GCF FTQO Feb2014

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FTQO benefi t s

FTQOs make an important contribution to ensuring GCF Certification reflects the diversity of
infrastructure elements that are increasingly being incorporated in multi-vendor networks.

By becoming an FTQO, an operator increases the probability that new devices will be end-to-
end tested against equipment from its own infrastructure vendors.

FTQO networks are open to testing by any device manufacturers. As a result, the FTQOs
network may be used to test devices that may not pass through the operators own acceptance
testing programme but might still appear on its network via SIM-free sales or through
independent distribution channels. In this way, the average quality of experience is increased
for all customers irrespective of the channel through which they acquired their devices.

Roaming generates important incremental revenues, but operators have no control over the
devices that are used by in-bound roamers. By becoming an FTQO, an operator increases the
probability that in-bound roaming devices will work correctly on its own network.

While not directly involved in conducting the required tests, FTQOs can benefit greatly from
closer relationships with the worlds leading device manufacturers. With their technical
expertise, these knowledgeable users are often able to share insights that enable FTQOs to
fine-tune network configurations and so deliver an enhanced service to their customer base.

Field Trial Qualified Operators (FTQO)
Join leading operators in maintaining the benchmark for device interoperability

FTQO Benefi ts
! Confirmation that new devices are
interoperable with your network.
! Help ensure devices sold to your customers
will work with roaming partners and that in-
bound roamers will experience trouble free
service in your network.
! Insight into the real-world customer
experience of new devices
! Enhanced information-sharing relationships
with leading device manufacturers
! Technical insights that can be used to
optimise network configurations and
customer experience
GCFs current FTQOs
! AT&T Wireless, USA
! Bouygues Telecom, France
! Chungwha Telecom, Taiwan
! Clear Wireless, USA
! Deutsche Telekom, Germany
! NTT DoCoMo, Japan
! Orange, France
! Orange, Romania
! Telecom Italia, Italy
! Telefnica, Germany
! Telefnica, Spain
! Telefnica, UK
! TeliaSonera, Finland
! Telstra, Australia
! TMN, Portugal
! Vodafone, Germany
! Vodafone, Greece
! Vodafone, Italy
! Vodafone, Portugal
! Vodafone, Spain
! Vodafone, UK

GCF Certification promotes global interoperability between mobile phones, wireless modems,
modules, connected devices and mobile networks. The scheme underpins the quality of
devices and the mobile services they access.
Established in 1999, the Global Certification Forum is an active partnership between operators,
device manufacturers and the test industry. With its ethos of test once, use anywhere, GCF
Certification provides a consistent framework for the testing of all mobile devices, including
sophisticated multi-mode, multi-band devices. The scheme enables mobile devices to be
certified quickly and affordably. It also contributes to faster adoption and commercialisation of
new mobile technologies.
Testing devices in live network conditions is a unique feature of GCF Certification that
significantly enhances the robustness of the scheme. Field Trial Qualified Operators (FTQO) are
operators that declare capabilities in designated areas of their networks open and make them
available for field trial testing.
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Gl obal Cert i fi cati on For um
20-22 Bedford Row,
London, WC1J 4JS, UK
Company Registration Number 6594830

For more i nf or mati on, or to j oi n GCF, vi si t www. gl obal cer t i fi cat i onf or um. or g

Or emai l : gcf @gl obal cert i f i cat i onforum. or g

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Dri vi ng qual i ty
By requiring end-to-end testing of devices on several representative networks, GCF Field Trials give operators and manufacturers real insight into the
way new devices will behave in the hands of end-users.
In combination with conformance testing, field trials build confidence in new devices, mitigating risks to the brands of the operators on whose
networks the devices may be used.
By helping to raise overall levels of interoperability between mobile devices and networks, field trials contribute to OpEx savings for the whole
industry. For operators, field trials can also generate additional OpEx savings by allowing in-house acceptance testing to be focused on their own
brand-specific services and propositions rather than the fundamental capabilities of new devices.
Field trial testing is undertaken by the device manufacturer or a third party GCF Recognised Test Organisation (RTO) contracted by the manufacturer.
Become an FTQO
By becoming an FTQO, an operator ensures that the infrastructure systems used in its own network are candidates for use within GCF Certification
Field Trials.
Closer contact with the worlds leading device manufacturers and the insights that can be gained into the configuration of their own networks are
additional returns that operators can make on the modest investment of time required to set-up as an FTQO.
The process of becoming an FTQO starts with the completion of a Field Trial Declaration. This specifies the contact details for the operators
designated Field Trial Officer (and deputy) and the infrastructure combinations, service platforms and key parameters, application enablers and
supplementary services available for field trials.
The FTQO also defines test routes covering the available infrastructure combinations and handover scenarios in its network and advises manufacturers
on how to obtain the appropriate commercial (U)SIM cards required to undertake the testing.
For more information and guidance on becoming a GCF Field Trial Qualified Operator please contact Chris Hogg or Jerome Hamel.

Chri s Hogg
Programme Manager, GCF
Jerome Hamel
Chair, GCF Field Trial Agreement Group

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