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Firefighting Heroes

Standard: Social Studies (NCSS): Individuals, groups and institutions.

Common Core Standard: Reading Informational Text: Kno and use various text features to
locate !e" facts or information in text.
R.IT.00.01 identif" and descri#e t$e #asic form and purpose of a
variet" of informational genre including environmental text,
concept #oo!s, and picture #oo!s.
II. Objective/Benchmark
Read Nes stories a#out firefig$ting $eroes.
!. I am going to teac$ a#out forest fires. It is important #ecause it is somet$ing t$at $appens in our orld. It
is also important to !no $o puts out t$e fires to protect t$e plants, animals, $umans and overall
I am going to teac$ a#out captions. I am going to teac$ t$e students $at captions are used for and
$ere t$e" are located. It is important #ecause captions give important information.
B. %iven a sc$olastic nes, t$e students ill #e a#le to identif" $ere to find a caption #" pointing to it.
%iven a sc$olastic nes, t$e students ill #e a#le to respond to &uestions a#out smo!e 'umping
( of ) correctl".
%iven a or!s$eet, t$e students ill #e a#le to correctl" identif" $at starts a forest fire #" circling * of +
%iven a paragrap$, t$e students ill #e a#le to identif" $ic$ statements are true and $ic$ ones are
false #" circling t$em on t$eir paper.
%iven a or!s$eet, students ill #e a#le to fill in a grap$ it$ ,--. accurac".
". It ill #e measured t$roug$ or!s$eets and ver#al responses.
III. !ntici#ator$ Set
/. 0ill in t$e #lan! (!ind of li!e $ang man).
1. 2$at are some !e" ords "ou t$in! of $at "ou t$in! of fires3
(rescue, ildfires, forest fires, sirens, dalmations, $ot, dangerous, parac$utes, etc. )
C. 4ur fire drill on 5onda": 2$" did e $ave to go outside3
In#%t 5aterials and met$ods needed to present lesson
/. Tas! /nal"sis
2$at information does t$e learner need3
Common !noledge a#out $at a fire and firefig$ter is.
,. 2$at are t$e step6#"6step procedures of t$e lesson
See last page.
7. T$in!ing 8evels: 1loom9s Taxonom" (refer to ot$er pages in Text and Tips
:. Knoledge ; !no 2$at do "ou !no a#out forest fires3
<. /pplication ; using !noledge of filling in grap$s for t$e future
1. 5et$od and 5aterials
,. 2a"(s) of presenting: lecture, discussion, demonstration, getting involved ($ands6on)
:. Sc$olastic nes, or!s$eets=or!#oo!, computer for game
C. >isual input accompanied #" ver#al input.
Tell and t$en S$o. 8earn a#out fires and fire fig$ters and t$en let t$em explore a little more it$ t$e computer game.
2$ere is t$e caption3
7ave students point to t$e caption on t$eir page.
?irections in t$e sc$olastic sa" to put a c$ec! #" t$e caption. I put a c$ec! #" t$e caption
7ave students put a c$ec! #" t$e caption
In t$e caption, circle $ere @epper ent at nig$t.
/s! a student to find t$e anser. I ill circle t$e anser.
7ave all students circle t$e anser
Anderline one fire6safet" rule in t$e article.
/s! a student to find one safet" rule. I underline t$e anser.
7ave all students underline t$e anser.
Circle $ere t$e parac$utes get stuc!.
/s! a student to find t$e anser. I circle t$e anser.
7ave all students circle t$e anser.
2$ere so ildfires #urn3 Anderline it in t$e article.
/s! a student to find t$e anser. I underline t$e anser
7ave students underline t$e anser.
Circle $o ent to sc$ool
/s! a student to find t$e anser. I circle t$e anser
7ave all students circle t$e anser
Anderline $" dalmations ran it$ fire $orses.
/s! student to find t$e anser. I underline t$e anser
7ave all students underline t$e anser.
I ill as! t$e &uestion, $ave someone anser it, circle or underline t$e anser, and $ave t$em cop" $at I
(I. "hecking for )nderstanding
/. C$ec! for Anderstanding: Reflection: Tell me at least one t$ing t$at "ou learned toda".
@rovide a"s for c$ildren to respond: 2$ip around. Bver"one gets to respond during t$e or!s$eets.
(II. *%ided +ractice
/. Read information first and t$en anser t$e &uestions to c$ec! t$eir understanding.
1. T$e teac$er is availa#le to catc$ errors independentl". I ill circulate around t$e room, $ave t$em anser
corrections, give t$em opportunities to respond, and c$ec! t$eir or!#oo!s.
(III. "'os%re
/. Reflection: 2$at did e learn toda"3 Tell me at least one t$ing. Bver"one must sa" somet$ing.
2or!s$eets, game
I,. !ssessment
/. Refer to "our o#'ective(s): $o do "ou !no t$at t$e o#'ective as accomplis$ed3
/#le to identif" $ere to find a caption.
/#le to respond to &uestions a#out smo!e 'umping it$ ,--. accurac".
/#le to identif" $ic$ statements a#out fires are true and $ic$ ones are false it$ at least C-. accurac"
/#le to fill in a grap$ it$ at least )-. accurac".
/#ilities and !noledge can #e identified t$roug$ t$eir or!s$eets and ver#al responses t$roug$out t$e
1. 1ased upon "our assessment data $at ill "ou c$ange for next time3
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Clue: Fire + Hose
f i r e f i g h t e r s
Opening question: When you think of a fire, what comes to mind What are some key words
!rescue, wildfires, parachutes, sirens, dalmations, hot, dangerous, etc"#
$ead %cholastic &ews: 'et Fired (p)
*ain +deas
,Cat to the Rescue
-What is a Caption
!. caption gi/es information a0out a picture#
!Captions can appear a0o/e, 0elow, ne1t to, or e/en on a photo#
2ut a check mark on the captions in the article
What information does the caption gi/e
,Comprehension on the reading
- Circle where 2epper went at night
!!3he Caption# Went outside at night#
-(nderline the fire,safety rule in the article
!When you smell smoke, stay low and go) 'et out anyway you
-Flying Firefighters
- Finding the caption
- What information does the caption gi/e
-Circle where parachutes get stuck
!+n 0ranches" %moke 4umpers need to learn to clim0 trees#
-(nderline where do wildfires 0urn
!5eep in the forest#
Giddyup, Firefighters!
-Finding the caption
-What information does the caption gi/e
-Circle who went to school
!fire horses#
-(nderline why dalmations ran with fire horses
!3hey calmed the horses down#
2age 6"
-Where would you find a forest fire Circle the picture that correctly answers the
-Which one is a firefighter" Circle the picture that correctly answers the question"
-How do smoke 4umpers get to the forest fires Circle the picture that correctly
answers the question
-What does a smoke 4umper need to get to the forest forest Circle the picture
that correctly answers the question"
2age 7"
$ead the paragraph from %mokey 8ear9s we0site for kids"
Forests are e1traordinary places co/ering almost a third of the <arth9s land,
including o/er =>> million acres in the (nited %tates" 3hey9re home to a huge
/ariety of plants and animals, pro/iding them with food, water and shelter"
Our forests are in/alua0le" &ot only are they places of 0eauty and recreation, 0ut
all o/er the world people rely on trees for fuel, food, raw materials and medicine"
</en more importantly, forest trees and plants ensure that the <arth9s temperature
is li/a0le and that we ha/e enough o1ygen to 0reathe)
One of the greatest threats to forests is wildfire , unplanned, unwanted, and
de/astating fires" Wildfires can destroy not only the li/es and homes of the
forests9 plants and animals, 0ut also those of the people whose communities are
True and False Questions
- ?uestion: Forests are e1traordinary places co/ering almost a third of the <arth9s
land, including o/er =>> million acres in the (nited %tates" 3 F
- .nswer: 3
-?uestion: Forests are a home to a huge /ariety of plants and animals, pro/iding
them with food, water and shelter" 3 F
- .nswer: 3
-?uestion: 2eople rely on trees for fuel, food, raw materials and medicine" 3 F
- .nswer: 3
-?uestion: Forest trees and plants ensure that the <arth9s temperature is li/a0le
and that we ha/e enough o1ygen to 0reathe" 3 F
- .nswer: 3
-?uestion: One of the greatest threats to forests are sunny days" 3 F
-.nswer: F" wild fires:forest fires"
2age @"
Circle the ways that wildfires can get started"
Options: unattended fire de0ris
unattended camp fire
magnifying glass
light 0ul0
2age A"
Bou Can Fill in a 8ar 'raph
-How many smoke 4umpers are in each state
$eflection: .sk the students to name one thing that they learned a0out forest fires"
Conclusion: Cet the students 0ecome smoke 4umpers" 'o to the %mokey 8ear we0site" 3here is a
smoke 4umper game" +t demonstrates greatly how a smoke 4umper does his:her 4o0" From
falling from the plane using parachutes to putting out the fires"
+n 7>>= there were 67,7D6 wildfires caused 0y lightning 0ut =@,AAD wildfires caused 0y human error"
Common ways YO
could unintentionally
start a wildfire
(nattended de0ris 0urning
<quipment fires such as from
lawnmowers, .3Es, power
(nattended campfires
Children playing with matches
or lighters
!here would you find a forest fire"

!hich one is a firefighter"
#ow do the smo$e %umpers get to the wild fires"
!hat does a smo$e %umper need to get to the fires"
Forests are e&traordinary places co'ering almost a third
of the (arth)s land, including o'er *++ million acres in the
nited ,tates-
Forests are a home to a huge 'ariety of plants and
animals, pro'iding them with food, water and shelter-
.eople rely on trees for fuel, food, raw materials and
Forest trees and plants ensure that the (arth)s
temperature is li'a/le and that we ha'e enough o&ygen to
One of the greatest threats to forests are sunny days-
Circle the ways that wildfires can get started-
(nattended fire de0ris Cigarettes:%moking unattended camp fire
magnifying glass light 0ul0 matches
lightening Fireworks 0ear

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