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Light and Darkness in Paradise Lost

In John Milton, Paradise Lost, the figure of God is associated with "light" as
something bright and clear, while, on the other hand, the figure of Satan is
closely associated with "darkness" in which darkness is clearly differs from the
light. Using this contrast, between light and darkness, Milton seems to show a
clear distinction between light and darkness which light can mean sometimes
equivalent to something good and willing justice and darkness something
terrible unwanted equivalent to evil. Also, John Milton try to connect everything
that is light with God and what is darkness, is associated with evil or Satan. So,
there is a difference from light and darkness as the Bible says God saw that
the light was good, and separated the light from darkness(NVI Bible,
The story "The Minister's Black Veil" is symbolic of the hidden sin that
everybody symbolically can be found in the shadow of their own veil. Mr Hooper
was wearing this veil on his face only showing the dark side of people and the
truth of human existence and nature("Elizabeth, I will," said him, "so far as my
vow may suffer me. Know, then, this veil is a type and a symbol, and I am
bound to wear it ever, both in light and darkness;The man in the black veil, [..]
cap:33) Mr Hooper said: ("Why do you tremble at me alone?" cried him,
turning his veiled face round the circle of pale spectators). In Paradise
Lost Milton refers (VI, 6-8; where light and darkness in perpetual round
Lodge and dislodge by turns, which makes through heaven grateful
vicissitude, like Day and Night). Mr Hooper had a fate to hide his face,not
even, his wife Elizabeth managed to convince him to take the veil off, nor the
children who ran away from him or the people. Hooper was totally convinced
that he could never remove the veil. He had darkness inside him.
O goodness infinite, goodness immense,That all this good of evil should
produce, And evil turn to good, more wonderful Than that by which
creation first brought forth Light out of darkness! (XII, 469-473) The idea
that God is light was common before and during Miltons time, and we can find
this interpretation in the bible most frequently in passages in the book of
Genesis. He then asks, the Holy Spirit, for this heaven light to illuminate what
in me is dark (I.22). Symbolically, Milton asks for his poetry to enter his body
and fill him with divine knowledge.
In Milton the angels are physically described in terms of light, although devils
are generally described by their shadowy darkness. Milton also uses light to
symbolize God and Gods grace( book III,) Milton asks that he be filled with
this light so he can tell his divine story accurately and persuasively. While the
absence of light in Hell and in Satan himself represents the absence of God and
his grace comparing with the dark bridge in ( Never bet the devil your head)
that was very darkness and the forest in The young good man brown.

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