when Jeremy came back from a friend/s birthday 'arty and told us all about

a horror film on video he had seen there. "udrey and $eith both said they/d seen it
too! but they found it boring. Then they started talking about the really grim videos
their friend Trevor had. 4 knew 4 had to 'ut a sto' to it all.8
"nd how is the family co'ing with life without TV9 7.ith great difficulty!8 says Clive.
7The children can/t think of anything to do and are always getting in each other/s hair.
They say they/ve got nothing to talk about to their friends at school! and everybody
laughs at them. 4t/s also been rather e2'ensive so far. 4/ve had to buy the kids comics
to read! and we/ve been at the local hamburger +oint a few times. But 4/m still
convinced that these 'roblems will soon disa''ear when we all get used to being
without the TV.8
Comprehension Tasks
I. Language
1. -ind synonyms or 'ara'hrases. :o not use the underlined words.
a; < on TV the 'revious evening
b; < she screamed at them to shut u'
c; The evening continued as it had started.
d; the children were s'ending too much time in front of the TV.
e; 5ven at the weekends! <
f; < how is the family co'ing with life without TV9
=. -ind o''osites.
a; ty'ical b; interesting
c; evening d; to go to bed
e; switch off f; rarely
g; early morning h; everybody
i; e2'ensive +; to buy
II Comprehension Questions
1. 3atching e2ercise1 Combine the 'arts on the left with the 'arts on the right to form
logical sentences.
" Clive and Jennifer decided
B "udrey used to
C "udrey/s 'arents didn/t mind her
: 3r and 3rs Baker thought
5 "udrey and $eith often
- The Baker children are now
> The Bakers ho'e that things will get
better when they all get used to
1 watching TV in her room.
= watched horror videos at their friend
( being without TV.
# finding it hard to live without TV.
* that they had to throw out their TV.
? watch TV every morning.
that TV was giving Jeremy nightmares.
(. .rite down whether the following statements are true! false or not given.
True -alse 6ot given
Clive and Jeremy threw out their TV
because they didn/t like the
'rogrammes that were shown.
"udrey watched TV before going to
"udrey/s mum drove her to school
every day.
-rench was not "udrey/s favourite
school sub+ect.
"udrey sometimes watched TV till
almost midnight.
The Baker children liked to talk about
Clive thinks that .orld .ar 444 is going
to start soon.
The Bakers are finding it hard to co'e
with life without TV.
The Baker children now talk to their
friends about their comics.

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